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Raspberry Pi Setup Guide

NOTE: If you are installing on an Raspberry Pi, start with the dedicated Raspberry Pi Setup Guide

We have a dedicated setup guide for setting up Node.js, NVM, CNC.js, Autostart with pm2, all tested on the Raspberry Pi. Go to Raspberry Pi Setup Guide System Setup & Preparation OR for more details.

Getting Started

NOTE: If you are installing on an Raspberry Pi, use dedicated Raspberry Pi Setup Guide, not the following.

Node.js Installation

Node.js 10 or higher is recommended. You can install Node Version Manager to manage multiple Node.js versions. If you have git installed, just clone the nvm repo, and check out the latest version:

git clone ~/.nvm
cd ~/.nvm
git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`
cd ..
. ~/.nvm/

Add these lines to your ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, or ~/.profile file to have it automatically sourced upon login:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm

Once installed, you can select Node.js versions with:

nvm install 10
nvm use 10

It's recommended that you upgrade npm to the latest version. To upgrade, run:

npm install npm@latest -g


Install cncjs as a non-root user, or the serialport module may not install correctly on some platforms like Raspberry Pi.

npm install -g cncjs

If you're going to use sudo or root to install cncjs, you need to specify the --unsafe-perm option to run npm as the root account.

sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g cncjs

It's recommended that you run Raspbian Jessie on the RPi2 or RPi3. For Raspbian Wheezy, be sure to install gcc/g++ 4.8 before npm install.

Check out for other installation methods.


Run npm install -g cncjs@latest to install the latest version. To determine the version, use cncjs -V.


Run cncjs to start the server, and visit http://yourhostname:8000/ to view the web interface. Pass --help to cncjs for more options.

pi@rpi3$ cncjs -h

  Usage: cncjs [options]

    -h, --help                          output usage information
    -V, --version                       output the version number
    -p, --port                          set listen port (default: 8000)
    -l, --host                          set listen address or hostname (default:
    -b, --backlog                       set listen backlog (default: 511)
    -c, --config <filename>             set config file (default: ~/.cncrc)
    -v, --verbose                       increase the verbosity level
    -m, --mount [<url>:]<path>          set the mount point for serving static files (default: /static:static)
    -w, --watch-directory <path>        watch a directory for changes
    --access-token-lifetime <lifetime>  access token lifetime in seconds or a time span string (default: 30d)
    --allow-remote-access               allow remote access to the server
    --controller <type>                 specify CNC controller: Grbl|Smoothie|TinyG|g2core (default: '')


    $ cnc -vv
    $ cnc --mount /pendant:/home/pi/tinyweb
    $ cnc --watch-directory /home/pi/watch
    $ cnc --access-token-lifetime 60d  # e.g. 3600, 30m, 12h, 30d
    $ cnc --allow-remote-access
    $ cnc --controller Grbl

Instead of passing command line options for --watch-directory, --access-token-lifetime, and --allow-remote-access, you can create a ~/.cncrc file that contains the following configuration in JSON format:

    "watchDirectory": "/path/to/dir",
    "accessTokenLifetime": "30d",
    "allowRemoteAccess": false,
    "controller": ""

To troubleshoot issues, run:

cncjs -vvv

Configuration File

The configuration file .cncrc contains settings that are equivalent to the cnc command-line options. The configuration file is stored in user's home directory. To find out the actual location of the home directory, do the following:

  • Linux/Mac

    echo $HOME
  • Windows

    echo %USERPROFILE%

Check out an example configuration file here.

File Format

  "ports": [
       "path": "/dev/ttyAMA0",
       "manufacturer": ""
  "baudrates": [115200, 250000],
  "watchDirectory": "/path/to/dir",
  "accessTokenLifetime": "30d",
  "allowRemoteAccess": false,
  "controller": "",
  "state": {
    "checkForUpdates": true
  "commands": [
      "title": "Update (root user)",
      "commands": "sudo npm install -g cncjs@latest --unsafe-perm; pkill -a -f cnc"
      "title": "Update (non-root user)",
      "commands": "npm install -g cncjs@latest; pkill -a -f cnc"
      "title": "Reboot",
      "commands": "sudo /sbin/reboot"
      "title": "Shutdown",
      "commands": "sudo /sbin/shutdown"
  "events": [],
  "macros": [],
  "users": []

Git Installation

If you prefer to use Git instead of npm install, You can create a local clone of the repository on your computer and sync from GitHub. Type the following commands to install and run cncjs:

git clone
cd cncjs
git checkout master

yarn install
yarn build-prod
cd dist/cncjs
yarn install
cd ../..

node bin/cncjs

For running only the generated dist folder and bin\cncjs script is required, you can copy this to other drives etc.

To update your local copy with latest changes, use:

git checkout master
git pull origin master
npm install
npm run prepare

This is the fastest method to bring your local copy up-to-date.

Docker Image Installation (x64 only)

Alternatively, you can install and run a Docker image within a Docker container. The first installation may take a long time to complete, but further updates will be much faster.

To install and set up cnc, take the following steps:

Step 1: Enter the following command to retrieve the latest version of the image:

docker pull cncjs/cncjs:latest

Step 2: Use the docker run command to create the Docker container and run the server, like so:

docker stop cncjs # [optional] stop a running cncjs container
docker rm cncjs # [optional] remove existing cncjs container
docker run --privileged -p 8000:8000 --detach --name cncjs cncjs/cncjs:latest
docker exec -it cncjs /bin/bash # [optional] to get a bash shell in the container

By default a container is not allowed to access any devices, but a "privileged" container is given access to all devices on the host.

Step 3: If everything works fine, you should be able to view the web interface at http://yourhostname:8000/.

Docker Images


If you run into issues and need to restart the Docker container, use the following commands to first stop the Docker application, and then start it up again:

docker stop cncjs
docker start cncjs

To view a list of all containers that are currently running in your Docker environment, use:

docker ps

To view all the images you have pulled into your Docker environment, use:

docker images

To delete containers in your Docker environment, use:

docker rm CONTAINER_ID

To delete images in your Docker environment, use:

docker rmi IMAGE_ID

To view the container in your terminal, use:

docker attach cncjs

To do system cleanup, use:

docker system prune --all

To delete volumes currently not being used by a running or stopped container, use:

docker system prune --all --volumes
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