diff --git a/tests/browser/js/enhancerTests.js b/tests/browser/js/enhancerTests.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb5dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/browser/js/enhancerTests.js
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ * Copyright The UIO+ copyright holders
+ * See the AUTHORS.md file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+ * https://github.com/fluid-project/uio-plus/blob/main/AUTHORS.md
+ *
+ * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with this license.
+ *
+ * You may obtain a copy of the license at
+ * https://github.com/fluid-project/uio-plus/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
+ */
+/* global fluid, jqUnit, uioPlus */
+"use strict";
+(function ($) {
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ fluid.registerNamespace("uioPlus.tests");
+ uioPlus.tests.verifySubcomponentsExist = function (that, subcomponents) {
+ subcomponents.forEach((oneComponent) => {
+ jqUnit.assertNotUndefined(oneComponent + " exist", that[oneComponent]);
+ });
+ };
+ jqUnit.test("Test instantiated UIO", function () {
+ // Initial Instantiation
+ jqUnit.assertNotUndefined("UIO enhancer has been instantiated", uio);
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The enhancer acts on the body element", "body", uio.container.selector);
+ uioPlus.tests.verifySubcomponentsExist(uio, ["store", "enhancer"])
+ uioPlus.tests.verifySubcomponentsExist(uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer, [
+ "fluid_prefs_enactor_letterSpace",
+ "fluid_prefs_enactor_wordSpace",
+ "fluid_prefs_enactor_lineSpace",
+ "fluid_prefs_enactor_syllabification",
+ "fluid_prefs_enactor_contrast",
+ "fluid_prefs_enactor_enhanceInputs",
+ "uioPlus_enactor_clickToSelect",
+ "uioPlus_enactor_selectionHighlight",
+ "uioPlus_enactor_selfVoicing",
+ "uioPlus_enactor_simplify",
+ "uioPlus_enactor_tableOfContents"
+ ]);
+ // Letter space
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_letterSpace: 1.5
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The --fl-letterSpace value is set properly", "0.5em", document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--fl-letterSpace"));
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The --fl-letterSpace-factor value is set properly", "0.5", document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--fl-letterSpace-factor"));
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The fl-letterSpace-enabled class is applied properly", document.body.classList.contains("fl-letterSpace-enabled"));
+ // Word space
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_wordSpace: 1.5
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The --fl-wordSpace value is set properly", "0.5em", document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--fl-wordSpace"));
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The --fl-wordSpace-factor value is set properly", "0.5", document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--fl-wordSpace-factor"));
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The fl-wordSpace-enabled class is applied properly", document.body.classList.contains("fl-wordSpace-enabled"));
+ // Line space
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_lineSpace: 1.5
+ });
+ // As the calculation of line space value depends on the base font size of the browsser that
+ // the test is running in, only check the existence of this value instead of its actual number.
+ jqUnit.assertNotUndefined("The --fl-lineSpace value is set properly", document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--fl-lineSpace"));
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The --fl-lineSpace-factor value is set properly", "1.5", document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--fl-lineSpace-factor"));
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The fl-lineSpace-enabled class is applied properly", document.body.classList.contains("fl-lineSpace-enabled"));
+ // Syllabification
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_syllabification: true
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The model value is properly relayed to the syllabification enactor", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.fluid_prefs_enactor_syllabification.model.enabled);
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The patternPrefix has been set properly", "lib/infusion/src/lib/hypher/patterns", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.fluid_prefs_enactor_syllabification.options.terms.patternPrefix)
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The injectScript function is properly set", "uioPlus.contentScript.requestInjection", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.fluid_prefs_enactor_syllabification.options.invokers.injectScript.funcName)
+ // Contrast
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_contrast: "bw"
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The fl-theme-bw class is applied properly", document.body.classList.contains("fl-theme-bw"));
+ // Enhance inputs
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_enhanceInputs: true
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The css class for enhancing inputs is applied properly", document.body.classList.contains("fl-input-enhanced"));
+ // Speak
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_speak: true
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The correct enactor is in use", "uioPlus.enactor.selfVoicing", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_selfVoicing.typeName);
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The model value is properly relayed to the selfVoicing enactor", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_selfVoicing.model.enabled);
+ // Table of contents
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ fluid_prefs_tableOfContents: true
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The correct enactor is in use", "uioPlus.enactor.tableOfContents", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_tableOfContents.typeName);
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The model value is properly relayed to the tableOfContents enactor", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_tableOfContents.model.toc);
+ // Click to select
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ uioPlus_prefs_clickToSelect: true
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The correct enactor is in use", "uioPlus.enactor.clickToSelect", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_clickToSelect.typeName);
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The model value is properly relayed to the clickToSelect enactor", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_clickToSelect.model.value);
+ // Highlight
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ uioPlus_prefs_highlight: true
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The correct enactor is in use", "uioPlus.enactor.highlight", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_selectionHighlight.typeName);
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The model value is properly relayed to the highlight enactor", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_selectionHighlight.model.value);
+ // Simplify
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.applier.change("", {
+ uioPlus_prefs_simplify: true
+ });
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The correct enactor is in use", "uioPlus.enactor.simplify", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_simplify.typeName);
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The model value is properly relayed to the simplify enactor", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_simplify.model.simplify);
+ jqUnit.assertFalse("The model value is properly relayed to the simplify enactor", uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.uioPlus_enactor_simplify.model.showNav);
+ });
+ jqUnit.test("Test uioPlus.contentScript.requestInjection()", function () {
+ uioPlus.contentScript.requestInjection("/test/injection.js");
+ jqUnit.assertEquals("The chrome send message API is called", 1, chrome.runtime.sendMessage.callCount);
+ jqUnit.assertDeepEq("The chrome send message API receives correct arguments", {
+ type: "uioPlus.requestContentScriptInjection",
+ src: ["/test/injection.js"]
+ }, chrome.runtime.sendMessage.getCall(0).args[0]);
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("The returned value is a function", typeof chrome.runtime.sendMessage.returnsArg === "function");
+ });
+ jqUnit.test("Test chrome.storage.onChanged listener", function () {
+ const onChangedListener = chrome.storage.onChanged._listeners[0];
+ jqUnit.assertTrue("chrome.storage.onChanged has a listener", typeof onChangedListener === "function");
+ // Trigger listener
+ const initialModel = uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.initialModel;
+ console.log("initialModel: ", initialModel);
+ const testCases = [
+ {
+ areaName: "local",
+ changes: {
+ preferences: {
+ newValue: {
+ fluid_prefs_tableOfContents: true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ shouldChangeApply: true
+ },
+ {
+ areaName: "random",
+ changes: {
+ preferences: {
+ newValue: {
+ fluid_prefs_tableOfContents: true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ shouldChangeApply: false
+ },
+ {
+ areaName: "local",
+ changes: {
+ fluid_prefs_tableOfContents: true
+ },
+ shouldChangeApply: false
+ }
+ ];
+ testCases.forEach((oneTestCase) => {
+ onChangedListener(oneTestCase.changes, oneTestCase.areaName);
+ if (oneTestCase.shouldChangeApply) {
+ jqUnit.assertDeepEq("The listener applies new values to the uiEnhancer model",
+ {...uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.initialModel.preferences, ...oneTestCase.changes.preferences.newValue},
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.model
+ );
+ console.log(uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.model);
+ // Reset the uiEnhancer model back to the initial for the next test to run
+ uio.enhancer.uiEnhancer.updateModel(initialModel);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });