[[Use Case Modelling Examples]] ![[Pasted image 20220610021040.png]]
- product vs user centric
- user centric modeling is preferred
- basis for acceptance testing
- Identify actors
- e.g. Borrower - primary, Librarian - secondary
- Identify initial use cases -> [[Requirements Engineering]]
- source of usecases: Requirements Engineering
System doesn't use itself ![[Pasted image 20220610021347.png|300]]
Actors are external to the system, not within ![[Pasted image 20220610021425.png|300]]
Actors are not technical choices ![[Pasted image 20220610021454.png|300]]
- Primary actor - Bank customer - actor that the system is designed to serve
- Secondary actor - Bank - actor that helps in serving the system
![[Pasted image 20220610023019.png|400]]
![[Pasted image 20220610022850.png|400]]
![[Pasted image 20220610022936.png|400]]
Generalization ![[Pasted image 20220610023118.png|400]]
[[Week 06a - Use Case Modelling.pdf]] [[Week 06b - Use Case Modelling Process.pdf]] [[Week 09 - Use Case Modelling.pdf]] [[Week 10 - Detailed Use Case Modelling.pdf]]