CDTDatastore uses NSNotificationCenter to raise events for changes in the system.
Events may be fired from any thread. If you're modifying the UI in response to events (e.g., reloading a UITableView), switch to the main thread as you'd usually do, for example using GCD:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
Defined in:
, included inCloudantSync.h
Registration example:
CDTDatastore *datastore = [...];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Object can be nil
or a CDTDatastore instance. In the latter case, only
notifications for that datastore will be delivered to your listener.
Fired when:
- When a document in a datastore is modified (created, updated or deleted).
In the userInfo
dictionary for creating, updating and deleting revisions:
: the new revision of the document.winner
: the current winning revision for the document.
For changes as a result of replication, a field is added to the userInfo
: NSURL of remote database, if added due to replication.
For the -deleteDocumentById:error:
method, which may delete multiple
revisions, in addition to the delete notifications for each revision there
is an addition notification. Its userInfo
dictionary contains:
: an array containing all the deleted revisions.
Listener example:
Notified that a document has been created/updated/deleted.
This method acts on changes to documents with the ID `self.documentToWatch`.
- (void) dbChanged: (NSNotification*)n {
CDTDocumentRevision* rev = (n.userInfo)[@"rev"];
NSString* docID = rev.docId;
if (![docID isEqualToString:self.documentToWatch])
if (rev.deleted) {
// do something
NSDictionary *body = [rev documentAsDictionary];
// Process the current document's content using the
// body dictionary...