Stratos UI provides the feature set outline below. Some of these are illustrated in the Screenshots gallery.
- User authentication using a configured UAA instance
- Two supported personas - Console admins and Console users
- All screen strings are localizable
- See the i18n page for more information
Endpoint Management1
- The ability for an administrator to register one or more Cloud Foundry clusters to be managed through the UI.
- Ability for users to connect to Cloud Foundry clusters with their own credentials so that they receive the correct level of access to these clusters
Applications View
- The ability to view all applications in multiple Cloud Foundry clusters in a single view, either as a grid or list
- Ability to filter the applications shown in numerous ways
- In a specific Cloud Foundry cluster, organization or space
- Matching a specific name or part of name
- Ability to sort applications by Name, Instance Count, Disk Quota, Memory and Creation Date (default)
Application View
- The ability to see the detail for a specific application with a tabbed view providing detailed information:
- Summary Tab - showing key application metadata, instance information, routes and bound services
- Log Stream - providing a live stream of the application log over Web Sockets
- Services - providing the ability to bind services to an application and manage bindings.
- Variables - providing the ability to view, edit, add and delete variables
- Events - showing a paginated view of application events
- SSH - showing an embedded terminal that can be used to SSH into an application instance directly from the browser
- The ability to manage the life-cycle of the application (Stop, Start, Restart, Delete) and view the application
- The ability to rename an application change its memory allocation, scale the number of instances and manage SSH access for the application
- The ability to view CLI help that explains common CLI commands in the context of the current application
- The ability to see the detail for a specific application with a tabbed view providing detailed information:
Add Application
- Allows the user to easily create a new application
Deploy Application
- Allows the user to perform the equivalent of a 'cf push' from the browser - pushing an application from code located in a public GitHub project.
Cloud Foundry View
- Allows users to view Cloud Foundry metadata and quota information and drill down in the Organization and Space structures.
- Administrators can additionally view Feature Flags, Buildpacks, Stacks and Security Groups.
- Administrations can view a streaming log of the Cloud Foundry Firehose.
- Manage users and their roles
- Manage Spaces
- Create, rename and delete spaces
- View the applications, service instances and routes for a given space
- Manage SSH Access for space
- The ability to view CLI help that explains common CLI commands in the context of the current cluster, organization and space
(1): Endpoint Management is disabled by default when the Console is deployed as a Cloud Foundry application.