All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.0.4 (2023-03-19)
- api: add cache for book query (a294c78)
- apple: add apple device token to server (76007f2)
- pay: integrated with stripe for payment (67079de)
- profile: add premium badge at profile page (4a2dbd9)
- api: add load more at home at book's clippings (9dd11b0)
- app: add dark mode support (11db621)
- app: add home page (dbc6999)
- app: add storage (f91756e)
- app: add widget and app icon (7cc19da)
- app: init app (144dca6)
- app: init app (2ee6616)
- app: init packages (8d79ae7)
- book: add book page view (d72244f)
- ci: add release (43f28bd)
- deeplink: add deeplink support (6ea260d)
- infra: upgrade to react native 0.71 (7f1a423)
- ios: release new ios version (e74b564)
- profile: add profile (08f8aa0)
- profile: add profile and clipping detail page (93ef0db)
- wenqu: add wenqu (1cb8e43)
- widget: add widget reload fn (48ca1c1)