Install from source:
To be able to use the post-quantization feature of DOSA, our custom version of TVM is required:
Usually, it means the following steps:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules tvm
$ mkdir -p tvm/build
$ cd tvm/build
$ cp ../cmake/config.cmake ./
$ which llvm-config # update config.cmake with the respective llvm path
# maybe add further customations to build/config.cmake, see how-to above
$ cmake ..
$ make -j8
$ sudo make install
Note: GCC 11 is required for a build (C++17 support and bugs in linking).
On RHEL, this requires the following:
# yum install gcc-toolset-11
$ scl enable gcc-toolset-11 "cmake .."
$ scl enable gcc-toolset-11 "make -j 16"
# install....