There are three Python programs here (-h
for usage):
aligns words using Dice's coefficient../check
checks for out-of-bounds alignment points../grade
computes alignment error rate.
The commands are designed to work in a pipeline. For instance, this is a valid invocation:
./align -t 0.9 -n 1000 | ./check | ./grade -n 5
The data/
directory contains a fragment of the German/English Europarl corpus.
is the German/English parallel data to be aligned. The first 150 sentences are for development; the next 150 is a blind set you will be evaluated on; and the remainder of the file is unannotated parallel data. -
contains 150 manual alignments corresponding to the first 150 sentences of the parallel corpus. When you run./check
these are used to compute the alignment error rate. You may use these in any way you choose. The notationi-j
means the word at position i (0-indexed) in the German sentence is aligned to the word at position j in the English sentence; the notationi?j
means they are "probably" aligned.