From a117c2f98003ad7f458e89740fedad5a9e4775f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Haojian Wu <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 14:21:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove legacy semantic-highlighting client code.

The legacy semantic-highlighting support has been dropped since
 package.json                       |   3 +-
 src/clangd-context.ts              |   3 -
 src/semantic-highlighting.ts       | 405 -----------------------------
 test/semantic-highlighting.test.ts | 173 ------------
 4 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 582 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/semantic-highlighting.ts
 delete mode 100644 test/semantic-highlighting.test.ts

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 91526456..7390fe89 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@
                 "clangd.semanticHighlighting": {
                     "type": "boolean",
                     "default": true,
-                    "description": "Enable semantic highlighting in clangd."
+                    "description": "Enable semantic highlighting in clangd.",
+                    "deprecationMessage": "Legacy semanticHighlights is no longer supported. Please use `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` instead."
                 "clangd.fallbackFlags": {
                     "type": "array",
diff --git a/src/clangd-context.ts b/src/clangd-context.ts
index 0f0f6426..09a6e39f 100644
--- a/src/clangd-context.ts
+++ b/src/clangd-context.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import * as inlayHints from './inlay-hints';
 import * as install from './install';
 import * as memoryUsage from './memory-usage';
 import * as openConfig from './open-config';
-import * as semanticHighlighting from './semantic-highlighting';
 import * as switchSourceHeader from './switch-source-header';
 import * as typeHierarchy from './type-hierarchy';
@@ -151,8 +150,6 @@ export class ClangdContext implements vscode.Disposable {
             // max restart count
             config.get<boolean>('restartAfterCrash') ? /*default*/ 4 : 0);
-    if (config.get<boolean>('semanticHighlighting'))
-      semanticHighlighting.activate(this);
     this.client.registerFeature(new EnableEditsNearCursorFeature);
diff --git a/src/semantic-highlighting.ts b/src/semantic-highlighting.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a69437..00000000
--- a/src/semantic-highlighting.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-import * as fs from 'fs';
-import * as jsonc from 'jsonc-parser';
-import * as path from 'path';
-import * as vscode from 'vscode';
-import * as vscodelc from 'vscode-languageclient/node';
-import * as vscodelct from 'vscode-languageserver-types';
-import {ClangdContext} from './clangd-context';
-export function activate(context: ClangdContext) {
-  const feature = new SemanticHighlightingFeature(context);
-  context.subscriptions.push(feature);
-  context.client.registerFeature(feature);
-// Parameters for the semantic highlighting (server-side) push notification.
-// Mirrors the structure in the semantic highlighting proposal for LSP.
-interface SemanticHighlightingParams {
-  // The text document that has to be decorated with the semantic highlighting
-  // information.
-  textDocument: vscodelct.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
-  // An array of semantic highlighting information.
-  lines: SemanticHighlightingInformation[];
-// Contains the highlighting information for a specified line. Mirrors the
-// structure in the semantic highlighting proposal for LSP.
-interface SemanticHighlightingInformation {
-  // The zero-based line position in the text document.
-  line: number;
-  // A base64 encoded string representing every single highlighted characters
-  // with its start position, length and the "lookup table" index of of the
-  // semantic highlighting Text Mate scopes.
-  tokens?: string;
-// A SemanticHighlightingToken decoded from the base64 data sent by clangd.
-interface SemanticHighlightingToken {
-  // Start column for this token.
-  character: number;
-  // Length of the token.
-  length: number;
-  // The TextMate scope index to the clangd scope lookup table.
-  scopeIndex: number;
-// A line of decoded highlightings from the data clangd sent.
-export interface SemanticHighlightingLine {
-  // The zero-based line position in the text document.
-  line: number;
-  // All SemanticHighlightingTokens on the line.
-  tokens: SemanticHighlightingToken[];
-// Language server push notification providing the semantic highlighting
-// information for a text document.
-const NotificationType =
-    new vscodelc.NotificationType<SemanticHighlightingParams>(
-        'textDocument/semanticHighlighting');
-// The feature that should be registered in the vscode lsp for enabling
-// experimental semantic highlighting.
-export class SemanticHighlightingFeature implements vscodelc.StaticFeature {
-  // The TextMate scope lookup table. A token with scope index i has the scopes
-  // on index i in the lookup table.
-  scopeLookupTable!: string[][];
-  // The object that applies the highlightings clangd sends.
-  highlighter!: Highlighter;
-  // Any disposables that should be cleaned up when clangd crashes.
-  private subscriptions: vscode.Disposable[] = [];
-  constructor(context: ClangdContext) {
-    context.subscriptions.push(context.client.onDidChangeState(({newState}) => {
-      if (newState === vscodelc.State.Running) {
-        // Register handler for semantic highlighting notification.
-        context.client.onNotification(NotificationType,
-                                      this.handleNotification.bind(this));
-      } else if (newState === vscodelc.State.Stopped) {
-        // Dispose resources when clangd crashes.
-        this.dispose();
-      }
-    }));
-  }
-  fillClientCapabilities(capabilities: vscodelc.ClientCapabilities) {
-    // Extend the ClientCapabilities type and add semantic highlighting
-    // capability to the object.
-    const textDocumentCapabilities: vscodelc.TextDocumentClientCapabilities&
-        {semanticHighlightingCapabilities?: {semanticHighlighting: boolean}} =
-        capabilities.textDocument!;
-    textDocumentCapabilities.semanticHighlightingCapabilities = {
-      semanticHighlighting: true,
-    };
-  }
-  async loadCurrentTheme() {
-    const themeRuleMatcher = new ThemeRuleMatcher(
-        await loadTheme(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('workbench')
-                            .get<string>('colorTheme', '')));
-    this.highlighter.initialize(themeRuleMatcher);
-  }
-  initialize(capabilities: vscodelc.ServerCapabilities,
-             documentSelector: vscodelc.DocumentSelector|undefined) {
-    // The semantic highlighting capability information is in the capabilities
-    // object but to access the data we must first extend the ServerCapabilities
-    // type.
-    const serverCapabilities: vscodelc.ServerCapabilities&
-        {semanticHighlighting?: {scopes: string[][]}} = capabilities;
-    if (!serverCapabilities.semanticHighlighting)
-      return;
-    this.scopeLookupTable = serverCapabilities.semanticHighlighting.scopes;
-    // Important that highlighter is created before the theme is loading as
-    // otherwise it could try to update the themeRuleMatcher without the
-    // highlighter being created.
-    this.highlighter = new Highlighter(this.scopeLookupTable);
-    this.subscriptions.push(vscode.Disposable.from(this.highlighter));
-    // Adds a listener to reload the theme when it changes.
-    this.subscriptions.push(
-        vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration((conf) => {
-          if (!conf.affectsConfiguration('workbench.colorTheme'))
-            return;
-          this.loadCurrentTheme();
-        }));
-    this.loadCurrentTheme();
-    // Event handling for handling with TextDocuments/Editors lifetimes.
-    this.subscriptions.push(vscode.window.onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors(
-        (editors: vscode.TextEditor[]) => editors.forEach(
-            (e) => this.highlighter.applyHighlights(e.document.uri))));
-    this.subscriptions.push(vscode.workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(
-        (doc) => this.highlighter.removeFileHighlightings(doc.uri)));
-  }
-  handleNotification(params: SemanticHighlightingParams) {
-    const lines: SemanticHighlightingLine[] =
-        (line) => ({line: line.line, tokens: decodeTokens(line.tokens ?? '')}));
-    this.highlighter.highlight(vscode.Uri.parse(params.textDocument.uri),
-                               lines);
-  }
-  // Disposes of all disposable resources used by this object.
-  public dispose() {
-    this.subscriptions.forEach((d) => d.dispose());
-    this.subscriptions = [];
-  }
-// Converts a string of base64 encoded tokens into the corresponding array of
-// HighlightingTokens.
-export function decodeTokens(tokens: string): SemanticHighlightingToken[] {
-  const scopeMask = 0xFFFF;
-  const lenShift = 0x10;
-  const uint32Size = 4;
-  const buf = Buffer.from(tokens, 'base64');
-  const retTokens = [];
-  for (let i = 0, end = buf.length / uint32Size; i < end; i += 2) {
-    const start = buf.readUInt32BE(i * uint32Size);
-    const lenKind = buf.readUInt32BE((i + 1) * uint32Size);
-    const scopeIndex = lenKind & scopeMask;
-    const len = lenKind >>> lenShift;
-    retTokens.push({character: start, scopeIndex: scopeIndex, length: len});
-  }
-  return retTokens;
-// The main class responsible for processing of highlightings that clangd
-// sends.
-export class Highlighter {
-  // Maps uris with currently open TextDocuments to the current highlightings.
-  private files: Map<string, Map<number, SemanticHighlightingLine>> = new Map();
-  // DecorationTypes for the current theme that are used when highlighting. A
-  // SemanticHighlightingToken with scopeIndex i should have the decoration at
-  // index i in this list.
-  private decorationTypes: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType[] = [];
-  // The clangd TextMate scope lookup table.
-  private scopeLookupTable: string[][];
-  constructor(scopeLookupTable: string[][]) {
-    this.scopeLookupTable = scopeLookupTable;
-  }
-  public dispose() {
-    this.files.clear();
-    this.decorationTypes.forEach((t) => t.dispose());
-    // Dispose must not be not called multiple times if initialize is
-    // called again.
-    this.decorationTypes = [];
-  }
-  // This function must be called at least once or no highlightings will be
-  // done. Sets the theme that is used when highlighting. Also triggers a
-  // recolorization for all current highlighters. Should be called whenever the
-  // theme changes and has been loaded. Should also be called when the first
-  // theme is loaded.
-  public initialize(themeRuleMatcher: ThemeRuleMatcher) {
-    this.decorationTypes.forEach((t) => t.dispose());
-    this.decorationTypes = => {
-      const options: vscode.DecorationRenderOptions = {
-        // If there exists no rule for this scope the matcher returns an empty
-        // color. That's ok because vscode does not do anything when applying
-        // empty decorations.
-        color: themeRuleMatcher.getBestThemeRule(scopes[0]).foreground,
-        // If the rangeBehavior is set to Open in any direction the
-        // highlighting becomes weird in certain cases.
-        rangeBehavior: vscode.DecorationRangeBehavior.ClosedClosed,
-      };
-      return vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType(options);
-    });
-    this.getVisibleTextEditorUris().forEach((fileUri) =>
-                                                this.applyHighlights(fileUri));
-  }
-  // Adds incremental highlightings to the current highlightings for the file
-  // with fileUri. Also applies the highlightings to any associated
-  // TextEditor(s).
-  public highlight(fileUri: vscode.Uri,
-                   highlightingLines: SemanticHighlightingLine[]) {
-    const fileUriStr = fileUri.toString();
-    if (!this.files.has(fileUriStr)) {
-      this.files.set(fileUriStr, new Map());
-    }
-    const fileHighlightings = this.files.get(fileUriStr)!;
-    highlightingLines.forEach((line) => fileHighlightings.set(line.line, line));
-    this.applyHighlights(fileUri);
-  }
-  // Applies all the highlightings currently stored for a file with fileUri.
-  public applyHighlights(fileUri: vscode.Uri) {
-    const fileUriStr = fileUri.toString();
-    if (!this.files.has(fileUriStr))
-      // There are no highlightings for this file, must return early or will get
-      // out of bounds when applying the decorations below.
-      return;
-    if (!this.decorationTypes.length)
-      // Can't apply any decorations when there is no theme loaded.
-      return;
-    // This must always do a full re-highlighting due to the fact that
-    // TextEditorDecorationType are very expensive to create (which makes
-    // incremental updates infeasible). For this reason one
-    // TextEditorDecorationType is used per scope.
-    const ranges = this.getDecorationRanges(fileUri);
-    vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.forEach((e) => {
-      if (e.document.uri.toString() !== fileUriStr)
-        return;
-      this.decorationTypes.forEach((d, i) => e.setDecorations(d, ranges[i]));
-    });
-  }
-  // Called when a text document is closed. Removes any highlighting entries for
-  // the text document that was closed.
-  public removeFileHighlightings(fileUri: vscode.Uri) {
-    // If there exists no entry the call to delete just returns false.
-    this.files.delete(fileUri.toString());
-  }
-  // Gets the uris as strings for the currently visible text editors.
-  protected getVisibleTextEditorUris(): vscode.Uri[] {
-    return => e.document.uri);
-  }
-  // Returns the ranges that should be used when decorating. Index i in the
-  // range array has the decoration type at index i of this.decorationTypes.
-  protected getDecorationRanges(fileUri: vscode.Uri): vscode.Range[][] {
-    const fileUriStr = fileUri.toString();
-    if (!this.files.has(fileUriStr))
-      // this.files should always have an entry for fileUri if we are here. But
-      // if there isn't one we don't want to crash the extension. This is also
-      // useful for tests.
-      return [];
-    const lines: SemanticHighlightingLine[] =
-        Array.from(this.files.get(fileUriStr)!.values());
-    const decorations: vscode.Range[][] = => []);
-    lines.forEach((line) => {
-      line.tokens.forEach((token) => {
-        decorations[token.scopeIndex].push(new vscode.Range(
-            new vscode.Position(line.line, token.character),
-            new vscode.Position(line.line, token.character + token.length)));
-      });
-    });
-    return decorations;
-  }
-// A rule for how to color TextMate scopes.
-interface TokenColorRule {
-  // A TextMate scope that specifies the context of the token, e.g.
-  // "".
-  scope: string;
-  // foreground is the color tokens of this scope should have.
-  foreground: string;
-export class ThemeRuleMatcher {
-  // The rules for the theme.
-  private themeRules: TokenColorRule[];
-  // A cache for the getBestThemeRule function.
-  private bestRuleCache: Map<string, TokenColorRule> = new Map();
-  constructor(rules: TokenColorRule[]) { this.themeRules = rules; }
-  // Returns the best rule for a scope.
-  getBestThemeRule(scope: string): TokenColorRule {
-    if (this.bestRuleCache.has(scope))
-      return this.bestRuleCache.get(scope)!;
-    let bestRule: TokenColorRule = {scope: '', foreground: ''};
-    this.themeRules.forEach((rule) => {
-      // The best rule for a scope is the rule that is the longest prefix of the
-      // scope (unless a perfect match exists in which case the perfect match is
-      // the best). If a rule is not a prefix and we tried to match with longest
-      // common prefix instead variables would be highlighted as `less`
-      // variables when using Light+ (as variable.other would be matched against
-      // variable.other.less in this case). Doing common prefix matching also
-      // means we could match variable.cpp to variable.css if variable.css
-      // occurs before variable in themeRules.
-      // FIXME: This is not defined in the TextMate standard (it is explicitly
-      // undefined, Might
-      // want to rank some other way.
-      if (scope.startsWith(rule.scope) &&
-          rule.scope.length > bestRule.scope.length)
-        // This rule matches and is more specific than the old rule.
-        bestRule = rule;
-    });
-    this.bestRuleCache.set(scope, bestRule);
-    return bestRule;
-  }
-// Get all token color rules provided by the theme.
-function loadTheme(themeName: string): Promise<TokenColorRule[]> {
-  const extension =
-      vscode.extensions.all.find((extension: vscode.Extension<any>) => {
-        const contribs = extension.packageJSON.contributes;
-        if (!contribs || !contribs.themes)
-          return false;
-        return contribs.themes.some((theme: any) => === themeName ||
-                                                    theme.label === themeName);
-      });
-  if (!extension) {
-    return Promise.reject('Could not find a theme with name: ' + themeName);
-  }
-  const themeInfo = extension.packageJSON.contributes.themes.find(
-      (theme: any) => === themeName || theme.label === themeName);
-  return parseThemeFile(path.join(extension.extensionPath, themeInfo.path));
- * Parse the TextMate theme at fullPath. If there are multiple TextMate scopes
- * of the same name in the include chain only the earliest entry of the scope is
- * saved.
- * @param fullPath The absolute path to the theme.
- * @param seenScopes A set containing the name of the scopes that have already
- *     been set.
- */
-export async function parseThemeFile(fullPath: string,
-                                     seenScopes: Set<string> =
-                                         new Set()): Promise<TokenColorRule[]> {
-  // FIXME: Add support for themes written as .tmTheme.
-  if (path.extname(fullPath) === '.tmTheme')
-    return [];
-  try {
-    const contents = await readFileText(fullPath);
-    const parsed = jsonc.parse(contents);
-    const rules: TokenColorRule[] = [];
-    // To make sure it does not crash if tokenColors is undefined.
-    if (!parsed.tokenColors)
-      parsed.tokenColors = [];
-    parsed.tokenColors.forEach((rule: any) => {
-      if (!rule.scope || !rule.settings || !rule.settings.foreground)
-        return;
-      const textColor = rule.settings.foreground;
-      // Scopes that were found further up the TextMate chain should not be
-      // overwritten.
-      const addColor = (scope: string) => {
-        if (seenScopes.has(scope))
-          return;
-        rules.push({scope, foreground: textColor});
-        seenScopes.add(scope);
-      };
-      if (rule.scope instanceof Array) {
-        return rule.scope.forEach((s: string) => addColor(s));
-      }
-      addColor(rule.scope);
-    });
-    if (parsed.include)
-      // Get all includes and merge into a flat list of parsed json.
-      return [
-        ...(await parseThemeFile(
-            path.join(path.dirname(fullPath), parsed.include), seenScopes)),
-        ...rules
-      ];
-    return rules;
-  } catch (err) {
-    // If there is an error opening a file, the TextMate files that were
-    // correctly found and parsed further up the chain should be returned.
-    // Otherwise there will be no highlightings at all.
-    console.warn('Could not open file: ' + fullPath + ', error: ', err);
-  }
-  return [];
-function readFileText(path: string): Promise<string> {
-  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
-      if (err) {
-        return reject(err);
-      }
-      return resolve(data);
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/test/semantic-highlighting.test.ts b/test/semantic-highlighting.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c56ca8f..00000000
--- a/test/semantic-highlighting.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-import * as assert from 'assert';
-import * as path from 'path';
-import * as vscode from 'vscode';
-import * as semanticHighlighting from '../src/semantic-highlighting';
-suite('SemanticHighlighting Tests', () => {
-  test('Parses arrays of textmate themes.', async () => {
-    const themePath =
-        path.join(__dirname, '../../test/assets/includeTheme.jsonc');
-    const scopeColorRules =
-        await semanticHighlighting.parseThemeFile(themePath);
-    const getScopeRule = (scope: string) =>
-        scopeColorRules.find((v) => v.scope === scope);
-    assert.equal(scopeColorRules.length, 3);
-    assert.deepEqual(getScopeRule('a'), {scope: 'a', foreground: '#fff'});
-    assert.deepEqual(getScopeRule('b'), {scope: 'b', foreground: '#000'});
-    assert.deepEqual(getScopeRule('c'), {scope: 'c', foreground: '#bcd'});
-  });
-  test('Decodes tokens correctly', () => {
-    const testCases: string[] = [
-    ];
-    const expected = [
-      [{character: 0, scopeIndex: 0, length: 1}],
-      [
-        {character: 0, scopeIndex: 9, length: 3},
-        {character: 4, scopeIndex: 0, length: 1}
-      ],
-      [
-        {character: 0, scopeIndex: 9, length: 3},
-        {character: 4, scopeIndex: 0, length: 1},
-        {character: 10, scopeIndex: 0, length: 1}
-      ]
-    ];
-    testCases.forEach(
-        (testCase, i) => assert.deepEqual(
-            semanticHighlighting.decodeTokens(testCase), expected[i]));
-  });
-  test('ScopeRules overrides for more specific themes', () => {
-    const rules = [
-      {scope: 'variable.other.css', foreground: '1'},
-      {scope: 'variable.other', foreground: '2'},
-      {scope: 'storage', foreground: '3'},
-      {scope: 'storage.static', foreground: '4'},
-      {scope: 'storage', foreground: '5'},
-      {scope: 'variable.other.parameter', foreground: '6'},
-    ];
-    const tm = new semanticHighlighting.ThemeRuleMatcher(rules);
-    assert.deepEqual(tm.getBestThemeRule('variable.other.cpp').scope,
-                     'variable.other');
-    assert.deepEqual(tm.getBestThemeRule('storage.static').scope,
-                     'storage.static');
-    assert.deepEqual(
-        tm.getBestThemeRule('storage'),
-        rules[2]); // Match the first element if there are duplicates.
-    assert.deepEqual(tm.getBestThemeRule('variable.other.parameter').scope,
-                     'variable.other.parameter');
-    assert.deepEqual(tm.getBestThemeRule('variable.other.parameter.cpp').scope,
-                     'variable.other.parameter');
-  });
-  test('Colorizer groups decorations correctly', async () => {
-    const scopeTable = [
-      ['variable'], ['entity.type.function'], ['entity.type.function.method']
-    ];
-    // Create the scope source ranges the highlightings should be highlighted
-    // at. Assumes the scopes used are the ones in the "scopeTable" variable.
-    const createHighlightingScopeRanges =
-        (highlightingLines:
-             semanticHighlighting.SemanticHighlightingLine[]) => {
-          // Initialize the scope ranges list to the correct size. Otherwise
-          // scopes that don't have any highlightings are missed.
-          let scopeRanges: vscode.Range[][] = => []);
-          highlightingLines.forEach((line) => {
-            line.tokens.forEach((token) => {
-              scopeRanges[token.scopeIndex].push(new vscode.Range(
-                  new vscode.Position(line.line, token.character),
-                  new vscode.Position(line.line,
-                                      token.character + token.length)));
-            });
-          });
-          return scopeRanges;
-        };
-    const fileUri1 = vscode.Uri.parse('file:///file1');
-    const fileUri2 = vscode.Uri.parse('file:///file2');
-    const fileUri1Str = fileUri1.toString();
-    const fileUri2Str = fileUri2.toString();
-    class MockHighlighter extends semanticHighlighting.Highlighter {
-      applicationUriHistory: string[] = [];
-      // Override to make the highlighting calls accessible to the test. Also
-      // makes the test not depend on visible text editors.
-      applyHighlights(fileUri: vscode.Uri) {
-        this.applicationUriHistory.push(fileUri.toString());
-      }
-      // Override to make it accessible from the test.
-      getDecorationRanges(fileUri: vscode.Uri) {
-        return super.getDecorationRanges(fileUri);
-      }
-      // Override to make tests not depend on visible text editors.
-      getVisibleTextEditorUris() { return [fileUri1, fileUri2]; }
-    }
-    const highlighter = new MockHighlighter(scopeTable);
-    const tm = new semanticHighlighting.ThemeRuleMatcher([
-      {scope: 'variable', foreground: '1'},
-      {scope: 'entity.type', foreground: '2'},
-    ]);
-    // Recolorizes when initialized.
-    highlighter.highlight(fileUri1, []);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.applicationUriHistory, [fileUri1Str]);
-    highlighter.initialize(tm);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.applicationUriHistory,
-                     [fileUri1Str, fileUri1Str, fileUri2Str]);
-    // Groups decorations into the scopes used.
-    let highlightingsInLine: semanticHighlighting.SemanticHighlightingLine[] = [
-      {
-        line: 1,
-        tokens: [
-          {character: 1, length: 2, scopeIndex: 1},
-          {character: 10, length: 2, scopeIndex: 2},
-        ]
-      },
-      {
-        line: 2,
-        tokens: [
-          {character: 3, length: 2, scopeIndex: 1},
-          {character: 6, length: 2, scopeIndex: 1},
-          {character: 8, length: 2, scopeIndex: 2},
-        ]
-      },
-    ];
-    highlighter.highlight(fileUri1, highlightingsInLine);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.applicationUriHistory,
-                     [fileUri1Str, fileUri1Str, fileUri2Str, fileUri1Str]);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.getDecorationRanges(fileUri1),
-                     createHighlightingScopeRanges(highlightingsInLine));
-    // Keeps state separate between files.
-    const highlightingsInLine1:
-        semanticHighlighting.SemanticHighlightingLine = {
-      line: 1,
-      tokens: [
-        {character: 2, length: 1, scopeIndex: 0},
-      ]
-    };
-    highlighter.highlight(fileUri2, [highlightingsInLine1]);
-    assert.deepEqual(
-        highlighter.applicationUriHistory,
-        [fileUri1Str, fileUri1Str, fileUri2Str, fileUri1Str, fileUri2Str]);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.getDecorationRanges(fileUri2),
-                     createHighlightingScopeRanges([highlightingsInLine1]));
-    // Does full colorizations.
-    highlighter.highlight(fileUri1, [highlightingsInLine1]);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.applicationUriHistory, [
-      fileUri1Str, fileUri1Str, fileUri2Str, fileUri1Str, fileUri2Str,
-      fileUri1Str
-    ]);
-    // After the incremental update to line 1, the old highlightings at line 1
-    // will no longer exist in the array.
-    assert.deepEqual(
-        highlighter.getDecorationRanges(fileUri1),
-        createHighlightingScopeRanges(
-            [highlightingsInLine1, ...highlightingsInLine.slice(1)]));
-    // Closing a text document removes all highlightings for the file and no
-    // other files.
-    highlighter.removeFileHighlightings(fileUri1);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.getDecorationRanges(fileUri1), []);
-    assert.deepEqual(highlighter.getDecorationRanges(fileUri2),
-                     createHighlightingScopeRanges([highlightingsInLine1]));
-  });