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Problems to solve

There are three obvious obstacles hindering the development of DApps on CKB.

First: separate runtimes

CKB adopts Cell model which is a generalization of UTXO model so only a function of state verification is running on-chain, that's the core of a DApp and theoretically that's all of a DApp.

But a real-world DApp is for users who are not good at mathematics or programming so the logic of the DApp will be exposed by a graphical interface and a set of prescribed actions. The team of a DApp has to

  1. re-implement function of state verification on-chain off the chain for testing;
  2. define a state transition equation following the function of state verification for prescribed actions;
  3. define algorithms to get ideal parameters for the state transition equation, namely input cells from CKB, and implement a server to map kv data into relational data for graphical interface.

A mass of off-chain works are introduced because runtimes of on-chain and off-chain are separate and follow exclusive paradigms.

function of state verification on-chain is totally a pure function which returns code_0 for success and code_other for failure, all its arguments are determined so the result is predictable.

function of state verification off-chain is a rehearsal or replay of function of state verification on-chain, they share the same logic but the one off-chain may be re-implemented because the one on-chain is based on rust which is hard for most programmers.

state transition equation is reversed from the function of state verification, this is easy to understand and used in ethereum contract,

// let's define the function of state verification and expect it be 0
fn(action)(current_state, new_state) = 0

// then the state transition equation will be deduced
new_state = fn'(actions)(current_state)

// and we get the state transition function
const fn_transition = fn'(actions)

What's even crazy is that state verification is functional while state transition might be in object-oriented style because actions in fn'(actions) is from a set of pre-defined actions on graphical interface and could be pipelined in various order.

Besides, the function of state transition has only one parameter current_state, which is determined by algorithms of gathering cells on-chain, the algorithms will be realized by complex mechanism due to consideration of engineering and concurrency issues caused by cell model.

These concepts are too obscure and leading to a steep learning curve for DApp developers.

Second: Lack of development paradigm

There's no clear and unified paradigm for development, every DApp project could have various assumptions, project structure, workflow, and APIs. By the variety, each DApp grows into an insulated island because it takes too much to understand the design, implementation of a DApp. It's also hard to interoperate another DApp because its APIs are unpredictable.

Third: Fragmented devtools

Now there're many devtools for specific goals or domains but it takes too much to master them all.

Contract development

Local network

  • Tippy:, tippy is a sandbox development environment available to Nervos CKB developers. Throughout the development cycle, developers can use Tippy, which allows them to develop, deploy and test DApps in a secure and deterministic environment.

Aggregation service

What's worse, some DApp teams found the devtools were not enough for them so they had to develop tools for themselves, leading to more fragmented.

How other ecologies are solving these problems

For the separate runtimes issue introduced by UTXO model, there's a framework named run( aiming at propagating a token protocol for universal DApps.

A data model named Jig is brought in as the most basic unit of an interactive object to build a skyscraper from bricks. Imagine we are building a toy vehicle with lego blocks, every two blocks can be easily connected even they are in various shapes because they share a unified interface.

lego brick

And all advanced data models are derived from Jig, like Code, Token, work for specific functions, can be connected to each other because they share the most basic interfaces.

lego brick lego brick

In terms of development paradigm and devtools, ethereum community has given a good enough answer. The most popular development framework in ethereum community is hardhat(, which names itself as professional development environment and is super similar to a mature build system.

It takes care of building/debugging/testing/deployment and is extensible by plugins and tasks so developers could finish their work within a framework.

By the support of hardhat, projects will follow the same convention and generate a contract-specific SDK for outside users.

Kuai Project

Kuai project is a framework to solve problems mentioned above, inspired by actor model, run, hardhat and other tools popular in the community.

Kuai includes a unified paradigm for development, a set of conventions, fine-grind all-in-one devtools with SDKs and a general aggregation service.

Unified paradigm for development

Two abstractions will be promoted in Kuai: Data storage and Data manipulation

Abstraction of data storage

There'll be three basic data models used in Kuai based DApps: Store, Contract, Token


The basic function of cells in CKB is storing data. But data are meaningless without schema, so the first basic model introduced by Kuai is named Store which is used to transform plain data into a structured data with schema, similar to ORM

Note that a Store model could be a group of cells matching the same pattern and working as an entity, so it could be regarded as a virtual DApp. Say we have 2 DApps in School Roster Store models, each of them consists of many Student Store models. And we are going to build a Sports Meeting DApp, a new Sports Meeting Store model could be created and consist of partial Student Store from School A and B, respectively, it should work as same as a School Roster DApp.

Sidenote: For JavaScript developers, the Repository concept in TypeORM is quite similar, or to say, Store is a simplified Repository in TypeORM. Store has its own schema and accepts a pattern to load data from CKB, just as Repository accepts an Entity and builds a query string to load data from database.


Contract model is extended from Store model and used for scripts. A Contract model has not only attributes, but also methods. In other words, it's not only read-/writable, but also executable. Contract model's data/state could be updated by some rules rather than a simple set method inherited from the Store model.


Token is a general use case that should have ability of transferring between DApps, so the third model to introduce is Token, which is specialized from Contract model with specific attributes and methods. Especially, a Token model is a collection of tokens, similar to ERC 1155 that represents multiple token types in one model.

Abstraction of data manipulation

DApps can read states from each other freely because data/states are arranged uniformly by the abstraction of data storage.

DApps can also communicate with each other freely if data manipulation has been abstracted.


A Store model should have 7 basic interfaces

  • New(pattern): create an Store model binding to specified cells, as a DApp located by the pattern, ps: it's a virtual DApp rather than an explicit DApp, but because cells are following the same rule, they can work together as an entity.
  • Destroy(): remove state and turn the cells into empty
  • Duplicate(): create a Store model from an instance
  • Sync(blockNumber?): will load and update data from the chain at latest(or specific block) global state
  • Get(path): will read value of specified path
  • Set(path, value): will set given value at specified path
  • Delete(path): remove key/value at the specified path

A Contract model should have 5 more interfaces than Store model

  • Deploy(): deploy the contract on the chain
  • Extend(contract): extends from an existing Contract model for overriding
  • Upgrade(): upgrade the contract on the chain
  • Run(method: string, params: Array): call a method of the contract to update its state
  • Link(interfaces: Array): instantiate a contract SDK from interfaces. mainly used to encode a human-readable method call into a message transferred between Contract models.

    A generally used token must have some methods based on Contract

    • Metadata(tokenId, metadata?): a setter/getter to the metadata of a specific token id including name, symbol, tokenURI, totalSupply)
    • Mint(tokenId, amount): Mint a token
    • Send(from, to, tokenId, amount): Send a token
    • Stake(address, dapp, tokenId, amount, locktime?): stake into a dapp and get staking tokens
    • Redeem(address, dapp, tokenId, amount): unstake from a dapp and burn a staking token
    • Lock(address, tokenId, amount, locktime): lock tokens, for cases like pre-sale, bounty of a team
    • Unlock(address, tokenId, amount): unlock tokens
    • Combine(token): combine two Token models into one
    • GetBalance(address, tokenId): get token balance of a given address

    Notice, all actions will be grouped and finalized together, viz. mint/send multiple token id will be finalized with a single transaction

    Sidenote: The relations between Store, Contract and Token could be analogized to JavaScript Built-in Objects Map, Reflect and Date Store is similar to Map in JavaScript which is an iterable collection of key-value pairs and has basic methods such sa get, has, set, forEach, keys, values, entries. Its only usage is to store structured data. Contract extends Store to have the ability to retrieve/alter its internal data by specific interfaces rather than simple get/set methods. For interoperability, Contract exposes a uniform approach to update its state, named run(methodSignature, argumentList) which is similar to Reflect.apply(fn, thisArg, argumentList) so the trigger could be broadcasted via message in the model tree, we will talk about it later. Token is specialized from Contract and can be thought of as Date in JavaScript which has its own specific attributes and methods now, setHour. Token would have methods like mint, burn, transfer, etc. Date and Token are used so widely that they have their own seats in Built-in Objects. More advanced models will be added along with the evolving ecosystem.

    Reactive Lazy Evaluation

    As mentioned above

    Notice, all actions will be grouped and finalized together, viz. mint/send multiple token id will be finalized with a single transaction

    All actions/manipulations adopted on a model will be cached and evaluated at the end of the pipeline.

    const model = new Store()
    // ...
     * get a structure with initial state and actions
     * {
     *   state,
     *   actions: [action_1, action_2, action_3, ..., action_n]
     * }
     * and calling the finalize() to evaluate new state
     * {
     *   state: new_state,
     *   actions: [],
     * }

    Lazy evaluation is beneficial to the following points:

    1. State of the model could be traversed for debugging
    2. Actions could be revoked easily to find the best path of state transition.
    3. Inspector(or other dependencies) could be injected to enhance development

    Model Tree

    The keyword model tree was mentioned in the sidenote above of analogizing Contract to Reflect.

    Every cell of CKB could be treated as a minimal DApp because every cell has its own state and script, but usually a group of cells using the same script will work together as a real DApp because it adopts the same logic on a broader state. Thus a DApp running on CKB could be represented as a 2-level tree which has cells as leaves and shared scripts as nodes.

    flowchart BT
    cell_0 --> script_a
    cell_1 --> script_a
    cell_2 --> script_a
    cell_3 --> script_b
    cell_4 --> script_b
    cell_5 --> script_b
    script_a --> DApp
    script_b --> DApp

    Similarly, a DApp could be destructed into a multi-level model tree. And if a DApp_A wants to interact with another DApp_B, state of DApp_B would be a part of DApp_A's so the model tree of DApp_A would be like

    flowchart BT
    cell_a_0_model --> dapp_a_sub_model
    cell_a_1_model --> dapp_a_sub_model
    cell_a_n_model --> dapp_a_sub_model
    dapp_a_sub_model --> dapp_a_model
    dapp_b_0_sub_model --> dapp_b_model
    dapp_b_1_sub_model --> dapp_b_model
    dapp_b_n_sub_model --> dapp_b_model
    dapp_b_model --> dapp_a_model

    With a set of standardized interfaces, the detail of DApp_B's model tree could be obscure to DApp_A.

    This idea is from actor model so the structure of an application is similar

    actor model

    Actor model is a programming paradigm for concurrent computation, states will not be stored in a single point, but distributed to various actors so computation could be performed in many actors.

    Actor model follows several fundamental rules

    • All computation is performed within an actor
    • Actors can communicate only through messages
    • In response to a message, an actor can:
      • Change its state or behavior
      • Send messages to other actors
      • Create a finite number of child actors

    From the perspective of the model tree and CKB's cell model, states/cells will not be stored in a single Store model, but distributed to a bulk of Store models and can be updated in parallel via messages. If a model handles a message, it would

    • Update model's state
    • Proxy the message to another model
    • Create a new model to fetch more state/cells and handle the message

    States/cells are arranged isolatedly into different pieces and can only be changed by messages, the updates are sequenced and data conflicts are avoided naturally.

    One more interesting point is that model tree could be server-agnostic. As mentioned above, if DApp_A relies on DApp_B, e.g. Swap DApp relies on Token DApp, model tree of DApp_B will be a part of DApp_A's model tree, illustrated in the diagram above, and DApp_A have to rebuild the model tree of DApp_B to interact with it. In actor model, DApp_B's model tree could be rebuilt locally or remotely because the interactions are transferred by messages, thus DApp_A could request the server of DApp_B to output Store by a specific action.

    Take a concrete example, there's a Swap DApp to swap Token A and Token B. Now user wants to swap X token a with Y token b from Swap DApp

    1. Swap DApp requests Token A DApp to take an action transfer X from swap_pool to user and return a Store of Token A
    2. Swap DApp requests Token B DApp to take an action transfer Y from user to swap_pool and return a Store of Token B.
    3. Swap DApp combines Store of Token A and Store of Token B to generate a transaction for user to confirm the swap.


    Kuai-convention is a set of conventions for the implementation reference of Kuai-runtime and the usage guide of Kuai-runtime, such as:

    • serialization - cell state layout to prevent conflict between different contract interactions
    • ABI - Application Binary Interface for cell model
    • structure - project structure
    • sequencer - define how to sort (aggregate) user requests
    • storage - A series of schemes on how to persist data, such as serialization schemes, etc.

    Fine-grind devtools

    The paradigm and conventions will be instructed by Kuai with a fine-grind devtool named Kuai-runtime, similar to nx( which provides basic features of a build system and extensible for tasks and plugins.

    Basic features delivered by Kuai build system:

    • Clear project structure
    • Compile
      • Debug
      • Release
    • Debug
      • Break point
      • Console
      • Inspector
    • Test
      • Run specific cases
      • Generate a mock transaction
      • Helpers as clear state, rollback
    • Deployment
    • Configuration management
      • Multiple network
      • Hd wallet
    • Base contracts/scripts

    Possibly included tasks/plugins are as follow:

    Kuai-runtime covers on-chain and off-chain parts of a project, implements the interface defined by Kuai-convention, shielding implementation details and provides easy-to-use APIs.

    Kuai-runtime also provides friendly libraries/modules for building, sending, and managing transactions, which will be elaborated on in section General aggregation service.

    General aggregation service

    Now there are two classic types of DApp running on CKB

    1. based on the general cell model: e.g. Force Bridge, Portal Wallet...
    2. based on the SMT(sparse merkle tree, half-rollup like: e.g. CoTA NFT, dotbit, sub-accounting...

    Kuai's aggregation service would cover these two cases for general usages and has following components:

    • Merkle X Storage - Generate proof which stored in on-chain. And persist data in off-chain.
    • Sequencer - Combine multiple requests into one to avoid concurrency issue.
    • Transaction Builder Factory (OnChainStateUpdator) - Build transactions that update on-chain state.
    • CkbNodeClient - Interact with chains, such as query transaction status, etc.
    • Client-side SDK - Common wallet integration, e.g MetaMask(sign via EIP712 if possible), TronLink, CardanoWallet…
    • Scheduler - Scheduling various sub-services, such as Sequencer and Merkle X Storage.

    runtime-level drawio (2) (1)

    The aggregation service would run as a sub module in DApp's server

    kuai-runtime drawio (2) (1)


    Last but not least, as an open source project, Kuai would be introduced to developers with good documentation and rich examples, including:

    • Tutorials
    • Developer Documentation
    • API documentation


    • M1 ~ M2
      • Construct a build system similar to, only for project structure, basic tasks, and plugins
      • Design storage paradigm
      • Design action paradigm
      • Design workflow with base contracts/scripts
    • M3 ~ M4
    • M5
      • Implement tasks/plugins
      • Implement local network
      • Implement debug/test/deploy tools
    • M6
      • Use the project to deliver a simple .bit dapp

    Promising Features

    • Working with contracts purely by JavaScript/TypeScript instead of Rust/C;
    • Supporting open transactions for further use cases;
    • Adding DSL for facilication of development.