diff --git a/.github/in-cluster-test-scripts/eks-tunnel.sh b/.github/in-cluster-test-scripts/eks-tunnel.sh index 214a5b82de..021e7448b2 100644 --- a/.github/in-cluster-test-scripts/eks-tunnel.sh +++ b/.github/in-cluster-test-scripts/eks-tunnel.sh @@ -25,19 +25,6 @@ cilium status --wait # Make sure the 'aws-node' DaemonSet exists but has no scheduled pods [[ $(kubectl -n kube-system get ds/aws-node -o jsonpath='{.status.currentNumberScheduled}') == 0 ]] -# Clean up stale AWS-CNI iptables rules, which break host to pod connectivity (cilium/cilium#25804) -CLEANUP_CMD="\ - iptables -t nat -F AWS-SNAT-CHAIN-0 && \ - iptables -t nat -F AWS-SNAT-CHAIN-1 && \ - iptables -t nat -F AWS-CONNMARK-CHAIN-0 && \ - iptables -t nat -F AWS-CONNMARK-CHAIN-1" -kubectl get pod \ - -n kube-system \ - -l app.kubernetes.io/name=cilium-agent \ - -o custom-columns=name:metadata.name --no-headers \ - | xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -n kube-system -c cilium-agent \ - -- sh -c "$CLEANUP_CMD" - # Port forward Relay cilium hubble port-forward& sleep 10s