In any application team the UI/UX Designer is an important role which helps teams design and implement a UI/UX thats easy to use, pleasent to view, responsive, and accessible. But, sometimes UI/UX Designers aren't available to join a Development team.
The purpose of this section is to provide teams with a simple workflow they can use to implement a website design when a UI/UX Designer isn't available.
columns 1
columns 2
A("1. Product Strategy"):2
B("1.1 Create an App Vision")
C("1.2 Define User Personas")
D("1.3 Write User Stories")
E("1.4 Prioritize the Feature List")
columns 2
G("2. Product Structure"):2
J("2.1 Wireframe Your App")
L("2.2 Wireframe Interactivity")
columns 2
M("3. Product Style"):2
N("3.1 Finalize Brand Personality")
O("3.2 Create Style Guide")
style A color:#f0f6fc, fill:#0e6251
style B color:#f0f6fc, fill:#148f77
style C color:#f0f6fc, fill:#148f77
style D color:#f0f6fc, fill:#148f77
style E color:#f0f6fc, fill:#148f77
style G color:#f0f6fc, fill:#7e5109
style J color:#f0f6fc, fill:#b9770e
style L color:#f0f6fc, fill:#b9770e
style M color:#f0f6fc, fill:#1b4f72
style N color:#f0f6fc, fill:#2874a6
style O color:#f0f6fc, fill:#2874a6
style STRATEGY color:#f0f6fc, fill:#b3b6b7
style STRUCTURE color:#f0f6fc, fill:#b3b6b7
style STYLE color:#f0f6fc, fill:#b3b6b7
Objective: Define the problem to be solved and the value the app will provide to its users.
- What problem will your app solve for its users?
- You should create this as a team as defined in the Voyage Sprint 1 process we've provided here
Objective: Define the types of users who will be using the app.
- Who, specifically, will use the app?
- Name them, and then as you design your site be sure to consider their wants and needs.
- Personas shouldn't be complex or take a lot of time to create in a Voyage project. Here's a simple template to use:
columns 1
columns 2
VNAME("Casual User")
DEMOGRAPHICS("Background, lifestyle, & behavioral practices")
VDEMOGRAPHICS("Not computer savvy</br>Deals with many interruptions</br>Short attention span")
GOALS("Goals & frustruations")
VGOALS("Wants quick access to public info</br>Doesn't need confidential info</br>Appreciates additional feedback")
VMOTIVATIONS("Uses app to provide support to other customers")
style TEMPLATE fill:#aed6f1
style NAME color:#f0f6fc, fill:#21618c
style DEMOGRAPHICS color:#f0f6fc, fill:#21618c
style GOALS color:#f0f6fc, fill:#21618c
style MOTIVATIONS color:#f0f6fc, fill:#21618c
Objective: Define the functionality to be implemented.
- What discrete tasks will each user need to accomplish when using your app?
- User stories have a simple format that captures the persona performing the task, what they need to do, and the value it provides to them.
columns 1
columns 2
WHO("As a <persona>")
VWHO("Casual User")
WANT("I want to...")
VWANT("Access the corporate event schedule for the next month")
BENEFIT("So I can...")
VBENEFIT("During a customer support call</br>quickly locate the events they</br>are interested in attending</br>and relay the details to them")
style TEMPLATE fill:#aed6f1
style WHO color:#f0f6fc, fill:#21618c
style WANT color:#f0f6fc, fill:#21618c
style BENEFIT color:#f0f6fc, fill:#21618c
Objective: Prioritize your list of essential user stories and tasks
- Which user stories are core to your app’s purpose?
- What can you reasonably expect to achieve in a six-week voyage?
- You should create this as a team as defined in the Voyage Sprint 1 process we've provided here
Objective: Create a sketch to identify common parts of your UI/UX.
- What pages will your app need?
- What components (header, footer, etc.) will be used again and again on every page?
- What should be displayed and/or what actions should be available for each view?
- How should they be laid out? Create a sketch!
- For the primary user stories, chart the path your user will take from screen to screen to accomplish their task.
- You may use a tool like Figma to build your wireframe, but a hand-drawn sketch is usually a faster approach
- Layout basics
- Creating the User Journey – map of screens as core UX design practice
- Low Fidelity Wireframes
Objective: Identify how application state changes in response to user actions.
- Note how state changes for each component based on different actions, like the click of a button or data entered into a field.
Objective: Choose a unique and descriptive name for your app.
- Name the app and describe its character with words like playful or reliable, dynamic or solid, etc.
- This is a team effort and something you will have most likely already done in Sprint 1
Objective: Create a theme that gives your app a consistent look and feel.
Create your color scheme and typography, decide on an icon set, and explore the possibility of bringing in images or illustrations.
There are a lot of tools available to create and render style guides. But, the simplest approach is to embed your style guide in the
in your repo To embed your app’s style guide into a file, follow these steps:- Use Markdown syntax: Write your style guide in Markdown syntax, using formatting options like headings, bold text, and code blocks. This will make it easy to read and maintain.
- Include examples: Provide concrete examples of each style guideline, using code snippets or images. This will help developers understand how to apply the guidelines in their code.
- Link to additional resources: If you have additional resources (e.g., design files, style guides in other formats), link to them from your file.
- Integrate into In your file, create a section dedicated to your app’s style guide. Use a clear heading (e.g., “Style Guide”) and provide a brief introduction to the guidelines.
- Maintain and update: Regularly review and update your style guide to ensure it remains consistent and accurate.
Here's a sample template to follow:
**Style Guide**
### Color Palette
* Primary color: `#2A91BD` (defined in `colors.xml`)
* Secondary color: `#FFFFFF` (defined in `colors.xml`)
### Typography
* Font family: `Open Sans`
* Font sizes:
+ Headings: 18px
+ Body text: 14px
* Font styles:
+ Bold: `**bold text**`
+ Italic: `*italic text*`
### Spacing and Margins
* Default margin: 16px
* Default padding: 8px
### Iconography
* Icon set: Material Design Icons
* Icon sizes:
+ Small: 16px
+ Medium: 24px
+ Large: 48px
### Branding Elements
* Logo: [logo image]
* Logo with text: [logo image with text]