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Seamless FluentTerminal Integration

Dax T Games edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 12 revisions


FluentTerminal is a terminal emulator based on UWP – i.e. Universal Windows Platform – and built with web-technologies, that can be used as an alternative to ConEmu.

A neat feature of UWP apps in general is that they can leverage the Acrylic effect of Microsoft's Fluent Design, which can produce awesome blurred-behind visuals.

Demo of the Acrylic Terminal Effect

Cmder on FluentTerminal UWP, a transparent terminal for Windows with acryclic effect

FluentTerminal uses xterm.js and is GPU-accelerated.

To run Cmder under FluentTerminal, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the latest release of FluentTerminal: instructions

  2. Save the following file under Monokai.flutecolors on your Desktop:
    📦 Monokai.flutecolors
    Tip: Make sure your filename doesn't end in .txt when you save it.

  3. Follow the instructions in this page to set-up the %CMDER_ROOT% environmental variable
    If you already have a working environment variable, skip this step

  4. Open ⚙ Settings, using Ctrl + , (Control-Comma) hotkey

  5. Navigate to Themes → 🖌 Import, select Monokai.flutecolors from your Desktop,
    then click on ✓ Set Active

  6. Navigate to Profiles → ➕ Create new, and enter the following into the fields:

    • Name: Cmder/Cmd

    • Shell executable location: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

    • Working directory: C:\Users\[Username]
      Tip: Substitute [Username] with your username, e.g.: C:\Users\David.

    • Arguments:

      /k title Cmder/Cmd & "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat"
    • Theme: Monokai

    • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+c or whatever you prefer.

      Tip: So you can launch more tabs.

  7. Click 💾 Save

  8. Click ✓ Set Default

  9. (Optional) In the Terminal tab, reduce the "Background opacity" to around 0.30 for a better effect

  10. Close FluentTerminal, and re-open it.

Optional Profiles

  1. Navigate to Profiles → ➕ Create new, and enter the following into the fields:

  2. Cmder/Bash Profile

    • Name: Cmder/Bash

    • Shell executable location: [CMDER_ROOT]\vendor\git-for-windows\bin\bash.exe Tip: Environment variables will not work to specify the path to Cmder, replace [CMDER_ROOT] with the actual path!

    • Working directory: C:\Users\[Username]
      Tip: Substitute [Username] with your username, e.g.: C:\Users\David.

    • Arguments:

      --login -i
    • Theme: Monokai

    • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+b or whatever you prefer.

      Tip: So you can launch more tabs.

  3. Click 💾 Save

  4. Navigate to Profiles → ➕ Create new, and enter the following into the fields:

  5. Cmder/Profile Profile

    • Name: Cmder/Profile

    • Shell executable location: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe

    • Working directory: C:\Users\[Username]
      Tip: Substitute [Username] with your username, e.g.: C:\Users\David.

    • Arguments:

      -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NoProfile -NoExit -Command "Invoke-Expression '. ''[CMDER_ROOT]\vendor\profile.ps1'''"

      Tip: Environment variables will not work to specify the path to Cmder, replace [CMDER_ROOT] with the actual path!

    • Theme: Monokai

    • Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+p or whatever you prefer.

      Tip: So you can launch more tabs.

  6. Click 💾 Save


Spaces in path

CAUTION: The command line interpreter in Windows has some issues with spaces in the path, such as C:\Program Files (x86)\Cmder. We do not recommended to install Cmder in a path that contains spaces.

The instructions outlined above should work correctly, but in case you are having a problem, please read below.

To avoid any conflicts, it is recommended to install Cmder in a path that does not contain any spaces, such as: C:\apps\Cmder or C:\tools\Cmder.

For more information, please read this comment.


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  • Post a comment on the issue here and mention @DRSDavidSoft for help