diff --git a/docs/features/autoformat.md b/docs/features/autoformat.md
index eba9f9e..a524ebc 100644
--- a/docs/features/autoformat.md
+++ b/docs/features/autoformat.md
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ The following block formatting options are available:
The following inline formatting options are available:
-* Bold – Type `**text**` or `__text__`.
-* Italic – Type `*text*` or `_text_`.
+* Bold – Type `**text**` or `__text__`,
+* Italic – Type `*text*` or `_text_`,
+* Code – Type ``` `text` ```.
## Autoformatting sample
diff --git a/src/autoformat.js b/src/autoformat.js
index 30a7138..5113982 100644
--- a/src/autoformat.js
+++ b/src/autoformat.js
@@ -59,14 +59,15 @@ export default class Autoformat extends Plugin {
- * Adds autoformatting related to the {@link module:basic-styles/bold~Bold} and
- * {@link module:basic-styles/italic~Italic}.
+ * Adds autoformatting related to the {@link module:basic-styles/bold~Bold},
+ * {@link module:basic-styles/italic~Italic} and {@link module:basic-styles/code~Code}.
* When typed:
- * - `**foobar**` – `**` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to bold.
- * - `__foobar__` – `__` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to bold.
- * - `*foobar*` – `*` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to italic.
- * - `_foobar_` – `_` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to italic.
+ * - `**foobar**` – `**` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to bold,
+ * - `__foobar__` – `__` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to bold,
+ * - `*foobar*` – `*` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to italic,
+ * - `_foobar_` – `_` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to italic,
+ * - ``` `foobar` – ``` ` ``` characters are removed and `foobar` is set to code.
* @private
@@ -89,6 +90,12 @@ export default class Autoformat extends Plugin {
new InlineAutoformatEngine( this.editor, /(?:^|[^_])(_)([^_]+)(_)$/g, 'italic' );
/* eslint-enable no-new */
+ if ( commands.get( 'code' ) ) {
+ /* eslint-disable no-new */
+ new InlineAutoformatEngine( this.editor, /(`)([^`]+)(`)$/g, 'code' );
+ /* eslint-enable no-new */
+ }
diff --git a/tests/autoformat.js b/tests/autoformat.js
index 3d0291f..e2cd332 100644
--- a/tests/autoformat.js
+++ b/tests/autoformat.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Paragraph from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph/src/paragraph';
import ListEngine from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list/src/listengine';
import HeadingEngine from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading/src/headingengine';
import BoldEngine from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles/src/boldengine';
+import CodeEngine from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles/src/codeengine';
import ItalicEngine from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles/src/italicengine';
import BlockQuoteEngine from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-block-quote/src/blockquoteengine';
import Enter from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-enter/src/enter';
@@ -28,7 +29,17 @@ describe( 'Autoformat', () => {
beforeEach( () => {
return VirtualTestEditor
.create( {
- plugins: [ Enter, Paragraph, Autoformat, ListEngine, HeadingEngine, BoldEngine, ItalicEngine, BlockQuoteEngine ]
+ plugins: [
+ Enter,
+ Paragraph,
+ Autoformat,
+ ListEngine,
+ HeadingEngine,
+ BoldEngine,
+ ItalicEngine,
+ CodeEngine,
+ BlockQuoteEngine
+ ]
} )
.then( newEditor => {
editor = newEditor;
@@ -205,7 +216,7 @@ describe( 'Autoformat', () => {
} );
describe( 'Inline autoformat', () => {
- it( 'should replace both `**` with bold', () => {
+ it( 'should replace both "**" with bold', () => {
setData( doc, '**foobar*[]' );
doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), '*' );
@@ -214,7 +225,7 @@ describe( 'Autoformat', () => {
expect( getData( doc ) ).to.equal( '<$text bold="true">foobar$text>[]' );
} );
- it( 'should replace both `*` with italic', () => {
+ it( 'should replace both "*" with italic', () => {
setData( doc, '*foobar[]' );
doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), '*' );
@@ -223,7 +234,16 @@ describe( 'Autoformat', () => {
expect( getData( doc ) ).to.equal( '<$text italic="true">foobar$text>[]' );
} );
- it( 'nothing should be replaces when typing `*`', () => {
+ it( 'should replace both "`" with code', () => {
+ setData( doc, '`foobar[]' );
+ doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
+ batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), '`' );
+ } );
+ expect( getData( doc ) ).to.equal( '<$text code="true">foobar$text>[]' );
+ } );
+ it( 'nothing should be replaces when typing "*"', () => {
setData( doc, 'foobar[]' );
doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), '*' );
@@ -300,7 +320,7 @@ describe( 'Autoformat', () => {
expect( getData( doc ) ).to.equal( '## []' );
} );
- it( 'should not replace both `**` with bold', () => {
+ it( 'should not replace both "**" with bold', () => {
setData( doc, '**foobar*[]' );
doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), '*' );
@@ -309,7 +329,7 @@ describe( 'Autoformat', () => {
expect( getData( doc ) ).to.equal( '**foobar**[]' );
} );
- it( 'should not replace both `*` with italic', () => {
+ it( 'should not replace both "*" with italic', () => {
setData( doc, '*foobar[]' );
doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), '*' );
@@ -318,7 +338,16 @@ describe( 'Autoformat', () => {
expect( getData( doc ) ).to.equal( '*foobar*[]' );
} );
- it( 'should not replace `>` with block quote', () => {
+ it( 'should not replace both "`" with code', () => {
+ setData( doc, '`foobar[]' );
+ doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
+ batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), '`' );
+ } );
+ expect( getData( doc ) ).to.equal( '`foobar`[]' );
+ } );
+ it( 'should not replace ">" with block quote', () => {
setData( doc, '>[]' );
doc.enqueueChanges( () => {
batch.insert( doc.selection.getFirstPosition(), ' ' );
diff --git a/tests/manual/autoformat.js b/tests/manual/autoformat.js
index ec74946..2eb6e95 100644
--- a/tests/manual/autoformat.js
+++ b/tests/manual/autoformat.js
@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@ import Heading from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading/src/heading';
import Paragraph from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph/src/paragraph';
import Undo from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-undo/src/undo';
import Bold from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles/src/bold';
+import Code from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles/src/code';
import Italic from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles/src/italic';
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
- plugins: [ Enter, Typing, Paragraph, Undo, Bold, Italic, Heading, List, Autoformat, BlockQuote ],
- toolbar: [ 'headings', 'numberedList', 'bulletedList', 'blockQuote', 'bold', 'italic', 'undo', 'redo' ]
+ plugins: [ Enter, Typing, Paragraph, Undo, Bold, Italic, Code, Heading, List, Autoformat, BlockQuote ],
+ toolbar: [ 'headings', 'numberedList', 'bulletedList', 'blockQuote', 'bold', 'italic', 'code', 'undo', 'redo' ]
} )
.then( editor => {
window.editor = editor;
diff --git a/tests/manual/autoformat.md b/tests/manual/autoformat.md
index 7ca67af..19ed3c0 100644
--- a/tests/manual/autoformat.md
+++ b/tests/manual/autoformat.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
1. Type `*` or `-` and the press space in an empty paragraph to replace it with a list item.
-1. Type `> ` and press the space in an empty paragraph to replace it with a block quote.
+1. Type `>` and press the space in an empty paragraph to replace it with a block quote.
1. Type a number from the range **1-3** to replace an empty paragraph with a numbered list item.
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
1. Type `**foobar**`/`__foobar__` to bold `foobar`. `**`/`__` should be removed.
+1. Type ``` `foobar` ``` to mark as code `foobar`. ``` ` ``` should be removed.
1. For every autoformat pattern: Undo until you'll see just the pattern (e.g. `- `). Typing should be then possible without triggering the autoformatting again.
1. Typing a different pattern in an already converted block **must not** trigger the autoformatting. For example, typing `- ` in a heading should not convert a heading to a list.