Announcement: Feb 24, 2025
First Submission Deadline: March 5, 2025 before 11:59pm
Second Submission Deadline: March 12, 2025 before 11:59pm
The main goal of this task is to understand the fundamental of the linear filter, edge detection, and Hough transform. You must study the tutorials at edge detection, linear filter, and image morphology before solving these problems. Please answer all sub-questions in each problem. You should write your own code to solve these questions.
Jupyter notebook: Task05_image_processing_ChulminYeum.ipynb
- Students must submit both a Jupyter notebook file and its PDF conversion.
- The primary grading will be based on the PDF file, but the notebook file may be executed if necessary.
- Ensure all results are executed and displayed in the Jupyter notebook before conversion to PDF.
- Include your full name (first and last) at the end of the file names. For example,
. - Your submission should include a report in both .pdf and .ipynb formats, contained within a folder.
- Ensure to include all necessary files within the folder that are required for the successful execution of the Jupyter notebook file.
- The folder, named
, should be zipped before emailing. For example, if your name and ID are Chulmin Yeum and 214102, the folder name becomesTask05_ChulminYeum_214102
- Email your work to
[email protected]
and cc yourself. Use the subject formatTask05_YourName_YourID
. - Review the general submission instructions in the course syllabus for further details.
- When you violate these submission guidelines, your report may be returned.
- Please post a question if you need to help understand the problem and/or tutorials.
- You are permitted to discuss the task with your colleagues, but do not copy the solutions.
- Your grade depends on the completeness and clarity of your work.
- You should include clear and concise comments in your codes.