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CIVE497/CIVE700: Smart Structure Technology (Winter, 2019)

Instructor: Chul Min Yeum (E2-2313)
Class: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 to 10:00 AM at E2-3356
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursday 10:00 to 11:00 AM at E2-2313 (You can also email for an appointment)

Last updated: 2019-04-26

Table of Contents

Course Description

This course offers an introduction to the emerging smart structure technologies in civil engineering. Smart structures integrate sensing, actuation, data processing and analysis, and control capabilities so that a structure can sense and respond to its changing external conditions in a rapid and automated manner. Among several topics in smart structure, this course focuses on structural assessment using optical sensor data by implementing state-of-art image processing and computer vision techniques. As a special topic, basic concepts in machine learning, neural networks, convolutional neural networks (deep learning) are covered and relevant applications in civil engineering are introduced. An application-based learning approach is emphasized and tasks are designed in such a way that students implement smart structure technology to address contemporary problems in civil engineering. In addition, one of the deliverable for this course will be a research project, in which student will have an opportunity to design a technique with a potential application to smart structures. This course is specially designed to suit the interest of graduate students and senior undergraduate students who may pursue graduate studies.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students should be able to

  • Describe smart structure technology and its application in civil engineering
  • Explain the working principle of an accelerometer and digital camera, and their data acquisition process
  • Interpret the concept of image processing techniques through signal processing theory
  • Develop programs (MATLAB or Python) to process and analyze 2D and 3D optical data for structural assessment
  • Demonstrate how to implement machine learning algorithms in solving real-world problems
  • Employ deep convolutional neural network for image classification
  • Devise innovative smart structure technology for civil engineering applications and research


This course requires basic knowledge in linear algebra, probability, and signal processing and skills at a sufficient level of a non-trivial computer programming (with MATLAB or Python). Students also need to know how to use Markdown. If you are not familiar with or would revisit these topics, students must complete the following tutorials and questions inside:

MATLAB tutorials


Course Textbook

This course is not based on any particular textbook. The instructor will provide relevant keywords (search by yourself), reading materials, and links in each class.

Course Outline

Slides and tutorials are will be updated soon.

Class Topics Slides Tutorial Tasks
Class 01 Introduction I link    
Class 02 Introduction II link   Task0: Matlab & DIP Tutorials
Class 03 Data Acquisition link link  
Class 04 Signal Processing I link link  
Class 05 Signal Processing II link link Task1: Signal processing & Modal analysis
Class 06 Modal Analysis link    
Class 07 Digital Image link   Task2: Camera sensor
Class 08 Projective Geometry I link link  
Class 09 Projective Geometry II link link Task3: Homography
Class 10 Linear Filtering link link  
Class 11 Edge Detection link link Task4: Image filter
Class 12 Feature 1 link link  
Class 13 Feature 2 link link  
Class 14 RANSAC link link Task5: Image stitching
Class 15 Camera Model link    
Class 16 Multiview Geometry link link  
Class 17 Structure-from-motion (SfM) link   Task6: 3D measurement using SfM
Class 18 Introduction of 3D Sensors link    
Class 19 Iterative Closest Point Algorithm link   Task7: Scan registration in 3D
Class 20 Machine Learning I link    
Class 21 Machine Learning II link    
Class 22 Neural Network link link Task8: Neural network
Class 23 Convolutional Neural Network      
Class 24 Presentation      


There will be eight tasks overall and posted on either weekly or biweekly on this course website. The task will have programming components or photography components, where students will use their own camera to capture and process their own images and discuss the results. The instructor will post two due dates. Students are supposed to complete all tasks and turn their works in by the first due date. After the first due data, some hints and solutions will be posted but, there is 25% deduction in the final mark. After the second due date, the submission of the works will not be accepted unless accompanied by a valid excuse and some additional points might be deducted depending upon the circumstances.

Submission instruction of your work

Task Topics Announcement 1st due 2nd due
Task0 MATLAB and Digital Image Processing Tutorial       
Best report (Kareem Mostafa)
Jan 10, 2019 Jan 19, 2019 Jan 26, 2019
Task1-1 Signal Processing I       
Best report (Laurent), Best report (Wildt)
Jan 27, 2019 Feb 06, 2019 Feb 10, 2019
Task2 Camera Sensor      
Best report (Tianyi), Best report (Juan)
Feb 01, 2019 Feb 11, 2019 Feb 16, 2019
Task1-2 Signal Processing II      
Best report (Steven)
Feb 06, 2019 Feb 20, 2019 Feb 23, 2019
Task3 Homography      
Best report (Hongyi)
Feb 12, 2019 Feb 26, 2019 Mar 02, 2019
Task4 Image Filter      (No best report) Mar 01, 2019 Mar 11, 2019 Mar 18, 2019
Task5 Image Stitching      
Best report (Laurent)
Mar 08, 2019 Mar 19, 2019 Mar 24, 2019
Task6 3D Measurement using SfM       Mar 15, 2019 Apr 10, 2019 Apr 10, 2019
Task7 Scan Registration       Mar 25, 2019 Apr 10, 2019 Apr 10, 2019
Task8 Neural Network        Mar 28, 2019 Apr 10, 2019 Apr 10, 2019


All communication will be made through this course website, especially for this web page. The instructor will make a note in the "Announcement" section after updating the web page. Students can configure email notification for by "watching" this course website or use a version control system for tracking its changes. Thus, students are responsible for checking the website regularly for any relevant course information or announcements.

In this course, both the instructor and the students are encouraged to engage in online discussions to create and facilitate a collaborative learning experience. Students are invited to ask questions and answer them, and share their knowledge and resources. Please direct your communication to an Issues board (tab) on this website. However, if there is a good reason not to use the discussion forum (e.g. personal matters, a question that might reveal your solution of your report, etc.), please directly contact the instructor via email ([email protected]) or use the office hours.

Discussion forum instruction


The final grade will be based on the total marks earned during the semester. Each task will be graded on the basis of 100 points and will contribute the final grade with different weights. The evaluation guideline for the project can be seen here. Note that undergraduate and graduate students are marked using different evaluation metrics.

Undergraduate student: Task (80%) and Project (20%)
Graduate student: Task (70%) and Project (30%)


Students are encouraged to bring their own problems related to their thesis, research projects or potential research in civil engineering that they plan to pursue near future. This course gives special attention to exploring theory and potential techniques in the field of smart structure to address real problems that students are exposed to or involved in. Thus, students need to devise feasible project topics that are achievable within your current or future graduate study.

Guideline for the project


Academic integrity

In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of Waterloo community are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. [Check the Office of Academic Integrity for more information.]


A student who believes that a decision affecting some aspect of his/her university life has been unfair or unreasonable may have grounds for initiating a grievance. Read Policy 70, Student Petitions and Grievances, Section 4. When in doubt, please be certain to contact the department’s administrative assistant who will provide further assistance.


A student is expected to know what constitutes academic integrity to avoid committing an academic offence, and to take responsibility for his/her actions. [Check the Office of Academic Integrity for more information.] A student who is unsure whether an action constitutes an offence, or who needs help in learning how to avoid offences (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) or about “rules” for group work/collaboration should seek guidance from the course instructor, academic advisor, or the undergraduate associate dean. For information on categories of offences and types of penalties, students should refer to Policy 71, Student Discipline. For typical penalties, check Guidelines for the Assessment of Penalties.


A decision made or penalty imposed under Policy 70, Student Petitions and Grievances (other than a petition) or Policy 71, Student Discipline may be appealed if there is a ground. A student who believes he/she has a ground for an appeal should refer to Policy 72, Student Appeals.

Note for students with disabilities

AccessAbility Services, located in Needles Hall, Room 1401, collaborates with all academic departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require academic accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with AccessAbility Services at the beginning of each academic term.

Text matching software (Turnitin®) may be used to screen assignments in this course. Turnitin® is used to verify that all materials and sources in assignments are documented. Students' submissions are stored on a U.S. server, therefore students must be given an alternative (e.g., scaffolded assignment or annotated bibliography), if they are concerned about their privacy and/or security. Students will be given due notice, in the first week of the term and/or at the time assignment details are provided, about arrangements and alternatives for the use of Turnitin in this course.

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor if they, in the first week of term or at the time assignment details are provided, wish to submit alternate assignment.


Discussion forum instruction

  • Students are allowed to use either their own GitHub account or new account for this class if you want anonymity. They do not have to make a new account using their university email accounts.
  • Please be respectful of your peers, instructor, and others in your posts and comments.
  • Asking good questions is another way of learning by summarizing and explaining what you know and do not know. Thoughtful questions and answers will help all students in this class. Before posting a question, please ask yourself whether you are truly stuck (meaning that the answers can be readily found on the web) and your question are complete and legible.
  • In addition, please check if the same question was asked before.
  • When students write a post on the Issues board, the instructor or CA will assign an appropriate label among "Task", "Class", "Project", "Resource", and "Suggestion".
  • Inappropriate posts and comments are immediately deleted and closed without a notice.

Submission instruction of your work

Students must electronically turn in both their source code (with data) and report. The report must be written with Markdown script (GFM) and all other formats like docx, or pptx, or in hardcopy are not permitted. A submission guideline will be varied depending on the tasks and provided with each task.

Students choose either a MATLAB or Python to complete the tasks. The source code needs to be neatly organized and include detailed comments. The instructor may run your codes in the instructor's Window computer where MATLAB 2018b and Python above 3.4 are installed. It is recommended to use MATLAB for your work because the instructor does not need to install additional code libraries. However, students can use Python at their own risk that it might not run on the instructor's computer. Pillow and OpenCV for computer vision programming and some basic python packages (e.g. Pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, sklearn, etc) will be installed on the computer. It is recommended that any external code library should not be used unless explicitly mentioned in tasks. The instructor is not able to install every different libraries on the computer. If there is a convincing reason for the use of specific libraries, please contact the instructor in advance and exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis. Note that OS(platform)-dependent functions, scripts or libraries are not permitted. The students must check their report in a Windows computer before its submission.

Marked reports will be distributed via email and a possible solution for tasks may be reviewed in class with the instructor. A couple of the best reports in each task will be posted on the class web page with the consent of the corresponding students.

Guideline for the project

Individuals/teams should clearly identify the challenges of existing applications, procedures, and research in civil engineering and then consider how smart structure technology contributes to addressing them. The project does not have to be big, fancy and innovative if your project outcomes can marginally improve existing problems or advance practices. For example, it could be proposing a modification to existing processes, applying image processing and computer vision technology to streamline analysis and documentation processes, applying a new signal or image processing techniques to improve the accuracy of your technique. The possibilities are very open and diverse if they are attainable. However, for instance, the following two examples are not acceptable because they are not attainable: "we will build a robot to automatically and rapidly construct a building" or "we will develop a new vision sensor that can measure 3D volume".

The project can be done either individually or in teams of two or three students. If students choose to work in a team, they need to justify the need for a teamwork and define the scope of works in individual members. For the completion of the project, each group must reach the following milestones:

  • 1-minute talk (at Class 05): Individuals or teams will talk about their project idea in-class. This will be an informal talk without a slide. They need to clearly explain "motivation" and "objective" of their project ideas and what technology will be deployed. The instructor and the other students may ask questions regarding their talks.

  • Individual/team meeting (4th week): Individuals or teams need to schedule a separate meeting with the instructor so that the project ideas are refined together. The instructor encourages the individual/team preparing and bringing relevant slides or reading materials to the meeting. In the case of the team project, all members must agree on the direction and scope of their project before having a meeting with the instructor. They also can take advantage of office hours or separate meetings if further discussion is needed.

  • Abstract submission (7 or 8th week): Individuals or teams will submit a 1-page abstract that can summarize your project. The abstract should include (1) project title, (2) motivation, problem or challenge, (3)objective, (4) implemented/developed method(s), and (5) validation/demonstration plan(s). In addition, one representative figure (graphical abstract) must be included. It should have a self-explanatory image to illustrate motivation and expected outcome, summarize a procedure of the methods implemented/developed, or describe updated processes or outcomes that benefit from your technique or algorithm designed in the project. The abstract should not exceed 600 words. The evaluation of the abstract contributes 30% of the project grade.

  • 3-minute presentation (at Class 20): A short presentation will be given during a class scheduled at around Class 18. Each presentation will last only for 3 minutes, followed by questions from the instructor and other students. Time limits will be strictly enforced. You should make sure to prepare and practice your presentations. You need to prepare your slides in such way that the students and instructor can clearly agree on the motivation and objective of your project and understand a general idea of the method that you implement or develop and how to demonstrate or evaluate its feasibility. Please keep in mind that you do not have enough time to explain all the details. The evaluation of this presentation contributes 20% of the project grade.

  • 10-minute final presentation (at Class 24): A 10-minute presentation will be given at the final class. Individuals/teams should strive to give a comprehensive and understandable presentation that the other students recognize the value of your project. Similar to the 3-minute presentation, time limits will be strictly enforced. The evaluation of the final presentation contributes 50% of the project grade and the detailed evaluation criteria will be announced after the abstract submission.