Now calculate
To calculate the Jacobbi’s matrix
We have:
At last, calculate s^m :
\begin{equation} \dot{F^k}i,j = \begin{cases} \dot{f^k}(x^k_i), & i=j \cr 0, & i ≠ j \end{cases}\nonumber \end{equation}
\begin{equation} X^ki,j = \begin{cases} x^k_i, & i=j \cr 0, & i ≠ j \end{cases}\nonumber \end{equation}
The two-spirals problem is defined as follow:
It is extremely hard for traditional network to regress such a pattern.
In the following I will try to use MLQP to solve this problem.
I try to use a two-layer MLQP network to solve the problem.The first layer contains 10 neurons with sigmoid function as transport function.The second layer contains 1 neuron with purelin function as transport function.
To avoid the weight matrixes always being symmetry,I gave each cell of them random initial values between -1 and 1.
As sigmoid function almost become a constant when x > 5, I use very small α s from 0.0001 to 0.001.
The trainning result when α = 0.01:
The trainning result when α = 0.005:
The trainning result when α = 0.001:
Each result use a random net and looped for 1000 times