diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/shuttles.dm b/code/__DEFINES/shuttles.dm index ab9d0f1bffde..ccdf7748d29f 100644 --- a/code/__DEFINES/shuttles.dm +++ b/code/__DEFINES/shuttles.dm @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ #define MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT2 "ert_pmc_shuttle" #define MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT3 "ert_upp_shuttle" #define MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT4 "ert_twe_shuttle" +#define MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT5 "ert_solar_devils_shuttle" #define MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT_SMALL "ert_small_shuttle_north" #define MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT_BIG "ert_shuttle_big" @@ -116,6 +117,8 @@ #define DROPSHIP_SAIPAN "dropship_saipan" #define DROPSHIP_MORANA "dropship_morana" #define DROPSHIP_DEVANA "dropship_devana" +#define DROPSHIP_MIDWAY "dropship_midway" +#define DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI "dropship_tripoli" #define ALMAYER_DROPSHIP_LZ1 "almayer-hangar-lz1" #define ALMAYER_DROPSHIP_LZ2 "almayer-hangar-lz2" @@ -148,3 +151,4 @@ #define ADMIN_LANDING_PAD_4 "base-ert4" #define ADMIN_LANDING_PAD_5 "base-ert5" #define ADMIN_LANDING_PAD_6 "base-ert6" +#define ADMIN_LANDING_PAD_7 "base-ert7" diff --git a/code/datums/emergency_calls/ert_stations.dm b/code/datums/emergency_calls/ert_stations.dm index 947007d25d70..acda4f5117e9 100644 --- a/code/datums/emergency_calls/ert_stations.dm +++ b/code/datums/emergency_calls/ert_stations.dm @@ -21,3 +21,6 @@ /datum/lazy_template/fax_response_base map_name = "fax_responder_base" + +/datum/lazy_template/ert/solar_devils_station + map_name = "solar_devils_ert_station" diff --git a/code/datums/emergency_calls/solar_devils.dm b/code/datums/emergency_calls/solar_devils.dm index dd2a1d7b7950..c54ef88f50a3 100644 --- a/code/datums/emergency_calls/solar_devils.dm +++ b/code/datums/emergency_calls/solar_devils.dm @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ name = "USCM Solar Devils (Half Squad)" arrival_message = "This is the Solar Devils of the USCM 2nd Division, responding to your distress beacon. Don't worry, the grown-ups are here to clean up your mess." objectives = "Assist local Marine forces in dealing with whatever issue they can't handle. Further orders may be forthcoming." - home_base = /datum/lazy_template/ert/uscm_station + home_base = /datum/lazy_template/ert/solar_devils_station + shuttle_id = MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT5 + name_of_spawn = /obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils probability = 0 mob_min = 3 mob_max = 5 @@ -45,8 +47,10 @@ name = "USCM Solar Devils (Full Squad)" arrival_message = "This is the Solar Devils of the USCM 2nd Division, responding to your distress beacon. Don't worry, the grown-ups are here to clean up your mess." objectives = "Assist local Marine forces in dealing with whatever issue they can't handle. Further orders may be forthcoming." - home_base = /datum/lazy_template/ert/uscm_station - probability = 0 + home_base = /datum/lazy_template/ert/solar_devils_station + shuttle_id = MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT5 + name_of_spawn = /obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils + probability = 10 mob_min = 3 mob_max = 10 @@ -89,3 +93,6 @@ to_chat(mob, SPAN_ROLE_BODY("You are a member of the 3rd Battalion 'Solar Devils', part of the USCM's 2nd Division, 1st Regiment. Unlike most of the USS Almayer's troops, you are well-trained and properly-equipped career marines. Semper Fidelis.")) addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(to_chat), mob, SPAN_BOLD("Objectives: [objectives]")), 1 SECONDS) + +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils + name = "Solar Devils Spawn" diff --git a/code/game/area/Sulaco.dm b/code/game/area/Sulaco.dm index 54e55b8581c7..e0249a738ee9 100644 --- a/code/game/area/Sulaco.dm +++ b/code/game/area/Sulaco.dm @@ -262,6 +262,29 @@ name = "\improper Devana Landing Zone" icon_state = "away2" +//Solar Devils + +/area/shuttle/midway + name = "\improper Dropship Midway" + icon_state = "shuttlered" + base_muffle = MUFFLE_HIGH + soundscape_interval = 30 + is_landing_zone = TRUE + ceiling = CEILING_REINFORCED_METAL + +/area/shuttle/tripoli + name = "\improper Dropship Tripoli" + icon_state = "shuttlered" + base_muffle = MUFFLE_HIGH + soundscape_interval = 30 + is_landing_zone = TRUE + ceiling = CEILING_REINFORCED_METAL + +/area/shuttle/tripoli/Enter(atom/movable/O, atom/oldloc) + if(istype(O, /obj/structure/barricade)) + return FALSE + return TRUE + //DISTRESS SHUTTLES /area/shuttle/distress diff --git a/code/game/area/admin_level.dm b/code/game/area/admin_level.dm index a4d70860d823..343883186d02 100644 --- a/code/game/area/admin_level.dm +++ b/code/game/area/admin_level.dm @@ -142,6 +142,10 @@ soundscape_playlist = SCAPE_PL_ELEVATOR_MUSIC icon_state = "yellow" +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station + name = "USS Golden Arrow" + icon_state = "yellow" + //Fax Responder areas /area/adminlevel/ert_station/fax_response_station name = "Sector Comms Relay" diff --git a/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm b/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm index 3aa6fff72b9a..1526f5b8dd73 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm @@ -919,6 +919,28 @@ firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_SAIPAN +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/midway + name = "\improper 'Midway' weapons controls" + req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MARINE_LEADER, ACCESS_MARINE_DROPSHIP, ACCESS_WY_FLIGHT) + firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/midway/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras" + density = FALSE + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli + name = "\improper 'Tripoli' weapons controls" + req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MARINE_LEADER, ACCESS_MARINE_DROPSHIP, ACCESS_WY_FLIGHT) + firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras" + density = FALSE + /obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/proc/simulate_firemission(mob/living/user) if(!configuration) to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("Configure a firemission before attempting to run the simulation")) diff --git a/code/game/machinery/doors/airlock_types.dm b/code/game/machinery/doors/airlock_types.dm index c3879e707cef..ea8e08ea3c0a 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/doors/airlock_types.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/doors/airlock_types.dm @@ -947,6 +947,9 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/cockpit/upp icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship_upp_pilot.dmi' +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/cockpit/five + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_pilot.dmi' + //PRISON AIRLOCKS /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/prison name = "cell Door" diff --git a/code/game/machinery/doors/multi_tile.dm b/code/game/machinery/doors/multi_tile.dm index f4c32a83566a..14c857c48e12 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/doors/multi_tile.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/doors/multi_tile.dm @@ -332,6 +332,12 @@ name = "\improper Devana cargo door" icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship_upp_cargo.dmi' + +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/ds5 + name = "\improper Midway cargo door" + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_cargo.dmi' + + /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/dropshipside width = 2 diff --git a/code/game/objects/structures/blocker.dm b/code/game/objects/structures/blocker.dm index 82fe44c0e0c4..e2f8633cd0d3 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/structures/blocker.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/structures/blocker.dm @@ -171,3 +171,8 @@ desc = "It is a machine that pumps fuel around the ship." invisibility = 101 mouse_opacity = MOUSE_OPACITY_TRANSPARENT + +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall/directional + name = "directional blocker" + icon_state = "invisible_wall_directional" + flags_atom = ON_BORDER diff --git a/code/game/objects/structures/crane_railing.dm b/code/game/objects/structures/crane_railing.dm new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..507bd1e5fd8b --- /dev/null +++ b/code/game/objects/structures/crane_railing.dm @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks + name = "cargo crane track" + desc = "A track for a cargo crane to move along." + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/cargocrane_tracks.dmi' + icon_state = "vertical" + mouse_opacity = FALSE + layer = INTERIOR_ROOF_LAYER + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/Initialize() + var/image/source_image = image(icon, icon_state = "[icon_state]-s") + source_image.pixel_y = -32 + source_image.plane = FLOOR_PLANE + source_image.layer = ANIMAL_HIDING_LAYER + overlays += source_image + + return ..() + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal + icon_state = "horizontal" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal/endcap1 + icon_state = "horizontal_endcap1" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal/endcap2 + icon_state = "horizontal_endcap2" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical + icon_state = "vertical" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical/endcap2 + icon_state = "vertical_endcap2" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/corner + icon_state = "corner" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint + icon_state = "t-joint" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint2 + icon_state = "t-joint2" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint3 + icon_state = "t-joint3" + +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/cross + icon_state = "cross" diff --git a/code/game/objects/structures/props.dm b/code/game/objects/structures/props.dm index 2a25eb1ccd65..68f22684ba47 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/structures/props.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/structures/props.dm @@ -1181,3 +1181,8 @@ if(initial(emote.sound)) playsound(loc, initial(emote.sound), 50, FALSE) return TRUE + +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/joey/normal + name = "Working Joe" + desc = "A Seegson-brand Working Joe, stored in the synthetic maintenance station to be called upon whenever you need. If only you had the keys." + icon_state = "joe" diff --git a/code/game/objects/structures/roof.dm b/code/game/objects/structures/roof.dm index 46981ed550cb..604b38e519cb 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/structures/roof.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/structures/roof.dm @@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ /obj/effect/roof_node //used for observing if mob is near the roof name = "roof_node" anchored = TRUE + icon = 'icons/landmarks.dmi' + icon_state = "roof_node" mouse_opacity = MOUSE_OPACITY_TRANSPARENT invisibility = 101 unacidable = TRUE diff --git a/code/game/turfs/closed.dm b/code/game/turfs/closed.dm index 214b02d2ca9e..f9a3c608528b 100644 --- a/code/game/turfs/closed.dm +++ b/code/game/turfs/closed.dm @@ -313,6 +313,14 @@ /turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/transparent opacity = FALSE +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli + name = "\improper Tripoli" + icon = 'icons/turf/dropship.dmi' + icon_state = "1" + +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent + opacity = FALSE + /turf/closed/shuttle/twe_dropship name = "\improper UD4-UK" icon = 'icons/turf/twedropship.dmi' @@ -351,6 +359,14 @@ /turf/closed/shuttle/upp_dropship2/transparent opacity = FALSE +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway + name = "\improper Midway" + icon = 'icons/turf/dropship5.dmi' + icon_state = "1" + +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent + opacity = FALSE + /turf/closed/shuttle/escapepod name = "wall" icon = 'icons/turf/escapepods.dmi' diff --git a/code/game/turfs/floor_types.dm b/code/game/turfs/floor_types.dm index 954150b3954f..4ca056d181da 100644 --- a/code/game/turfs/floor_types.dm +++ b/code/game/turfs/floor_types.dm @@ -1718,33 +1718,6 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/southeast dir = SOUTHEAST -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth - icon_state = "floor_edge_smooth" - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/north - dir = NORTH - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/south - dir = SOUTH - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/east - dir = EAST - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/west - dir = WEST - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/west - dir = NORTHEAST - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/west - dir = NORTHWEST - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/west - dir = SOUTHEAST - -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth/west - dir = SOUTHWEST - /turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2 icon_state = "floor_edge_smooth2" @@ -1775,6 +1748,114 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/west dir = WEST +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge + icon_state = "floor_edge" + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth + icon_state = "floor_edge_smooth" + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner + icon_state = "floor_edge_smooth_corner" + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right + icon_state = "floor_edge_smooth2" + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left + icon_state = "floor_edge_smooth3" + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north + dir = NORTH + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east + dir = EAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west + dir = WEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/north + dir = NORTH + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/east + dir = EAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west + dir = WEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/north + dir = NORTH + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/east + dir = EAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/west + dir = WEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southwest + dir = SOUTHWEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north + dir = NORTH + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east + dir = EAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northeast + dir = NORTHEAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southeast + dir = SOUTHEAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west + dir = WEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northwest + dir = NORTHWEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest + dir = SOUTHWEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north + dir = NORTH + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east + dir = EAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast + dir = NORTHEAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast + dir = SOUTHEAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west + dir = WEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest + dir = NORTHWEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down + icon_state = "logo_directional1" + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/southwest + dir = SOUTHWEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/north + dir = NORTH + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/east + dir = EAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/northeast + dir = NORTHEAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/southeast + dir = SOUTHEAST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/west + dir = WEST + +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/northwest + dir = NORTHWEST + // ends here for now /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono @@ -1961,6 +2042,9 @@ icon_state = "logo_c" name = "\improper USCM Logo" +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/north + dir = NORTH + /turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional icon_state = "logo_directional" diff --git a/code/game/turfs/transit.dm b/code/game/turfs/transit.dm index 682bedc2cee6..08e1677f5de3 100644 --- a/code/game/turfs/transit.dm +++ b/code/game/turfs/transit.dm @@ -276,6 +276,14 @@ shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_DEVANA dir = SOUTH +/turf/open/space/transit/dropship/midway + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY + dir = SOUTH + +/turf/open/space/transit/dropship/tripoli + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + dir = SOUTH + /turf/open/space/transit/south dir = SOUTH diff --git a/code/modules/almayer/machinery.dm b/code/modules/almayer/machinery.dm index d670700aaf98..4303db56255b 100644 --- a/code/modules/almayer/machinery.dm +++ b/code/modules/almayer/machinery.dm @@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/hangar/dropship_part_fabricator -/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC - name = "personal desktop" - desc = "A small computer hooked up into the ship's computer network." - icon_state = "terminal1" /obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer name = "systems computer" @@ -54,6 +50,22 @@ icon_state = initial(icon_state) icon_state += "0" +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC + name = "personal desktop" + desc = "A small computer hooked up into the ship's computer network." + icon_state = "terminal1" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC/large + icon_state = "largecomp" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC/large/dark + icon_state = "largecomp_dark" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/midway_weapon_console + name = "\improper 'Midway' weapons controls" + desc = "A computer to manage equipment, weapons and simulations installed on the dropship. This one is inactive, however." + icon_state = "cameras_old" + /obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/NavCon name = "NavCon" desc = "Navigational console for plotting course and heading of the ship. Since the AI calculates all long-range navigation, this is only used for in-system course corrections and orbital maneuvers. Don't touch it!" @@ -118,6 +130,101 @@ minimap_type = MINIMAP_FLAG_WY faction = FACTION_PMC + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table + name = "map table" + desc = "A large flat map table used for planning operations. It's large enough it can even be used as a proper table." + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props96.dmi' + icon_state = "maptable" + layer = TABLE_LAYER + light_system = STATIC_LIGHT + light_color = "#DAE2FF" + light_power = 1 + light_range = 2.5 + light_pixel_x = 16 + light_pixel_y = 32 + bound_width = 64 + bound_height = 96 + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/attackby(obj/item/attacking_item, mob/user, click_data) + if(!user.drop_inv_item_to_loc(attacking_item, loc)) + return + + auto_align(attacking_item, click_data) + user.next_move = world.time + 2 + return TRUE + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/proc/auto_align(obj/item/new_item, click_data) + if(!new_item.center_of_mass) // Clothing, material stacks, generally items with large sprites where exact placement would be unhandy. + new_item.pixel_x = rand(-new_item.randpixel, new_item.randpixel) + new_item.pixel_y = rand(-new_item.randpixel, new_item.randpixel) + new_item.pixel_z = 0 + return + + if(!click_data) + return + + if(!click_data["icon-x"] || !click_data["icon-y"]) + return + + // Calculation to apply new pixelshift. + var/mouse_x = text2num(click_data["icon-x"])-1 // Ranging from 0 to 31 + var/mouse_y = text2num(click_data["icon-y"])-1 + + var/cell_x = clamp(floor(mouse_x/CELLSIZE), 0, CELLS-1) // Ranging from 0 to CELLS-1 + var/cell_y = clamp(floor(mouse_y/CELLSIZE), 0, CELLS-1) + + var/list/center = cached_key_number_decode(new_item.center_of_mass) + + new_item.pixel_x = (CELLSIZE * (cell_x + 0.5)) - center["x"] + new_item.pixel_y = (CELLSIZE * (cell_y + 0.5)) - center["y"] + new_item.pixel_z = 0 + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal + icon_state = "h_maptable" + bound_width = 96 + bound_height = 64 + light_pixel_x = 32 + light_pixel_y = 16 + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/update_icon() + ..() + + overlays.Cut() + + if(!(stat & NOPOWER)) + var/image/source_image = image(src.icon, icon_state = "[icon_state]_e") + overlays += emissive_appearance(source_image.icon, source_image.icon_state) + overlays += mutable_appearance(source_image.icon, source_image.icon_state) + light_power = 1 + else return + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/maptable.dmi' + icon_state = "h_maptable1" + bound_width = 32 + bound_height = 32 + light_pixel_x = 0 + light_pixel_y = 0 + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/one + icon_state = "h_maptable1" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/two + icon_state = "h_maptable2" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/three + icon_state = "h_maptable3" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/four + icon_state = "h_maptable4" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/five + icon_state = "h_maptable5" + +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/six + icon_state = "h_maptable6" + //Nonpower using props /obj/structure/prop/almayer @@ -183,6 +290,18 @@ unslashable = TRUE unacidable = TRUE +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/whiteboard + name = "\improper whiteboard" + desc = "A blank white surface where thoughts turn to plans. It's blank, all of the markers having dried out from the constant inappropriate drawings." + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props64.dmi' + icon_state = "whiteboard" + bound_width = 64 + +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/whiteboard/clear + name = "\improper glass whiteboard" + desc = "Despite what the name implies, this whiteboard is not actually white and instead is a clear pane of glass. Why anyone would want you to see through a whiteboard remains one of the top mysteries as of 2182." + icon_state = "whiteboard_clear" + /obj/structure/prop/almayer/particle_cannon name = "\improper 75cm/140 Mark 74 General Atomics railgun" desc = "The Mark 74 Railgun is top of the line for space-based weaponry. Capable of firing a round with a diameter of 3/4ths of a meter at 24 kilometers per second. It also is capable of using a variety of round types which can be interchanged at any time with its newly designed feed system." @@ -246,8 +365,26 @@ /obj/structure/prop/almayer/cannon_cable_connector/bullet_act() return +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/ai_wallmonitor + name = "AI interface wall monitor" + desc = "A monitor embedded into the wall, providing detailed readouts of various different systems." + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "ai_wallmonitor" + density = FALSE + pixel_y = 32 + layer = ABOVE_OBJ_LAYER + mouse_opacity = MOUSE_OPACITY_TRANSPARENT + +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/ai_wallmonitor/east + icon_state = "ai_wallmonitor_e" + pixel_x = 32 + pixel_y = 0 +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/ai_wallmonitor/west + icon_state = "ai_wallmonitor_w" + pixel_x = -32 + pixel_y = 0 diff --git a/code/modules/dropships/attach_points/templates.dm b/code/modules/dropships/attach_points/templates.dm index 04041a25c0f0..a5cc5ac481a7 100644 --- a/code/modules/dropships/attach_points/templates.dm +++ b/code/modules/dropships/attach_points/templates.dm @@ -203,6 +203,88 @@ transverse = 3 long = 0 +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/left_wing + name = "port wing weapon attach point" + icon_state = "equip_base_l_wing" + attach_id = 1 + dir = WEST + firing_arc_min = -3 + firing_arc_max = 3 + transverse = -3 + long = 0 + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/left_fore + name = "port fore weapon attach point" + attach_id = 2 + dir = NORTH + firing_arc_min = -6 + firing_arc_max = 0 + transverse = 0 + long = 0 + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/right_fore + name = "starboard fore weapon attach point" + attach_id = 3 + dir = NORTH + firing_arc_min = 0 + firing_arc_max = 6 + transverse = 0 + long = 0 + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/right_wing + name = "starboard wing weapon attach point" + icon_state = "equip_base_r_wing"; + attach_id = 4 + dir = EAST + firing_arc_min = -3 + firing_arc_max = 3 + transverse = 3 + long = 0 + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/left_wing + name = "port wing weapon attach point" + icon_state = "equip_base_l_wing" + attach_id = 1 + dir = WEST + firing_arc_min = -3 + firing_arc_max = 3 + transverse = -3 + long = 0 + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/left_fore + name = "port fore weapon attach point" + attach_id = 2 + dir = NORTH + firing_arc_min = -6 + firing_arc_max = 0 + transverse = 0 + long = 0 + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/right_fore + name = "starboard fore weapon attach point" + attach_id = 3 + dir = NORTH + firing_arc_min = 0 + firing_arc_max = 6 + transverse = 0 + long = 0 + +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/right_wing + name = "starboard wing weapon attach point" + icon_state = "equip_base_r_wing"; + attach_id = 4 + dir = EAST + firing_arc_min = -3 + firing_arc_max = 3 + transverse = 3 + long = 0 + /obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon name = "crew compartment attach point" base_category = DROPSHIP_CREW_WEAPON @@ -237,6 +319,12 @@ /obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/dropship_upp2/floor plane = FLOOR_PLANE +/obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/midway + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY + +/obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/tripoli + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + /obj/effect/attach_point/electronics name = "electronic system attach point" base_category = DROPSHIP_ELECTRONICS @@ -258,6 +346,12 @@ /obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/dropship_upp2 ship_tag = DROPSHIP_DEVANA +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/midway + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY + +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/tripoli + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + /obj/effect/attach_point/fuel name = "engine system attach point" icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/dropship/dropship_equipment64.dmi' @@ -279,6 +373,11 @@ /obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/dropship_upp2 ship_tag = DROPSHIP_DEVANA +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/midway + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY + +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/tripoli + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI /obj/effect/attach_point/computer base_category = DROPSHIP_COMPUTER @@ -294,3 +393,9 @@ /obj/effect/attach_point/computer/dropship_upp ship_tag = DROPSHIP_MORANA + +/obj/effect/attach_point/computer/tripoli + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + +/obj/effect/attach_point/computer/midway + ship_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY diff --git a/code/modules/projectiles/ammo_boxes/round_boxes.dm b/code/modules/projectiles/ammo_boxes/round_boxes.dm index 16aa0f95ba91..5ee052d5f5b7 100644 --- a/code/modules/projectiles/ammo_boxes/round_boxes.dm +++ b/code/modules/projectiles/ammo_boxes/round_boxes.dm @@ -95,6 +95,20 @@ /obj/item/ammo_box/rounds/smg/heap/empty empty = TRUE +//----------------10x28mm Ammunition Boxes (for Smartguns)------------------ + +/obj/item/ammo_box/rounds/smartgun + name = "\improper smartgun ammunition box (10x28mm)" + desc = "A 10x28mm ammunition box. Used to refill smartgun drum magazines. It comes with a leather strap that allows you to wear it on your back." + overlay_content = "_reg" + default_ammo = /datum/ammo/bullet/smartgun + caliber = "10x28mm" + bullet_amount = 1000 + max_bullet_amount = 1000 + +/obj/item/ammo_box/rounds/smartgun/empty + empty = TRUE + //----------------5.45x39mm Ammunition Boxes (for UPP Type71 family)------------------ /obj/item/ammo_box/rounds/type71 diff --git a/code/modules/shuttle/computer.dm b/code/modules/shuttle/computer.dm index a34819e4aa6c..bfd1b5522897 100644 --- a/code/modules/shuttle/computer.dm +++ b/code/modules/shuttle/computer.dm @@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ /// if the ERT that used this shuttle has returned home var/mission_accomplished = FALSE +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/ert/midway + name = "Midway Navigation Computer" + desc = "A flight computer that can be used for autopilot or long-range flights. This one appears to have autopilot enabled" + icon_state = "cameras_old" + density = FALSE + /obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/ert/broken name = "nonfunctional shuttle control console" disabled = TRUE diff --git a/code/modules/shuttle/computers/dropship_computer.dm b/code/modules/shuttle/computers/dropship_computer.dm index 355b68a579de..ad4694fb9971 100644 --- a/code/modules/shuttle/computers/dropship_computer.dm +++ b/code/modules/shuttle/computers/dropship_computer.dm @@ -648,6 +648,10 @@ is_remote = TRUE can_change_shuttle = TRUE +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/dropship/flight/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras_old" + /obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/dropship/flight/remote_control icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' icon_state = "shuttle" diff --git a/code/modules/shuttle/dropship.dm b/code/modules/shuttle/dropship.dm index 1f078c27327a..bc869ebeb217 100644 --- a/code/modules/shuttle/dropship.dm +++ b/code/modules/shuttle/dropship.dm @@ -546,3 +546,43 @@ /obj/structure/shuttle/part/twe_cosmetic1/transparent opacity = FALSE + +// Midway + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway + name = "\improper Midway" + icon = 'icons/turf/dropship5.dmi' + icon_state = "1" + opacity = TRUE + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent + opacity = FALSE + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent/nosecone + desc = "Part of the nose assembly of the UD-4 Cheyenne. Contains the forward sensor complex." + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/gunpod_prop + name = "\improper Midway" + desc = "The nose of a UD-4 Cheyenne dropship. Contains the AESA radar system and the chin-mounted powered gunpod containing the GAU-113/B 25mm rotary autocannon with a 900 round drum. Sadly, it's seen better days, and isn't activated." + icon = 'icons/turf/dropship5.dmi' + icon_state = "101a" + opacity = FALSE + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli + name = "\improper Tripoli" + icon = 'icons/turf/dropship.dmi' + icon_state = "1" + opacity = TRUE + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent + opacity = FALSE + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent/nosecone + desc = "Part of the nose assembly of the UD-4 Cheyenne. Contains the forward sensor complex." + +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/gunpod_prop + name = "\improper Tripoli" + desc = "The nose of a UD-4 Cheyenne dropship. Contains the AESA radar system and the chin-mounted powered gunpod containing the GAU-113/B 25mm rotary autocannon with a 900 round drum. Sadly, it's seen better days, and isn't activated." + icon = 'icons/turf/dropship.dmi' + icon_state = "101a" + opacity = FALSE diff --git a/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/dropship.dm b/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/dropship.dm index 6a4053ce5464..a82ab665d94e 100644 --- a/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/dropship.dm +++ b/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/dropship.dm @@ -155,6 +155,28 @@ /obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/devana/get_transit_path_type() return /turf/open/space/transit/dropship/devana +/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/midway + name = "Midway" + id = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY + width = 9 + height = 18 + dwidth = 4 + dheight = 8 + +/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/midway/get_transit_path_type() + return /turf/open/space/transit/dropship/midway + +/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/tripoli + name = "Tripoli" + id = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + width = 9 + height = 18 + + dwidth = 4 + dheight = 8 + +/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/tripoli/get_transit_path_type() + return /turf/open/space/transit/dropship/tripoli /obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/check() . = ..() @@ -367,4 +389,10 @@ name = "Devana" shuttle_id = DROPSHIP_DEVANA +/datum/map_template/shuttle/midway + name = "Midway" + shuttle_id = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY +/datum/map_template/shuttle/tripoli + name = "Tripoli" + shuttle_id = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI diff --git a/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/ert.dm b/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/ert.dm index 74ecdbabefb2..0755a10f5c51 100644 --- a/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/ert.dm +++ b/code/modules/shuttle/shuttles/ert.dm @@ -195,10 +195,35 @@ if(!starboard_door) WARNING("No starboard door found for [src]") +// ERT Shuttle 5 + +/obj/docking_port/mobile/emergency_response/ert5 + name = "Midway (Distress)" + id = MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT5 + width = 9 + height = 16 + preferred_direction = SOUTH + port_direction = NORTH + var/port_door + +/obj/docking_port/mobile/emergency_response/ert5/Initialize(mapload) + . = ..() + external_doors = list() + for(var/place in shuttle_areas) + for(var/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/ds5/air in place) + if(air.id == "port_door") + air.breakable = FALSE + air.explo_proof = TRUE + air.unacidable = TRUE + external_doors += list(air) + port_door = air + if(!port_door) + WARNING("No port door found for [src]") + // Generic ERT Dock /obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response - width = 7 - height = 13 + width = 9 + height = 16 var/is_external = FALSE var/lockdown_on_land = FALSE @@ -219,7 +244,6 @@ dir = NORTH id = "almayer-ert1" - /obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/port2 name = "Almayer port landing pad" dir = NORTH @@ -339,6 +363,14 @@ id = ADMIN_LANDING_PAD_6 roundstart_template = /datum/map_template/shuttle/response_ert +/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/Garrow_port + name = "Golden Arrow Landing Pad 1" + dir = NORTH + id = ADMIN_LANDING_PAD_7 + width = 9 + height = 16 + roundstart_template = /datum/map_template/shuttle/ert5 + /datum/map_template/shuttle/response_ert name = "Response Shuttle" shuttle_id = MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT1 @@ -355,6 +387,10 @@ name = "TWE Shuttle" shuttle_id = MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT4 +/datum/map_template/shuttle/ert5 + name = "Midway (distress)" + shuttle_id = MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT5 + /datum/map_template/shuttle/small_ert name = "Rescue Shuttle" shuttle_id = MOBILE_SHUTTLE_ID_ERT_SMALL diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/seats.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/seats.dm index 6f3773547bac..9ab293ba936b 100644 --- a/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/seats.dm +++ b/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/seats.dm @@ -443,6 +443,57 @@ if(EXPLOSION_THRESHOLD_MEDIUM to INFINITY) break_seat() + +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit + name = "cockpit seat" + desc = "A sturdy metal chair with a brace that lowers over your body. Holds you in place during high altitude drops." + icon_state = "vehicle_seat" + can_rotate = FALSE + +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/afterbuckle(mob/M) + if(buckled_mob) + if(buckled_mob != M) + return + icon_state = initial(icon_state) + "_buckled" + overlays += chairbar + + if(buckle_offset_x != 0) + mob_old_x = M.pixel_x + M.pixel_x = buckle_offset_x + if(buckle_offset_y != 0) + mob_old_y = M.pixel_y + M.pixel_y = buckle_offset_y + + ADD_TRAIT(buckled_mob, TRAIT_UNDENSE, BUCKLED_TRAIT) + else + icon_state = initial(icon_state) + overlays -= chairbar + + if(buckle_offset_x != 0) + M.pixel_x = mob_old_x + mob_old_x = 0 + if(buckle_offset_y != 0) + M.pixel_y = mob_old_y + mob_old_y = 0 + + REMOVE_TRAIT(M, TRAIT_UNDENSE, BUCKLED_TRAIT) + + handle_rotation() + +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/pilot + name = "pilot seat" + +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/pilot/handle_rotation() + if(dir == NORTH) + layer = ABOVE_MOB_LAYER + else + layer = BELOW_MOB_LAYER + if(buckled_mob) + buckled_mob.setDir(dir) + +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/copilot + name = "co-pilot seat" + // White chairs /obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/white diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/vehicle_locker.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/vehicle_locker.dm index feb0f76c5538..cccd34f7cc32 100644 --- a/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/vehicle_locker.dm +++ b/code/modules/vehicles/interior/interactable/vehicle_locker.dm @@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ unslashable = TRUE explo_proof = TRUE + var/has_role_restriction = TRUE var/list/role_restriction = list(JOB_TANK_CREW, JOB_WO_CREWMAN, JOB_UPP_CREWMAN, JOB_PMC_CREWMAN) var/obj/item/storage/internal/container - + var/base_icon /obj/structure/vehicle_locker/Initialize() . = ..() + base_icon = icon_state container = new(src) container.storage_slots = null container.max_w_class = SIZE_MEDIUM @@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ if (!ishuman(H) || H.is_mob_restrained()) return - if(!role_restriction.Find(H.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(H.job)) to_chat(H, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return @@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ if(user.get_active_hand()) return ..() - if(!role_restriction.Find(user.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(user.job)) to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return TRUE @@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ return if(user.is_mob_incapacitated()) return - if(!role_restriction.Find(user.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(user.job)) to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return if (container.handle_mousedrop(user, over_object)) @@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ return if(!istype(user)) return - if(!role_restriction.Find(user.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(user.job)) to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return return container.attackby(W, user) @@ -127,12 +129,12 @@ //Cosmetically opens/closes the locker when its storage window is accessed or closed. Only makes sound when not already open/closed. /obj/structure/vehicle_locker/on_pocket_open(first_open) if(first_open) - icon_state = "locker_open" + icon_state = "[initial(icon_state)]_open" playsound(src.loc, 'sound/handling/hinge_squeak1.ogg', 25, TRUE, 3) /obj/structure/vehicle_locker/on_pocket_close(watchers) if(!watchers) - icon_state = "locker" + icon_state = "[initial(icon_state)]" playsound(src.loc, "toolbox", 25, TRUE, 3) /obj/structure/vehicle_locker/tank @@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ return if(!istype(user)) return - if(!role_restriction.Find(user.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(user.job)) to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return if(istype(W, /obj/item/storage/surgical_tray)) @@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ if(user.get_active_hand()) return ..() - if(!role_restriction.Find(user.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(user.job)) to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return TRUE @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ return if(user.is_mob_incapacitated()) return - if(!role_restriction.Find(user.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(user.job)) to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return if(!has_tray) @@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ if(H.is_mob_incapacitated()) return - if(!role_restriction.Find(H.job)) + if(has_role_restriction && !role_restriction.Find(H.job)) to_chat(H, SPAN_WARNING("You cannot access \the [name].")) return @@ -304,3 +306,47 @@ update_icon() H.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[H] installs \the [tray] into \the [src]."), SPAN_NOTICE("You install \the [tray] into \the [src].")) + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet + name = "cabinet" + desc = "A cabinet securely fastened to the wall, capable of storing a variety of smaller items." + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi' + icon_state = "cabinet" + layer = ABOVE_MOB_LAYER + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/Initialize() + . = ..() + container = new(src) + container.storage_slots = 12 + container.max_w_class = SIZE_TINY + container.w_class = SIZE_MASSIVE + container.use_sound = null + container.bypass_w_limit = list( + /obj/item/reagent_container/glass, + /obj/item/reagent_container/food, + /obj/item/tool/kitchen, + ) + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/cups + name = "cups cabinet" + has_role_restriction = FALSE + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/cups/Initialize() + . = ..() + for(var/i in 1 to 12) + new /obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine(container) + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/cups/flip + icon_state = "cabinet2" + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/utensils + name = "utensils cabinet" + has_role_restriction = FALSE + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/utensils/Initialize() + . = ..() + for(var/i in 1 to 12) + new /obj/item/tool/kitchen/utensil/fork(container) + +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/utensils/flip + icon_state = "cabinet2" diff --git a/colonialmarines.dme b/colonialmarines.dme index 91c3b274e52a..9368a21f8fcb 100644 --- a/colonialmarines.dme +++ b/colonialmarines.dme @@ -1345,6 +1345,7 @@ #include "code\game\objects\structures\cargo_container.dm" #include "code\game\objects\structures\catwalk.dm" #include "code\game\objects\structures\coathanger.dm" +#include "code\game\objects\structures\crane_railing.dm" #include "code\game\objects\structures\curtains.dm" #include "code\game\objects\structures\desertdam.dm" #include "code\game\objects\structures\displaycase.dm" diff --git a/icons/landmarks.dmi b/icons/landmarks.dmi index a4d293a12eb0..a2a2ea15af4a 100644 Binary files a/icons/landmarks.dmi and b/icons/landmarks.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_cargo.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_cargo.dmi new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ccb76504d946 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_cargo.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_pilot.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_pilot.dmi new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1bdb60471d2b Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/structures/doors/dropship5_pilot.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi index 1addcecb0639..91b1f4ed40eb 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi and b/icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/machinery/vending_32x64.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/machinery/vending_32x64.dmi new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f0effb4676dd Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/structures/machinery/vending_32x64.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi index a43ad6fe68ac..3f952f60de65 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi and b/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props64.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props64.dmi index 894a6d9bb0c3..96396e572f43 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props64.dmi and b/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props64.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props96.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props96.dmi index 9e92d36d027f..6318a8ff90e8 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props96.dmi and b/icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props96.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/props/cargocrane_tracks.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/props/cargocrane_tracks.dmi new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5f14d99d39b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/structures/props/cargocrane_tracks.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/props/maptable.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/props/maptable.dmi new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..409b08763488 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/obj/structures/props/maptable.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/structures/props/props.dmi b/icons/obj/structures/props/props.dmi index 57485feeaecc..cbcebcb9f5c8 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/structures/props/props.dmi and b/icons/obj/structures/props/props.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/turf/dropship.dmi b/icons/turf/dropship.dmi index e4261344ebba..bb5cefcfba59 100644 Binary files a/icons/turf/dropship.dmi and b/icons/turf/dropship.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/turf/dropship5.dmi b/icons/turf/dropship5.dmi new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..08faa99ca69b Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/turf/dropship5.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/turf/dropship5_side.dmi b/icons/turf/dropship5_side.dmi new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d0d5e5245df Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/turf/dropship5_side.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/turf/walls/almayer.dmi b/icons/turf/walls/almayer.dmi index 8f5d8693595a..395bb64f6d93 100644 Binary files a/icons/turf/walls/almayer.dmi and b/icons/turf/walls/almayer.dmi differ diff --git a/maps/map_files/USS_Almayer/USS_Almayer.dmm b/maps/map_files/USS_Almayer/USS_Almayer.dmm index cf01818b589b..56d18ca123d0 100644 --- a/maps/map_files/USS_Almayer/USS_Almayer.dmm +++ b/maps/map_files/USS_Almayer/USS_Almayer.dmm @@ -482,9 +482,21 @@ /obj/structure/window/reinforced/toughened, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"abl" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + pixel_y = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/shipboard/port_point_defense) "abm" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "abn" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 4 @@ -492,6 +504,9 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_f_p) "abo" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) +"abp" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 1; icon_state = "pipe-c" @@ -499,14 +514,35 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"abp" = ( +"abq" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) +"abr" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "S" }, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"abq" = ( +"abs" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) +"abt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"abu" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ pixel_y = 28 }, @@ -516,7 +552,16 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"abr" = ( +"abv" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) +"abw" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/hull, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) +"abx" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ pixel_y = 28 }, @@ -526,16 +571,13 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"abs" = ( -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, -/area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"abt" = ( +"aby" = ( /obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ pixel_y = 28 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"abu" = ( +"abz" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/distribution_pipes{ pixel_y = 32 }, @@ -545,21 +587,23 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"abv" = ( +"abA" = ( /obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ pixel_y = 28 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"abw" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/hull, -/turf/open/floor/plating, +"abB" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"abx" = ( +"abC" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"aby" = ( +"abD" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ pixel_y = 34 }, @@ -576,35 +620,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"abz" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ - pixel_y = 25 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"abA" = ( -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) -"abB" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"abC" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) -"abD" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "abE" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/living/basketball) @@ -631,11 +646,14 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "abI" = ( -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "abJ" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "abK" = ( /obj/structure/desertdam/decals/road_edge{ pixel_x = 16 @@ -651,68 +669,38 @@ dir = 2 }, /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - id_tag = "souexit2"; - name = "\improper Treatment Center"; - req_access = null - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "southtreatcenter2"; - name = "\improper South Treatment Center Shutters" + name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; + req_access = null; + req_one_access = null }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "abM" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "southtreatcenter2"; - name = "\improper South Treatment Center Shutters" - }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "abN" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "abO" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_y = 2; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "abP" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or1privacyshutter"; - name = "Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = -22 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, /area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "abQ" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Operation Theatre 4 Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Operation Theatre 4"; - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, /area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "abR" = ( /obj/item/tank/phoron, @@ -732,84 +720,135 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, /area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) "abV" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or2privacyshutter"; - name = "Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = -22 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) -"abW" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docstripingdir"; - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + id_tag = "souexit2"; + name = "\improper Treatment Center"; + req_access = null }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ id = "southtreatcenter2"; - name = "\improper South Treatment Center Shutters"; - pixel_y = 6; - req_one_access_txt = "19"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = -25 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "souexit2"; - name = "Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_x = -25; - pixel_y = -3 + name = "\improper South Treatment Center Shutters" }, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"abX" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair{ - dir = 1 +"abW" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "southtreatcenter2"; + name = "\improper South Treatment Center Shutters" }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/small, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"abX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "abY" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"abZ" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "medicalemergency"; - name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ + pixel_x = -1 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "MedicalDistriShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; - dir = 4 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +"abZ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 1 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/plating, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, /area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "aca" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire{ + pixel_x = 12; + pixel_y = 6 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire{ + pixel_x = 12; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/head/welding{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/head/welding{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/head/welding{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/tool/weldingtool{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/tool/weldingtool{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/stack/cable_coil{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/item/stack/cable_coil{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire{ + pixel_x = 12; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv{ + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv{ + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv{ + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, /area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "acb" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/toxin{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 6 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/toxin{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 6 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/toxin{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2{ + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2{ + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2{ + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, /area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "acc" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/security{ @@ -830,13 +869,23 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop/hangar) "ace" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_10"; + pixel_y = 12 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = -21; + pixel_y = 7 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = -21; + pixel_y = -7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "acf" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, @@ -846,14 +895,15 @@ icon_state = "E"; pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ach" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 2; pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aci" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ @@ -992,15 +1042,12 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/red, /area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) "act" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or1privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "acu" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -1017,10 +1064,12 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) "acw" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/optable, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "acx" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) @@ -1040,96 +1089,93 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) "acB" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; - name = "Surgery Cleaner"; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 5 +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) -"acC" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/optable, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) -"acD" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"acE" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -1 }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 36 }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -8 +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"acC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"acF" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ + stored_metal = 125 }, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = -28; + pixel_x = -1 }, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"acD" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = -18 }, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"acE" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or1privacyshutter"; + name = "Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = -22 }, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"acF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Operation Theatre 3 Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Operation Theatre 3"; + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 16 }, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ + pixel_y = -28; + pixel_x = -1 }, -/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ - pixel_y = -5 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"acG" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Operation Theatre 4 Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Operation Theatre 4"; + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 16 }, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/bonegel/empty{ - pixel_y = 11 +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ + pixel_y = -28; + pixel_x = -1 }, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/bonegel/empty{ - layer = 3.01; - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 11 +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 }, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/bonegel/empty{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 11 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) -"acG" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump/on, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "acH" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_y = 26 +/obj/structure/sink{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = -18 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/south, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "acI" = ( /obj/structure/desertdam/decals/road_edge{ pixel_x = -12 @@ -1141,21 +1187,14 @@ /turf/open/floor/wood/ship, /area/almayer/living/basketball) "acJ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ - freerange = 1; - name = "General Listening Channel"; - pixel_y = 28; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/intercom{ - pixel_y = 28; - pixel_x = 26 +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or2privacyshutter"; + name = "Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = -22 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/south, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "acK" = ( /obj/structure/desertdam/decals/road_edge{ pixel_x = 2 @@ -1195,35 +1234,56 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southwest, /area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) "acO" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out"; +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ + stored_metal = 125 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = -28; pixel_x = -1 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "acP" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - dir = 4; - pixel_y = 2 +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docstripingdir"; + dir = 1 }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "southtreatcenter2"; + name = "\improper South Treatment Center Shutters"; + pixel_y = 6; + req_one_access_txt = "19"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = -25 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "souexit2"; + name = "Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_x = -25; + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "acQ" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/aft_hallway) "acR" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docstripingdir"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = 32 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "acS" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -1237,25 +1297,51 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) "acT" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/storage/box/rxglasses{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 15 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +/obj/item/storage/box/rxglasses{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "acU" = ( /obj/structure/closet/basketball, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/basketball) "acV" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_y = 2; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "acW" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -1290,21 +1376,19 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "ada" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - pixel_x = -1; - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = -30 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +/obj/structure/machinery/recharge_station, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "adb" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"adc" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ dir = 4; id = "medicalemergency"; @@ -1315,27 +1399,9 @@ name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; dir = 4 }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) -"adc" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Medical Storage Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Medical Storage"; - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 22 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - dir = 4; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "add" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) @@ -1344,53 +1410,53 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_aft_hallway) "adf" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/lifesaver/full, -/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/lifesaver/full, -/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/lifesaver/full, -/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/full{ - pixel_y = 5 +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = -30; + pixel_x = -1 }, -/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/full{ - pixel_y = 5 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/box/syringes{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 8 }, -/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/full{ - pixel_y = 5 +/obj/item/storage/box/gloves{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 8 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - dir = 8; - name = "ship-grade camera" +/obj/item/storage/box/syringes{ + pixel_x = -7 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/obj/item/storage/box/masks{ + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, /area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adg" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adh" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/closet/firecloset{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adi" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = -27 +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adj" = ( /obj/effect/step_trigger/teleporter_vector{ name = "Almayer_Down1"; @@ -1403,51 +1469,58 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/stair_clone/upper/starboard_aft) "adk" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adl" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ + name = "\improper Medical Storage Room"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;8"; + req_one_access = null + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adm" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ dir = 2 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"adn" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 14 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; - pixel_x = -5; - pixel_y = 10 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"adn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ado" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; pixel_x = 1 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - dir = 8; - name = "ship-grade camera" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "adp" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 1; + id = "med1" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "adq" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, @@ -1457,111 +1530,83 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "ads" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or1privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 1; + id = "med2" }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "adt" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or3entshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ - dir = 2; - name = "Operating Theatre 3"; - id_tag = "or03" +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "adu" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) "adv" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or4entshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ - dir = 2; - name = "Operating Theatre 4"; - id_tag = "or04" + id = "or1privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "adw" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "adx" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right{ - pixel_y = 6 +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8; + id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "ady" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/effect/landmark/map_item, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) +/obj/structure/machinery/optable, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "adz" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "MedicalDistriShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "adA" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ - climbable = 0 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; + name = "Surgery Cleaner"; + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 3 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "MedicalDistriShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; - dir = 2 +/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 5 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "adB" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or2privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or1privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "adC" = ( /obj/structure/surface/rack, /obj/item/stock_parts/manipulator/nano{ @@ -1584,14 +1629,19 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/basketball) "adE" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; + name = "Surgery Cleaner"; + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 3 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 5 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "adF" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 1; @@ -1606,47 +1656,51 @@ /turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) "adH" = ( -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) -"adI" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/line_nexter/med{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +"adI" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/optable, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +"adJ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ dir = 8; - layer = 3.1 + id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) -"adJ" = ( -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "adK" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "adL" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ - pixel_x = 4; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) -"adM" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docdecal1"; +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or2privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +"adM" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "adN" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical{ + name = "\improper Debilitated's Storage"; + req_one_access = null; + req_access = null }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "adO" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, @@ -1656,10 +1710,16 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "adQ" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "adR" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/generic{ @@ -1673,60 +1733,210 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "adS" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 8 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "adT" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"adU" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"adV" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 12 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket{ + pixel_x = 2; + pixel_y = 3 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"adW" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 4 +/obj/item/tool/mop{ + pixel_x = -13; + pixel_y = 26 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"adX" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/working_joe{ dir = 8; - pixel_x = 18 + pixel_x = 18; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"adU" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/syringe_case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/bonegel/empty{ + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/bonegel/empty{ + layer = 3.01; + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/bonegel/empty{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +"adV" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump/on, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +"adW" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +"adX" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/reagentgrinder{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adY" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = -15 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller/medevac{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "adZ" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/recharger{ + pixel_y = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aea" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ @@ -1736,10 +1946,11 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "aeb" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aec" = ( /obj/structure/closet/firecloset, @@ -1761,8 +1972,11 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/basketball) "aeg" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aeh" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ @@ -1780,56 +1994,63 @@ /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) "aek" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 10 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/south, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ael" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "aem" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair{ - dir = 8 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/east, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/intercom{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = 26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/south, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aen" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "pipe-c" - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 6 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aeo" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "aep" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/airmix) "aeq" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; pixel_y = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "aer" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -1837,54 +2058,49 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "aes" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 - }, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NW-out"; - layer = 2.5; - pixel_y = 2 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "aet" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) "aeu" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "pipe-j2" +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "aev" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "N"; pixel_y = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "aew" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/curtain/open/medical{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "aex" = ( /obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/beer{ pixel_x = 6; @@ -1893,19 +2109,16 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) "aey" = ( -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_y = -1; - pixel_x = 1 + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera"; - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "aez" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -1926,20 +2139,25 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) "aeD" = ( -/obj/effect/landmark/start/field_doctor, -/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/field_doctor, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "aeE" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/hull, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) "aeF" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair{ - dir = 8 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = 1 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "aeG" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ pixel_x = -30 @@ -2026,17 +2244,18 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) "aeS" = ( -/obj/item/device/megaphone{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ - climbable = 0 +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + pixel_x = -1; + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "aeT" = ( /obj/structure/stairs{ dir = 1 @@ -2049,20 +2268,18 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, /area/almayer/stair_clone/upper/port_aft) "aeU" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aeV" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ - pixel_y = 2 +/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aeW" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -2107,73 +2324,123 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) "afc" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "cryocell1decal" +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/storage/box/sprays{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 7 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afd" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "cryocell2deval" +/obj/item/storage/box/lights/mixed{ + pixel_x = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afe" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "cryocell3decal" +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + pixel_x = -6 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"aff" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ +"afd" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/shipboard/stern_point_defense) +"afe" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "medicalemergency"; + name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "MedicalDistriShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/autodoc{ - pixel_y = 2 +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +"aff" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Medical Storage Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Medical Storage"; + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 22 }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/autodoc{ - pixel_x = 38 +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "afg" = ( /obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ - pixel_x = 32 +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical{ + pixel_x = -1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "afh" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_x = 32 +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/lifesaver/full, +/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/lifesaver/full, +/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/lifesaver/full, +/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/full{ + pixel_y = 5 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right{ - pixel_y = 6 +/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/full{ + pixel_y = 5 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/item/storage/belt/medical/full{ + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + dir = 8; + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "afi" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ - climbable = 0 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/recharger{ + pixel_y = 4 }, -/obj/item/desk_bell{ - anchored = 1; - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 10; - ring_cooldown_length = 10 +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ - pixel_x = 6 +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/window/eastleft{ - dir = 8 +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "afj" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/portable_atmospherics/canister/empty, /turf/open/floor/engine, @@ -2182,63 +2449,65 @@ /turf/open/floor/engine, /area/almayer/engineering/airmix) "afl" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ - dir = 8 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "afm" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer_hull/outerhull_dir/southeast, /area/space) "afn" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera"; +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afo" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/firecloset{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" + icon_state = "S" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afp" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "cryotop" +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"afo" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/cap/hidden, -/obj/structure/machinery/cryo_cell{ - layer = 4; - density = 1; - pixel_y = 4; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = -27 }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = 4; - layer = 2.3 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"afp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ + pixel_y = 3 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) -"afq" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/cap/hidden, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "cryotop" +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or03"; + name = "Surgery Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 26 }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = 4; - layer = 2.3 +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or3entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = 26; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = -5 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/cryo_cell{ - layer = 4; - density = 1; - pixel_y = 4; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"afq" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "afr" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/northwest, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) @@ -2249,51 +2518,50 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/living/basketball) "aft" = ( -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 4; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = 4; - layer = 2.3 - }, -/obj/structure/dispenser/oxygen{ - throwpass = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 3 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/cap/hidden, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) -"afu" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afv" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"afu" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ + pixel_y = 2 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afw" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_x = -25 +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) +"afv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ + pixel_y = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afx" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_x = 32 +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "ship-grade camera" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/corpsman{ +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +"afw" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ pixel_y = 3 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +"afx" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "afy" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 8 @@ -2301,134 +2569,67 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "afz" = ( -/obj/effect/landmark/start/doctor, -/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/doctor, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 3 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afA" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; + icon_state = "E"; pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"afB" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/crate/medical{ - name = "medical crate (roller beds)" - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or04"; + name = "Surgery Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = 26 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or4entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = 26; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = 5 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +"afA" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = 28 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) +"afB" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "afC" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ - climbable = 0 - }, -/obj/item/clock{ - pixel_y = 10 - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/item/prop/flower_vase/bluewhiteflowers{ - pixel_y = -5; - pixel_x = -8; - layer = 3.04 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "afD" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "tc01"; - name = "North Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_y = 28; - req_one_access = list(8,19) - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Lower Medical Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Main Medbay Reception"; - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 12 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "medicalemergency"; - name = "Medbay Lockdown"; - pixel_y = 1; - req_one_access_txt = "2;3;12;19"; - pixel_x = 6 - }, -/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ - pixel_y = 7; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/pen{ - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/pen{ - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 2 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 14 }, -/obj/item/tool/pen{ - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = -3 +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = 10 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) "afE" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/vending/dinnerware, /obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ @@ -2503,21 +2704,22 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/starboard_atmos) "afR" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ - pixel_y = 2 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) "afS" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + dir = 8; + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "afT" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 1 @@ -2536,52 +2738,44 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) "afU" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - name = "\improper Cryosleep Storage Room"; - req_one_access = null; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20" +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 6 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9; - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "MedicalDistriShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; + pixel_y = -7; + req_one_access_txt = "19;8"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = 6 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"afV" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_x = 1; - pixel_y = 1 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) +"afV" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "afW" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "medicalemergency"; - name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "Hangar Lockdown"; - name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical{ + pixel_x = -1 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "afX" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/maint, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/starboard) "afY" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "afZ" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/blue{ dir = 8 @@ -2589,11 +2783,64 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) "aga" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 9 +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/device/helmet_visor/medical/advanced{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/device/helmet_visor/medical/advanced{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/device/helmet_visor/medical/advanced{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "agb" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, /obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/bloodsoup{ @@ -2609,156 +2856,281 @@ /turf/open/floor/carpet, /area/almayer/living/commandbunks) "agd" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/reception{ - pixel_x = 33; - pixel_y = 6 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = -31; + pixel_x = -4 }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ - pixel_y = -8; - pixel_x = 33 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/structure/closet/crate/medical{ - name = "medical crate (roller beds)" +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -7 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "age" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/reception{ - pixel_x = -32; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "agf" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/north, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "agg" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = 28 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 5 +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecaltopleft"; + pixel_x = 19 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"agh" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = 28 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"agh" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "tc02"; + name = "Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_y = 10; + pixel_x = -31 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agi" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + layer = 3.33; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + layer = 3.33; + pixel_x = 2 }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "S"; - pixel_y = -1 + layer = 3.3 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ + pixel_x = -13; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agj" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/reinforced, /area/almayer/living/commandbunks) "agk" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or1privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out"; - pixel_y = -1 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "agl" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or3entshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ + dir = 2; + name = "Operating Theatre 3"; + id_tag = "or03" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "agm" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or2privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_y = -1; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "agn" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or4entshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ + dir = 2; + name = "Operating Theatre 4"; + id_tag = "or04" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "ago" = ( -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agp" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/med_cryo{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gel_refiller, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/cryo{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = -7 + }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agq" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ @@ -2782,16 +3154,12 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) "agt" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = 28; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right{ + pixel_y = 6 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agu" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) @@ -2814,29 +3182,52 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/squads/req) "agw" = ( -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/effect/landmark/map_item, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) "agx" = ( -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_y = -30; - pixel_x = 8 +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_x = 36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "agy" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "MedicalDistriShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "agz" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ + climbable = 0 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "MedicalDistriShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "agA" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ @@ -2845,61 +3236,75 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/living/basketball) "agB" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor/solid{ - dir = 1; - name = "\improper Medical Locker Room"; - req_one_access = null; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20" - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "MedicalDistriShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; + dir = 2 }, /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "agC" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 + dir = 5 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "agD" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/medical_crew{ - pixel_x = 26; - density = 0 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"agE" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ - pixel_x = 36 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"agE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"agF" = ( -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"agG" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 1; + dir = 4; icon_state = "pipe-c" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) -"agH" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, +"agF" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docdecal2"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"agG" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + dir = 2; + id_tag = "tc02"; + name = "\improper Treatment Center"; + req_access = null + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"agH" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, @@ -2914,13 +3319,14 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/northwest, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) "agJ" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "pipe-y" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agK" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 1 @@ -2928,18 +3334,15 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/north, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) "agL" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 + dir = 9 }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docdecal1"; - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-y" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agM" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/unary/outlet_injector{ dir = 8; @@ -2952,162 +3355,118 @@ /turf/open/floor/engine, /area/almayer/engineering/airmix) "agN" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/curtain/open/medical{ + pixel_x = -1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agO" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) "agP" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 10 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 2; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agQ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "agR" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/vending/cigarette/koorlander{ - pixel_x = -1 +/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ + pixel_y = -27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/three{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -27 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) -"agS" = ( /obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ icon_state = "triagedecalbottomright" }, -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = 28 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_y = 2; - pixel_x = 1 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"agS" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecaldir" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agT" = ( /turf/open/floor/prison/kitchen, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "agU" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "tc01"; - name = "Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_y = -5; - pixel_x = -31 +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecalbottomleft" }, -/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medivend, -/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/med{ - density = 1; - pixel_y = 11 +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or3entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = -24; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agV" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "agW" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - layer = 3.33; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - layer = 3.3 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - layer = 3.33; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S"; - layer = 3.3 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ - pixel_x = -13; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) +/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agX" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or3privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = -30 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "agY" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "agZ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or1entshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ - dir = 2; - name = "Operating Theatre 1"; - id_tag = "or01" +/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aha" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or2entshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or4entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = -24; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15 }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ - dir = 2; - name = "Operating Theatre 2"; - id_tag = "or02" +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecalbottomright" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahb" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ + pixel_y = -27; + pixel_x = 15 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/sign/safety/four{ + pixel_y = -27 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecalbottomleft" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahc" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, @@ -3116,17 +3475,8 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "ahd" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ - pixel_x = 32 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahe" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, @@ -3143,21 +3493,11 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/starboard_atmos) "ahg" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; - pixel_x = 10; - pixel_y = 22 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ - pixel_x = 10; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/medical_diagnostics_manual{ - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 6 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahh" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -3170,143 +3510,119 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/powered) "ahj" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + name = "\improper Cryosleep Storage Room"; + req_access = null; + req_one_access = null; dir = 1 }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/hybrisa/coffee_machine{ - pixel_y = 12; - desc = "The faithful squire of a large majority of medical practitioners: The coffee machine." - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ - pixel_y = 6; - pixel_x = -11 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup/uscm{ - pixel_y = -1; - pixel_x = -2 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ - pixel_x = -13 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahk" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/medical_crew{ - pixel_x = 26; - density = 0 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/obj/effect/landmark/start/professor, +/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/cmo, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahl" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "medicalemergency"; - name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "ChemistryShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +/obj/effect/landmark/start/doctor, +/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/doctor, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahm" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/medbay{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/bluespace, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) "ahn" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-y" + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer, +/area/almayer/squads/req) "aho" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "ahp" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer, +/area/almayer/squads/req) "ahq" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ - pixel_y = 2 +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = -17 }, -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = 28 +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/up/almayer{ + dir = 8; + id = "almayerlink_morgue1_req" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/west, +/area/almayer/squads/req) "ahr" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/vending/walkman, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/almayer/shipboard/stern_point_defense) "ahs" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump/on, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"aht" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = 28 + }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"aht" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahu" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/marinemed, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/north, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahv" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ - freerange = 1; - name = "General Listening Channel"; - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/line_nexter/med{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/intercom{ - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = 26 +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 8; + layer = 3.1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/north, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahw" = ( -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahx" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or3privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahy" = ( /obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ freerange = 1; @@ -3326,54 +3642,39 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) "ahA" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out"; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahB" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 28 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahC" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 2; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docdecal1"; + dir = 4 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahD" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - pixel_x = -1; - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S"; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahE" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahF" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 6 +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahG" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/engineering{ dir = 2; @@ -3386,40 +3687,31 @@ /area/almayer/engineering/starboard_atmos) "ahH" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 + dir = 8 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahI" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ - req_one_access = null; - name = "\improper Chemistry Laboratory"; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20" - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahJ" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/engineering/starboard_atmos) "ahK" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "pipe-j2" - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahL" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/souto/diet/lime{ @@ -3429,44 +3721,45 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_a_s) "ahM" = ( -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 1; - id = "med3" +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahN" = ( /obj/structure/flora/bush/ausbushes/ywflowers, /turf/open/floor/grass, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) "ahO" = ( -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 1; - id = "med4" +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahP" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/optable, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahQ" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; - name = "Surgery Cleaner"; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 5 +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = 18 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ahR" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -3478,19 +3771,19 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/north, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "ahT" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/optable, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/up/almayer{ + dir = 2; + id = "almayerlink_med1_req" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/squads/req) "ahU" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 8; - id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "ahV" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ dir = 1 @@ -3498,59 +3791,53 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/north, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "ahW" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) -"ahX" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"ahY" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"ahX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "medicalemergency"; + name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/prop{ - desc = "It's the heavy-duty black polymer kind. Time to take out the trash!"; - icon = 'icons/obj/janitor.dmi'; - icon_state = "trashbag_full"; - name = "trash bag"; - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 17 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "Hangar Lockdown"; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" }, -/obj/item/prop{ - desc = "It's the heavy-duty black polymer kind. Time to take out the trash!"; - icon = 'icons/obj/janitor.dmi'; - icon_state = "trashbag_full"; - name = "trash bag"; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 3 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; + req_access = null; + req_one_access = null }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"ahY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ahZ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aia" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/west, /area/almayer/living/officer_study) "aib" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/south, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aic" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/north, @@ -3569,16 +3856,11 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) "aif" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "or3privacyshutter"; - name = "Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = 25; - pixel_x = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aig" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, /obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp, @@ -3599,22 +3881,12 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "aii" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Operation Theatre 2 Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Operation Theatre 2"; - pixel_y = 12 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 8 }, -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 30 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/east, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aij" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ dir = 8; @@ -3626,68 +3898,28 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/east, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "aik" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "or4privacyshutter"; - name = "Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = 25 +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ail" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docstripingdir" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "northtreatcenter2"; - name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters"; - pixel_y = -2; - req_one_access_txt = "19"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = -25 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "nortexit2"; - name = "Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_x = -25; - pixel_y = 7 +/obj/structure/sign/safety/reception{ + pixel_x = -32; + pixel_y = -6 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aim" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/item/tool/portadialysis{ - pixel_x = -3; - pixel_y = 11 - }, -/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/surg_vest/blue/equipped, -/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/surg_vest/equipped, -/obj/item/prop{ - desc = "A blood bag with a hole in it. The rats must have gotten to it first."; - icon = 'icons/obj/items/bloodpack.dmi'; - icon_state = "bloodpack"; - name = "blood bag" - }, -/obj/item/prop{ - desc = "A blood bag with a hole in it. The rats must have gotten to it first."; - icon = 'icons/obj/items/bloodpack.dmi'; - icon_state = "bloodpack"; - name = "blood bag" - }, -/obj/item/prop{ - desc = "A blood bag with a hole in it. The rats must have gotten to it first."; - icon = 'icons/obj/items/bloodpack.dmi'; - icon_state = "bloodpack"; - name = "blood bag" +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ain" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ @@ -3696,17 +3928,29 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) "aio" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aip" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ - pixel_y = -30 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/curtain/open/medical{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiq" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/cafeteria_officer) @@ -3720,128 +3964,146 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/west, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "ait" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; - req_access = null; - req_one_access = null +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiu" = ( -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiv" = ( -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-j2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiw" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/starboard_atmos) "aix" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "northtreatcenter2"; - name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - id_tag = "nortexit2"; - name = "\improper Treatment Center"; - req_access = null +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiy" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "northtreatcenter2"; - name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters" +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiz" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/outpatient{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiA" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiB" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/obj/structure/curtain/open/medical{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiC" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiD" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiE" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/obj/effect/landmark/start/field_doctor, +/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/field_doctor, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiF" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_y = -32 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/outpatient{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -32 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "northtreatcenter2"; - name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters"; - pixel_y = -20; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/obj/effect/landmark/start/nurse, +/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/nurse, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiG" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right{ + pixel_y = 6 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiH" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) "aiI" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera" +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "aiJ" = ( /obj/effect/step_trigger/teleporter_vector{ name = "Almayer_Down3"; @@ -3851,31 +4113,72 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, /area/almayer/stair_clone/upper/port_fore) "aiK" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"aiL" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = 28 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "Hangar Lockdown"; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"aiM" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"aiN" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = 28 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "medicalemergency"; + name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"aiL" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"aiM" = ( +/obj/item/device/megaphone{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ + climbable = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"aiN" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/faxmachine/uscm/almayer{ + desc = "The not-so-beloved fax machine of the Medical department, for when you need to keep the local newspaper updated with the freshest mortuaries"; + sub_name = "Medical"; + gender = "female"; + radio_alert_tag = ":U"; + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiO" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "tc02"; + name = "South Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_y = -23; + req_one_access = list(8,19) + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiP" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiQ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/faxmachine{ sub_name = "Combat Correspondent"; @@ -3898,38 +4201,34 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, /area/almayer/stair_clone/lower/starboard_fore) "aiS" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"aiT" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"aiU" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 }, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) -"aiV" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ + pixel_y = 2 }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"aiT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "W" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/flasher{ - id = "Containment Cell 5"; - layer = 2.1; - name = "Mounted Flash"; - pixel_y = 30 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"aiU" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden{ + dir = 5 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"aiV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "cryocell1decal" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiW" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 2; @@ -3944,77 +4243,56 @@ /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) "aiY" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "cryocell2deval" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aiZ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ - dir = 1; - name = "ship-grade camera" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "cryocell3decal" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aja" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden{ + dir = 9 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/custom, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajb" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/machinery/autodoc_console{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 1 }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; pixel_x = 1 }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ - dir = 1; - has_wall_divider = 1; - id = "Containment Cell 3"; - layer = 3.2; - name = "Cell 3 Control"; - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -1 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"ajc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "W_Containment Cell 3"; - name = "Containment Lockdown"; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 3; - req_one_access_txt = "19;28" +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/autodoc{ + pixel_y = 2 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) -"ajc" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/up/almayer{ - dir = 2; - id = "almayerlink_med_req" +/obj/structure/sign/safety/autodoc{ + pixel_x = 38 }, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajd" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ + pixel_x = 32 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aje" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 6 @@ -4026,25 +4304,38 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "ajg" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajh" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_x = 32 }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right{ + pixel_y = 6 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aji" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/outpatient{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = -7 + }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "ajj" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/general_equipment) @@ -4062,40 +4353,51 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, /area/almayer/command/cic) "ajn" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "pipe-c" +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera"; + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ajo" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ + climbable = 0 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/obj/item/desk_bell{ + anchored = 1; + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 10; + ring_cooldown_length = 10 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/window/eastleft{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajp" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajq" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_x = 26 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajr" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/optable, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera"; + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajs" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -4103,9 +4405,11 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) "ajt" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aju" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ dir = 1 @@ -4119,86 +4423,94 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) "ajw" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/personal/cabinet{ - req_access_txt = "5" +/obj/structure/pipes/unary/freezer{ + throwpass = 1 }, -/obj/item/clothing/accessory/stethoscope, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 4; + layer = 2.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) "ajx" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, -/obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp{ - pixel_y = 8 +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "cryotop" }, -/obj/item/clothing/glasses/science{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = -3 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/cap/hidden, +/obj/structure/machinery/cryo_cell{ + layer = 4; + density = 1; + pixel_y = 4; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/obj/item/device/flash, -/obj/item/device/megaphone, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 4; + layer = 2.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) "ajy" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/CMO, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/cap/hidden, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "cryotop" + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 4; + layer = 2.3 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cryo_cell{ + layer = 4; + density = 1; + pixel_y = 4; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) "ajz" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/smartfridge/chemistry{ - density = 0; - pixel_y = 16 +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 2 }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 4; + layer = 2.3 }, -/obj/item/storage/box/monkeycubes{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 35 +/obj/structure/dispenser/oxygen{ + throwpass = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/cap/hidden, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) "ajA" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "ajB" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_y = 26; - pixel_x = -8 - }, -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer{ - pixel_y = 16; - pixel_x = 9; - density = 0 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajC" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ - density = 0; - layer = 2.9; - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ - density = 0; - layer = 2.9; - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical{ - pixel_y = 29 + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajD" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ @@ -4214,43 +4526,19 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "ajF" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ - has_wall_divider = 1; - id = "Containment Cell 2"; - layer = 3.2; - name = "Cell 2 Control"; - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "W_Containment Cell 2"; - name = "Containment Lockdown"; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 5; - req_one_access_txt = "19;28" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera"; + dir = 8 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajG" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_x = -25 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajH" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 6 @@ -4264,31 +4552,38 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "ajJ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_x = 32 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/corpsman{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajK" = ( +/obj/effect/landmark/start/doctor, +/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/doctor, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 + icon_state = "S" }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/flasher{ - id = "Containment Cell 1"; - layer = 2.1; - name = "Mounted Flash"; - pixel_y = 30 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner_var1/east, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajL" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +/obj/effect/landmark/start/doctor, +/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/doctor, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajM" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ @@ -4298,66 +4593,155 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/living/offices/flight) "ajN" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "ajO" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 6 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "Hangar Lockdown"; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/senior_officer{ - pixel_y = 19; - density = 0 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "medicalemergency"; + name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"ajP" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; + req_access = null; + req_one_access = null + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/bookcase{ - icon_state = "book-5"; - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 19; - density = 0; - opacity = 0 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"ajP" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/crate/medical{ + name = "medical crate (roller beds)" }, -/obj/item/book/manual/medical_diagnostics_manual, -/obj/item/book/manual/surgery, -/obj/item/book/manual/research_and_development, -/obj/item/book/manual/ripley_build_and_repair, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ajQ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/machinery/crema_switch{ - pixel_x = -23; - req_access_txt = "25"; - pixel_y = 25 +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison{ + climbable = 0 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) -"ajR" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/comdoor/solid{ - name = "\improper Midship Upper Command Ladders" +/obj/item/clock{ + pixel_y = 10 }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/item/prop/flower_vase/bluewhiteflowers{ + pixel_y = -5; + pixel_x = -8; + layer = 3.04 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"ajR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ + pixel_x = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajS" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "tc01"; + name = "North Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_y = 28; + req_one_access = list(8,19) }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Lower Medical Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Main Medbay Reception"; + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "medicalemergency"; + name = "Medbay Lockdown"; + pixel_y = 1; + req_one_access_txt = "2;3;12;19"; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajT" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ dir = 1 @@ -4365,12 +4749,14 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "ajU" = ( -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 2; - id = "med4" +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajV" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 10 @@ -4378,16 +4764,24 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "ajW" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajX" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/southeast, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + name = "\improper Cryosleep Storage Room"; + req_one_access = null; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ajY" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer_hull/outerhull_dir/southwest, /area/space) @@ -4404,36 +4798,41 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/west, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) "akd" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/generic{ - name = "\improper Midship Upper Medical Ladders" - }, /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9; dir = 2 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ake" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "akf" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/redcorner/north, /area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) "akg" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/refridgeration{ - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "medicalemergency"; + name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "Hangar Lockdown"; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "akh" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/east, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) @@ -4443,31 +4842,73 @@ /turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/no_build/ai_silver/east, /area/almayer/command/airoom) "akj" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = -28 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "akk" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"akl" = ( -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/northeast, -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_22"; - pixel_y = 6; - pixel_x = 2 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "akm" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +/obj/structure/sign/safety/reception{ + pixel_x = 33; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ + pixel_y = -8; + pixel_x = 33 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/crate/medical{ + name = "medical crate (roller beds)" + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "akn" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 4 @@ -4487,11 +4928,44 @@ /turf/open/floor/carpet, /area/almayer/living/commandbunks) "akp" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera" +/obj/structure/sign/safety/reception{ + pixel_x = -32; + pixel_y = 7 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akq" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akr" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"aks" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "akt" = ( /obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -4538,6 +5012,17 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"aky" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "akz" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/computer/emails{ @@ -4549,26 +5034,84 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"akB" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "akC" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/reinforced, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) -"akE" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera" +"akD" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet{ - name = "Field Doctor's locker" +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/obj/item/clothing/shoes/marine{ - layer = 4.1 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akF" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/marine/medic, -/obj/item/storage/box/MRE, -/obj/item/device/radio/marine, -/obj/item/clothing/accessory/patch/medic_patch, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akG" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akH" = ( +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical_doctor, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/med_cryo{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/cryo{ + pixel_y = -27 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "akL" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ @@ -4583,31 +5126,161 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/north, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) -"akQ" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ - pixel_y = 27; - pixel_x = 15 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/two{ - pixel_y = 27 +"akM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecaltopleft" +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, +/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, +/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, +/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, +/obj/item/cpr_dummy{ + pixel_y = -1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"akX" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/west, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, -/area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) -"ald" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/red, -/area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) -"alf" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, +"akN" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = 28; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"akO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/line_nexter/med{ + dir = 2; + layer = 4.5 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"akP" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"akR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"akS" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_y = -30; + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"akT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docdecal2"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"akU" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + dir = 2; + id_tag = "tc01"; + name = "\improper Treatment Center"; + req_access = null + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akV" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akW" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akX" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/west, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, +/area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) +"akY" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor/solid{ + dir = 1; + name = "\improper Medical Locker Room"; + req_one_access = null; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"akZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"ala" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/medical_crew{ + pixel_x = 26; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_x = 36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"alc" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"ald" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/red, +/area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) +"ale" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "ChemistryShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"alf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, /obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 4 }, @@ -4624,6 +5297,25 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_m_s) +"ali" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/smartfridge/chemistry, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "ChemistryShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"alj" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "alk" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ dir = 4; @@ -4636,6 +5328,48 @@ }, /turf/closed/wall/almayer/research/containment/wall/purple, /area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"all" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"alm" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-y" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"aln" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docdecal1"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"alo" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "alp" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ pixel_y = -28 @@ -4645,6 +5379,71 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/starboard_hallway) +"alq" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alr" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"als" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/one{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecaltopright" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alt" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecaldir"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alu" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecaltopleft" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or1entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = 28; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = 32 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "alw" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/generic{ dir = 2; @@ -4652,35 +5451,269 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"alx" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or2entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = 28; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecaltopright" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aly" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) -"alD" = ( -/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ - pixel_y = 6; - pixel_x = 7 +"alz" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = 15 }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/tool/pen{ - pixel_x = 5 +/obj/structure/bed/chair, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/two{ + pixel_y = 27 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecaltopleft" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alA" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alB" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"alC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/medical_crew{ + pixel_x = 26; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "alE" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"alF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/cigarette/koorlander{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"alG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/chem_master{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_chem_storage{ + pixel_x = -22 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"alH" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/stool, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"alI" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"alJ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/chem_master{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_chem_storage{ + pixel_x = 37 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"alK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = 32; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "alL" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"alM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "triagedecalbottomright" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = 28 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"alN" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "tc01"; + name = "Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_y = -5; + pixel_x = -31 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medivend, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/med{ + density = 1; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "alO" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"alP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + layer = 3.33; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + layer = 3.33; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ + pixel_x = -13; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) +"alQ" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or3privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "alR" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"alS" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or1entshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ + dir = 2; + name = "Operating Theatre 1"; + id_tag = "or01" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"alT" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or4privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "alU" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/reinforced, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) +"alV" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or2entshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ + dir = 2; + name = "Operating Theatre 2"; + id_tag = "or02" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "alW" = ( /obj/structure/stairs{ dir = 4 @@ -4695,9 +5728,26 @@ "alX" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"alY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "alZ" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"ama" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "amb" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 8; @@ -4712,6 +5762,19 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"amc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "amd" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/vending/cola{ density = 0; @@ -4719,33 +5782,96 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"ame" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; + pixel_x = 10; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ + pixel_x = 10; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/book/manual/medical_diagnostics_manual{ + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"amf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/hybrisa/coffee_machine{ + pixel_y = 12; + desc = "The faithful squire of a large majority of medical practitioners: The coffee machine." + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = -11 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup/uscm{ + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup{ + pixel_x = -13 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "amg" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) "amh" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) -"amk" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" +"ami" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/medical_crew{ + pixel_x = 26; + density = 0 }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ - id = "Containment Cell 1"; - name = "Cell 1 Control"; - pixel_x = 2; - pixel_y = 7; +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"amj" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/storage/box/spec/mortar, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/squads/req) +"aml" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "medicalemergency"; + name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "ChemistryShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "W_Containment Cell 1"; - name = "Containment Lockdown"; - pixel_x = 1; - pixel_y = -4; - req_one_access_txt = "19;28" +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amm" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/medbay{ + pixel_x = -1 }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/bluespace, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amn" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/chemistry{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "amo" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/secure, /obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ @@ -4754,6 +5880,36 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"amp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/medbay{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/bluespace, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amq" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/snack{ + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"amr" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/emcloset{ + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ams" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/computer/atmos_alert{ @@ -4761,18 +5917,56 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop) +"amt" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = -27 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "amu" = ( /obj/structure/surface/rack, /obj/effect/spawner/random/tool, /obj/effect/spawner/random/toolbox, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/s_bow) +"amv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or01"; + name = "Surgery Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -22 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or1entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = -22; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "amw" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northwest, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) "amx" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"amy" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "amz" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, @@ -4780,6 +5974,37 @@ "amA" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"amB" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"amC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + dir = 8; + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"amD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "amE" = ( /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, @@ -4791,6 +6016,15 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) +"amG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "amH" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ dir = 1 @@ -4801,6 +6035,46 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/north, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) +"amJ" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"amK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or02"; + name = "Surgery Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = -22 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "or2entshutter"; + name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = -22; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"amL" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ + pixel_x = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "amM" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/curtain/open/shower{ @@ -4811,6 +6085,97 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/command/intel_bunks) +"amN" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/walkman, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"amO" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amP" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump/on, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amR" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amS" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/reagentgrinder{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/phoron{ + amount = 25; + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"amT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/coffee{ + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/coffee{ + pixel_x = -21 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"amU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"amV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"amW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = -28; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/intercom{ + pixel_y = -28; + pixel_x = 26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "amX" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) @@ -4819,6 +6184,9 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) +"amZ" = ( +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ana" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ pixel_x = -17; @@ -4835,6 +6203,28 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"anb" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or3privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"anc" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "and" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 4; @@ -4849,6 +6239,21 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"ane" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"anf" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "ang" = ( /obj/item/clothing/head/welding{ pixel_y = 6 @@ -4858,75 +6263,295 @@ pixel_x = 8; pixel_y = 32 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_p) -"anm" = ( -/obj/structure/stairs{ - icon_state = "ramptop" +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_p) +"anh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"ani" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"anj" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or4privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or3privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"ank" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anm" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs{ + icon_state = "ramptop" + }, +/obj/effect/step_trigger/teleporter_vector{ + name = "Almayer_Up4"; + vector_x = -19; + vector_y = 104 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, +/area/almayer/stair_clone/lower/port_aft) +"ann" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"ano" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anp" = ( +/obj/structure/flora/bush/ausbushes/var3/ppflowers, +/turf/open/gm/grass/grass1, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"anq" = ( +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"ans" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"ant" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + pixel_x = -1; + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anu" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "or4privacyshutter"; + name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anv" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/machine/bodyscanner, +/obj/item/folded_tent/med{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"anx" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"any" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = -27 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"anz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) +"anA" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"anB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"anC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ + pixel_y = 31; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 21 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "ChemistryShu"; + name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; + pixel_y = 10; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"anD" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"anE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"anF" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/effect/step_trigger/teleporter_vector{ - name = "Almayer_Up4"; - vector_x = -19; - vector_y = 104 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"anG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ + req_one_access = null; + name = "\improper Chemistry Laboratory"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20" }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, -/area/almayer/stair_clone/lower/port_aft) -"anp" = ( -/obj/structure/flora/bush/ausbushes/var3/ppflowers, -/turf/open/gm/grass/grass1, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"anq" = ( -/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ - freerange = 1; - name = "General Listening Channel"; - pixel_y = 28 +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"anr" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"ans" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"anw" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"anH" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-j2" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - unacidable = 1; - unslashable = 1; - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/north, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) -"anz" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -1 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"anI" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 1; + id = "med3" }, -/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier, -/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ - pixel_y = 28 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"anJ" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 1; + id = "med4" }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"anK" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"anL" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8; + id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "anM" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/clipboard, @@ -4935,6 +6560,13 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/random/tool, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) +"anN" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/optable, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "anO" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/west, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) @@ -4943,6 +6575,46 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"anQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"anR" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; + name = "Surgery Cleaner"; + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"anS" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; + name = "Surgery Cleaner"; + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anT" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "anU" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/security{ dir = 2; @@ -4963,57 +6635,180 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"anX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/optable, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8; + id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"anZ" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "aoa" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) +"aob" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "fieldmedequipment"; + name = "\improper Field Medical Equipment Shutters"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical{ + name = "\improper Field Medical Equipment Storage"; + req_one_access = null; + req_one_access_txt = "1;5;39" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"aoc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/spiderling_remains{ + pixel_x = 18; + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"aod" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aoe" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/white, /area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"aof" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aog" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds2/delayone{ dir = 8 }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"aoh" = ( -/obj/structure/morgue/crematorium, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "test_square_smooth" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aoi" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) +"aoj" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2/empty, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2/empty, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"aok" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/prop{ + desc = "It's the heavy-duty black polymer kind. Time to take out the trash!"; + icon = 'icons/obj/janitor.dmi'; + icon_state = "trashbag_full"; + name = "trash bag"; + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 17 + }, +/obj/item/prop{ + desc = "It's the heavy-duty black polymer kind. Time to take out the trash!"; + icon = 'icons/obj/janitor.dmi'; + icon_state = "trashbag_full"; + name = "trash bag"; + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"aol" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/distribution_pipes{ + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/obj/item/book/manual/marine_law{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/book/manual/evaguide{ + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) "aom" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/west, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) -"aop" = ( -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 2; - id = "med3" - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 23; - pixel_y = -28 - }, +"aon" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/chemical, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, +/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/cryoxadone, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/cryoxadone, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/cryoxadone, +/obj/item/reagent_container/dropper, +/obj/item/reagent_container/dropper, +/obj/item/device/mass_spectrometer, +/obj/item/device/mass_spectrometer, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"aoo" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"aoq" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 8 + dir = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/custom, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "aor" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -5021,6 +6816,27 @@ "aos" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"aot" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/transmitter{ + name = "Chemical Laboratory Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Chemistry Laboratory"; + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"aou" = ( +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/custom, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "aov" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -5030,6 +6846,39 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) +"aow" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/sink{ + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = -2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"aox" = ( +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_21"; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = -21; + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/chem_lab{ + pixel_x = -21; + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aoy" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/fire_haz{ pixel_x = 8; @@ -5062,12 +6911,61 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) +"aoB" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "aoC" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ dir = 1 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) +"aoD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"aoE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/south, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"aoF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/south, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"aoG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 36 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"aoH" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ + stored_metal = 125 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "aoI" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southeast, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) @@ -5085,23 +6983,6 @@ dir = 1 }, /area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) -"aoK" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/surface/rack{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/regular{ - pixel_y = -1; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "aoL" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -5115,6 +6996,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"aoO" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + pixel_y = 24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "aoP" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ dir = 1; @@ -5122,9 +7009,71 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"aoQ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "or3privacyshutter"; + name = "Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = 25; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"aoR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Operation Theatre 1 Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Operation Theatre 1"; + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) +"aoS" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Operation Theatre 2 Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Operation Theatre 2"; + pixel_y = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "aoT" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"aoU" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + pixel_y = 24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"aoV" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "or4privacyshutter"; + name = "Privacy Shutters"; + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "aoW" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/portable_atmospherics/powered/pump, /obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ @@ -5142,8 +7091,44 @@ icon_state = "W" }, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"aoY" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ + stored_metal = 125 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) +"aoZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docstripingdir" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "northtreatcenter2"; + name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters"; + pixel_y = -2; + req_one_access_txt = "19"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = -25 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "nortexit2"; + name = "Door Release"; + normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_x = -25; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "apa" = ( /obj/structure/surface/rack, /obj/item/tool/screwdriver, @@ -5151,21 +7136,144 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"apb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ + icon_state = "docstripingdir" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "fieldmedequipment"; + name = "\improper Field Medical Equipment Shutters"; + pixel_y = -6; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = 25; + req_one_access_txt = "1;5;39" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"apc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet{ + name = "Field Doctor's locker" + }, +/obj/item/clothing/shoes/marine{ + layer = 4.1 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/marine/light/vest, +/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/marine/medic, +/obj/item/storage/box/MRE, +/obj/item/device/radio/marine, +/obj/item/clothing/accessory/patch/medic_patch, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"apd" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/tool/portadialysis{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/surg_vest/blue/equipped, +/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/surg_vest/equipped, +/obj/item/prop{ + desc = "A blood bag with a hole in it. The rats must have gotten to it first."; + icon = 'icons/obj/items/bloodpack.dmi'; + icon_state = "bloodpack"; + name = "blood bag" + }, +/obj/item/prop{ + desc = "A blood bag with a hole in it. The rats must have gotten to it first."; + icon = 'icons/obj/items/bloodpack.dmi'; + icon_state = "bloodpack"; + name = "blood bag" + }, +/obj/item/prop{ + desc = "A blood bag with a hole in it. The rats must have gotten to it first."; + icon = 'icons/obj/items/bloodpack.dmi'; + icon_state = "bloodpack"; + name = "blood bag" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ape" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) +"apf" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/storage/box/gloves{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 12 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/masks{ + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/item/roller/surgical, +/obj/item/roller/surgical, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/roller/surgical, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; + name = "Surgery Cleaner" + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ + desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; + name = "Surgery Cleaner" + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ + pixel_x = -16; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "apg" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southwest, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) +"aph" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/crate/trashcart, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/item/trash/chunk, +/obj/item/trash/burger, +/obj/item/trash/buritto, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) "api" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ dir = 1 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"apj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) "apk" = ( /obj/effect/step_trigger/teleporter_vector{ name = "Almayer_Down1"; @@ -5174,15 +7282,56 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/stair_clone/upper/starboard_aft) +"apl" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"apm" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; + req_access = null; + req_one_access = null + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) +"apn" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "apo" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, /obj/structure/machinery/disposal, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"app" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, +/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "apq" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"apr" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "northtreatcenter2"; + name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ + id_tag = "nortexit2"; + name = "\improper Treatment Center"; + req_access = null + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aps" = ( /obj/effect/step_trigger/teleporter_vector{ name = "Almayer_Down2"; @@ -5195,6 +7344,44 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"apu" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "northtreatcenter2"; + name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) +"apv" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/outpatient{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apw" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apx" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apy" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) "apz" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ @@ -5204,6 +7391,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/briefing) +"apA" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) "apB" = ( /obj/structure/surface/rack, /obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/wrapped/booniebars{ @@ -5215,9 +7408,69 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/starboard) +"apC" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apD" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) "apE" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northwest, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"apF" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_y = -32 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/outpatient{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -32 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "northtreatcenter2"; + name = "\improper North Treatment Center Shutters"; + pixel_y = -20; + req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; + throw_range = 15; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apG" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apH" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apI" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) +"apJ" = ( +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/living/offices) +"apK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/living/offices) "apL" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/cell_charger, @@ -5226,19 +7479,37 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"apR" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump/no_boom{ - name = "Secure Reinforced Air Vent" +"apM" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/maint{ + pixel_y = 26 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) -"apS" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/living/offices) +"apN" = ( +/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/port1{ + width = 9 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_point_defense) +"apO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_point_defense) +"apP" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"apQ" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"apT" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "apU" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ dir = 4; @@ -5253,6 +7524,13 @@ dir = 8 }, /area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"apV" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "apW" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/common, /turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, @@ -5283,6 +7561,23 @@ "aqb" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"aqc" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"aqd" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"aqe" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/northeast, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "aqf" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ dir = 4 @@ -5310,6 +7605,21 @@ /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_s) +"aqj" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +"aqk" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +"aql" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) "aqm" = ( /obj/item/bedsheet/brown, /obj/structure/bed, @@ -5343,21 +7653,54 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) +"aqr" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/distribution_pipes{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/intercom{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) "aqs" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "SE-out" }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) +"aqt" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) "aqu" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/weapon_room) +"aqv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/closet/cabinet/hybrisa/metal/alt{ + pixel_x = 1; + name = "morgue cabinet"; + storage_capacity = 100 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aqw" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"aqx" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aqy" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -5375,30 +7718,81 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"aqA" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 2; + id = "med1" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/refridgeration{ + pixel_x = -17; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ + pixel_x = -17; + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "aqB" = ( /obj/structure/blocker/fuelpump, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south1) -"aqF" = ( -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_10" +"aqC" = ( +/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = 7 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/northwest, -/area/almayer/command/cic) -"aqG" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = 5 }, -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 2; - id = "cicladder1" +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"aqD" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "researchlockdownext_windoor"; + name = "Windoor Shutters"; + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 9; + req_access_txt = "28" }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 23; +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = -4 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/biohazard{ pixel_y = -28 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + dir = 1; + id = "researchlockdownext_se_2"; + name = "Window Shutters"; + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 4; + req_access_txt = "28" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, /area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"aqE" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +"aqF" = ( +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_10" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/northwest, +/area/almayer/command/cic) "aqH" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 1; @@ -5427,36 +7821,57 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, /area/almayer/stair_clone/lower/port_aft) +"aqM" = ( +/obj/structure/morgue, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "test_square_smooth" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aqN" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/command/cic) -"aqP" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/research/glass/reinforced{ +"aqO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor/solid{ dir = 1; - id = "Containment Cell 1"; - locked = 1; - name = "\improper Containment Cell 1" + name = "Morgue"; + req_one_access = list(25) }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "Containment Cell 1"; - name = "\improper Containment Cell 1"; - unacidable = 1 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"aqQ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/comdoor/solid{ + name = "\improper Midship Upper Command Ladders" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"aqR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "aqS" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/containment) +"aqT" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aqU" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/reinforced, /area/almayer/command/airoom) @@ -5466,6 +7881,16 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"aqW" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"aqX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = -16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "aqY" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, @@ -5474,9 +7899,47 @@ "aqZ" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/s_stern) +"ara" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "arb" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"arc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 2; + id = "cicladder3" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 23; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"ard" = ( +/obj/structure/morgue, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "test_square_smooth" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"are" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"arf" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/sofa/south/white/left, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "arg" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/paper_bin/uscm, @@ -5522,10 +7985,23 @@ pixel_y = 28 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/command/telecomms) -"arm" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northeast, -/area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +/area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"arm" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northeast, +/area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"arn" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/sofa/south/white, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"aro" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/firecloset, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "arp" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 4 @@ -5554,6 +8030,63 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"art" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"aru" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ + density = 0; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"arv" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"arw" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal/delivery{ + density = 0; + desc = "A pneumatic delivery unit. Sends items to the requisitions."; + icon_state = "delivery_med"; + name = "Requisitions Delivery Unit"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"arx" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "ary" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "SE-out" @@ -5580,6 +8113,69 @@ /obj/item/tool/crowbar, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"arB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large{ + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"arC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/reagentgrinder{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/phoron{ + amount = 25; + pixel_x = 2; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ + pixel_x = -14; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"arD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/flasher{ + id = "Containment Cell 5"; + layer = 2.1; + name = "Mounted Flash"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"arE" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "W_Containment Cell 5"; + name = "\improper Containment Cell 5"; + unacidable = 1; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/research/containment/wall/purple, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "arF" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 1 @@ -5594,6 +8190,31 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"arI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/surface/rack{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/regular{ + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"arJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "arK" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ dir = 8; @@ -5601,6 +8222,60 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northeast, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"arL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ + dir = 1; + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"arM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/custom, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"arN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ + dir = 1; + has_wall_divider = 1; + id = "Containment Cell 3"; + layer = 3.2; + name = "Cell 3 Control"; + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "W_Containment Cell 3"; + name = "Containment Lockdown"; + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 3; + req_one_access_txt = "19;28" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"arO" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/up/almayer{ + dir = 2; + id = "almayerlink_med_req" + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "arP" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ pixel_y = 32 @@ -5611,6 +8286,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/north, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"arQ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/east, +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper, +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "arR" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ pixel_y = 30 @@ -5618,22 +8299,103 @@ /obj/structure/prop/almayer/computers/sensor_computer1, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/northeast, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"arS" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner_var1/containment_corner_variant_2, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "arT" = ( /obj/structure/target{ name = "punching bag" }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/gym) +"arU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/sink{ + pixel_y = 24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner_var1/east, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "arV" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) -"arX" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) +"arW" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "W_Containment Cell 5"; + name = "\improper Containment Cell 5"; + unacidable = 1; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/research/containment/wall/purple{ + dir = 1 + }, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"arY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ + dir = 4; + id = "Containment Cell 5"; + name = "Cell 5 Control"; + pixel_x = 2; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "W_Containment Cell 5"; + name = "Containment Lockdown"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = -4; + req_one_access_txt = "19;28" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"arZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber/no_boom, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asa" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "asc" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/north, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"asd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "ase" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) @@ -5648,6 +8410,95 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"asg" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"ash" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/clipboard{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/transmitter{ + name = "Morgue Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Morgue"; + dir = 8; + pixel_x = 19 + }, +/obj/item/tool/stamp{ + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = 12; + name = "Medical Examiner's rubber stamp" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"asi" = ( +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southwest, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_22"; + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"asj" = ( +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = -16 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Main Research Laboratory Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Main Research Laboratory"; + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = -15 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"ask" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"asl" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/research/glass/reinforced{ + dir = 1; + id = "Containment Cell 5"; + locked = 1; + name = "\improper Containment Cell 5" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "Containment Cell 5"; + name = "\improper Containment Cell 5"; + unacidable = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "asm" = ( /obj/structure/stairs{ dir = 4 @@ -5667,6 +8518,43 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"aso" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/sink{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -14; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asp" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/containment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "asr" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/alpha{ dir = 8 @@ -5674,15 +8562,36 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"asu" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ - dir = 8 +"ass" = ( +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/peppertank{ + pixel_y = 26 }, -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/professor_dummy{ - pixel_y = -30 +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/forensictank{ + pixel_y = 41 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +/turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, +/area/almayer/shipboard/brig/processing) +"ast" = ( +/obj/structure/morgue, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "test_square_smooth" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"asv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "asw" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -5694,16 +8603,102 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"asx" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = -8; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"asy" = ( +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southwest, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"asz" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/north, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "asA" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north2) +"asB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "asE" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ dir = 8 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/repair_bay) +"asF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asG" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/paper_bin/wy{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/biohazard_lockdown{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 21 + }, +/obj/item/clipboard{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/item/paper{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "asH" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/bus/preset_three, /turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, @@ -5739,6 +8734,19 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/southeast, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"asO" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"asP" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "asQ" = ( /obj/structure/surface/rack, /obj/item/device/radio/marine, @@ -5751,14 +8759,42 @@ "asR" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"asS" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "asT" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"asV" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"asW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "asX" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/cargo_guns/squad_prep, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/squads/charlie_delta_shared) +"asY" = ( +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/medical{ + pixel_x = 7; + layer = 2.96; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "asZ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer/ares{ dir = 4; @@ -5776,6 +8812,19 @@ "atc" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/east, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"atd" = ( +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southwest, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/northeast, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"ate" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/east, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/north, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "atf" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/tool/pen, @@ -5785,6 +8834,23 @@ /obj/structure/bed/sofa/vert/grey/top, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) +"ath" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"ati" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"atj" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "atk" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/secure/reinforced, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ @@ -5794,6 +8860,15 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"atl" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "atm" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) @@ -5806,6 +8881,30 @@ /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/staff_officer/armory/shotgun, /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"atp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer/containment{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -2; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "containmentlockdown_S"; + name = "Containment Lockdown"; + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = -12; + req_one_access_txt = "19;28" + }, +/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ + name = "Research Containment Telephone"; + phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; + phone_id = "Research Containment"; + pixel_y = 19; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/fourway/hidden/supply/no_boom, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "atq" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) @@ -5837,6 +8936,19 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"atw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply/no_boom{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "atx" = ( /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/guncabinet/red/cic_armory_shotgun, /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, @@ -5855,9 +8967,74 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"atA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"atB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"atC" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"atD" = ( +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/northeast, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"atE" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/east, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"atF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "containmentlockdown_S"; + name = "Containment Lockdown"; + pixel_y = 28; + req_one_access_txt = "28" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"atG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "atH" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_midship_hallway) +"atI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "atJ" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "NE-out"; @@ -5877,6 +9054,23 @@ "atK" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southwest, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) +"atL" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 12 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "atM" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/northwest, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) @@ -5888,78 +9082,429 @@ icon_state = "N"; pixel_y = 1 }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/command/cic) -"atO" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/east, -/area/almayer/command/cic) -"atP" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - dir = 2; - id = "bot_armory"; - name = "\improper Armory Shutters" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/almayer/command/cic) +"atO" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/east, +/area/almayer/command/cic) +"atP" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 2; + id = "bot_armory"; + name = "\improper Armory Shutters" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/command/cic) +"atQ" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"atR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/optable, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"atS" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/stern) +"atT" = ( +/obj/structure/toilet{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 4; + health = 80 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8; + health = 80 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"atU" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/device/autopsy_scanner{ + pixel_y = 13; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/scalpel, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/hemostat{ + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/circular_saw, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/cautery, +/obj/item/tool/surgery/retractor, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"atV" = ( +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, +/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/northeast, +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_22"; + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"atW" = ( +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + layer = 2.5; + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"atX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/chem_simulator{ + density = 0; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"atY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = -11; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/item/folder/white{ + layer = 2.9; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"atZ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/shower{ + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "containmentlockdown_S"; + name = "Containment Lockdown"; + pixel_x = 26; + pixel_y = -3; + req_one_access_txt = "28" + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8; + health = 80; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"aua" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/research/glass/reinforced{ + dir = 1; + id = "Containment Cell 1"; + locked = 1; + name = "\improper Containment Cell 1" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "Containment Cell 1"; + name = "\improper Containment Cell 1"; + unacidable = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"aub" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"auc" = ( +/obj/effect/step_trigger/clone_cleaner, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "ARES StairsLock"; + name = "ARES Exterior Lockdown" + }, +/obj/effect/step_trigger/ares_alert/access_control, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/no_build/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/command/airoom) +"aud" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal/delivery{ + density = 0; + desc = "A pneumatic delivery unit. Sends items to the requisitions."; + icon_state = "delivery_med"; + name = "Requisitions Delivery Unit"; + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/xenoanalyzer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"aue" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner/east, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"auf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ + id = "Containment Cell 1"; + name = "Cell 1 Control"; + pixel_x = 2; + pixel_y = 7; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "W_Containment Cell 1"; + name = "Containment Lockdown"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = -4; + req_one_access_txt = "19;28" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"aug" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump/no_boom{ + name = "Secure Reinforced Air Vent" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"auh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"aui" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, +/area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"auj" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"auk" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/east, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"aul" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/personal/cabinet{ + req_access_txt = "5" + }, +/obj/item/clothing/accessory/stethoscope, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"aum" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/living/briefing) +"aun" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/glasses/science{ + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/obj/item/device/flash, +/obj/item/device/megaphone, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"auo" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/CMO, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"aup" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier{ + layer = 2.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"auq" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = 33; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) +"aur" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) +"aus" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/rack{ + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/item/storage/xeno_tag_case/full{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/device/camera{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"aut" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/smartfridge/chemistry{ + density = 0; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/monkeycubes{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 35 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"auu" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"auv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer{ + pixel_y = 16; + pixel_x = 9; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"auw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + layer = 2.9; + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 16 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/command/cic) -"atS" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/stern) -"atT" = ( -/obj/structure/toilet{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + layer = 2.9; + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 16 }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 4; - health = 80 +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical{ + pixel_y = 29 }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8; - health = 80 +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) +"aux" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) -"auc" = ( -/obj/effect/step_trigger/clone_cleaner, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "ARES StairsLock"; - name = "ARES Exterior Lockdown" +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 }, -/obj/effect/step_trigger/ares_alert/access_control, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/no_build/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/command/airoom) -"aui" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, -/area/almayer/command/telecomms) -"auj" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) -"aum" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 +/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ + has_wall_divider = 1; + id = "Containment Cell 2"; + layer = 3.2; + name = "Cell 2 Control"; + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 2 }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) -"auu" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "W_Containment Cell 2"; + name = "Containment Lockdown"; + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 5; + req_one_access_txt = "19;28" }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/containment) "auy" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; @@ -5967,6 +9512,14 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"auz" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "auA" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ @@ -5977,6 +9530,53 @@ "auB" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"auC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"auD" = ( +/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ + icon_state = "pottedplant_29"; + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"auE" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = -27 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"auF" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/professor_dummy{ + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"auG" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/storage/box/autoinjectors{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/beakers{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/sprays{ + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "auH" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ id = "tcomms_apc"; @@ -5991,6 +9591,38 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"auI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + unacidable = 1; + unslashable = 1; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/north, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"auJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/flasher{ + id = "Containment Cell 1"; + layer = 2.1; + name = "Mounted Flash"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner_var1/east, +/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) +"auK" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "auL" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/stack/sheet/plasteel{ @@ -6003,14 +9635,50 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"auM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"auN" = ( +/obj/structure/bed, +/obj/item/bedsheet/green, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "auO" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/southeast, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) +"auP" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/senior_officer{ + pixel_y = 19; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "auQ" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"auR" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/bookcase{ + icon_state = "book-5"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 19; + density = 0; + opacity = 0 + }, +/obj/item/book/manual/medical_diagnostics_manual, +/obj/item/book/manual/surgery, +/obj/item/book/manual/research_and_development, +/obj/item/book/manual/ripley_build_and_repair, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "auS" = ( /obj/item/tool/warning_cone, /obj/item/tool/warning_cone, @@ -6045,6 +9713,12 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/maint, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/shipboard/port_point_defense) +"auY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "auZ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -6060,6 +9734,43 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +"avb" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/containment{ + dir = 8; + name = "Research Cameras"; + pixel_y = -2; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/research/main_terminal{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = -16; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = 1; + layer = 2.96 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 2; + id = "cicladder1" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 23; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "avd" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "N"; @@ -6067,6 +9778,108 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) +"ave" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/machinery/crema_switch{ + pixel_x = -23; + req_access_txt = "25"; + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"avf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/generic{ + name = "\improper Bathroom"; + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avg" = ( +/obj/structure/transmitter{ + name = "CMO Office Telephone"; + phone_category = "Offices"; + phone_id = "CMO Office"; + dir = 4; + pixel_x = -19 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/commline_connection{ + pixel_x = -17; + pixel_y = 32 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avh" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) +"avj" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/comdoor/solid{ + name = "\improper Midship Upper Command Ladders" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"avk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) +"avl" = ( +/obj/structure/morgue/crematorium, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "test_square_smooth" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/medical/morgue) +"avm" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 2; + id = "med3" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 23; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avn" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + height = 2; + id = "med4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "avo" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, /area/almayer/powered/agent) @@ -6079,9 +9892,75 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_umbilical) +"avq" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -14; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/mirror{ + pixel_x = -31 + }, +/obj/structure/toilet{ + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avr" = ( +/obj/item/paper_bin/wy{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_y = 4; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/item/tool/stamp/cmo{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 10; + name = "Chief Medical Officer's rubber stamp" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "CMO Shutters"; + name = "Office Shutters"; + req_access_txt = "5"; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "avs" = ( /turf/closed/wall/biodome, /area/almayer/powered/agent) +"avt" = ( +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/item/folder/white, +/obj/item/folder/black, +/obj/item/folder/black, +/obj/item/clipboard, +/obj/item/clipboard, +/obj/item/folder/blue{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "avu" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) @@ -6103,12 +9982,84 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/grass, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) +"avy" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data, +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avz" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"avA" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/cell/high{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/cell/high{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, +/obj/item/cell/high{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/cell/high{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/black_vest/acid_harness, +/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/black_vest/acid_harness, +/obj/item/device/multitool, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "avB" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/redcorner/west, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) "avC" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/powered/agent) +"avD" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) +"avE" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/research{ + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/working_joe{ + pixel_x = -18 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "avF" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "NW-out"; @@ -6130,6 +10081,23 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, /area/almayer/medical/containment) +"avI" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ + layer = 2.4; + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/watertank, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "avJ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/secure/reinforced{ dir = 2; @@ -6138,6 +10106,29 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/powered) +"avK" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +"avL" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/southeast, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) +"avM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/generic{ + name = "\improper Midship Upper Medical Ladders" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "avN" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/processor/preset_two, /turf/open/floor/almayer/tcomms, @@ -6167,6 +10158,15 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southwest, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"avT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "avU" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/start/crew_chief, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -6176,6 +10176,16 @@ /obj/structure/bed/chair, /turf/open/floor/grass, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) +"avX" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "avY" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/command/cic) @@ -6189,12 +10199,40 @@ "awa" = ( /turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, /area/almayer/powered/agent) +"awb" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"awc" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/refridgeration{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "awd" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/reinforced, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) "awe" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) +"awf" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"awg" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) +"awh" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "awi" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 8 @@ -6210,6 +10248,10 @@ "awk" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver, /area/almayer/command/cic) +"awl" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) "awm" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/northwest, /area/almayer/command/cic) @@ -6220,6 +10262,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) +"awo" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ + name = "ship-grade camera" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, +/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "awp" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) @@ -6229,6 +10277,32 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) +"awr" = ( +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/peppertank{ + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/forensictank{ + pixel_y = 41 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/shipboard/brig/armory) +"aws" = ( +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/peppertank{ + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/forensictank{ + pixel_y = 41 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/almayer/shipboard/brig/general_equipment) "awt" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silvercorner/east, /area/almayer/command/cic) @@ -6247,6 +10321,10 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/computer/telecomms/monitor, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) +"aww" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/true_random, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_s) "awx" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/east, /area/almayer/command/telecomms) @@ -6318,30 +10396,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/command/cic) -"awQ" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/cell/high{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 11 - }, -/obj/item/cell/high{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, -/obj/item/cell/high{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 11 - }, -/obj/item/cell/high{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/black_vest/acid_harness, -/obj/item/clothing/accessory/storage/black_vest/acid_harness, -/obj/item/device/multitool, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "awS" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer/open{ @@ -6417,23 +10471,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"axn" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ - layer = 2.4; - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/watertank, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large{ - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "axo" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, @@ -6706,13 +10743,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) -"ayW" = ( -/obj/structure/sink{ - dir = 4; - pixel_x = 11 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "ayX" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/tool/extinguisher, @@ -6721,18 +10751,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"ayZ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "aza" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 @@ -7371,14 +11389,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/east, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_midship_hallway) -"aCw" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aCA" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/white, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -7386,33 +11396,6 @@ "aCC" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, /area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"aCD" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer{ - dir = 4; - pixel_x = -16 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"aCR" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "containmentlockdown_S"; - name = "Containment Lockdown"; - pixel_y = 28; - req_one_access_txt = "28" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "aCX" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -7651,9 +11634,6 @@ "aEg" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) -"aEi" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aEj" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/marine/pilot, @@ -7757,12 +11737,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"aFa" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "aFe" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "S" @@ -8036,17 +12010,6 @@ "aGZ" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluefull, /area/almayer/living/numbertwobunks) -"aHa" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aHe" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) @@ -8240,48 +12203,12 @@ /obj/structure/flora/bush/ausbushes/var3/fullgrass, /turf/open/floor/grass, /area/almayer/living/starboard_garden) -"aIC" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 10 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large{ - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "aID" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 1 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) -"aIP" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_display/research_cell{ - dir = 4; - id = "Containment Cell 5"; - name = "Cell 5 Control"; - pixel_x = 2; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "W_Containment Cell 5"; - name = "Containment Lockdown"; - pixel_x = 1; - pixel_y = -4; - req_one_access_txt = "19;28" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "aIQ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/command/reinforced{ @@ -8709,48 +12636,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/cic) -"aLS" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/clipboard{ - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ - pixel_x = -5 - }, -/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ - pixel_y = 6; - pixel_x = 7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/pen{ - pixel_x = 5 - }, -/obj/structure/transmitter{ - name = "Morgue Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Morgue"; - dir = 8; - pixel_x = 19 - }, -/obj/item/tool/stamp{ - pixel_x = -5; - pixel_y = 12; - name = "Medical Examiner's rubber stamp" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "aLT" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/squads/alpha) "aLW" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_point_defense) -"aLZ" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/sofa/south/white, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "aMd" = ( /obj/structure/filingcabinet/seeds{ density = 0; @@ -9006,17 +12897,6 @@ "aNW" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/redcorner, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/starboard_hallway) -"aNY" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "aOd" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, /area/almayer/medical/containment) @@ -9567,26 +13447,6 @@ /obj/item/storage/box/drinkingglasses, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/captain_mess) -"aRF" = ( -/obj/structure/bed, -/obj/item/bedsheet/green, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"aRJ" = ( -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 2; - id = "med1" - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/refridgeration{ - pixel_x = -17; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ - pixel_x = -17; - pixel_y = -8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "aRK" = ( /obj/structure/ladder{ height = 2; @@ -9755,24 +13615,6 @@ "aSJ" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/red, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"aSO" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docstripingdir" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "fieldmedequipment"; - name = "\improper Field Medical Equipment Shutters"; - pixel_y = -6; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = 25; - req_one_access_txt = "1;5;39" - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ - pixel_x = 32; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aTa" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ @@ -10498,12 +14340,6 @@ /obj/structure/safe/cl_office, /turf/open/floor/wood/ship, /area/almayer/command/corporateliaison) -"aYQ" = ( -/obj/structure/sink{ - pixel_y = 24 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "aYR" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, @@ -10567,15 +14403,6 @@ /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/watertank, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/p_stern) -"aZK" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "aZL" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "W" @@ -10692,12 +14519,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_f_p) -"bbd" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "bbe" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 8 @@ -10865,51 +14686,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"bcz" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/chemical, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/cryoxadone, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/cryoxadone, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/cryoxadone, -/obj/item/reagent_container/dropper, -/obj/item/reagent_container/dropper, -/obj/item/device/mass_spectrometer, -/obj/item/device/mass_spectrometer, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/large, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"bcA" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/custom, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"bcC" = ( -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/custom, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"bcD" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "pipe-c" - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "bcE" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/gear/engi, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -10925,16 +14701,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/squads/bravo) -"bcL" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out"; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "bcM" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ pixel_x = 8; @@ -10942,50 +14708,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"bcR" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Operation Theatre 1 Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Operation Theatre 1"; - pixel_x = -5; - pixel_y = 12 - }, -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 30 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) -"bcV" = ( -/obj/structure/largecrate/machine/bodyscanner, -/obj/item/folded_tent/med{ - pixel_x = -3; - pixel_y = 10 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bcZ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/corpsman{ pixel_y = 3 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, /area/almayer/squads/alpha) -"bda" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = -27 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bdd" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/living/briefing) @@ -11059,19 +14787,6 @@ "bdH" = ( /turf/open/space/basic, /area/space) -"bdI" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ - pixel_x = 36 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "bdJ" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/gear/spec, /obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ @@ -11151,11 +14866,6 @@ "bej" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"bep" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ber" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "W" @@ -11168,35 +14878,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"bev" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; - name = "Surgery Cleaner"; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "bew" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/corpsman{ pixel_y = 3 }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/squads/bravo) -"bez" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "beH" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/briefing) @@ -11260,21 +14947,6 @@ /obj/effect/landmark/late_join/alpha, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/squads/alpha) -"beW" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/curtain/open/medical{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bfd" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 1 @@ -11409,60 +15081,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"bgk" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"bgl" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/chemistry{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"bgw" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"bgz" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or4privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or3privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) -"bgA" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S"; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) -"bgC" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_y = -1; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "bgK" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 @@ -11475,13 +15093,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northeast, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"bgN" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "bgO" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -11535,13 +15146,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/west, /area/almayer/living/cryo_cells) -"bho" = ( -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 1; - id = "med1" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "bhq" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 4 @@ -11613,25 +15217,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_m_p) -"biq" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/chem_dispenser/medbay{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker/bluespace, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"biu" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/smartfridge/chemistry, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "ChemistryShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "biA" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/white, /area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) @@ -11640,32 +15225,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/access_button/airlock_exterior, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_s) -"biF" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or02"; - name = "Surgery Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_x = -5; - pixel_y = -22 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or2entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = -22; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = 5 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "biJ" = ( /obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ icon_state = "pottedplant_22" @@ -11807,43 +15366,9 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"bky" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/autodoc_console{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"bkz" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "MedicalDistriShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "bkA" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/white, /area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"bkE" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or4privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "bkM" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "W"; @@ -11851,12 +15376,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/west, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_m_p) -"bkN" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "bkS" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "N"; @@ -12006,27 +15525,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/squads/bravo) -"bmi" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) -"bmj" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) -"bmk" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bml" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -12038,19 +15536,6 @@ /obj/item/tool/pen, /turf/open/floor/almayer/greenfull, /area/almayer/living/offices) -"bmn" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out"; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 36 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "bmp" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/storage/belt/utility/full, @@ -12112,19 +15597,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/gym) -"bmO" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docdecal2"; - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "bmW" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "W" @@ -12229,21 +15701,6 @@ /obj/item/tool/warning_cone, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"bnS" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) -"bnT" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NW-out"; - layer = 2.5; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "bnX" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 10 @@ -12265,30 +15722,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southeast, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south1) -"boh" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/storage/box/sprays{ - pixel_x = 4; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/lights/mixed{ - pixel_x = 4 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - pixel_x = -6 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - pixel_x = -6 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - pixel_x = -6 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - pixel_x = -6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bom" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/south{ pixel_x = -17; @@ -12346,16 +15779,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"boX" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 2; - icon_state = "pipe-c" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "boY" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/clipboard, @@ -12419,42 +15842,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south1) -"bpz" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/pillbottles{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "bpA" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -12518,14 +15905,6 @@ /obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_cryo, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/living/cryo_cells) -"bqa" = ( -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/medical{ - pixel_x = 7; - layer = 2.96; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "bqc" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_aft_hallway) @@ -12547,26 +15926,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"bqH" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "medicalemergency"; - name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "Hangar Lockdown"; - name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - dir = 2; - name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; - req_access = null; - req_one_access = null - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "bqL" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, @@ -12719,33 +16078,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"bsj" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/recharger{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "bsp" = ( /obj/structure/sink{ dir = 4; @@ -12773,20 +16105,6 @@ /obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/souto/diet/peach, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) -"bsz" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; - name = "Surgery Cleaner"; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/surgery{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "bsD" = ( /obj/structure/closet{ name = "boxing attire" @@ -12847,32 +16165,6 @@ /obj/item/folder/black, /turf/open/floor/almayer/greenfull, /area/almayer/living/offices) -"bsP" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or2privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or1privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) -"bsQ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_y = 2; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "bsR" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/sign/safety/distribution_pipes{ @@ -12981,12 +16273,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_m_s) -"btX" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "btY" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ id = "hangarentrancesouth"; @@ -13017,12 +16303,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) -"buu" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "buv" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -13101,12 +16381,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"bvz" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "bvD" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/structure/machinery/light{ @@ -13254,31 +16528,6 @@ /obj/effect/step_trigger/clone_cleaner, /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_midship_hallway) -"bwR" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/toxin{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/toxin{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/toxin{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2{ - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2{ - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2{ - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "bxf" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "NE-out" @@ -13377,73 +16626,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_f_p) -"byb" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_10"; - pixel_y = 12 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = -21; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ - pixel_x = -21; - pixel_y = -7 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) -"byc" = ( -/obj/structure/sink{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = -18 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) -"byd" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docstripingdir"; - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ - pixel_x = 32 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"bye" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/storage/box/rxglasses{ - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/rxglasses{ - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 8 - }, -/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/weapon/pole/wooden_cane{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bym" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 2; @@ -13470,14 +16652,6 @@ /obj/item/tool/wrench, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_m_s) -"byu" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/up/almayer{ - dir = 2; - id = "almayerlink_med1_req" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/squads/req) "byw" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "SW-out" @@ -13488,12 +16662,6 @@ /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"bzg" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "bzo" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, @@ -13529,10 +16697,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/west, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) -"bzS" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/stool, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "bAd" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -13763,24 +16927,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"bCd" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; - req_access = null; - req_one_access = null - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) -"bCe" = ( -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 1; - id = "med2" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "bCg" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 8 @@ -13798,28 +16944,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/secure, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_a_s) -"bCl" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) -"bCn" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "bCs" = ( /obj/docking_port/stationary/escape_pod/cl, /turf/open/floor/plating, @@ -13930,34 +17054,6 @@ "bDs" = ( /turf/open/floor/prison/kitchen, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"bDv" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = -30; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/storage/box/syringes{ - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 8 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/gloves{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 8 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/syringes{ - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/masks{ - pixel_x = 7 - }, -/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ - pixel_x = -3 - }, -/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "bDF" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ dir = 4; @@ -14200,14 +17296,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"bER" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "bES" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/marine_food, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -14463,29 +17551,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"bHg" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/unary/freezer{ - throwpass = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 8; - pixel_x = -2 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - pixel_y = 11; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - pixel_y = 9; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = 4; - layer = 2.3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/cryo_tubes) "bHk" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/north, /area/almayer/medical/containment/cell/cl) @@ -14718,23 +17783,6 @@ "bJt" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"bJw" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecaltopleft" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or1entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = 28; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bJC" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) @@ -15595,36 +18643,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"bPk" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/recharger{ - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/device/defibrillator{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "bPn" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/computer/orbital_cannon_console, /obj/structure/bed/chair/ob_chair, @@ -15651,27 +18669,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/command/cic) -"bPu" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ - stored_metal = 125 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) -"bPz" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = 32 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bPC" = ( /obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ pixel_x = 28 @@ -15684,19 +18681,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"bPF" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/comdoor/solid{ - name = "\improper Midship Upper Command Ladders" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "bPG" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "N"; @@ -15907,23 +18891,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/east, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"bRP" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or2entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = 28; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecaltopright" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bRV" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -16536,37 +19503,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) -"bXw" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/item/storage/box/gloves{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 12 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/masks{ - pixel_x = 5 - }, -/obj/item/roller/surgical, -/obj/item/roller/surgical, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/roller/surgical, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; - name = "Surgery Cleaner" - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/spray/cleaner{ - desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back."; - name = "Surgery Cleaner" - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -8 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ - pixel_x = -16; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "bXy" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/maintenance_technician, /obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ @@ -16860,34 +19796,6 @@ /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/west, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"caT" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Operation Theatre 3 Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Operation Theatre 3"; - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) -"cbg" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "cbh" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/pilot_officer{ density = 0; @@ -17579,11 +20487,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/emerald/east, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) -"cjW" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ckd" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, /obj/item/tool/kitchen/tray{ @@ -17984,10 +20887,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/southeast, /area/almayer/command/computerlab) -"cnr" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "cnu" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -18083,37 +20982,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/command/computerlab) -"cnZ" = ( -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ - density = 0; - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ - density = 0; - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/item/folder/white, -/obj/item/folder/black, -/obj/item/folder/black, -/obj/item/clipboard, -/obj/item/clipboard, -/obj/item/folder/blue{ - pixel_y = 5; - pixel_x = 6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"coa" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/closet/cabinet/hybrisa/metal/alt{ - pixel_x = 1; - name = "morgue cabinet"; - storage_capacity = 100 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "cod" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/dress{ density = 0; @@ -18216,17 +21084,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_m_s) -"cpJ" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or2privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "cpK" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ @@ -18640,13 +21497,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/armory) -"cAF" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "docdecal2"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "cAR" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/reinforced, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/mp_bunks) @@ -18850,10 +21700,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) -"cEG" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "cFg" = ( /obj/structure/stairs{ dir = 1; @@ -19065,19 +21911,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) -"cJM" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply/no_boom{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "cKm" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket/mopbucket{ @@ -19148,16 +21981,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, /area/almayer/shipboard/stern_point_defense) -"cLA" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or2privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "cLC" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -19366,17 +22189,6 @@ /obj/item/clothing/ears/earmuffs, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/starboard) -"cQo" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/structure/sink{ - dir = 8; - pixel_x = -14; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "cQv" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/reinforced, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/general_equipment) @@ -19588,30 +22400,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/stern) -"cWm" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or01"; - name = "Surgery Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -22 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or1entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = -22; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = -5 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "cWr" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/photocopier{ density = 0; @@ -20284,18 +23072,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_point_defense) -"dka" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "dkj" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/device/radio/intercom/alamo{ @@ -20687,11 +23463,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/west, /turf/open/floor/prison/kitchen, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"dut" = ( -/obj/effect/landmark/start/nurse, -/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/nurse, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "duv" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ dir = 4 @@ -20736,18 +23507,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/squads/alpha) -"dvg" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/chem_master{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_chem_storage{ - pixel_x = -22 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "dvl" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 1 @@ -20938,15 +23697,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/no_build/ai_floor2, /area/almayer/command/airoom) -"dzG" = ( -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/peppertank{ - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/forensictank{ - pixel_y = 41 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/shipboard/brig/general_equipment) "dzX" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/water{ pixel_x = -17 @@ -21039,9 +23789,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/vending/snack, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangefull, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) -"dBH" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "dBI" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/trash/USCMtray{ @@ -21062,17 +23809,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/emeraldfull, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"dBO" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S"; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "dBR" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "SE-out" @@ -21210,13 +23946,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/squads/bravo) -"dEm" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "dEn" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ pixel_y = -28 @@ -21621,13 +24350,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"dNq" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "dNt" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/hull/hijack_bustable, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer/open{ @@ -21936,22 +24658,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/east, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"dUS" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "fieldmedequipment"; - name = "\improper Field Medical Equipment Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical{ - name = "\improper Field Medical Equipment Storage"; - req_one_access = null; - req_one_access_txt = "1;5;39" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "dUZ" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southwest, @@ -22069,16 +24775,6 @@ /obj/item/device/taperecorder, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/command/combat_correspondent) -"dXr" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "or4privacyshutter"; - name = "\improper Privacy Shutters"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "dXG" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ dir = 1 @@ -22152,13 +24848,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"dYU" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 8; - id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "dYX" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/marine/bravo{ dir = 1 @@ -22209,16 +24898,6 @@ dir = 4 }, /area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) -"eas" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - dir = 8; - name = "ship-grade camera" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "eax" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/tool/weldpack, @@ -22503,13 +25182,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop) -"ehi" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "ehj" = ( /obj/item/stack/catwalk, /obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ @@ -22603,22 +25275,6 @@ /obj/item/prop/magazine/dirty, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/squads/charlie_delta_shared) -"eiw" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "eiE" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ unacidable = 1; @@ -22779,12 +25435,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_umbilical) -"eme" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "eml" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 @@ -23408,12 +26058,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/blue, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_f_p) -"eyQ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/south, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "eyR" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ pixel_x = 8; @@ -23580,10 +26224,6 @@ /obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southwest, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southwest, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south1) -"eBO" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "eBV" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 8; @@ -23595,15 +26235,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, /area/almayer/squads/charlie_delta_shared) -"eBZ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod{ - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "eCt" = ( /obj/structure/closet/crate, /obj/item/stack/sheet/plasteel{ @@ -23724,20 +26355,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) -"eFG" = ( -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_y = 26; - pixel_x = 7 - }, -/obj/structure/transmitter{ - name = "Chemical Laboratory Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Chemistry Laboratory"; - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "eFK" = ( /obj/structure/bed{ icon_state = "abed" @@ -24285,20 +26902,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/vehiclehangar) -"eSN" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal/delivery{ - density = 0; - desc = "A pneumatic delivery unit. Sends items to the requisitions."; - icon_state = "delivery_med"; - name = "Requisitions Delivery Unit"; - pixel_y = 1; - pixel_x = 25 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "eSU" = ( /obj/structure/prop/almayer/name_stencil{ icon_state = "almayer1" @@ -24331,71 +26934,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_aft_hallway) -"eTB" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden{ - dir = 9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"eTC" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/device/helmet_visor/medical/advanced{ - pixel_y = 7; - pixel_x = 4 - }, -/obj/item/device/helmet_visor/medical/advanced{ - pixel_y = 7; - pixel_x = 4 - }, -/obj/item/device/helmet_visor/medical/advanced{ - pixel_y = 7; - pixel_x = 4 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/hypospray{ - pixel_x = -4; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/minitank{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "eTD" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 4 @@ -24430,20 +26968,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/squads/charlie_delta_shared) -"eUn" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/sink{ - pixel_x = 1; - pixel_y = -2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "eUA" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "NW-out"; @@ -25323,24 +27847,6 @@ /obj/structure/bed/chair, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/tankerbunks) -"foP" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/shower{ - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "containmentlockdown_S"; - name = "Containment Lockdown"; - pixel_x = 26; - pixel_y = -3; - req_one_access_txt = "28" - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8; - health = 80; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "foS" = ( /obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ dir = 4; @@ -26013,14 +28519,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south2) -"fFh" = ( -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_29"; - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "fFD" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 4; @@ -26031,13 +28529,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, /area/almayer/squads/alpha_bravo_shared) -"fFL" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = -30 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "fFO" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, @@ -26788,16 +29279,6 @@ /obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/port3, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, /area/almayer/shipboard/stern_point_defense) -"fYb" = ( -/obj/structure/morgue, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "test_square_smooth" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "fYf" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 1 @@ -27163,22 +29644,10 @@ "ggt" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/northeast, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/cic_hallway) -"ggz" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ggD" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_m_s) -"ggJ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ggQ" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, @@ -27303,20 +29772,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor5, /area/almayer/command/computerlab) -"gjK" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ - stored_metal = 125 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "gkd" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/start/marine/charlie, /obj/effect/landmark/late_join/charlie, @@ -28207,19 +30662,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/engine_core) -"gDW" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ - pixel_y = 27 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/one{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = 27 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecaltopright" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "gDX" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/nonpress_ag{ pixel_x = 32 @@ -28309,21 +30751,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/vehiclehangar) -"gGx" = ( -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer{ - density = 0; - pixel_x = -16 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Main Research Laboratory Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Main Research Laboratory"; - pixel_y = 6; - pixel_x = -15 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "gGI" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/structure/machinery/light{ @@ -29076,12 +31503,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"gXl" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "gXs" = ( /obj/effect/step_trigger/ares_alert/terminals, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ @@ -29122,19 +31543,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/repair_bay) -"gYl" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ - pixel_y = -27 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/three{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -27 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecalbottomright" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "gYp" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ @@ -29296,20 +31704,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_s) -"hbI" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/generic{ - name = "\improper Bathroom"; - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "hcf" = ( /obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ layer = 3.2 @@ -29904,25 +32298,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/p_bow) -"hng" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical{ - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 11 - }, -/obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = -10 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "hnt" = ( /obj/item/toy/deck{ pixel_y = 12 @@ -30450,12 +32825,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"hzs" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden{ - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "hzu" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cryopod{ layer = 3.1; @@ -30596,18 +32965,6 @@ /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/chapel) -"hDw" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2/empty, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) "hDx" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/start/marine/tl/delta, /obj/effect/landmark/late_join/delta, @@ -30626,13 +32983,6 @@ /obj/effect/landmark/map_item, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangefull, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"hDX" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "hEb" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/start/marine/medic/bravo, /obj/effect/landmark/late_join/bravo, @@ -30695,36 +33045,12 @@ /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, /area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"hFF" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor/solid{ - dir = 1; - name = "Morgue"; - req_one_access = list(25) - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "hGb" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ name = "ship-grade camera" }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner/east, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/aft_hallway) -"hGh" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = 32; - pixel_x = -4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "hGG" = ( /obj/effect/step_trigger/clone_cleaner, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ @@ -31091,16 +33417,6 @@ /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/custom, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop/hangar) -"hQU" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "hQW" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -31175,14 +33491,6 @@ "hSk" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/port) -"hSo" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/north, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "hSt" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom{ dir = 4 @@ -31373,12 +33681,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, /area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"hVz" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/east, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "hVL" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/red, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -31524,21 +33826,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/light/small, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_a_p) -"hYn" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecalbottomleft" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or3entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = -24; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "hYo" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, @@ -31598,12 +33885,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/processing) -"hZN" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "hZZ" = ( /obj/structure/closet/firecloset, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -31658,13 +33939,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering) -"iaF" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "iaK" = ( /obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -31804,42 +34078,10 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/starboard_emb) -"iey" = ( -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_21"; - pixel_y = 11 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = -21; - pixel_y = 9 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/chem_lab{ - pixel_x = -21; - pixel_y = -5 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "ieH" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"ieX" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/distribution_pipes{ - pixel_x = 32 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/marine_law{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/evaguide{ - pixel_y = 9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) "ifb" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/cargo_guns/vehicle_crew{ density = 0; @@ -31982,11 +34224,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/marine_food, /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluefull, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) -"ijd" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) "ijf" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/cell/crap, @@ -32378,13 +34615,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"isN" = ( -/obj/structure/morgue, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "test_square_smooth" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "itg" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom{ dir = 4 @@ -32562,14 +34792,6 @@ /obj/item/packageWrap, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/northwest, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"ixj" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/reagentgrinder{ - pixel_y = 8; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "ixu" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case{ layer = 2.98 @@ -32686,12 +34908,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"iAz" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "iAE" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ dir = 1 @@ -32819,15 +35035,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/engine_core) -"iEx" = ( -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/peppertank{ - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/forensictank{ - pixel_y = 41 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, -/area/almayer/shipboard/brig/processing) "iEz" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light, /obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ @@ -32926,10 +35133,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) -"iGA" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/sofa/south/white/left, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "iHc" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/notunnel) @@ -33105,21 +35308,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) -"iLs" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NW-out"; - layer = 2.5; - pixel_y = 2; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 36 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "iLG" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ dir = 1; @@ -33147,19 +35335,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"iMI" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ - stored_metal = 125 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ - pixel_y = 28; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "iNh" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 @@ -33511,15 +35686,6 @@ /obj/structure/curtain/red, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_a_s) -"iTt" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = -27 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "iTw" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ dir = 4 @@ -33581,21 +35747,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"iUo" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/storage/box/autoinjectors{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/beakers{ - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/sprays{ - pixel_y = -3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "iUG" = ( /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ pixel_x = -30 @@ -33775,38 +35926,12 @@ /obj/item/trash/uscm_mre, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/squads/alpha_bravo_shared) -"iXU" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/closet/crate/trashcart, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/trash/chunk, -/obj/item/trash/burger, -/obj/item/trash/buritto, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) "iXV" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/east, /obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southeast, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southeast, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south2) -"iXW" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "iYe" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 10 @@ -33991,15 +36116,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/west, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/port) -"jbK" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "jbN" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/woodentable/fancy, /obj/structure/machinery/light{ @@ -34215,16 +36331,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/prison/kitchen, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"jgg" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/containment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/west, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "jgk" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/shower{ dir = 1 @@ -34465,23 +36571,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo/southwest, /area/almayer/engineering/starboard_atmos) -"jkl" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/item/device/autopsy_scanner{ - pixel_y = 13; - pixel_x = 4 - }, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/scalpel, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/hemostat{ - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/circular_saw, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/cautery, -/obj/item/tool/surgery/retractor, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "jkq" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -34784,13 +36873,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer/no_build, /area/almayer/stair_clone/upper/port_aft) -"jpp" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "jpt" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 9 @@ -35027,32 +37109,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/vehiclehangar) -"jva" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or04"; - name = "Surgery Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_x = -5; - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or4entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = 26; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "jvc" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -35308,9 +37364,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/port) -"jBy" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "jBO" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ dir = 4; @@ -35355,11 +37408,6 @@ "jCx" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/east, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_midship_hallway) -"jCK" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "jCX" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -35514,13 +37562,6 @@ /obj/structure/closet/firecloset, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/port) -"jGn" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/medical_crew{ - pixel_x = 26; - density = 0 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "jGG" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/east, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -36040,15 +38081,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/west, /area/almayer/living/offices) -"jTj" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = -27 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "jTt" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -36136,13 +38168,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop) -"jUM" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer/containment{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "jUV" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -36232,13 +38257,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/processing) -"jXf" = ( -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_x = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "jXk" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/largecrate/supply/weapons/m39{ @@ -36336,14 +38354,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/p_bow) -"jZd" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/wheelchair, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "jZe" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -36904,23 +38914,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, /area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) -"klH" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out" - }, -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical_doctor, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/med_cryo{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -27 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/cryo{ - pixel_y = -27 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "klT" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light/small, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -37432,18 +39425,6 @@ /obj/structure/surface/rack, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south1) -"kws" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/vending/coffee{ - pixel_x = -3 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/coffee{ - pixel_x = -21 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "kwQ" = ( /obj/item/tool/warning_cone{ pixel_y = 16 @@ -37562,20 +39543,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/southeast, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"kzb" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv/empty, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) "kzc" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ @@ -37810,16 +39777,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, /turf/open/floor/wood/ship, /area/almayer/living/commandbunks) -"kDR" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - pixel_x = -10 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ - pixel_x = 9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "kDY" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/east, /obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ @@ -38056,14 +40013,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/s_bow) -"kJh" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "pipe-c" - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) "kJi" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light, /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, @@ -38365,27 +40314,6 @@ "kPa" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/greencorner/west, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"kPx" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = 31; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_17"; - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 21 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "ChemistryShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; - pixel_y = 10; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = 6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "kPB" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 4; @@ -38454,16 +40382,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/no_build, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/processing) -"kRd" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - dir = 8; - name = "ship-grade camera" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "kRg" = ( /obj/structure/closet/firecloset, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, @@ -38585,21 +40503,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner, /area/almayer/engineering/ce_room) -"kTY" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/outpatient{ - pixel_x = 32; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = 32; - pixel_y = -7 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "kUg" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ dir = 4; @@ -39212,13 +41115,6 @@ "lht" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/southeast, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/starboard) -"lhv" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/firecloset, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = -17 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "lhB" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ @@ -39271,17 +41167,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/computerlab) -"liY" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner_var1/containment_corner_variant_2, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "liZ" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/toy/deck, @@ -39325,13 +41210,6 @@ /obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/coldsauce, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"ljO" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ljS" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "SE-out" @@ -39411,14 +41289,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop) -"lkW" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_y = -1; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "lla" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/hvac_old{ pixel_x = 8; @@ -39997,16 +41867,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/squads/alpha_bravo_shared) -"lyk" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ - pixel_x = -17 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/up/almayer{ - dir = 8; - id = "almayerlink_morgue1_req" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/west, -/area/almayer/squads/req) "lym" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/vending/cigarette/koorlander, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -40323,23 +42183,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/no_build/ai_silver/east, /area/almayer/command/airoom) -"lFn" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 6; - pixel_x = -2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = -8; - pixel_x = -2 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ - pixel_x = 32 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "lFp" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop/hangar) @@ -40504,10 +42347,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"lJG" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/roller/hospital_empty/bigrollerempty3, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "lJI" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, @@ -40791,12 +42630,6 @@ /obj/structure/surface/rack, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/northwest, /area/almayer/command/securestorage) -"lPY" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green/northeast, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "lQa" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 8 @@ -40833,17 +42666,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/computer/tech_control, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/command/cic) -"lQO" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "lRh" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/north, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) @@ -41224,17 +43046,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/gym) -"mcW" = ( -/obj/structure/morgue, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - dir = 4; - name = "ship-grade camera" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "test_square_smooth" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "mdk" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ dir = 4; @@ -41324,14 +43135,6 @@ damage_cap = 15000 }, /area/almayer/squads/alpha) -"mfC" = ( -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southwest, -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/northeast, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "mfL" = ( /obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket/janibucket{ pixel_x = -1; @@ -41403,16 +43206,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, /area/almayer/squads/charlie_delta_shared) -"mha" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/east, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "mhd" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 1 @@ -41728,23 +43521,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/engine_core) -"mnW" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 12 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/beaker{ - pixel_x = 4; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "moc" = ( /obj/structure/closet/emcloset, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, @@ -41881,14 +43657,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/squads/bravo) -"mqU" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/small, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "mrD" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 1 @@ -41918,13 +43686,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south1) -"msi" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "msm" = ( /obj/structure/sign/poster{ pixel_y = 32 @@ -42070,15 +43831,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/squads/delta) -"mvI" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "mww" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -42100,15 +43852,6 @@ /obj/item/book/manual/marine_law, /turf/open/floor/wood/ship, /area/almayer/living/chapel) -"mwM" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right{ - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "mwP" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/p_stern) @@ -42202,10 +43945,6 @@ "mzg" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/emerald, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) -"mzn" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "mzq" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 6 @@ -42318,18 +44057,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) -"mBk" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/bioprinter{ - stored_metal = 125 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "mBx" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ dir = 4; @@ -42791,18 +44518,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_f_s) -"mKw" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "mKx" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; @@ -42905,13 +44620,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"mMg" = ( -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southwest, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "mMB" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "N"; @@ -43439,13 +45147,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/vehiclehangar) -"mYv" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 2; - icon_state = "pipe-y" - }, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer, -/area/almayer/squads/req) "mYA" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/almayer/blue, @@ -43771,10 +45472,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) -"neS" = ( -/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) "neT" = ( /obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ name = "CL Office Telephone"; @@ -44036,20 +45733,6 @@ /obj/structure/filingcabinet, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/bridgebunks) -"niF" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/ladder{ - height = 2; - id = "cicladder3" - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ - pixel_x = 23; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "niL" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 1 @@ -44494,11 +46177,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/emeraldcorner/west, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) -"nrN" = ( -/obj/effect/landmark/start/doctor, -/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/doctor, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "nrO" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ dir = 1 @@ -44668,18 +46346,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_a_s) -"nvM" = ( -/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/white, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "ChemistryShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Chemistry Shutters"; - dir = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "nvT" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ dir = 2; @@ -44778,16 +46444,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"nyj" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 9 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "pipe-y" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "nyw" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 @@ -45388,13 +47044,6 @@ "nLt" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"nLI" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/chem_simulator{ - density = 0; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "nLJ" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; @@ -45520,30 +47169,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/execution) -"nPf" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer/containment{ - dir = 8; - pixel_x = -2; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "containmentlockdown_S"; - name = "Containment Lockdown"; - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = -12; - req_one_access_txt = "19;28" - }, -/obj/structure/transmitter/rotary{ - name = "Research Containment Telephone"; - phone_category = "Medical & Research Dept."; - phone_id = "Research Containment"; - pixel_y = 19; - pixel_x = -4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/fourway/hidden/supply/no_boom, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "nPs" = ( /obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ pixel_x = 12 @@ -45702,78 +47327,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/north, /area/almayer/squads/alpha) -"nTo" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ - pixel_y = 14; - pixel_x = -15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller/medevac{ - pixel_x = 3; - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/obj/item/roller{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "nTs" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ dir = 1 @@ -46156,12 +47709,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) -"obo" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer, -/area/almayer/squads/req) "oby" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/trash/plate{ @@ -46610,19 +48157,6 @@ "ojX" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_f_p) -"ojZ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "tc02"; - name = "South Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_y = -23; - req_one_access = list(8,19) - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "oka" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/start/marine/medic/charlie, /obj/effect/landmark/late_join/charlie, @@ -46715,126 +48249,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/red, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/p_bow) -"omo" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = -31; - pixel_x = -4 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/tool/extinguisher{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ - pixel_y = 1; - pixel_x = -6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ - pixel_y = 1; - pixel_x = 6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ - pixel_y = 1; - pixel_x = -6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ - pixel_y = 1; - pixel_x = 6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "omt" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -46927,15 +48341,6 @@ "oos" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"oou" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecaldir"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ooA" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ @@ -47660,23 +49065,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"oDJ" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) -"oDL" = ( -/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ - freerange = 1; - name = "General Listening Channel"; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ - layer = 2.5; - pixel_x = -17 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "oDR" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 9 @@ -47857,12 +49245,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/living/starboard_emb) -"oGW" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "oHc" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ @@ -48158,20 +49540,6 @@ "oNp" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) -"oNJ" = ( -/obj/structure/transmitter{ - name = "CMO Office Telephone"; - phone_category = "Offices"; - phone_id = "CMO Office"; - dir = 4; - pixel_x = -19 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/commline_connection{ - pixel_x = -17; - pixel_y = 32 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "oNK" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -48672,13 +50040,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"oXY" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9; - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "oYi" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -48802,9 +50163,6 @@ /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/north1) -"paa" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "pas" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right, /obj/structure/sign/safety/cryo{ @@ -49393,17 +50751,6 @@ "pqc" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) -"pqi" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "pql" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/hull, /turf/open/floor/plating, @@ -49414,13 +50761,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_aft_hallway) -"pqD" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "pqF" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/ashtray/plastic, @@ -49527,19 +50867,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"psK" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/obj/structure/curtain/open/medical{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"psO" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "ptf" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /turf/open/floor/plating, @@ -49839,10 +51166,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) -"pzG" = ( -/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/port1, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_point_defense) "pzJ" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -50042,12 +51365,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/blue, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_a_s) -"pGG" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/maint{ - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/living/offices) "pGK" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -50125,13 +51442,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/maint/lower/constr) -"pIU" = ( -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "pIV" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -50190,12 +51500,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_a_s) -"pKh" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/living/offices) "pKx" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/east, /obj/item/reagent_container/glass/rag, @@ -50247,18 +51551,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/repair_bay) -"pKZ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - name = "\improper Cryosleep Storage Room"; - req_access = null; - req_one_access = null; - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "pLa" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -50280,20 +51572,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"pLO" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "W_Containment Cell 5"; - name = "\improper Containment Cell 5"; - unacidable = 1; - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/research/containment/wall/purple{ - dir = 1 - }, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "pLW" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, @@ -50539,12 +51817,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/offices) -"pRn" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/east, -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper, -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "pRs" = ( /obj/structure/closet/emcloset, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -50814,13 +52086,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/blue, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) -"pWU" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/east, -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "pXl" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "S" @@ -51076,12 +52341,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer/emerald/southwest, /area/almayer/living/port_emb) -"qdz" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "qdA" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/vending/coffee, /turf/open/floor/prison/kitchen, @@ -51170,31 +52429,6 @@ "qfq" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/east, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_umbilical) -"qfy" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ - density = 0; - pixel_x = -11; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet{ - density = 0; - pixel_x = 4; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/item/folder/white{ - layer = 2.9; - pixel_x = -8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "qfA" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/silvercorner, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) @@ -51283,26 +52517,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/yellow, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_f_s) -"qhx" = ( -/obj/structure/sink{ - dir = 8; - pixel_x = -14; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/mirror{ - pixel_x = -31 - }, -/obj/structure/toilet{ - pixel_y = 15 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "qhD" = ( /obj/structure/closet{ name = "backpack storage" @@ -51552,38 +52766,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_s) -"qmy" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "researchlockdownext_windoor"; - name = "Windoor Shutters"; - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 9; - req_access_txt = "28" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - dir = 1; - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = -4 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/biohazard{ - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_bio_storage{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "researchlockdownext_se_2"; - name = "Window Shutters"; - pixel_x = -7; - pixel_y = 4; - req_access_txt = "28" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "qmD" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 5 @@ -51647,15 +52829,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop/hangar) -"qnd" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = -30 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "qnh" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -51665,20 +52838,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/cichallway) -"qni" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "qnl" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, /obj/structure/machinery/computer/emails{ @@ -51768,39 +52927,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/vending/hydroseeds, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/east, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) -"qpx" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/reagentgrinder{ - pixel_y = 8; - pixel_x = -8 - }, -/obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/phoron{ - amount = 25; - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = 7 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"qpQ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/chem_master{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/ref_chem_storage{ - pixel_x = 37 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) "qpV" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -51845,37 +52971,6 @@ "qqu" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/redcorner/north, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) -"qqK" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S"; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"qqQ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/blood{ - density = 0; - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_x = 1; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 10 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "qqS" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light/small, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -51969,35 +53064,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/tech/electronics_storage, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/lower/workshop) -"quT" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - layer = 3.33; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - layer = 3.3 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - layer = 3.33; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S"; - layer = 3.3 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ - pixel_x = -13; - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "quV" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ dir = 1 @@ -52140,18 +53206,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/cells) -"qxm" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "W_Containment Cell 5"; - name = "\improper Containment Cell 5"; - unacidable = 1; - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/research/containment/wall/purple, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "qxn" = ( /obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ dir = 1; @@ -52249,16 +53303,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/west, /area/almayer/command/computerlab) -"qyD" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "qyG" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ desc = "A sign that warns of a hazardous environment nearby"; @@ -52349,13 +53393,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"qAE" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "pipe-c" - }, -/turf/closed/wall/almayer/white/reinforced, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "qAK" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, /obj/item/ashtray/plastic, @@ -52368,27 +53405,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_p) -"qAT" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out" - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/reagentgrinder{ - pixel_y = 9; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/phoron{ - amount = 25; - pixel_x = 2; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/device/reagent_scanner{ - pixel_x = -14; - pixel_y = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "qBl" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -52496,39 +53512,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/maint, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_p) -"qDP" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket{ - pixel_x = 4; - pixel_y = 12 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket{ - pixel_x = 2; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/item/tool/mop{ - pixel_x = -13; - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/working_joe{ - dir = 8; - pixel_x = 18; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "qDS" = ( /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet{ amount = 20 @@ -52690,21 +53673,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_a_s) -"qGF" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/spiderling_remains{ - pixel_x = 18; - pixel_y = -5 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "qGU" = ( /obj/structure/closet/firecloset, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, @@ -52826,18 +53794,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/vending/cola, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/starboard) -"qJy" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ - pixel_x = 33; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "qJS" = ( /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/water_cooler/stacks{ density = 0; @@ -52939,22 +53895,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/port) -"qLi" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_x = 1; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_x = 1; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom{ - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "qLk" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/maint, /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ @@ -53105,23 +54045,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/cic_hallway) -"qOf" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "Hangar Lockdown"; - name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "medicalemergency"; - name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "qOk" = ( /obj/docking_port/stationary/lifeboat_dock/port, /turf/open/floor/almayer_hull/outerhull_dir/east, @@ -53146,16 +54069,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_f_p) -"qOZ" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical, -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "qPk" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) @@ -53177,19 +54090,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silverfull, /area/almayer/command/securestorage) -"qPS" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/closet/emcloset{ - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "qPU" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -53220,16 +54120,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"qQD" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/distribution_pipes{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/intercom{ - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) "qQS" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/no_build, /area/almayer/command/airoom) @@ -53752,18 +54642,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"rcx" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - dir = 2; - id_tag = "tc01"; - name = "\improper Treatment Center"; - req_access = null - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "rcG" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 5 @@ -53845,14 +54723,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/s_bow) -"rdS" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - name = "ship-grade camera"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "rdT" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -54782,10 +55652,6 @@ /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/hull, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_f_p) -"rxc" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/west, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "rxe" = ( /obj/structure/surface/rack, /obj/effect/spawner/random/toolbox, @@ -54834,17 +55700,6 @@ "ryn" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, /area/almayer/command/securestorage) -"ryt" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_y = 2; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ryG" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, @@ -54948,16 +55803,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/living/synthcloset) -"rBb" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = 28 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) "rBj" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/processor, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -55054,10 +55899,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_umbilical) -"rDr" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) "rDt" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ dir = 1 @@ -55199,13 +56040,6 @@ "rFy" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner/north, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/starboard) -"rFH" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "rGc" = ( /obj/structure/flora/bush/ausbushes/var3/ppflowers, /obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ @@ -55273,21 +56107,6 @@ /obj/structure/closet/emcloset, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_aft_hallway) -"rHw" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/hallways/hangar) -"rHz" = ( -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/north, -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/northeast, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "rHB" = ( /obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/misc/mre/empty{ pixel_x = 8; @@ -55306,29 +56125,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/squads/req) -"rIj" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "Hangar Lockdown"; - name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ - dir = 4; - id = "medicalemergency"; - name = "\improper Medical Bay Lockdown" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - dir = 2; - name = "\improper Medical Main Lobby"; - req_access = null; - req_one_access = null - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "rIw" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light/small, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -56159,12 +56955,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"rZB" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/northwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "rZP" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/tool/weldpack, @@ -56219,11 +57009,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/shipboard/panic) -"sbE" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) "sbJ" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/aicore/hull, /area/almayer/powered/agent) @@ -56366,13 +57151,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/blue, /area/almayer/squads/delta) -"sdO" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth3/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "seL" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ dir = 8; @@ -56414,25 +57192,6 @@ "sgi" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/processing) -"sgj" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ - dir = 4; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "MedicalDistriShu"; - name = "\improper Medical Equipment Distribution Shutters"; - pixel_y = -7; - req_one_access_txt = "19;8"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = 6 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "sgm" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ @@ -56597,21 +57356,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_f_p) -"siW" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or4entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = -24; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecalbottomright" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "sje" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/empty/vehicle_bay, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/vehiclehangar) @@ -56664,14 +57408,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/processing) -"skl" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "skn" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plating_striped, /area/almayer/shipboard/sea_office) @@ -57428,15 +58164,6 @@ "sAC" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange, /area/almayer/engineering/ce_room) -"sAD" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) "sAS" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -57649,23 +58376,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/stern) -"sEZ" = ( -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/peppertank{ - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -2 - }, -/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/forensictank{ - pixel_y = 41 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/shipboard/brig/armory) "sFf" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/shipboard/starboard_missiles) @@ -57852,12 +58562,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, /area/almayer/living/starboard_emb) -"sKa" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/morgue) "sKf" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/north, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/north, @@ -58036,30 +58740,6 @@ /obj/structure/closet/toolcloset, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northwest, /area/almayer/maint/upper/mess) -"sOZ" = ( -/obj/item/paper_bin/wy{ - pixel_y = 8; - pixel_x = -7 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/tool/pen{ - pixel_y = 4; - pixel_x = -8 - }, -/obj/item/tool/stamp/cmo{ - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 10; - name = "Chief Medical Officer's rubber stamp" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "CMO Shutters"; - name = "Office Shutters"; - req_access_txt = "5"; - pixel_x = 6; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "sPa" = ( /obj/structure/surface/rack, /obj/item/stack/cable_coil, @@ -58703,13 +59383,6 @@ /obj/item/bedsheet/yellow, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_m_s) -"tdI" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 8; - id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "tdT" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/beige{ dir = 1 @@ -58860,18 +59533,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northwest, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/starboard) -"tgV" = ( -/obj/effect/landmark/start/doctor, -/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/doctor, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - layer = 3.3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "thc" = ( /obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ freerange = 1; @@ -59136,23 +59797,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/cells) -"tlA" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - dir = 1; - id = "tc02"; - name = "Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_y = 10; - pixel_x = -31 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "tlM" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_a_s) @@ -59195,9 +59839,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/no_build, /area/almayer/command/airoom) -"tmX" = ( -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/living/offices) "tnb" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/black, /turf/open/floor/almayer/redfull, @@ -59209,16 +59850,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_m_p) -"tni" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - dir = 4; - name = "ship-grade camera" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "tnz" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cryopod{ pixel_y = 6 @@ -59809,13 +60440,6 @@ /obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red, /area/almayer/lifeboat_pumps/south1) -"tyC" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = 8; - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "tyD" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner_var1/east, /area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) @@ -59853,13 +60477,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"tzx" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "tzF" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, @@ -59872,19 +60489,6 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/portable_atmospherics/hydroponics, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor5, /area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) -"tzO" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/chemistry) -"tzP" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "tAb" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, @@ -60133,14 +60737,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orange/northwest, /area/almayer/engineering/upper_engineering/port) -"tGh" = ( -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/marinemed, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "tGi" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/random/tool, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -60893,24 +61489,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/port_emb) -"tYi" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/medidoor{ - dir = 2; - id_tag = "tc02"; - name = "\improper Treatment Center"; - req_access = null - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "tYr" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 8; @@ -60984,32 +61562,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/upper/mess) -"uah" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/obj/effect/landmark/start/professor, -/obj/effect/landmark/late_join/cmo, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"ual" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/sink{ - pixel_y = 24 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner_var1/east, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "uaA" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, @@ -61206,60 +61758,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_f_p) -"uey" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire{ - pixel_x = 12; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire{ - pixel_x = 12; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/item/clothing/head/welding{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/clothing/head/welding{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/clothing/head/welding{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/tool/weldingtool{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/tool/weldingtool{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/stack/cable_coil{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = -8 - }, -/obj/item/stack/cable_coil{ - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = -8 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire{ - pixel_x = 12; - pixel_y = 6 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv{ - pixel_x = 12 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv{ - pixel_x = 12 - }, -/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv{ - pixel_x = 12 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "uez" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -61452,18 +61950,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/no_build/ai_floor2, /area/almayer/command/airoom) -"ujz" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/faxmachine/uscm/almayer{ - desc = "The not-so-beloved fax machine of the Medical department, for when you need to keep the local newspaper updated with the freshest mortuaries"; - sub_name = "Medical"; - gender = "female"; - radio_alert_tag = ":U"; - pixel_y = 3; - pixel_x = -3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "ujV" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/vending/dinnerware, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -61607,10 +62093,6 @@ /obj/item/storage/bible, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) -"uoi" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber/no_boom, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green2, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "uoj" = ( /obj/item/tool/pen, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -61674,29 +62156,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"uqd" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/rack{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/item/storage/xeno_tag_case/full{ - pixel_y = 8 - }, -/obj/item/device/camera{ - pixel_x = -3; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "uqg" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ dir = 1; @@ -61985,15 +62444,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner/west, /area/almayer/squads/bravo) -"uvP" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "uvU" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/effect/landmark/map_item{ @@ -62376,12 +62826,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/shipboard/navigation) -"uDA" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "uDW" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/tl/delta{ density = 0; @@ -62428,21 +62872,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"uFo" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ - name = "\improper Medical Storage Room"; - req_one_access_txt = "19;8"; - req_one_access = null - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "uFp" = ( /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/engineering_electrical, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -62488,12 +62917,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_midship_hallway) -"uGk" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "uGN" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, /turf/open/floor/almayer, @@ -62565,11 +62988,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer_hull/outerhull_dir, /area/space) -"uJM" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredge/south, -/area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) "uJU" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right{ pixel_y = 6 @@ -62913,13 +63331,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"uSS" = ( -/obj/structure/medical_supply_link/green, -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical{ - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "uSU" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, @@ -63337,18 +63748,6 @@ /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_fore_hallway) -"vaQ" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ - dir = 4; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "S"; - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "vaS" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/mp_bunks) @@ -63439,13 +63838,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/blue, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"vbV" = ( -/obj/structure/sink{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = -18 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "vbZ" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "W" @@ -63636,13 +64028,6 @@ "vgw" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, /area/almayer/engineering/lower) -"vgx" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W"; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/north, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "vgB" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/storage/box/autoinjectors{ @@ -63710,13 +64095,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/emerald/southwest, /area/almayer/squads/charlie) -"vhX" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/reception{ - pixel_x = -32; - pixel_y = -6 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/west, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "vif" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/wood/normal{ dir = 1 @@ -63748,17 +64126,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/squads/delta) -"vit" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical{ - name = "\improper Debilitated's Storage"; - req_one_access = null; - req_access = null - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ - layer = 1.9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "viu" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/shower{ dir = 1 @@ -64083,12 +64450,6 @@ /obj/structure/prop/broken_arcade, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_m_p) -"vou" = ( -/obj/structure/sink{ - pixel_y = 24 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "voV" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "E"; @@ -64312,10 +64673,6 @@ "vrW" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluecorner/west, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"vrZ" = ( -/obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/true_random, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_s) "vsd" = ( /obj/effect/step_trigger/clone_cleaner, /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/maint, @@ -64679,16 +65036,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_f_p) -"vyu" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/line_nexter/med{ - dir = 2; - layer = 4.5 - }, -/obj/structure/barricade/handrail/medical{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "vyB" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/vehiclehangar) @@ -65718,12 +66065,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/command/cic) -"vSn" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/vending/snack{ - pixel_x = -3 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "vSp" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) @@ -66110,31 +66451,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/living/gym) -"vYz" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/item/paper_bin/wy{ - pixel_x = -6; - pixel_y = 8 - }, -/obj/item/tool/pen{ - pixel_y = 5; - pixel_x = -5 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/biohazard_lockdown{ - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 21 - }, -/obj/item/clipboard{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/item/paper{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/containment) "vYC" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "S" @@ -66202,16 +66518,6 @@ /obj/item/facepaint/brown, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/west, /area/almayer/living/offices) -"waD" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/almayer{ - dir = 4; - name = "ship-grade camera" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_two) "waJ" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ icon_state = "S" @@ -66277,14 +66583,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/bluefull, /area/almayer/living/pilotbunks) -"wbP" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/status_display{ - pixel_y = -30 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/recharge_station, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "wbV" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/disposal, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ @@ -66539,13 +66837,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/shipboard/port_point_defense) -"whc" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/blue/north, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) "whm" = ( /obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ pixel_x = 12 @@ -66858,20 +67149,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/wood/ship, /area/almayer/command/corporateliaison) -"wmQ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SW-out" - }, -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, -/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, -/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, -/obj/item/storage/backpack/marine, -/obj/item/cpr_dummy{ - pixel_y = -1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "wmT" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ pixel_x = 30 @@ -66964,16 +67241,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, /area/almayer/command/cic) -"wpu" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ - pixel_x = 15; - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/green, -/area/almayer/hallways/upper/fore_hallway) "wpI" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/east, /area/almayer/living/grunt_rnr) @@ -67395,10 +67662,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/research/containment/floor2/west, /area/almayer/medical/containment/cell/cl) -"wxc" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southwest, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "wxj" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ dir = 4 @@ -67410,15 +67673,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/starboard_midship_hallway) -"wxq" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "wxu" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/water{ pixel_x = 8; @@ -67516,14 +67770,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_aft_hallway) -"wzZ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NW-out"; - layer = 2.5; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "wAE" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 @@ -67643,12 +67889,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/north, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_midship_hallway) -"wDH" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier{ - layer = 2.9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "wDJ" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/emerald/north, /area/almayer/squads/charlie_delta_shared) @@ -67730,30 +67970,6 @@ /obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/l42a, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_m_s) -"wFb" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or03"; - name = "Surgery Door Release"; - normaldoorcontrol = 1; - pixel_x = 5; - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ - id = "or3entshutter"; - name = "\improper Door's Privacy Shutters"; - pixel_y = 26; - req_one_access_txt = "19;20"; - throw_range = 15; - pixel_x = -5 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "W" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_three) "wFi" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/marinemed, /obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ @@ -67940,10 +68156,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/green/east, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_midship_hallway) -"wJb" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "wJh" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ dir = 2 @@ -68401,12 +68613,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/command/lifeboat) -"wRT" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 9 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, -/area/almayer/living/briefing) "wSm" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -68720,19 +68926,6 @@ /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/white, /turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/l_m_s) -"wYS" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/safety/restrictedarea{ - pixel_y = -27; - pixel_x = 15 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/four{ - pixel_y = -27 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecalbottomleft" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "wYY" = ( /obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, /obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer/open{ @@ -68901,18 +69094,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/emeraldfull, /area/almayer/living/briefing) -"xdS" = ( -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer, -/obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/west, -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/southwest, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/flora/pottedplant{ - icon_state = "pottedplant_22"; - pixel_y = 12; - pixel_x = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "xee" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ dir = 4; @@ -69007,37 +69188,9 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/east, /area/almayer/living/bridgebunks) -"xfT" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_one) "xga" = ( /turf/closed/wall/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/aft_hallway) -"xgh" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = 28 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecaltopleft"; - pixel_x = 19 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2{ - pixel_x = 28 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "SE-out"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "xgk" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, /turf/open/floor/almayer/greencorner/north, @@ -69061,9 +69214,6 @@ /obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/upper/u_a_s) -"xgJ" = ( -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lockerroom) "xgN" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/bravo{ dir = 1 @@ -69138,11 +69288,6 @@ /obj/structure/window/reinforced, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/shipboard/brig/cells) -"xiu" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/east, -/obj/structure/platform_decoration/metal/almayer/north, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "xiH" = ( /obj/structure/largecrate/random/barrel/blue, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, @@ -69330,13 +69475,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/orangecorner, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/aft_hallway) -"xmT" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ - dir = 8; - id_tag = "mining_outpost_pump" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile2, -/area/almayer/medical/operating_room_four) "xnh" = ( /obj/structure/closet, /obj/item/clothing/ears/earmuffs, @@ -69465,41 +69603,6 @@ /obj/item/tool/weldingtool, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, /area/almayer/maint/upper/u_m_s) -"xqp" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/disposal/delivery{ - density = 0; - desc = "A pneumatic delivery unit. Sends items to the requisitions."; - icon_state = "delivery_med"; - name = "Requisitions Delivery Unit"; - pixel_y = 28; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/xenoanalyzer, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/medical_science) -"xqy" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1{ - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/med_cryo{ - pixel_x = 32; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/gel_refiller, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/cryo{ - pixel_x = 32; - pixel_y = -7 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "NE-out"; - pixel_y = 1; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "xqD" = ( /obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ pixel_x = -17 @@ -69595,29 +69698,6 @@ "xsw" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, /area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) -"xsz" = ( -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/containment{ - dir = 8; - name = "Research Cameras"; - pixel_y = -2; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/research/main_terminal{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = -16; - pixel_x = -1 - }, -/obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp{ - pixel_y = 14; - pixel_x = 1; - layer = 2.96 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/upper_medical) "xsQ" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/stack/sheet/glass{ @@ -69632,13 +69712,6 @@ /obj/item/weapon/dart/green, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/almayer/maint/lower/constr) -"xtM" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "N"; - pixel_y = 2 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/flooredgesmooth2/north, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_lobby) "xtT" = ( /obj/structure/platform/metal/almayer/east, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/east, @@ -69678,26 +69751,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/red/northwest, /area/almayer/hallways/lower/port_fore_hallway) -"xuE" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/research/glass/reinforced{ - dir = 1; - id = "Containment Cell 5"; - locked = 1; - name = "\improper Containment Cell 5" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - id = "Containment Cell 5"; - name = "\improper Containment Cell 5"; - unacidable = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ - icon_state = "E"; - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/biohazard/white, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply/no_boom, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, -/area/almayer/medical/containment/cell) "xuQ" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair{ dir = 4 @@ -69944,20 +69997,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/silver/east, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) -"xyt" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/research{ - pixel_x = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/working_joe{ - pixel_x = -18 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ - pixel_x = 7; - pixel_y = 28 - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, -/area/almayer/medical/hydroponics) "xyw" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/hallways/hangar) @@ -70338,11 +70377,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, /area/almayer/maint/hull/lower/p_bow) -"xId" = ( -/obj/structure/surface/rack, -/obj/item/storage/box/spec/mortar, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, -/area/almayer/squads/req) "xIj" = ( /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/hallways/upper/midship_hallway) @@ -70528,14 +70562,6 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/almayer, /area/almayer/shipboard/port_point_defense) -"xMj" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/effect/decal/medical_decals{ - icon_state = "triagedecaldir" - }, -/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, -/area/almayer/medical/lower_medical_medbay) "xMl" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 8; @@ -82528,7 +82554,7 @@ lrE etN xkc lrq -sEZ +awr nqe nqe nqe @@ -83965,7 +83991,7 @@ oeZ emp emp emp -iEx +ass cMl qFE wDC @@ -84558,7 +84584,7 @@ uDg xkc eeA cQv -dzG +aws kde ioV cQv @@ -96033,27 +96059,27 @@ xyw rgy sqa baN -abp -abY -abY -abY -abY -abY -abY -adY -abY -abY -abY -adY -abY -abY -abY -abY -abY -abY +abr +adb +adb +adb +adb +adb +adb +ahU +adb +adb +adb +ahU +adb +adb +adb +adb +adb +adb sqa baN -abp +abr hBF xAY aYz @@ -96240,17 +96266,17 @@ bcx bPr bPr bPr -ado -agE -agt -afV -afA -kTY -ehi -mha -rBb -bdI -ado +afS +alb +akN +ake +ajN +aji +aiI +ahW +ahs +agx +afS bPr bPr bPr @@ -96438,27 +96464,27 @@ bcm xyw bHB xyw -aip -agF -ahl -ahl -ahl -agF -agF -adH -afW -rIj -adH -qOf -bqH -adH -abA -abA -adb -abZ -abZ -abA -abz +apl +alc +aml +aml +aml +alc +alc +aht +akg +ajO +aht +aiK +ahX +aht +abJ +abJ +afe +adc +adc +abJ +abI xyw bHB uII @@ -96641,30 +96667,30 @@ bcm bGQ bHB xyw -agF -agF -kPx -bgk -biq -dvg -nvM -tGh -afY +alc +alc +anC +amO +amm +alG +ale +ahu +akj pjw -rdS +ajn lqF -adZ -tGh -adz -sgj -adc -acF -bDv -abA -abA +ahY +ahu +agy +afU +aff +adU +adf +abJ +abJ xyw bHB -qnd +abm lFp lFp lFp @@ -96844,28 +96870,28 @@ bcm aYu wTg bGq -agF -bcz -ahF -ahs +alc +aon +anD +amP bej -bzS -nvM -vyu -tzP +alH +ale +akO +agD qjN qjN qjN -tzP -adI -adA -bkN +agD +ahv +agz +afV fdZ -acG -bzg -pqi -abA -rHw +adV +adg +abX +abJ +abt wTg aYu lFp @@ -97047,27 +97073,27 @@ bcm aZZ aYC aZZ -agF -bcA +alc +aoo fVG bej -bgl -bpz -biu -agw -tzP +amn +alI +ali +akP +agD qjN qjN qjN -tzP -adJ -bkz -uSS -pIU +agD +ahw +agB +afW +afg fdZ -uDA -bER -abA +adh +abY +abJ aZZ aYC aZZ @@ -97250,27 +97276,27 @@ wfE yap bqg eIO -agF -eFG -ahH -arX +alc +aot +anE +amQ bej -bzS -nvM -agw -tzP +alH +ale +akP +agD qjN ham qjN -tzP -adJ -bkz -xgJ +agD +ahw +agB +afY fdZ -bnS -aca -tzx -abA +adW +adi +abZ +abJ rZt qyP tuC @@ -97454,25 +97480,25 @@ kLE lIu kLE bkA -bcC +aou fVG -tzO -ahm -qpQ -nvM -agw -tzP +amR +amp +alJ +ale +akP +agD ham ham ham -tzP -adJ -adz -eTC -adf -ixj -acb -uey +agD +ahw +agy +aga +afh +adX +adk +aca gfW kSA tpB @@ -97558,8 +97584,8 @@ iKy iKy oyB iKy -ajL -ajL +auK +auK gJC iKy udv @@ -97569,7 +97595,7 @@ gji iKy iKy udv -oGW +arv gJC iKy iKy @@ -97657,25 +97683,25 @@ cJK oGL hOu bkA -eUn -bcD -qpx +aow +anF +amS bkA bkA bkA -qOZ -aeg +akR +aib qjN ham qjN -aeb -qyD +ahZ +ahx gfW gfW gfW -nTo +adY +adk acb -bwR gfW oJL jMa @@ -97861,23 +97887,23 @@ uRD wru bkA bkA -ahI +anG bkA bkA -hGh -agG +alK +alj lqF -aeb +ahZ bqL bqL bqL -aeg +aib pjw ham -omo +agd gfW gfW -uFo +adl gfW gfW eWx @@ -98061,29 +98087,29 @@ xbk wfE xos uRD -aiz +apv baZ -iey +aox gGJ -kws -vSn +amT +amq mlH -mvI +all bqL -aga +akk qjN qjN qjN -aek +aif bqL -qdz +agC bei -bsj -bPk +afi +adZ gGJ -byb +ace baZ -abq +abu lLO knm yfy @@ -98263,9 +98289,9 @@ xFZ btx naV pij -kJh -aiA -ait +apG +apw +apm lqF gGJ pjw @@ -98273,20 +98299,20 @@ bmb qjN gGJ bqR -agd -afB +akm +ajP cle -aeF -aem -adK -tzP +aiL +aii +ahA +agD qjN bmb lqF gGJ pjw -bCd -abm +abL +abo lLO knm yfy @@ -98371,20 +98397,20 @@ tJm aoe aoe aor -isN -fYb -isN -isN -isN -isN -hQU -mcW -isN -isN -isN -fYb -isN -isN +aqM +ard +aqM +aqM +aqM +aqM +asP +ast +aqM +aqM +aqM +ard +aqM +aqM aoe aoe hwB @@ -98467,30 +98493,30 @@ xbk aWw qPk ckh -uJM -abC -bep -ahK +apx +abM +aoB +anH kdB kdB -adp -agJ -agx +age +alm +akS kan -afC -afi -aeS +ajQ +ajo +aiM kan -adL -adB -adp +ahB +agE +age kdB kdB -ace +adm maI -abC -sbE -abo +abM +abv +abp knm yfy ruL @@ -98568,31 +98594,31 @@ cZq utp gtI kYF -aiM +apT nbH -wpu +avX aoe -aoh -ajQ -ajN +avl +ave +auM arb -aEi +aqT arb -aEi +aqT arb -aoq +asS arb -aEi +aqT arb -aEi +aqT arb -aEi +aqT arb -coa +aqv aoe lXR nbH -aiK +apP lST wrI pep @@ -98671,27 +98697,27 @@ aWw qPk hKe qPk -jpp -ahZ -acg -aht -adg -agS -agL -cAF -ljO -kDR +abN +aoD +adn +amU afl -ujz -ljO -adM -bmO -xgh -adg -hDX +alM +aln +akT +aik +ajR +ajp +aiN +aik +ahC +agF +agg +afl +aeb +adn acg abN -jpp knm jZe knm @@ -98773,25 +98799,25 @@ gxm gxm lXR lYS -mzn +awb hSI qQc dfa -rxc -ajG -hVz +atQ +auz +auk dfa -rxc -ajp -ajn +atQ +atA +asV arb -ajg +asd aEN -eSN -sKa -jBy +arw +are +aqW arb -aHa +aqx aoe gvu nbH @@ -98874,29 +98900,29 @@ aWw qPk wKN qPk -jpp -iaF +abN +aeg +ado ach -abO -qPS +amr kan -mKw -rcx +alo +akU kan -afD +ajS rlZ -ojZ +aiO kan oKv -tYi +agG kan -adh -iaF +afn +aeg +ado ach -abO -jpp +abN knm -sAD +abq cIO tAb vpe @@ -98976,24 +99002,24 @@ aps gxm gpp xCB -akg +awc ajl ajl ajl ajl ajl -ajt -ajt -ajr -ajq -ajo -ajh -aCw -ajc -aiU +aub +aub +atR +atB +asW +asv +asg +arO +arx aGW fvd -hFF +aqO aoe aoe aUB @@ -99074,31 +99100,31 @@ wDr wDr wDr wDr -aiI +apI wKN -aiA -bCd -eyQ -ahM -ahu +apw +abL +aoE +anI +amV kan kan -agN +alq thP -age +akp bgP rlZ thP -vhX +ail bgP -adE +agJ kan kan -acH -bho -xtM -bCd -abm +aek +adp +act +abL +abo sPY cbL wDr @@ -99177,27 +99203,27 @@ aps aps aps gxm -akp +awo nbH -aiK -akd -aop +apP +avM +avm ajl -aRF -ajJ -ajw +auN +auC +aul ajl -jkl -ayW -bqa -lFn -aLS +atU +atC +asY +asx +ash aGW rSq tsC uRt aQz -aRJ +aqA gWG gvu nbH @@ -99241,8 +99267,8 @@ aab aaa aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa +aab +aab aab aaa aaa @@ -99280,27 +99306,27 @@ wDr qZT pSF eZC -abD -aib -ahO -ahv +abO +aoF +anJ +amW kan -agU -agP -jCK -agg +alN +alr +ahD +akq rlZ rlZ rlZ -aen -jCK -nyj -tlA +aim +ahD +agL +agh kan -acJ -bCe -sdO -abD +aem +ads +acw +abO hBW dxJ rdT @@ -99339,28 +99365,28 @@ aaa aaa aaa aab -aaa -aaa +aab +aab "} (137,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH -bdH +aac +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf abs adq afr @@ -99382,13 +99408,13 @@ aps gxm gvu nbH -aiK -ake -ajU +apP +avT +avn ajl -ajO +auP wub -ajx +aun ajl aoe aoe @@ -99441,28 +99467,28 @@ bdH bdH aaa aab -aaa -aaa +aab +aab aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -bdH -aaa -aad +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR sGw xzB esm @@ -99482,31 +99508,31 @@ wNG wDr qPk hKe -aiB +apy baZ -bmn -iXW -ahw +aoG +adt +amZ kan -agW +alP sYh rlZ -agh -aeU -jXf -aeU -aeo +akr +aiP +ajq +aiP +aio rlZ dTZ -quT +agi kan -acO -iXW -iLs +aen +adt +acB baZ -abr +abx jZe -abm +abo wDr mQx mQx @@ -99523,47 +99549,47 @@ hQP nmY qpV bUQ -kyP -ajZ -aaa -bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aab -aaa -aaa +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +aak "} (138,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH -aac -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf -aaf +aad +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag +aag abw eJU awW @@ -99585,13 +99611,13 @@ asm gxm sHC lSN -akj +awf ajl ajl ajl -ajP +auR wUd -ajy +auo ajl ajl mrL @@ -99605,7 +99631,7 @@ uRt fOL aRS ajl -aiL +apQ xCB tJm gxm @@ -99641,32 +99667,32 @@ aaf aaf aaf aaf +aaf +aaf +aaf ajY -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa -aab -aaa -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR +aak aKR +aKS +aKS +aKU +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKU +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKU +aKS +aLL dvD xzB pIo @@ -99685,31 +99711,31 @@ kaq wDr qPk hKe -aiC +apA bst bst -ahx -ahx +anb +anb bst bst -psK -psK -beW +agN +agN +aip kan kan kan -beW -psK -psK +aip +agN +agN biA biA -act -act +adv +adv biA biA -abt +aby sPY -abm +abo wDr wQu wQu @@ -99726,33 +99752,32 @@ hQP nmY uKH bUQ +bSf +bWe +bWn +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWn +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWn +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (139,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -99767,6 +99792,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abw eJU awW @@ -99790,15 +99816,15 @@ gvu nbH tJm ajl -qhx -hbI -uGk -fFh +avq +avf +auY +auD ajl ajl nHP xNu -mfC +atd aCo aEO sqf @@ -99808,7 +99834,7 @@ upM akw vtx vEx -aiM +apT nbH tJm gxm @@ -99844,30 +99870,30 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR aKS aKS aKS aKS aKS -aKU aKS aKS aKS aKS aKS aKS -aKU +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +apN aKS aLL vtJ @@ -99889,30 +99915,30 @@ wDr qPk hKe qqf -aiu -mBk -oDJ -vaQ -iTt -agX +apn +aoH +anK +anc +amt +alQ sYh rlZ -agi -afR -afn -aeV -aeq +aks +ajU +ajr +aiS +ait rlZ -buu -ads -adi -acP -psO -gjK -abI +agP +agk +afo +aeo +adw +acC +abP tzw sPY -abm +abo wDr ydA ydA @@ -99931,7 +99957,6 @@ xUY wGe bSf bWe -bWn bWe bWe bWe @@ -99939,23 +99964,23 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe -bWn bWe bWe bWe -bWn +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWo bWe bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (140,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -99970,6 +99995,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abs adq aeZ @@ -100000,18 +100026,18 @@ ajl ajl xNu aCo -rHz -xiu -mMg +atD +ate +asy kbn aCo ajl -iGA +arf aos akw txW ajl -bgN +apV nbH tJm gxm @@ -100047,17 +100073,18 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR +apO +aKS +aKS +aKS aKS aKS aKS @@ -100070,7 +100097,6 @@ aKS aKS aKS aKS -pzG bby aLL aLL @@ -100092,30 +100118,30 @@ wDr qPk hKe qPk -aiu -vou -dYU -ahA -cWm +apn +aoO +anL +ane +amv bst -gDW -adQ -agk -afS -afo -pqD -aes -adN -gYl +als +ahF +aky +ajW +ajt +aiT +aiu +ahE +agR biA -wFb -wzZ -tdI -vbV -abI +afp +aeq +adx +acD +abP knm jZe -abm +abo wDr ydA ydA @@ -100146,19 +100172,18 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe -bWo bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +abl bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (141,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -100173,6 +100198,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abs adq afr @@ -100196,23 +100222,23 @@ gvu xCB tJm ajl -sOZ -oNJ +avr +avg axm eDo ajl pth -akl -pWU -gXl -hSo -xdS +atV +atE +ath +asz +asi awj ajl -aLZ +arn akw akw -alD +aqC gWG gvu xCB @@ -100250,16 +100276,13 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR aKS aKS @@ -100274,6 +100297,9 @@ aKS aKS aKS aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS bbz aLL etF @@ -100295,27 +100321,27 @@ wDr iGi pSF eZC -aiu -aif -ahP -ahB -ahn -agZ -oou -jCK -agl +apn +aoQ +anN +anf +amy +alS +alt +ahD +akB xsw frl kFv -aeu -jCK -xMj -adt -adk -acR -acw +aiv +ahD +agS +agl +afq +aes +ady +acE abP -abI hBW ltv uYM @@ -100351,17 +100377,16 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (142,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -100376,6 +100401,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abw eJU awW @@ -100399,10 +100425,10 @@ gvu lSN kaj ajl -cnZ +avt akw -xsz -jTj +avb +auE ajl yjb tgl @@ -100453,16 +100479,13 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR aKS aKS @@ -100477,6 +100500,9 @@ aKS aKS aKS aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS bbz aLL fXz @@ -100498,27 +100524,27 @@ wDr cvg hKe qPk -aiu +apn buj -bvz -bgC -xfT +anQ +anh +amB bst -bJw +alu rlZ -aZK +aix dTZ -bHg -hzs -aZK +ajw +aiU +aix rlZ -hYn +agU biA -lQO -bsQ -bmj +aft +aeu +adz hMN -abI +abP knm sPY jxu @@ -100554,17 +100580,16 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (143,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -100579,6 +100604,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abw eJU awW @@ -100602,10 +100628,10 @@ gvu xCB tJm ajl -anr -eme +avy +avh tEi -asu +auF ajl ajl ePX @@ -100656,16 +100682,13 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR aKS aKS @@ -100680,6 +100703,9 @@ aKS aKS aKS aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS bbz bdy bbS @@ -100701,27 +100727,27 @@ wDr qPk hKe qPk -aiu -bcR -bev -bgA -eas -agX -lJG +apn +aoR +anR +ani +amC +alQ +agW rlZ -aZK +aix dTZ -afp -afc -aZK +ajx +aiV +aix rlZ -lJG -ads -kRd -bCl -bsz -caT -abI +agW +agk +afu +aev +adA +acF +abP knm sPY knm @@ -100757,17 +100783,16 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (144,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -100782,6 +100807,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abs adq aeZ @@ -100805,11 +100831,11 @@ hwB xCB tJm ajl -skl +avz awp axm jZY -wDH +aup ajl ajl sdn @@ -100818,7 +100844,7 @@ dDL ajl ajl nMV -lhv +aro aBd alE wjz @@ -100859,16 +100885,13 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR aKS aKS @@ -100883,6 +100906,9 @@ aKS aKS aKS aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS pDo aLL aON @@ -100906,26 +100932,26 @@ hKe qPk xMs xMs -bgz -bgz +anj +anj xMs xMs -bPz +alv rlZ -aZK +aix dTZ -afq -afd -aZK +ajy +aiY +aix rlZ -fFL +agX vMo vMo -bsP -bsP +adB +adB vMo vMo -abu +abz sPY knm wDr @@ -100960,17 +100986,16 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (145,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -100985,6 +101010,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abs adq sSj @@ -101006,7 +101032,7 @@ gxm gxm atz nbH -tyC +awg ajl gKR gKR @@ -101062,16 +101088,13 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR aKS aKS @@ -101086,6 +101109,9 @@ aKS aKS aKS aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS bbz aLL etF @@ -101107,27 +101133,27 @@ wDr qPk hKe qPk -aiv -aii -ahQ -dBO -waD -bkE -lJG +app +aoS +anS +ank +amD +alT +agW rlZ -aZK +aix dTZ -afq -afe -aZK +ajy +aiZ +aix rlZ -hZN -cpJ -tni -bCn -acB +agZ +agm +afv +aew +adE +acG abQ -abJ knm sPY knm @@ -101163,17 +101189,16 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (146,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -101188,6 +101213,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abw eJU awW @@ -101209,7 +101235,7 @@ udv iKy gre nbH -aiK +apP bVE ans ans @@ -101229,7 +101255,7 @@ akw akw alE bVE -aiM +apT nbH kPa iKy @@ -101265,17 +101291,17 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR +apO +aKS +aKS aKS aKS aKS @@ -101310,27 +101336,27 @@ wDr kgt hKe qqf -aiv -aYQ -bbd -bcL -bez +app +aoU +anT +anl +amG xMs -bRP +alx rlZ -aZK +aix dTZ -aft -eTB -aZK +ajz +aja +aix rlZ -siW +aha vMo -bmi -bnT -btX -byc -abJ +afw +aey +adH +acH +abQ tzw sPY qPU @@ -101366,17 +101392,16 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe +bWe +bWe +abl bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (147,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aad aag aag @@ -101391,6 +101416,7 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag abw eJU awW @@ -101412,7 +101438,7 @@ dcR dcR dcR hWa -akk +awh aEe akA kln @@ -101432,7 +101458,7 @@ awn oap aSb aEe -cEG +aqc rxQ dcR dcR @@ -101468,30 +101494,30 @@ aag aag aag aag +aag +aag +aag ajZ -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa aKR aKS aKS aKS aKS aKS -aKV aKS aKS aKS aKS aKS aKS -aKV +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS aKS aLL qVE @@ -101513,27 +101539,27 @@ toQ exl qyX qPk -aiv -aik -ahT -ahC -ahp -aha -oou -jCK -agl +app +aoV +anX +ann +amJ +alV +alt +ahD +akB thP -dBH +ajB bgP -boX -jCK -xMj -adv -adl -acT -acC -abV -abJ +aiy +ahD +agS +agn +afx +aeD +adI +acJ +abQ knm rDO cIO @@ -101555,7 +101581,6 @@ ndl iDk bSf bWe -bWp bWe bWe bWe @@ -101563,23 +101588,23 @@ bWe bWe bWe bWe -bWp bWe bWe bWe -bWp +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bWe bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (148,1,1) = {" aaa aaa aab -bdH aae aah aah @@ -101594,6 +101619,7 @@ aah aah aah aah +aah abs abs awW @@ -101635,7 +101661,7 @@ vOy wMO wky sqf -aiN +aqd lSN nyK llo @@ -101671,32 +101697,32 @@ aah aah aah aah +aah +aah +aah afm -aaa aab -aaa -aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR -aKR aKR +aKS +aKS +aKV +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKV +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKS +aKV +aKS +aLL deq lfx jgK @@ -101716,27 +101742,27 @@ aza qPk wKN qPk -aiv +app aYR -ahU -lkW -biF +anY +ano +amK xMs -akQ -adN -agm -bky -afu -bky -ryt -adQ -wYS +alz +ahE +akD +ajb +ajC +ajb +aiz +ahF +ahb vMo -jva -acV -xmT +afz +aeF +adJ bzo -abJ +abQ knm sPY knm @@ -101756,27 +101782,27 @@ vMU mJO vDN xbg +bSf +bWe +bWp +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWp +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWp +bWe +bWe +bWe +bWe bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -bVU -aaa aab -aaa -aaa "} (149,1,1) = {" aaa @@ -101826,7 +101852,7 @@ drT ipQ lZZ vOy -oDL +atW nEH vAQ qIL @@ -101838,7 +101864,7 @@ ayX kXw pxo sqf -lPY +aqe bXc vZJ pBG @@ -101877,28 +101903,28 @@ aaa aaa aaa aab -aaa -aaa +aab +aab aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -bdH -aad +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR +aKR kyw deq lfx @@ -101919,27 +101945,27 @@ aza qPk hKe vTX -aiv -iMI -ahW -ahD -ahq -bkE -cnr +app +aoY +anZ +ant +amL +alT +alA rlZ -qqK -aff -afv -aff -aev +akF +ajc +ajF +ajc +aiA rlZ dTZ -cpJ -wxq -ada -wJb -bPu -abJ +agm +afA +aeS +adK +acO +abQ knm sPY knm @@ -101959,27 +101985,27 @@ mJO mJO mgb xbg -lyW -ajZ -bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU +bVU aab -aaa -aaa "} (150,1,1) = {" aaa @@ -102029,7 +102055,7 @@ lYL pNP kCj vOy -nLI +atX rDV dwr rDV @@ -102083,23 +102109,23 @@ aab aaa aaa aKQ -aaa -aaa aab -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +aak +aak +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH bdH aad kyw @@ -102121,29 +102147,29 @@ aQF aQF mNG pSF -aiD +apC xMs xMs -dXr -dXr +anu +anu xMs xMs -psK -psK -beW +agN +agN +aip kan kan kan -aew -psK -psK +aiB +agN +agN vMo vMo -cLA -cLA +adL +adL vMo vMo -abv +abA ltv qEz bJt @@ -102181,8 +102207,8 @@ aaa aaa aaa aab -aaa -aaa +aab +aab "} (151,1,1) = {" aaa @@ -102227,16 +102253,16 @@ fjA gqH vOy anz -vgx +avi hme mzq -qJy +auq vOy vti vti fBO vti -gGx +asj vti lid lJv @@ -102298,10 +102324,10 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH aaa bdH aad @@ -102309,10 +102335,10 @@ kyw deq cGY bwG -tmX -tmX -tmX -tmX +apJ +apJ +apJ +apJ izk pQc cWr @@ -102323,30 +102349,30 @@ wan cTC aQF syj -aiG -aiE -aix -ail -acD -acD -adm -ahb -cjW -agy -agn -adw -afw -adw -rZB -adS -wxc -adw -adm -acD -acD -abW -abL -abx +apH +apD +apr +aoZ +adM +adM +afB +alY +alB +akV +akG +ago +ajG +ago +aiC +ahH +ahd +ago +afB +adM +adM +acP +abV +abC mDZ hkC bJt @@ -102425,17 +102451,17 @@ adF aef aef uZZ -aiO +aqk lGh bBH vOy -awQ +avA oLU thN vDa rQy vOy -qfy +atY inL oiY ueJ @@ -102512,8 +102538,8 @@ kyw deq veq bwG -pKh -tmX +apK +apJ rDv bmW jWu @@ -102527,29 +102553,29 @@ nIj aQF rWv wKN -aiA -aiy -aSO +apw +apu +apb rlZ bZn -bmk -bgw +afC +ama rlZ -adT +ahI rlZ rlZ rlZ rlZ rlZ -adT +ahI rlZ xsw -bmk +afC bZn rlZ -byd -abM -abm +acR +abW +abo sPY knm lhB @@ -102628,11 +102654,11 @@ adF bls aeH agq -ijd +aqj efV bBH vOy -hng +avD dnC hPN vCk @@ -102644,7 +102670,7 @@ lMv dVu eSo qmD -aIC +arB lJv aCt kXw @@ -102730,29 +102756,29 @@ bjD dqE htl vaq -aiF +apF kan kan -dUS +aob kan kan -ahd +amc kFv -agz -ago -afg -afx -afg -aey -adU -rFH -xqy +akW +akH +ajd +ajJ +ajd +aiD +ahK +ahg +agp kan kan -vit +adN kan kan -aby +abD sPY knm lhB @@ -102835,7 +102861,7 @@ lXl qdJ qmW vOy -xyt +avE wiW tOr dBj @@ -102847,7 +102873,7 @@ tjn aCC kXw pQP -qAT +arC vOy vOy mFq @@ -102922,7 +102948,7 @@ aQF aQF aPH xIQ -tmX +apJ pQc rrK aRy @@ -102935,25 +102961,25 @@ qPk hKe qqf kan -akE -qGF -bcV +apc +aoc +anv kan kan oKv -agB +akY kan kan kan kan kan -adV -pKZ +ahM +ahj kan kan -ggz -dka -bye +aeU +adQ +acT kan tzw sPY @@ -103041,9 +103067,9 @@ vOy iYf bIM wPz -iUo -qAE -xqp +auG +aur +aud lzA vkp tjn @@ -103056,7 +103082,7 @@ hPe sdu btC vLj -ijd +aqj efV bBH rRT @@ -103138,25 +103164,25 @@ uNf hKe qPk kan -aim -ahX -mqU +apd +aod +anx kan -ahg +ame bgP -agC -klH +akZ +akI kan tAU -eBZ +ajg tAU -qni -uah +ahO +ahk xIk kan -jZd -acE -abX +aeV +adS +acV kan knm sPY @@ -103259,7 +103285,7 @@ lON dVu oDR vOP -aiO +aqk cDI tru uXE @@ -103324,8 +103350,8 @@ kyw deq sJa bwG -pGG -tmX +apM +apJ izk hds aQF @@ -103341,25 +103367,25 @@ qPk hKe qPk kan -bXw -eiw -bda +apf +aof +any kan -ahj +amf rlZ -adQ -agp -afU -tgV -dut -aeD -adW -nrN -adx +ahF +akJ +ajX +ajK +aiF +aiE +ahP +ahl +agt kan -boh -qDP -wbP +afc +adT +ada kan knm sPY @@ -103444,7 +103470,7 @@ lXl yiu bBH vOy -axn +avI dRh ydE bST @@ -103462,7 +103488,7 @@ vOy aRd aIo vOy -whc +aql yiu bBH mxq @@ -103548,16 +103574,16 @@ kan kan kan kan -ahk -jGn -agD -ggJ -oXY -afz -dut -dut -adX -nrN +ami +alC +ala +akK +akd +ajL +aiF +aiF +ahQ +ahl xIk kan kan @@ -103655,15 +103681,15 @@ tpa vOy dHV vkp -jUM +ati lou -eBO -pRn +ask +arQ vOy -ayZ -aCD +art +aqX hFC -qmy +aqD vOy lXl yiu @@ -103747,18 +103773,18 @@ qPk hKe qPk nyw -iXU -hDw -kzb +aph +aoj +anA kan kan kan kan -wmQ +akM kan xIk -afh -mwM +ajh +aiG kan kan kan @@ -103863,8 +103889,8 @@ wKL vOy vOy vOy -qqQ -aiT +aru +ara aoM vgB kgs @@ -103950,12 +103976,12 @@ rmz wKN qPk nyw -aio -ahY -ahE -ahr +apj +aok +anB +amN rRU -agR +alF kan kan kan @@ -103963,9 +103989,9 @@ kan kan kan kan -neS -ady -adn +ahm +agw +afD bqZ beH beH @@ -104140,7 +104166,7 @@ aQF aQF sPc xIQ -tmX +apJ pQc olM aRy @@ -104252,7 +104278,7 @@ adF aef nIS uZZ -aiO +aqk poD bBH vOy @@ -104264,7 +104290,7 @@ tzL vOy vqZ vkp -rDr +atj usy nDo vOy @@ -104357,7 +104383,7 @@ wKN qPk nyw eGZ -ieX +aol pfM bqZ rEf @@ -104371,7 +104397,7 @@ rCO rCO vVd eBg -wRT +afR bhq dcd eTd @@ -104455,7 +104481,7 @@ adF aef nIS eWF -aiO +aqk poD bBH vOy @@ -104465,7 +104491,7 @@ pRX mHD pRX vOy -foP +atZ sZy vEr irU @@ -105086,7 +105112,7 @@ vOy vOy vOy vOy -qQD +aqr poD bBH fKh @@ -105278,9 +105304,9 @@ xXh xXh xXh dMK -aCR +atF aAT -aNY +asB elR xXh xXh @@ -105479,14 +105505,14 @@ vOy wWz vHO ruc -uvP +aue wTM -dNq +atG vVs -aFa +asC wWz -liY -aiV +arS +arD xOY wTM vOy @@ -105680,14 +105706,14 @@ poD qmW vOy wWz -anw +auI wLy jlG -aqP +aua kCE wLN npt -xuE +asl hqh wLy eiE @@ -105883,15 +105909,15 @@ qdJ bBH vOy wWz -ajK +auJ gxP aPJ wTM -apS +atI wse -aji +asD wWz -ual +arU gxP aOe wTM @@ -106081,7 +106107,7 @@ qiy ahR ahR egt -akm +awl vIZ bBH vOy @@ -106094,8 +106120,8 @@ avH wse cXC woh -pLO -qxm +arW +arE vgO xAe vOy @@ -106284,21 +106310,21 @@ hpY aOR aOR bgK -aiO +aqk qdJ bBH vOy vOy vOy -uqd -amk +aus +auf pYo avF wse -iAz -cQo -aIP -aoK +asF +aso +arY +arI vOy vOy vOy @@ -106489,23 +106515,23 @@ agr aNi lXl lGh -ajW +avK vOy vOy vOy -ajz +aut rzN rzN avG -jbK +atl aOd rzN rzN -aiY +arJ vOy vOy vOy -aiS +aqE lGh bBH mRU @@ -106692,23 +106718,23 @@ aNi aNi pLE lGh -aiP -ajR -aqG +aqt +avj +avc vOy -ajB -apR +auv +aug aqS -mnW -nPf -vYz +atL +atp +asG aqS -uoi -aiZ +arZ +arL vOy -niF -bPF -aiO +arc +aqQ +aqk yiu bBH mRU @@ -106893,27 +106919,27 @@ hoT tob tob fkK -aiO +aqk lGh -aiP -ajS +aqt +avk atb vOy -ajC +auw rzN rzN lCt wse -paa +asO rzN rzN -aja +arM vOy sLk -cbg -aiO +aqR +aqk yiu -aiP +aqt rXF jtU jtU @@ -107102,15 +107128,15 @@ qmW vOy vOy vOy -ajF -msi +aux +auh kDk kbJ -cJM +atw jlA -qLi -dEm -ajb +asp +asa +arN vOy vOy vOy @@ -107502,7 +107528,7 @@ aeP agI aia yaz -aiO +aqk qdJ bBH vOy @@ -107705,7 +107731,7 @@ aeQ agK agu eup -aiO +aqk qdJ bBH vOy @@ -108113,7 +108139,7 @@ aid aej cOe vZI -ajX +avL vOy wWz uwZ @@ -108321,13 +108347,13 @@ vOy wWz qxP gxP -ajd -jgg +asb +asq nMe uyH ovG -jgg -ajd +asq +asb gxP nMe wTM @@ -112692,7 +112718,7 @@ bNP bmD bNP bmD -mYv +ahn doP jac xxa @@ -112894,8 +112920,8 @@ bmD bNP bmD bNP -byu -obo +ahT +ahp tiE bYv tiE @@ -113098,7 +113124,7 @@ bNP bmD bNP bmD -lyk +ahq bOR eHa cmo @@ -113901,7 +113927,7 @@ bdl brp bZr bmD -xId +amj pjG boz bpR @@ -115198,7 +115224,7 @@ aaa aad aag fTl -vrZ +aww qlu taw wTn @@ -128106,13 +128132,13 @@ aad aag aag aag -aag gFP gFP qjZ qjZ qjZ qjZ +qjZ dXI qjZ qjZ @@ -128124,7 +128150,7 @@ qjZ qjZ qjZ qjZ -gFP +qjZ gFP aag aag @@ -128309,10 +128335,10 @@ aae aah aah aah -aah -gFP gFP +riT lMb +afd lMb fLv cLq @@ -128326,9 +128352,9 @@ vON cLq oLN lMb +afd lMb gFP -gFP aah aah aah @@ -128510,10 +128536,8 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP vVI lMb @@ -128528,6 +128552,9 @@ lMb lMb lMb lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb fXZ gsi gFP @@ -128569,7 +128596,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -128713,10 +128739,8 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP lMb lMb @@ -128733,6 +128757,9 @@ lMb lMb lMb lMb +lMb +lMb +vFn gFP aaa aaa @@ -128772,7 +128799,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -128916,10 +128942,8 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP lMb lMb @@ -128936,6 +128960,9 @@ lMb lMb lMb lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb gFP aaa aaa @@ -128975,7 +129002,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -129119,10 +129145,8 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP riT lMb @@ -129138,7 +129162,10 @@ lMb lMb lMb lMb -vFn +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb gFP aaa aaa @@ -129178,7 +129205,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -129322,10 +129348,8 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP lMb lMb @@ -129342,6 +129366,9 @@ lMb lMb lMb lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb gFP aaa aaa @@ -129381,7 +129408,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -129525,10 +129551,8 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP lMb lMb @@ -129545,6 +129569,9 @@ lMb lMb lMb lMb +lMb +lMb +vFn gFP aaa aaa @@ -129584,7 +129611,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -129728,10 +129754,8 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP vVI lMb @@ -129747,6 +129771,9 @@ lMb lMb lMb lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb gsi gFP aaa @@ -129787,7 +129814,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -129931,25 +129957,26 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH gFP lMb -wgf lMb -qbD lMb -wgf lMb -qbD lMb -wgf lMb -qbD lMb -wgf +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb lMb gFP aaa @@ -129990,7 +130017,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -130134,26 +130160,27 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP -gFP +bdH +bdH gFP +riT +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +lMb +vFn gFP aaa aaa @@ -130193,7 +130220,6 @@ aaa aaa aaa aaa -aaa aab aaa aaa @@ -130337,28 +130363,28 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH +gFP +lMb +qbD +lMb +wgf +lMb +qbD +lMb +wgf +lMb +qbD +lMb +wgf +lMb +qbD +lMb +wgf +lMb +lMb +gFP aaa aaa aaa @@ -130540,28 +130566,28 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH +gFP +ahr +gFP +gFP +gFP +gFP +ahr +gFP +gFP +gFP +ahr +gFP +gFP +gFP +ahr +gFP +gFP +gFP +gFP +gFP aaa aaa aaa @@ -130743,27 +130769,27 @@ bdH bdH bdH bdH -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa -aaa +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH +bdH aaa aaa aaa diff --git a/maps/shuttles/dropship_midway.dmm b/maps/shuttles/dropship_midway.dmm new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..85918aa9fe28 --- /dev/null +++ b/maps/shuttles/dropship_midway.dmm @@ -0,0 +1,760 @@ +//MAP CONVERTED BY dmm2tgm.py THIS HEADER COMMENT PREVENTS RECONVERSION, DO NOT REMOVE +"af" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "34" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"aP" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"bm" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "21" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"cK" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/midway{ + attach_id = 7 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"dd" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_right, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"dB" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "7" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"dD" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "22" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"dE" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "36" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"eu" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "2" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"eS" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/midway{ + pixel_x = -32; + attach_id = 11; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "33" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"fF" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"gw" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "46" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "41" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"hl" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "24" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"hL" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "95a" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"hO" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "65" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/right_wing, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"if" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "27" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"kL" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ls" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "35" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"lC" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "104" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"mh" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "8" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"mA" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"mE" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"mG" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "41" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"od" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "89b" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"oy" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + pixel_y = 8; + buckling_y = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"oB" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"oG" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/gunpod_prop, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ro" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "80" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"rq" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "77" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"rr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "103" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"rR" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "32" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"sl" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "31" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ti" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "86b" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"tP" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "6" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"tT" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ul" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "40" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"us" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/ds5, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ut" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "102" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ux" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "89a" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"vD" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "p_stair_full"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/midway/small{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/copilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 5 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"vN" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "86a" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"wB" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "83" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"xp" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "62" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ym" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "69" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"yB" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "54" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"yH" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "100" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"yN" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "4" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"yO" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "61" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/left_wing, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"zm" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "23" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"zG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Aa" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/cockpit/five, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Aw" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "91" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/midway, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Bk" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Bn" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "30" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"BI" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "47" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"BS" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "38" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"BU" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "20" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Ci" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_left, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"CX" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Db" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "26" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Dg" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "70" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"DO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Ed" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "25" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Fd" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Fu" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "74" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Gf" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "99a" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Gk" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/lifeboat{ + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Hj" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "75" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Hz" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "3" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Ji" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "64" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Jq" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "72" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Ks" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "71" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Kw" = ( +/turf/template_noop, +/area/template_noop) +"Ln" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/midway{ + attach_id = 7 + }, +/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/midway, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Lr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "48" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"LZ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "84" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/midway, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Mw" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "85" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/left_fore, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"NK" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Pc" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "78" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"PG" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "97a" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"PW" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Qk" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "15" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "40" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"SZ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "5" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Tf" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/midway{ + attach_id = 10; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "28" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"TE" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_left, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Uj" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_right, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"UI" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "90" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/right_fore, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Vi" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/pilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/dropship/flight/small{ + pixel_y = 16; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Vu" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "67" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"VU" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "73" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"WF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"XS" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Yr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "81" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Zr" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "66" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"Zu" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "29" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) +"ZZ" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "39" + }, +/area/shuttle/midway) + +(1,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Ks +Zr +yO +Kw +ul +af +Tf +dD +BU +Kw +mE +"} +(2,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +LZ +Hj +Jq +Vu +xp +dE +gw +ls +Zu +zm +bm +Kw +eu +"} +(3,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Mw +Yr +Gk +mA +tT +mA +BI +dE +Bn +hl +rr +dB +Hz +"} +(4,1,1) = {" +yH +hL +ti +vN +Pc +Ci +XS +TE +CX +NK +XS +XS +zG +us +Kw +Kw +"} +(5,1,1) = {" +oG +PG +Vi +vD +Aa +Bk +oy +Bk +Ln +fF +Fd +cK +Fd +WF +Kw +Kw +"} +(6,1,1) = {" +ut +Gf +od +ux +ro +Uj +XS +dd +aP +NK +XS +XS +DO +WF +Kw +Kw +"} +(7,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +UI +rq +kL +PW +oB +PW +Lr +yB +sl +Ed +lC +mh +yN +"} +(8,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Aw +wB +VU +ym +Ji +yB +Qk +BS +rR +Db +BU +Kw +SZ +"} +(9,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Fu +Dg +hO +Kw +mG +ZZ +eS +if +bm +Kw +tP +"} diff --git a/maps/shuttles/dropship_tripoli.dmm b/maps/shuttles/dropship_tripoli.dmm new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..95e7e2a8922f --- /dev/null +++ b/maps/shuttles/dropship_tripoli.dmm @@ -0,0 +1,777 @@ +//MAP CONVERTED BY dmm2tgm.py THIS HEADER COMMENT PREVENTS RECONVERSION, DO NOT REMOVE +"aB" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_right, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"bG" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/tripoli{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "28" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"bN" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "22" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"cb" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/lifeboat{ + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"cD" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "69" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"dI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"dN" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "97a" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"dX" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger/folded{ + pixel_y = 8; + buckling_y = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"ed" = ( +/turf/template_noop, +/area/space) +"eD" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "30" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"eN" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "73" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"eP" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"fk" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "61" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/left_wing, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"fq" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "5" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"fZ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "71" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"hx" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "29" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"hS" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "89b" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"ih" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "95a" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"iS" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/gunpod_prop, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"jD" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"lj" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "85" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/left_fore, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"lv" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "86a" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"ma" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "83" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"mm" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "17" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"mr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "26" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"nD" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"oF" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "7" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"oU" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "75" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"pw" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "34" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"qf" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "21" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"ql" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"qo" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "74" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"qH" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "104" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"qR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"sb" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_left_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"sD" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "42" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"tD" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "24" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"vJ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "84" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/tripoli, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"wy" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "65" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/right_wing, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"wN" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "46" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_right_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"xx" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "6" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"ye" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_right, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"yB" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "4" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"yS" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/tripoli, +/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/tripoli, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"zl" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_left, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"zu" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "102" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"zB" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"zC" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "72" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"zS" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "16" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"zX" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "91" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/tripoli, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Ac" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "86b" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Bg" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/pilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/dropship/flight/small{ + pixel_y = 16; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Cb" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "8" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Cf" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "3" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Cu" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/lifeboat, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"CD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"CX" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Dy" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"DG" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "78" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"DW" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "35" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Eq" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_left, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Ev" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "23" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Ew" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "67" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"EM" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "103" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Fm" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "70" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Go" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "2" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Gt" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "80" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Jr" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"JC" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "31" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"JV" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"KU" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "20" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Ly" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "25" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Mh" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/tripoli{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "32" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"NV" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "38" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Oa" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "62" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Ot" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/cockpit{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"OF" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "39" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"OI" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "49" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_left_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"OM" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "90" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/right_fore, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"QE" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Rd" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "100" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"RD" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "89a" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Sl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/ds1{ + name = "\improper Tripoli cargo door" + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Sr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "47" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"SW" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "48" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Ur" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "66" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Us" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_right_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"VM" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"VP" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "33" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"VR" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "64" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"WS" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "99a" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Xr" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "p_stair_full"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli/small{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/copilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 5 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"XI" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "27" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"XT" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"Zf" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "43" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"ZQ" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) +"ZW" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "77" + }, +/area/shuttle/tripoli) + +(1,1,1) = {" +ed +ed +ed +ed +ed +fZ +Ur +fk +ed +sb +pw +bG +bN +zS +ed +nD +"} +(2,1,1) = {" +ed +ed +ed +vJ +oU +zC +Ew +Oa +sD +wN +DW +hx +Ev +mm +ed +Go +"} +(3,1,1) = {" +ed +ed +ed +lj +ZW +cb +VM +jD +jD +Sr +sD +eD +tD +EM +oF +Cf +"} +(4,1,1) = {" +Rd +ih +Ac +lv +DG +Eq +ZQ +zl +eP +Jr +qR +ZQ +ZQ +Sl +ed +ed +"} +(5,1,1) = {" +iS +dN +Bg +Xr +Ot +zB +dX +zB +yS +QE +CX +CX +CX +dI +ed +ed +"} +(6,1,1) = {" +zu +WS +hS +RD +Gt +ye +ZQ +aB +ql +JV +Dy +ZQ +ZQ +dI +ed +ed +"} +(7,1,1) = {" +ed +ed +ed +OM +ZW +Cu +CD +XT +XT +SW +Zf +JC +Ly +qH +Cb +yB +"} +(8,1,1) = {" +ed +ed +ed +zX +ma +eN +cD +VR +Zf +OI +NV +Mh +mr +KU +ed +fq +"} +(9,1,1) = {" +ed +ed +ed +ed +ed +qo +Fm +wy +ed +Us +OF +VP +XI +qf +ed +xx +"} diff --git a/maps/shuttles/ert_solar_devils_shuttle.dmm b/maps/shuttles/ert_solar_devils_shuttle.dmm new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a283ae7ae3d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/maps/shuttles/ert_solar_devils_shuttle.dmm @@ -0,0 +1,766 @@ +//MAP CONVERTED BY dmm2tgm.py THIS HEADER COMMENT PREVENTS RECONVERSION, DO NOT REMOVE +"af" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "34" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"aP" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"bm" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "21" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"cK" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/midway{ + attach_id = 7 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"dd" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_right, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"dB" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "7" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"dD" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "22" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"dE" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "36" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"eu" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "2" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"eS" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/midway{ + pixel_x = -32; + attach_id = 11; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "33" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"fF" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"gw" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "46" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "41" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"hl" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "24" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"hL" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "95a" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"hO" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "65" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/right_wing, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"if" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "27" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"kL" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ls" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "35" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"lC" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "104" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"mh" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "8" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"mA" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"mE" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent, +/obj/docking_port/mobile/emergency_response/ert5, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"mG" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "41" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"od" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "89b" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"oy" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger/folded{ + pixel_y = 8; + buckling_y = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"oB" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"oG" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/gunpod_prop, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ro" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "80" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"rq" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "77" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"rr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "103" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"rR" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "32" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"sl" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "31" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ti" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "86b" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"tP" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "6" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"tT" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ul" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "40" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"us" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/ds5{ + id = "port_door" + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ut" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "102" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ux" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "89a" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"vD" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "p_stair_full"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/copilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 5 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/midway_weapon_console{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"vN" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "86a" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"wB" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "83" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"xp" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "62" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ym" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "69" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"yB" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "54" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"yH" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "100" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"yN" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "4" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"yO" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "61" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/left_wing, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"zm" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "23" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"zG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Aa" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/cockpit/five, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Aw" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "91" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/midway, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Bk" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Bn" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "30" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"BI" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "47" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"BS" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "38" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"BU" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "20" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Ci" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_left, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"CX" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Db" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "26" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Dg" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "70" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"DO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Ed" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "25" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Fd" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Fu" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "74" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Gf" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "99a" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Gk" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/lifeboat{ + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Hj" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "75" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Hz" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "3" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Ji" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "64" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Jq" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "72" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Ks" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "71" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Kw" = ( +/turf/template_noop, +/area/template_noop) +"Lr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "48" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"LZ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "84" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/midway, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Mw" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "85" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/left_fore, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"NK" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Pc" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "78" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"PG" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "97a" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"PW" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Qk" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "15" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "40" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"SZ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "5" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Tf" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/midway{ + attach_id = 10; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "28" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"TE" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_left, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Uj" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_right, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"UI" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "90" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/midway/right_fore, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Vi" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/pilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/ert_spawns/distress_solar_devils, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/ert/midway{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Vu" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "67" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"VU" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "73" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"WF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"XS" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Yr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway{ + icon_state = "81" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Zr" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "66" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"Zu" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "29" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) +"ZZ" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/midway/transparent{ + icon_state = "39" + }, +/area/shuttle/ert) + +(1,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Ks +Zr +yO +Kw +ul +af +Tf +dD +BU +Kw +mE +"} +(2,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +LZ +Hj +Jq +Vu +xp +dE +gw +ls +Zu +zm +bm +Kw +eu +"} +(3,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Mw +Yr +Gk +mA +tT +mA +BI +dE +Bn +hl +rr +dB +Hz +"} +(4,1,1) = {" +yH +hL +ti +vN +Pc +Ci +XS +TE +CX +NK +XS +XS +zG +us +Kw +Kw +"} +(5,1,1) = {" +oG +PG +Vi +vD +Aa +Bk +oy +Bk +cK +fF +Fd +cK +Fd +WF +Kw +Kw +"} +(6,1,1) = {" +ut +Gf +od +ux +ro +Uj +XS +dd +aP +NK +XS +XS +DO +WF +Kw +Kw +"} +(7,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +UI +rq +kL +PW +oB +PW +Lr +yB +sl +Ed +lC +mh +yN +"} +(8,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Aw +wB +VU +ym +Ji +yB +Qk +BS +rR +Db +BU +Kw +SZ +"} +(9,1,1) = {" +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Kw +Fu +Dg +hO +Kw +mG +ZZ +eS +if +bm +Kw +tP +"} diff --git a/maps/templates/lazy_templates/solar_devils_ert_station.dmm b/maps/templates/lazy_templates/solar_devils_ert_station.dmm new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e393a55558f --- /dev/null +++ b/maps/templates/lazy_templates/solar_devils_ert_station.dmm @@ -0,0 +1,26399 @@ +//MAP CONVERTED BY dmm2tgm.py THIS HEADER COMMENT PREVENTS RECONVERSION, DO NOT REMOVE +"aa" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ab" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ac" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ad" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ae" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"af" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/m4ra/ext{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/m4ra/tactical, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ag" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ah" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/uniform_supply/squad_prep{ + req_one_access_txt = "8;12;39;40"; + req_access = list() + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ai" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aj" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/lifeboat, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ak" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "hangarlockdownsouth"; + name = "hangarlockdownsouth"; + pixel_x = -23; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"al" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-4"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"am" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"an" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ao" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ap" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aq" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ar" = ( +/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/Garrow_port, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"as" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"at" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"au" = ( +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/minirocket, +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/minirocket{ + pixel_y = 9; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ax" = ( +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical{ + pixel_y = -6; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ay" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/step_trigger/ares_alert/access_control, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aM" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aO" = ( +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/bed{ + buckling_y = 13; + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + layer = 3.4 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aP" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Weapons Locker"; + id = "squadarmory"; + pixel_y = -4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 2; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aV" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"aW" = ( +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/minirocket, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/minirocket{ + pixel_y = 9; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ba" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/bedroll{ + pixel_x = -2; + color = "#333333"; + name = "gym mat"; + buckle_lying = null; + can_buckle = 0; + foldabletype = null; + pixel_y = -3; + desc = "A black gym mat, useful if you don't want to use the cold hard floor for exercise." + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bd" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"be" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bi" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bl" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bo" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-4"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bp" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "100" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"br" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bs" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/item/stool{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bu" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"by" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/secure, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/prop/dam/crane, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownnorth" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bM" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 22 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/item/tool/weldingtool/hugetank, +/obj/item/tool/wirecutters, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + light_color = "#C02526"; + color = "#C02526"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Four Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/poster{ + desc = "YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE."; + icon_state = "poster11"; + name = "YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE."; + pixel_x = -22; + pixel_y = 3; + serial_number = 11 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/poster{ + desc = "This poster features Audrey Rainwater standing in a jacuzzi. She was the July 2182 centerfold in House Bunny Gentleman's Magazine. Don't ask how you know that."; + icon_state = "poster16"; + name = "'Miss July' Pinup"; + serial_number = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/poster{ + desc = "One of those hot, tanned babes back the beaches of good ol' Earth."; + icon_state = "poster12"; + name = "Beach Babe Pinup"; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 8; + serial_number = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/mid{ + color = "#898988"; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bS" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/autodoc_console{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/autodoc{ + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bT" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"bX" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/right{ + opacity = 0; + pixel_y = 8; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/right{ + pixel_y = 31; + opacity = 0; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cb" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ce" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cg" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "38" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ci" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ck" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cn" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"co" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cr" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cs" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/synth/snowflake, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor5, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ct" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/computers/sensor_computer1, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cx" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/med_life_support{ + pixel_x = 33 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cz" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cA" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/right{ + pixel_y = 9; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cF" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cG" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cH" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/horizontal/blue/top{ + pixel_x = 16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cJ" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "86a" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cL" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = 9; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 19; + pixel_x = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 19; + pixel_x = -15 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/pipe_water{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket/janibucket{ + pixel_y = -11; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead{ + icon_state = "flammable_pipe_2"; + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = 13; + name = "dense fuel line"; + desc = "Likely to be incredibly flammable."; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/crew/alt{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cU" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cV" = ( +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/bed{ + buckling_y = 13; + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + layer = 3.4 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cW" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + buckling_y = 2; + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cX" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cY" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/body_scanconsole{ + pixel_y = 6; + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"cZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"de" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/item/tool/warning_cone{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"df" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dh" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"di" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dk" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dq" = ( +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"du" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dw" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/horizontal/blue/bottom{ + pixel_x = 16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dy" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/secure, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dF" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dH" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dJ" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "39" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dN" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/bedroll{ + pixel_y = -8; + pixel_x = 3; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/head/cmcap{ + layer = 4.2; + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/beer{ + layer = 4.2; + pixel_y = -5; + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/weapons/pistols{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = -7; + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/obj/item/ashtray/plastic{ + icon_state = "ashtray_full_bl"; + pixel_x = 30; + pixel_y = 1; + layer = 3.2 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dS" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + name = "\improper Storage Bay Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dY" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "89a" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"dZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ec" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/emcloset, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ed" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eg" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ei" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ej" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ek" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"el" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaytwo{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eo" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + pixel_y = 24; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/mirror{ + pixel_y = 35; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eq" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"er" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"es" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice1"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ev" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B{ + pixel_x = 14; + layer = 2.01 + }, +/obj/item/ashtray/plastic{ + pixel_y = -3; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + layer = 2.96; + pixel_x = 34 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ew" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "35" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ex" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ey" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ez" = ( +/obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp/tripod/grey, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eB" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eI" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eL" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eN" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eR" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/right{ + opacity = 0; + pixel_y = 8; + layer = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/right{ + pixel_y = 31; + opacity = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/supplies/sandbags{ + pixel_y = -6; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical/green{ + pixel_y = 5; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eS" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eT" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eU" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/station_alert{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/stool, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime4, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"eX" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fa" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaytwo{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/commline_connection{ + name = "communication line semiotic"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fo" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fq" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fr" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fs" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fu" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fw" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fx" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fE" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor5, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fJ" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fM" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + name = "First Platoon Ready Bay Blast Door"; + closed_layer = 3.3; + layer = 3.3; + open_layer = 3.3; + id = "squadblastdoor" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fO" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fR" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/ai_wallmonitor/east, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/glowing, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fS" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/tool/kitchen/tray{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/hotsauce/tabasco{ + pixel_x = 12; + pixel_y = 18 + }, +/obj/item/trash/plate{ + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/item/trash/plate{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/hotsauce/tabasco{ + pixel_y = 18; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/trash/plate{ + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fV" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "23" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fW" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = -7; + pixel_x = 6; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/small_case{ + pixel_x = 14; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = 24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"fX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Weapons Locker"; + id = "squadarmory"; + pixel_y = -4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ga" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-8"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gb" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/marine_food, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gc" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ge" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "16" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/sleep_console{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gg" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gh" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gp" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gs" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/almayer/glass{ + name = "\improper Prep Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gG" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gI" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gL" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "48" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gP" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownwest" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gS" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gV" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 38 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 38 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ammunition{ + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"gX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ha" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/five, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hi" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/pilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/dropship/flight/small{ + pixel_y = 16; + pixel_x = 6; + disabled = 1; + desc = "A flight computer that can be used for autopilot or long-range flights. This one is deactivated." + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hj" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal/endcap1{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hm" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/four, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hn" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ho" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hp" = ( +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical/green{ + pixel_y = -14; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ht" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hz" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hA" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "22" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hH" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/fourway/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hI" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "29" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hK" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hM" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hN" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow2"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 28; + id = "squadblastdoor"; + name = "hangar blast door control"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;12" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaytwo{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hS" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hY" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"hZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ib" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"if" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ih" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ii" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"il" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/vehicles{ + layer = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Supply Bay"; + id = "largebay" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"io" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 2; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ip" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ir" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"it" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iA" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iC" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Vehicle Bay Two Blast Door"; + id = "vehiclebay2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iO" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/dam/crane{ + bound_height = 32; + climbable = 1; + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = -23 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 28; + id = "platco-privacy"; + name = "hangar blast door control"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;12" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/engineering_welding, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"iX" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/storage/pouch/medkit/full_advanced, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ja" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jb" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownsouth" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"je" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-8"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jh" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/recharge_station, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ji" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_y = 29; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jm" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jo" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = 10; + pixel_x = 6; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "gear lockers door-control" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/commline_connection{ + name = "communication line semiotic"; + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup/uscm{ + pixel_y = 13; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jp" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/bedroll{ + pixel_x = 1; + color = "#333333"; + name = "gym mat"; + buckle_lying = null; + can_buckle = 0; + foldabletype = null; + desc = "A black gym mat, useful if you don't want to use the cold hard floor for exercise." + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_y = -26; + pixel_x = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = -26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"js" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/right{ + color = "#898988"; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jv" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "86b" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jw" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/flight_recorder{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jG" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jJ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/left{ + color = "#898988"; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating_striped/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jQ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical{ + pixel_y = 18; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jR" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/item/tool/warning_cone{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jY" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 8; + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 8; + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"jZ" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kb" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kg" = ( +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kh" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ki" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/stool{ + pixel_y = 20; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kj" = ( +/obj/item/tool/warning_cone, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kk" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "cargolock" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kl" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay One Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay1" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"km" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap{ + density = 0; + icon_state = "map"; + layer = 2.97; + name = "Tactical Map Display"; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + pixel_y = 25; + layer = 2.96 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light_switch{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = 4; + on = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ko" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownwest" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/shower{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ks" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime3, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ku" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/ds1{ + name = "\improper Tripoli cargo door" + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kx" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/shower{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kA" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kD" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kF" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kI" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kJ" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/item/stack/cable_coil{ + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 21 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kT" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kW" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/tool/screwdriver{ + pixel_x = 1; + icon_state = "screwdriver4" + }, +/obj/item/prop/helmetgarb/gunoil{ + pixel_y = 15; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"kZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"la" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lb" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/shotgun/pump{ + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/shotgun/pump{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ld" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 28; + id = "vehiclebay2"; + name = "vehicle bay blast door control" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"le" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/tech/comp_storage{ + pixel_y = 19; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lf" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_left, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lg" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "21" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"li" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/overwatch/almayer{ + pixel_y = 24 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_x = 25; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "node"; + layer = 2.38 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ll" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lp" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lr" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset{ + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lt" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lv" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lA" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "90" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/right_fore, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lC" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "27" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/broken_ladder, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lM" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + icon_state = "p_stair_sn_full_cap"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lN" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice2"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lW" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "26" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lX" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"lZ" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/secure{ + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mb" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "33" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"md" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mf" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mi" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/cigarette{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mn" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/smes/buildable, +/obj/structure/machinery/power/smes/buildable{ + pixel_y = 16; + layer = 4.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mo" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "cargobay4"; + name = "cargobay4"; + pixel_y = -23; + pixel_x = -7; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ms" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/banners/maximumeffort{ + pixel_y = -5; + desc = "A large banner strung up on the wall intended to give the marines a boost in confidence." + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = -18 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mu" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/recharge_station, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor5, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mv" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/water_cooler/stacks{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = -10; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/peppermill{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/saltshaker{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/fireaxecabinet{ + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/comp_closed{ + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"my" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/toy/deck/uno, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mA" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mC" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/left{ + color = "#898988"; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mD" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_bottom_right, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mF" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mG" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/facepaint/sunscreen_stick{ + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -2; + layer = 3.2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mH" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mK" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mN" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mO" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "47" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mT" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "7" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating_striped, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"mX" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + icon_state = "p_stair_ew_full_cap" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"na" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/gear/synth, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ng" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/right{ + pixel_x = 4; + layer = 3.1; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ni" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nm" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nn" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/shower{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"np" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/ai_wallmonitor/west, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/glowing, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nq" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Two Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ns" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = 7; + id = "largebay2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nt" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nv" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nw" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ny" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/recharger{ + pixel_y = -10; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/item/smartgun_battery{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/prop/magazine{ + icon_state = "poster8"; + name = "Soldier Of Fortune: Issue March 2182"; + desc = "A copy of Soldier of Fortune magazine. On the cover is a stylized imagine of a motion tracker in use, with the headline 'Combat Awareness in the 22nd Century'. The article covers the advancement in sensor technology that has made combat between peer nations like the UA and UPP increasingly lethal to those on the ground. Flipping through the magazine you see article titles such as 'Arsenal: The M2C Heavy Machinegun', and 'The Future War: advancements in Cyberdyne Systems combat AI'. At the back of the magazine is an extensive list of advertisements for private contractors and wares."; + pixel_y = 15; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/item/clipboard{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nC" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/vehicles{ + layer = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nN" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/working_joe{ + layer = 3.3; + pixel_y = 21 + }, +/obj/effect/step_trigger/ares_alert/access_control, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nT" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + name = "\improper Synthetic Storage Bay"; + id = "synthbay" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nV" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_x = 23 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"nZ" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oa" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ob" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/vehicles/arc.dmi'; + icon_state = "arc_base"; + pixel_x = -31; + pixel_y = -38; + dir = 4; + name = "Damaged M540 Armored Recon Carrier"; + desc = "An M540 Armored Recon carrier, a supposedly more nimble alternative to the M577A3 APC. Evidently not nimble enough to escape from a dropship crashing into it. At least it didn't get shot up." + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/vehicles/arc.dmi'; + icon_state = "autocannon_1"; + pixel_x = -31; + pixel_y = -38; + dir = 4; + layer = 3.01; + mouse_opacity = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/vehicles/arc.dmi'; + icon_state = "damaged_frame"; + pixel_x = -31; + pixel_y = -38; + dir = 4; + layer = 3.01; + mouse_opacity = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/vehicles/arc.dmi'; + icon_state = "arc_wheels_1"; + pixel_x = -31; + pixel_y = -38; + dir = 4; + layer = 3.01; + name = "Damaged M540 Armored Recon Carrier"; + desc = "An M540 Armored Recon carrier, a supposedly more nimble alternative to the M577A3 APC. Evidently not nimble enough to escape from a dropship crashing into it. At least it didn't get shot up." + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"of" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/wy/right{ + pixel_y = -17; + opacity = 0; + layer = 2.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/coffin/woodencrate{ + name = "gym equipment" + }, +/obj/item/clothing/gloves/boxing/yellow, +/obj/item/clothing/gloves/boxing/green, +/obj/item/clothing/gloves/boxing/blue, +/obj/item/clothing/gloves/boxing, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/black, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oj" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 38 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 38 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ammunition{ + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ok" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ol" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"om" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oo" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/vehicles{ + layer = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_x = -23 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"or" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ot" = ( +/obj/vehicle/powerloader{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ou" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/mk1{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = 13; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ov" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ox" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing, +/obj/item/tool/warning_cone, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oy" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "42" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oA" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/shower{ + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/curtain{ + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oC" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset{ + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oG" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oH" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/reagentgrinder/industrial{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine{ + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/vehicle/powerloader, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/platforms.dmi'; + icon_state = "platform"; + name = "powerloader dock"; + desc = "A square metal surface resting on four legs."; + dir = 8; + layer = 2.97 + }, +/obj/structure/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/platforms.dmi'; + icon_state = "platform"; + name = "powerloader dock"; + desc = "A square metal surface resting on four legs."; + dir = 4; + layer = 2.97 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oN" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack{ + pixel_y = 19 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/stack/medical/ointment{ + pixel_y = 34; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oP" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "24" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"oY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = -19; + id = "synthbay"; + name = "synthetic storage door-control"; + req_access = list(36) + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pa" = ( +/obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp/on{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/item/ashtray/plastic{ + icon_state = "ashtray_full_bl"; + pixel_x = 9; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/trash/cigbutt{ + pixel_y = 10; + pixel_x = 1; + randpixel = 0 + }, +/obj/item/paper_bin{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = -25; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/paper/crumpled{ + layer = 2.7; + pixel_y = -9 + }, +/obj/item/paper/crumpled{ + layer = 2.7; + pixel_y = -10; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pd" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = -1; + layer = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pg" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ph" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pi" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Weapons Locker"; + id = "squadarmory"; + pixel_y = -4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pp" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pq" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ps" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pt" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownnorth" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pu" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pv" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/wy/mid{ + pixel_y = -17; + opacity = 0; + layer = 2.9 + }, +/obj/item/toy/plush/therapy/red{ + desc = "An unapproved bootleg copy of the patented Sergeant Huggs. Looks like he's seen better days."; + force = 15; + layer = 4.1; + name = "Discharged Huggs"; + pixel_y = 32; + throwforce = 15; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pw" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/storage/surgical_case/regular{ + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"py" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pz" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = 11; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = -1; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pJ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pL" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medkits{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = -11 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medkits{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medkits{ + pixel_y = 24; + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pQ" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/airlock{ + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/bolt_terminal.dmi'; + icon_state = "closed"; + name = "non-functional maintenance airlock" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pT" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical/green{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pV" = ( +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"pY" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qb" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qc" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qe" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qg" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qh" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 17 + }, +/obj/item/roller{ + pixel_y = 23 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/regular{ + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/coffee{ + pixel_x = 13; + pixel_y = 29 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ql" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qn" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/tech/tool_storage{ + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -5; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qp" = ( +/obj/vehicle/powerloader{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qr" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qt" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qv" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qw" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qz" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qA" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qC" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/spawner/prop_gun/m41aMK1{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/briefcase/inflatable{ + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/item/storage/briefcase/inflatable{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/synth_storage{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qK" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qM" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qN" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + id = "enginorth"; + height = -1; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qQ" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/banners/united_americas_flag{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = 15 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/dinnerware, +/obj/item/ashtray/glass{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qY" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/almayer/glass{ + dir = 1; + name = "\improper Prep Lockers" + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/vehicles{ + layer = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"qZ" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/med_data/laptop{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ra" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rd" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/left{ + layer = 3.1; + opacity = 0; + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/left{ + pixel_y = 31; + opacity = 0; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"re" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rf" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rg" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rj" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rk" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rl" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rm" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ro" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rr" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/item/storage/firstaid/regular, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rv" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/dam/crane/cargo{ + layer = 2.8; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ry" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2"; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/joey/normal, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rC" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rD" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rF" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + id = "enginorth" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/maint{ + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rH" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/sleeper{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rI" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 28; + id = "vehiclebay1"; + name = "vehicle bay blast door control" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rJ" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/left{ + layer = 3; + opacity = 0; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/left{ + pixel_y = 31; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = 32; + id = "synthbay"; + name = "synthetic storage door-control"; + req_access = list(36) + }, +/obj/item/prop/colony/canister{ + pixel_y = 19; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/tool/mop{ + pixel_x = -10; + pixel_y = 20 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/liquid_fuel, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rL" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/cargo_guns/squad{ + req_one_access_txt = "8;12;39;40"; + req_one_access = list() + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rM" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/autolathe, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/apc/almayer/south, +/obj/structure/cable, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rQ" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/toy/deck, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rS" = ( +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/sugar, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/enzyme, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/structure/closet{ + desc = "It's a fancy storage unit for long-life foodstuffs."; + name = "long-life foodstuff storage" + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/flour, +/obj/item/storage/fancy/egg_box, +/obj/item/storage/fancy/egg_box, +/obj/item/storage/box/milk, +/obj/item/storage/box/soymilk, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"rZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sa" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = -21; + pixel_x = -2; + id = "largebay" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sb" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sd" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"se" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sf" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/mid{ + color = "#898988"; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"si" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sl" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier{ + pixel_y = 15; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"so" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 2; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sp" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sr" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/comp_open{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = -12 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/souto/diet{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/trash/chips{ + layer = 2.7; + pixel_y = -9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ss" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"st" = ( +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/bed{ + buckling_y = 13; + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + layer = 3.4 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"su" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sw" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sx" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/vehicle/powerloader{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/bedroll{ + pixel_y = -4; + color = "#333333"; + name = "gym mat"; + buckle_lying = null; + can_buckle = 0; + foldabletype = null; + desc = "A black gym mat, useful if you don't want to use the cold hard floor for exercise." + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop{ + density = 1; + icon_state = "pipe_d"; + name = "refueling pump"; + desc = "A pump used for refueling the dropship."; + pixel_x = -4; + pixel_y = -5; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sF" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/structure/closet/crate, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sP" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead{ + dir = 10; + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = -18; + name = "dense fuel line"; + desc = "Likely to be incredibly flammable."; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead{ + dir = 6; + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = 13; + name = "dense fuel line"; + desc = "Likely to be incredibly flammable."; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/bedroll, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sS" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "71" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sW" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-j2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sX" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/obj/item/paper/crumpled{ + pixel_y = 17; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/obj/item/paper/crumpled{ + pixel_y = 17 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + buckling_y = 2; + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"sZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tc" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/vehicles{ + layer = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Supply Bay"; + id = "largebay" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"td" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/bodybags{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"te" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tg" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"th" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ti" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tj" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "99a" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tk" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tl" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"to" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tp" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint3{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-8"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tr" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tu" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tx" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tA" = ( +/obj/item/stack/catwalk{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating_striped/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tE" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "83" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tF" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tH" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = -14; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tK" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead{ + dir = 5; + pixel_x = 13; + pixel_y = 11; + name = "dense fuel line"; + desc = "Likely to be incredibly flammable."; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/portable_atmospherics/canister, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tM" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tO" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tQ" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/saltshaker{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/peppermill{ + pixel_x = -11; + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tS" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Vehicle Bay Two Blast Door"; + id = "vehiclebay2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/elevator_controller/elevator_call{ + dockId = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one"; + shuttleId = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one"; + pixel_y = 35; + name = "\improper vehicle elevator one control panel" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tU" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice2"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"tZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uc" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + layer = 2.96; + pixel_x = 34 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uh" = ( +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/medical{ + pixel_y = 17; + pixel_x = -8; + name = "medical records"; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet{ + pixel_y = 17; + pixel_x = 8; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ui" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ul" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"um" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"up" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uq" = ( +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/bed{ + buckling_y = 13; + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + layer = 3.4 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ur" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ut" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uu" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "78" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "cargobaylocks" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uy" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uz" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/fourway/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uD" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Supply Bay"; + id = "largebay2" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uF" = ( +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/space) +"uH" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uI" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "72" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "cargobay2"; + name = "carbobay2"; + pixel_y = -23; + pixel_x = -7; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uO" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uP" = ( +/obj/vehicle/powerloader, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 21 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2"; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/device/flashlight/lamp/tripod/grey, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uU" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"uZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"va" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 7; + buckling_y = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/secure, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vk" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/storage/box/nade_box{ + pixel_y = 13; + layer = 3.2 + }, +/obj/item/defenses/handheld/sentry, +/obj/item/ammo_box/rounds/smartgun, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vm" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "hangarlockdownwest"; + name = "hangarlockdownwest"; + pixel_x = 23; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vr" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vt" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vv" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vy" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/effect/step_trigger/ares_alert/access_control, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + dir = 1; + light_power = 0.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vI" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/hd/right{ + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/item/tool/wirecutters{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 18 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vP" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vQ" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/paper{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vT" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/sanfran/left{ + pixel_x = 4; + layer = 3.1; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vX" = ( +/obj/structure/prop{ + name = "\improper uncomfy case"; + desc = "A regular case you'd sit on. The label says it's full of steel sheets. Probably empty now."; + icon_state = "case"; + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/crates.dmi'; + can_buckle = 1; + layer = 3.6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vY" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"vZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wa" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ammunition{ + pixel_x = -18 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Weapons Locker"; + id = "squadarmory"; + pixel_y = -4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"we" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "p_stair_full"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli/small{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/copilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 5 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wg" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wi" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wj" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wm" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wn" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wp" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/toy/deck/uno, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wq" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wr" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 7; + buckling_y = 7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC/large/dark{ + pixel_y = 26; + layer = 2.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wz" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "103" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wA" = ( +/obj/structure/janitorialcart{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wB" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wC" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wG" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/secure{ + name = "\improper Platoon Commander's Quarters"; + req_access = list(); + req_one_access_txt = "19;12" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wH" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wI" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/bodyscanner{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wN" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wP" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/toy/deck/uno, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wR" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wV" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/crate/trashcart{ + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/prop/colony/usedbandage, +/obj/item/prop/colony/usedbandage{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/item/prop/colony/usedbandage{ + dir = 6; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/prop/colony/usedbandage{ + dir = 10; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/storage/pill_bottle, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"wY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/right{ + color = "#898988"; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xa" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xb" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + dir = 1; + light_power = 0.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xi" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + name = "Maintenance Bay Blast Door"; + closed_layer = 3.3; + layer = 3.3; + open_layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xj" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/firecloset/full, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/cryo{ + name = "hypersleep semiotic"; + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xo" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "104" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xq" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/utensils{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/saltshaker{ + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/condiment/peppermill{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/utensils/flip{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xx" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 8; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small{ + pixel_y = 35; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xz" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "74" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xB" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_left, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/platforms.dmi'; + icon_state = "platform"; + name = "powerloader dock"; + desc = "A square metal surface resting on four legs."; + dir = 8; + layer = 2.97 + }, +/obj/structure/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/platforms.dmi'; + icon_state = "platform"; + name = "powerloader dock"; + desc = "A square metal surface resting on four legs."; + dir = 4; + layer = 2.97 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xD" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/banners/colonial_marines_flag_worn{ + pixel_y = 28; + desc = "A well worn flag of the USCM recovered from the original USS Golden Arrow. Nobody knows who recovered it, and whoever did has yet to step forth."; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = -2; + id = "largebay" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xI" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_x = -23 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/cups{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xP" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/chaff_launcher{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/flare_launcher{ + pixel_y = 19; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/handheld1{ + pixel_y = -8; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xR" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "64" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xU" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xV" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xX" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "25" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"xY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ya" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yb" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaytwo{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = -7; + id = "largebay2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ye" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yf" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yg" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ym" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yo" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/jacket/marine/service{ + pixel_x = 11 + }, +/obj/item/prop/magazine/dirty/torn{ + pixel_x = -6; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yp" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yr" = ( +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank{ + layer = 2.97 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ys" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yu" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/trash/crushed_cup{ + pixel_y = -10; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yw" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yx" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yy" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yz" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yA" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/right{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = -4; + color = "#4550A3"; + layer = 3.2; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Equipment Locker"; + id = "squadarmory" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yJ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yN" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2"; + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = -3; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2"; + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = -3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2"; + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = -3; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2"; + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = -3; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yQ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "66" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yR" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/obj/item/smartgun_battery, +/obj/item/storage/belt/gun/smartgunner, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/smartgun, +/obj/item/ammo_magazine/smartgun, +/obj/item/ammo_magazine/smartgun, +/obj/item/ammo_magazine/smartgun, +/obj/item/clothing/glasses/night/m56_goggles, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding6" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yU" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yW" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"yY" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zb" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zc" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/mid{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = -4; + layer = 3.1; + opacity = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/mid{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = 4; + color = "#4550A3"; + layer = 3.2; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zj" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zm" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 27; + id = "lowerblastdoor" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zn" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "97a" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zp" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zr" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + icon_state = "p_stair_full"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zt" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "77" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zx" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + id = "engisouth" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ladder{ + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zy" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/notepad/black{ + pixel_y = -3; + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/obj/item/prop/tableflag{ + pixel_y = 13; + layer = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zA" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + light_color = "#C02526"; + color = "#C02526"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/joey/normal, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cryopod{ + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = -2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zG" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zH" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zI" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/ares{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk/aicore, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zJ" = ( +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/rd, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/prop/magazine/book/theartofwar{ + pixel_x = -1; + layer = 4.1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zK" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zM" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/bare_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zT" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zU" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zV" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zX" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + name = "\improper Storage Bay Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zY" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/almayer/glass{ + name = "\improper Hypersleep Bay" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"zZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Aa" = ( +/obj/item/tool/mop{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 20 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ab" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ae" = ( +/obj/item/clothing/under/marine/officer/boiler, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/jacket/marine/service, +/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/jacket/marine/dress/officer/bomber, +/obj/item/clothing/under/marine/officer/bridge, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Af" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ag" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ak" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Al" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Am" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/poster{ + desc = "This poster features Audrey Rainwater standing in a jacuzzi. She was the July 2182 centerfold in House Bunny Gentleman's Magazine. Don't ask how you know that."; + icon_state = "poster16"; + layer = 3.3; + name = "'Miss July' Pinup"; + pixel_y = 29; + serial_number = 16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"An" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/ammunition{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ao" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger/folded{ + pixel_y = 8; + buckling_y = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ap" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"As" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"At" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Au" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Av" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ax" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "70" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ay" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Az" = ( +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AE" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AF" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/m4a3{ + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = -7; + layer = 2.98 + }, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/mk1{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 16; + layer = 2.98 + }, +/obj/item/device/motiondetector, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AH" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "31" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AJ" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + layer = 2.96; + pixel_x = 10; + pixel_y = -24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/three, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AR" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ + pixel_y = 29; + pixel_x = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime4, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AV" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Three Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay3" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AW" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small{ + pixel_y = 14; + anchored = 1; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AX" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 31; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"AY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ba" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/dam/crane{ + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/supplies/flares{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bc" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bf" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bg" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bp" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bq" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Br" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical{ + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bt" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/device/camera{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/item/device/camera_film{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bx" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/photocopier{ + pixel_y = 16; + layer = 4.12 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup/uscm{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = -7; + layer = 4.12 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"By" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Bz" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = 19; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + layer = 3.2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BB" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BC" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/holohoop{ + dir = 8; + id = "basketball"; + side = "right" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BE" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BF" = ( +/obj/item/tool/wet_sign{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/obj/item/tool/wet_sign{ + pixel_y = 10; + pixel_x = -17 + }, +/obj/item/tool/wet_sign{ + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = -13 + }, +/obj/item/tool/wet_sign{ + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -15 + }, +/obj/item/tool/wet_sign{ + pixel_y = -2; + pixel_x = -13 + }, +/obj/item/tool/wet_sign{ + pixel_y = 16; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BI" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BM" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical/glass{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BP" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BQ" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"BY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ca" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cb" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/micor/left{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = -4; + color = "#4550A3"; + layer = 3.2; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cd" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "cargobay3"; + name = "cargobay3"; + pixel_y = 23; + pixel_x = -7; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ce" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ch" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "cargobaylocks" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cj" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ck" = ( +/obj/structure/toilet{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/metal{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/curtain/red, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cn" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cs" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "80" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cv" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cx" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/weapons/m56d{ + pixel_x = 9; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/weapons/m56d{ + pixel_x = 9; + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cy" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Weapons Bay One Blast Door"; + id = "weaponsbay1" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Cz" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CA" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/iv_drip{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CG" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CM" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead{ + icon_state = "flammable_pipe_2"; + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = 13; + name = "dense fuel line"; + desc = "Likely to be incredibly flammable."; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CS" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CT" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CU" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap{ + density = 0; + dir = 4; + icon_state = "shuttle"; + layer = 2.97; + name = "Tactical Map Display"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/item/prop/tableflag/uscm{ + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CW" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"CZ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Da" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Db" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dc" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"De" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Df" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dj" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dk" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Do" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case{ + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dq" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/generic{ + dir = 1; + name = "Bathroom" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ds" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dt" = ( +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup/wy{ + desc = "A matte gray coffee mug bearing the Weyland-Yutani logo on its front. Looks like someone spat in it."; + name = "dip cup"; + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = 18 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/m41aMK1, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/m41aMK1{ + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/m41aMK1{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/hd/left{ + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dw" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/microwave{ + density = 0; + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine{ + pixel_x = 9; + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/donkpockets{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Dx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DA" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DD" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/crate/freezer{ + name = "blood cooler crate"; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/blood/OMinus, +/obj/item/reagent_container/blood/OMinus{ + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/blood/OMinus{ + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/blood/OMinus, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DF" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/secure{ + dir = 8; + name = "\improper Shared Office"; + req_access = null + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DG" = ( +/obj/structure/prop{ + name = "\improper seat-like case"; + desc = "It's a case made into an impromptu seat."; + icon_state = "case"; + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/crates.dmi'; + can_buckle = 1; + pixel_y = -2; + layer = 3.6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DI" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DL" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DN" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Vehicle Bay One Blast Door"; + id = "vehiclebay1" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DU" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/secure, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/corner{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = -21; + pixel_x = -8; + id = "briefingdoor"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;12"; + specialfunctions = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"DZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/bedroll{ + pixel_x = -2; + color = "#333333"; + name = "gym mat"; + buckle_lying = null; + can_buckle = 0; + foldabletype = null; + desc = "A black gym mat, useful if you don't want to use the cold hard floor for exercise." + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ed" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + pixel_y = 20 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/marine_food, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ee" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ef" = ( +/obj/structure/ladder{ + id = "engisouth"; + height = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1; + pixel_y = -7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Eg" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb2, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Eh" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 31 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ei" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ej" = ( +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 29 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ek" = ( +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffeecup/wy{ + desc = "A matte gray coffee mug bearing the Weyland-Yutani logo on its front. Looks like someone spat in it."; + name = "dip cup"; + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/marine_food, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"El" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Em" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/emcloset, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"En" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating_striped, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Eo" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/left{ + color = "#898988"; + layer = 2.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Et" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ev" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/wardrobe{ + name = "PT uniform" + }, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/blue, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/red, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/blue, +/obj/item/clothing/head/headband/red, +/obj/item/clothing/under/shorts/red, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EB" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EC" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/kelland/left{ + pixel_y = 9; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EH" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EN" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk/aicore, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ER" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + dir = 4; + light_power = 0.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ET" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EX" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_top_right, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"EZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fb" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical{ + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fe" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/nade_box{ + pixel_y = 15; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/obj/item/defenses/handheld/sentry, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fk" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/small_case/c{ + pixel_x = -15; + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette/cigar/tarbacks{ + pixel_y = 10; + pixel_x = -13 + }, +/obj/item/storage/fancy/cigar/matchbook/brown{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fl" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 8; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fr" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fu" = ( +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/minirocket, +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/minirocket{ + pixel_y = 9; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/heavygun{ + layer = 3.01 + }, +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/heavygun{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/heavygun{ + pixel_y = 17 + }, +/obj/structure/ship_ammo/heavygun{ + layer = 3.01; + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fy" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Fz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding5" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FO" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/colony/game{ + pixel_y = 10; + pixel_x = 15 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FR" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/galley{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/cryo{ + name = "hypersleep semiotic"; + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = 28; + desc = "Semiotic Standard denoting the nearby presence of a hypersleep bay." + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FT" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/elevator{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FV" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FW" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_x = 23 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"FX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gb" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gd" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ge" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/almayer/glass{ + name = "\improper Hypersleep Bay" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gh" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 7; + buckling_y = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gk" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gl" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gm" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gn" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Go" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gq" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/coffee{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/snack/packaged{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gu" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Gz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GB" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Three Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay3" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/flight_recorder{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 15; + layer = 3.11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/generic{ + name = "\improper Dorms"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GK" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "34" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GL" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Weapons Bay Two Blast Door"; + id = "weaponsbay2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GP" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/lifeboat{ + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GR" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/box{ + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GS" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/six, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GT" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GU" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-4"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GY" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 8; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"GZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownnorth" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ha" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hc" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "3" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/obj/item/trash/uscm_mre{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hj" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/under/marine/officer/boiler, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hk" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/recharger{ + pixel_y = -14 + }, +/obj/item/ashtray/plastic{ + icon_state = "ashtray_full_bl"; + pixel_x = 9; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/trash/cigbutt{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/trash/cigbutt{ + pixel_y = 15; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hl" = ( +/obj/structure/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 18; + layer = 4.11 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet{ + density = 0; + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 16; + layer = 4.11 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hn" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hq" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/tool/kitchen/rollingpin{ + pixel_y = 4; + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/item/tool/kitchen/knife{ + pixel_x = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hs" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/engineering_electrical{ + req_one_access = null + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hu" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Hy" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_y = -25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HA" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HB" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HC" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-4"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HE" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay One Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay1" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HH" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/commline_connection{ + name = "communication line semiotic"; + pixel_x = -17; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HJ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HL" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime4, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/attachable/scope/mini, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HO" = ( +/obj/item/tool/crowbar/red{ + pixel_x = -13; + pixel_y = -13 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HR" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HS" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/small_case{ + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HU" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/black, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC/large/dark{ + pixel_y = 6; + name = "supply desktop" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + name = "\improper Storage Bay Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HW" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/shower{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"HY" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating_striped, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ic" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ie" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"If" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ii" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ij" = ( +/obj/item/stack/catwalk{ + pixel_x = 4 + }, +/obj/item/stack/catwalk{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ik" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Im" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Io" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ip" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ir" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Is" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Iu" = ( +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/bed{ + buckling_y = 13; + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + layer = 3.4 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Iv" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/obj/item/ashtray/plastic{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Iw" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/medical{ + dir = 8; + name = "\improper Medical Office"; + req_one_access = list(); + req_one_access_txt = "8;12" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Iz" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/glowing, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IE" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"II" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IK" = ( +/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/m41aMK1{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/m41aMK1, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/m41aMK1{ + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IL" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/conference_room{ + pixel_y = -25; + pixel_x = -15 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/terminal{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = -25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IN" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint2{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IP" = ( +/obj/item/device/radio/intercom{ + freerange = 1; + name = "General Listening Channel"; + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IQ" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "6" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IR" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/floodlights{ + pixel_y = -9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IS" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IT" = ( +/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "platco-privacy" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IU" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ + density = 0; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IV" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "49" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_left_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IW" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/device/defibrillator/upgraded, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"IY" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ja" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jb" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/banners/united_americas_flag{ + pixel_x = -30; + pixel_y = 31 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/crate/trashcart{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/trash/candy, +/obj/item/trash/burger, +/obj/item/trash/cigbutt, +/obj/item/trash/burger{ + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jg" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "node" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jl" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "73" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jn" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jo" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jp" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jq" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jr" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Js" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_x = 11; + pixel_y = 29 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Jz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 29 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime3, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JC" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/trash/wy_chips_pepper{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JE" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JF" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/tripoli{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "28" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JG" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "85" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/left_fore, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JJ" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JK" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/storage/belt/utility/full{ + pixel_y = 12 + }, +/obj/item/storage/belt/utility/full{ + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + light_color = "#C02526"; + color = "#C02526" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/obj/item/device/binoculars/range/designator, +/obj/item/device/whistle, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JN" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JP" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JT" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JW" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JX" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"JZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-4"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ka" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kc" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kg" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kh" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ki" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "65" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/right_wing, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kj" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0; + desc = "A lightweight support lattice."; + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/structures.dmi'; + icon_state = "latticefull"; + layer = 2.1; + name = "lattice" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kp" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kq" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kr" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kt" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "46" + }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_right_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + name = "\improper Equipment Locker"; + id = "squadarmory" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Kw" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = -8; + id = "briefingdoor"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;12" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KA" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/mk1{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = 13; + pixel_x = 3 + }, +/obj/item/facepaint/sunscreen_stick{ + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -2; + layer = 3.2 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/poster{ + desc = "YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE. YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE."; + icon_state = "poster11"; + name = "YOU ALWAYS KNOW A WORKING JOE."; + pixel_x = 24; + serial_number = 11 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-8"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KI" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KL" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KM" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KO" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/mid{ + color = "#898988"; + layer = 2.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KP" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/right{ + color = "#898988"; + layer = 2.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KQ" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/wy/left{ + pixel_y = -17; + opacity = 0; + layer = 2.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KU" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + light_color = "#C02526"; + color = "#C02526"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/joey/normal, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KW" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KY" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/water_cooler/stacks{ + pixel_y = 18; + layer = 3.6; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"KZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/obj/item/toy/beach_ball/holoball{ + pixel_y = 15; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"La" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/hardpoint/support/flare_launcher{ + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lb" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lc" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ld" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/prop{ + density = 1; + icon_state = "pipe_d"; + name = "refueling pump"; + desc = "A pump used for refueling the dropship."; + pixel_y = -5; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lf" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lh" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lj" = ( +/obj/structure/prop{ + name = "\improper cozy case"; + desc = "A rather cozy case you can sit on. The label says it's full of pillows - though it's probably empty."; + icon_state = "case"; + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/crates.dmi'; + can_buckle = 1; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/dartboard{ + pixel_y = 41; + layer = 3.2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lk" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "75" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lo" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lq" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lr" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "43" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lu" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/obj/structure/janitorialcart{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Lx" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownsouth" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ly" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "89b" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LA" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LB" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -24 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LC" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/toy/deck, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/atm{ + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 27; + id = "lowerblastdoor" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LJ" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LM" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/item/tool/warning_cone, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LP" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LS" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LT" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice2"; + pixel_y = 5; + layer = 5.2 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime4, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"LZ" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ma" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding9" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mc" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/rewire{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = -25 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/electronics{ + pixel_y = -25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Md" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent{ + icon_state = "95a" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mf" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mg" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "weaponsbay2"; + name = "weaponsbay2"; + pixel_y = 23; + pixel_x = -7; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mh" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mi" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mj" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/shotgun/buckshot, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/shotgun{ + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mk" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mn" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mp" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ms" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_y = -10; + layer = 5.2 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_y = 6; + layer = 5.2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mx" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"My" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Mz" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -24 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ME" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/synth, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MH" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MJ" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MN" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaytwo, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MP" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/aicore/hull, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MS" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/bedsheetbin{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/item/storage/pill_bottle/paracetamol{ + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MT" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional/up_down/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MU" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"MZ" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/mid{ + color = "#898988"; + pixel_y = 15; + layer = 3.2; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Na" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/bedsheetbin{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nc" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medkits{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = -4 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medkits{ + pixel_y = 24; + pixel_x = 15; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/med{ + pixel_y = 21; + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nd" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ne" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical{ + pixel_x = -11; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/item/tool/hand_labeler{ + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/item/spacecash/c10{ + pixel_x = 11; + pixel_y = 2; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nf" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/whiteboard{ + pixel_y = 25; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nh" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice1"; + pixel_y = -10; + layer = 5.2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nj" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-j2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"No" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/item/tool/warning_cone{ + pixel_y = 16; + pixel_x = -15 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 19; + pixel_x = -15 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Nz" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NC" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/firecloset, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ND" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NF" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "61" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/tripoli/left_wing, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NG" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/right{ + color = "#898988"; + pixel_y = 15; + layer = 3.2; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NH" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/paper_bin/uscm{ + pixel_x = 5; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/tool/pen{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NJ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NK" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/cups{ + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/structure/vehicle_locker/cabinet/cups/flip{ + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/item/trash/USCMtray{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/trash/USCMtray{ + pixel_x = 12; + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/trash/USCMtray{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/trash/USCMtray{ + pixel_x = 12; + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/trash/USCMtray{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/item/trash/USCMtray{ + pixel_x = 12; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/two, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/surgical{ + pixel_x = 30 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor5, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NO" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NP" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NR" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NS" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NT" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/synth_storage{ + pixel_y = 28; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NV" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NY" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"NZ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Oa" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/hd/mid{ + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Oc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Od" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Oe" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Og" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Oh" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Weapons Bay Two Blast Door"; + id = "weaponsbay2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Oj" = ( +/obj/structure/sink{ + pixel_y = 24; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/mirror{ + pixel_y = 35; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ok" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Two Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ol" = ( +/obj/structure/supply_drop/echo{ + mouse_opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Om" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ + density = 0; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_y = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/storage{ + pixel_x = -18 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"On" = ( +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/light_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Oo" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_y = 1; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Op" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ou" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ov" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ow" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/computer/PC{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ox" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/medicine/medkits{ + pixel_y = 24; + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Oz" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 2; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OB" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/whiteboard/clear{ + pixel_y = 18; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OM" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4; + pixel_y = -16 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ON" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OS" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/commline_connection{ + name = "communication line semiotic"; + pixel_y = 30; + pixel_x = 17; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/bed/roller, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OV" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OX" = ( +/obj/item/paper{ + icon_state = "paper_words"; + pixel_y = -3; + pixel_x = 5; + layer = 3.01; + info = "OUT OF ORDER - When I find the dumbass that thought it was a good idea to drive over the elevator with the APC they're gonna get their ass beat."; + name = "OUT OF ORDER" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"OY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pc" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/trash/cigbutt/cigarbutt{ + pixel_y = 25; + pixel_x = -3; + randpixel = 0 + }, +/obj/item/ashtray/plastic{ + icon_state = "ashtray_full_bl"; + pixel_x = 9; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/trash/cigbutt{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = 4; + randpixel = 0 + }, +/obj/item/prop/helmetgarb/gunoil{ + pixel_y = 23; + pixel_x = 9; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/item/storage/fancy/cigar/matchbook{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/pdt_kit/advanced, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_left_to_right, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pe" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/fourway/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pi" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + icon_state = "p_stair_ew_full_cap" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pj" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/tripoli{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "32" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pk" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/chinook/left{ + color = "#898988"; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_y = 15; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pm" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_right_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pn" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pp" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pq" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ps" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/fourway/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pu" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Pw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Px" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PC" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PE" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PH" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/glass/bucket/janibucket{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/tech/electronics_storage{ + req_one_access = list(); + pixel_y = 23 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PJ" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 31; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 31; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PL" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/target{ + name = "punching bag"; + pixel_y = 16; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PW" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/high_voltage{ + pixel_x = -16; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 8; + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 8; + dir = 8; + pixel_x = 11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"PY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding10" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qb" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownwest" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qd" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/snacks/grown/poppy{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 6; + layer = 3.03 + }, +/obj/item/tool/candle{ + pixel_y = 13; + pixel_x = -6; + layer = 3.03 + }, +/obj/item/ashtray/plastic{ + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 28; + id = "platco-privacy"; + name = "hangar blast door control"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;12" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qe" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "69" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qg" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + id = "lowerblastdoor" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qj" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/prop/tableflag/uscm{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = -2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qk" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "67" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qo" = ( +/obj/structure/bed{ + can_buckle = 0 + }, +/obj/structure/bed{ + buckling_y = 13; + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + layer = 3.4 + }, +/obj/item/bedsheet/brown{ + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice1"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qp" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qr" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qs" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qt" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/elevator_controller/elevator_call{ + dockId = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two"; + shuttleId = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two"; + pixel_y = 35; + name = "\improper vehicle elevator two control panel" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qu" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal/endcap2{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qx" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "17" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Qz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QA" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QE" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QG" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QK" = ( +/obj/structure/cargo_container/uscm/sanfran/mid{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_x = 4; + opacity = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QL" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/item/clothing/accessory/stethoscope, +/obj/item/device/flashlight/pen{ + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = -5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 2; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QP" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset{ + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QR" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QV" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + name = "Maintenance Bay Blast Door"; + closed_layer = 3.3; + layer = 3.3; + open_layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QX" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/weapon/straight_razor{ + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/head/cmcap/bridge{ + pixel_y = 6; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"QY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ra" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case{ + pixel_y = 11 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 15; + layer = 3.11 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Re" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rg" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ri" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rj" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "62" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rm" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Weapons Bay One Blast Door"; + id = "weaponsbay1" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ro" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rr" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/map/current_map, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/map/current_map{ + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/map/current_map{ + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rt" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Storage Bay Four Blast Door"; + id = "cargobay4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ru" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rx" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ry" = ( +/turf/open/space/basic, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Rz" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-4"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "pipe-c" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RA" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RC" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead{ + icon_state = "flammable_pipe_2"; + pixel_y = 32; + pixel_x = 13; + name = "dense fuel line"; + desc = "Likely to be incredibly flammable."; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/waterhazard{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead{ + icon_state = "flammable_pipe_2"; + pixel_y = 11; + pixel_x = 13; + name = "dense fuel line"; + desc = "Likely to be incredibly flammable."; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RF" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Supply Bay"; + id = "largebay2" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RG" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RH" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "cargobay1"; + name = "cargobay1"; + pixel_y = 23; + pixel_x = -7; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RI" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/autodoc_console{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/autodoc{ + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/tool/screwdriver{ + pixel_y = 7; + pixel_x = -4; + layer = 3.03 + }, +/obj/item/tool/wirecutters{ + pixel_y = -7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RK" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/mk1{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 16; + layer = 2.98 + }, +/obj/item/device/motiondetector, +/obj/item/ammo_box/rounds/smartgun, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RM" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/secure{ + dir = 1; + id = "briefingdoor"; + req_access = null; + name = "\improper Assembly Room" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer/open{ + id = "briefingdoor" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RN" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RO" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RQ" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/almayer/glass{ + name = "\improper Prep Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/item/prop/flower_vase/redwhiteflowers{ + pixel_y = 10; + layer = 3.03 + }, +/obj/item/dogtag{ + desc = "A fallen marine's information dog tag. It looks battered and the name is worn out."; + pixel_y = 2; + name = "faded information dog tag" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control/brbutton{ + pixel_y = 28; + id = "platco-privacy"; + name = "hangar blast door control"; + req_one_access_txt = "19;12" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/facepaint/green{ + pixel_y = 12; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/facepaint/black{ + pixel_x = -7; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/facepaint/brown{ + pixel_x = -2; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RV" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/small, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"RZ" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sc" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sd" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Si" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sk" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sn" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "weaponsbay1"; + name = "weaponsbay1"; + pixel_y = -23; + pixel_x = -7; + needs_power = 0 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow"; + color = "#E10600" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sp" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_y = -10; + layer = 5.2 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ss" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Su" = ( +/obj/structure/barricade/handrail{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/magazine/dirty/torn{ + pixel_x = 2; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/item/trash/cigbutt{ + pixel_y = 10; + pixel_x = -7 + }, +/obj/item/trash/eat{ + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sw" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "5" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Sz" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_left_cap{ + name = "\improper Tripoli" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SB" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_y = -25 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SD" = ( +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/supplies/sandbags{ + pixel_y = -8; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_x = -3 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/supply/supplies/mre{ + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = 8; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SI" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SK" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bathunisex{ + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/water{ + pixel_x = 15; + pixel_y = 28 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_3"; + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "closed"; + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/bolt_target.dmi'; + name = "non-functional maintenance airlock" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SP" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette/cigar{ + pixel_x = 9 + }, +/obj/item/prop/helmetgarb/lucky_feather{ + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/trash/candle{ + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = 15 + }, +/obj/item/prop/helmetgarb/rosary{ + pixel_x = -11; + desc = "An old rosary, a few beads missing from it's string, yet it still holds together."; + name = "damaged rosary" + }, +/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/marine{ + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SR" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/secure/reinforced{ + dir = 1; + req_access = null; + req_one_access_txt = "90;91;92" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ST" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"SZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tb" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap/table/horizontal/segment/one, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Td" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Te" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/maintenance/colony{ + dir = 1; + req_one_access = null; + name = "\improper Power Substation" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tg" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ti" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/heap/empty{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/heap/empty{ + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tk" = ( +/obj/structure/fence, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + layer = 1.9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/open{ + dir = 4; + name = "First Platoon Ready Bay Blast Door"; + closed_layer = 3.3; + layer = 3.3; + open_layer = 3.3; + id = "squadblastdoor" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tl" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tn" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"To" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cryopod/right, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tr" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = -14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ts" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras/almayer/vehicle{ + network = list("Golden Arrow","Vehicle","Midway"); + pixel_x = 17; + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/prop/almayer/CICmap{ + density = 0; + dir = 8; + icon_state = "shuttle"; + layer = 2.97; + name = "Tactical Map Display"; + pixel_x = 17; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/dropship/flight/remote_control{ + name = "Midway Remote Control Console"; + shuttleId = "dropship_midway"; + icon_state = "cameras_old"; + dir = 8; + pixel_x = 17; + pixel_y = -14 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B{ + pixel_x = 14; + layer = 2.01 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/health{ + pixel_y = 5; + pixel_x = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tt" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/vertical{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Tv" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal/endcap1{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ty" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TB" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/washing_machine, +/obj/structure/machinery/washing_machine{ + layer = 3.5; + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TG" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TI" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/cockpit{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TJ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two"; + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaytwo{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TO" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TP" = ( +/obj/structure/platform, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TQ" = ( +/obj/structure/janitorialcart, +/obj/item/tool/mop{ + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb2, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TS" = ( +/obj/structure/prop/almayer/ai_wallmonitor, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore/glowing, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TT" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TU" = ( +/obj/item/stack/sheet/metal/large_stack, +/obj/item/stack/sheet/plasteel{ + amount = 40; + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TV" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TW" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/shotgun/combat{ + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/shotgun/combat{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = 22; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_x = 6; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = -1; + pixel_x = 12 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"TZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ub" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ + density = 0; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "0-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-8"; + layer = 2.36 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ue" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ug" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 1; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ui" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Up" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Uq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ur" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ut" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + layer = 2.5; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Uv" = ( +/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Uw" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ux" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, +/obj/structure/machinery/recharger{ + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UC" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out"; + pixel_x = 1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UD" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/gunpod_prop, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UE" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/closet/firecloset, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UI" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = 27 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UL" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/shuttle/dropship/flight/remote_control{ + name = "Midway Remote Control Console"; + shuttleId = "dropship_midway"; + pixel_y = 6; + layer = 3.1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UO" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UR" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delaythree{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"US" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UT" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/high_voltage{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UY" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"UZ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case{ + pixel_y = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case/double{ + pixel_y = 15 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/case{ + pixel_y = -5 + }, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/small_case{ + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 3.1; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Va" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/comp_closed{ + pixel_x = -14; + pixel_y = 13 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine{ + pixel_y = 16; + pixel_x = -13 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/coffee/marine{ + pixel_x = 9; + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vc" = ( +/obj/vehicle/powerloader{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vd" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ve" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vf" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vg" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 4; + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/black/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vl" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vn" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vq" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/medical{ + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/southeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vs" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vu" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "84" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/tripoli, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vv" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + icon_state = "p_stair_sn_full_cap"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vx" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "hangarlockdownsouth" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Vy" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/no_build/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VB" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 21 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_right/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 21 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VF" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VI" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VJ" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VK" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + id = "motorpoollocks" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VM" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/tableflag{ + pixel_x = -9; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/obj/item/folder/black{ + icon_state = "folder_black_white"; + pixel_y = 14; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/souto/lime{ + pixel_y = 3; + pixel_x = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3; + pixel_x = -1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "node" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2"; + layer = 2.36; + pixel_y = -3 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VV" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"VZ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wb" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wc" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"We" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wg" = ( +/obj/structure/blocker/invisible_wall/directional{ + layer = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/ares_console, +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/aicore, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/vending/walkman{ + pixel_y = 21; + pixel_x = 10; + density = 0 + }, +/obj/item/trash/kepler{ + pixel_x = 8; + pixel_y = 44 + }, +/obj/item/trash/barcardine, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wk" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{ + light_color = "#C02526"; + color = "#C02526" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating_striped/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wl" = ( +/obj/item/prop/magazine/book/starshiptroopers{ + layer = 4.1; + pixel_y = 47 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wm" = ( +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/tjoint{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wn" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wo" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wq" = ( +/obj/effect/attach_point/crew_weapon/tripoli, +/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/tripoli, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wu" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{ + dir = 4; + name = "\improper Vehicle Bay One Blast Door"; + id = "vehiclebay1" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wv" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/autodoc{ + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ww" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/overhead_pipe{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/props/almayer/almayer_props.dmi'; + icon_state = "wallpipe_2"; + pixel_y = -1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Wy" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door"; + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/roof/cargocrane_tracks/horizontal{ + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WA" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WB" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WC" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WE" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WI" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.5; + pixel_y = 10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/southwest, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WN" = ( +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WP" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/prop/almayer/comp_open{ + pixel_y = 9; + pixel_x = -6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"WZ" = ( +/obj/item/weapon/gun/flamer{ + pixel_y = -8 + }, +/obj/item/weapon/gun/flamer{ + pixel_y = 8 + }, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/flamer, +/obj/structure/surface/rack, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xd" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xe" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xf" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_one" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xi" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship/medium_grey_single_wide_up_to_down, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NE-out" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xs" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ + density = 0; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xt" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/clothing/medic{ + pixel_y = 20; + density = 0 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xv" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Xy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XA" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/light{ + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 5; + buckling_y = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XC" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XD" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/medical_pod/autodoc{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 6 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XI" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/black, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XJ" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/almayer_B, +/obj/item/device/megaphone{ + pixel_x = -2; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XM" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "NW-out"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XO" = ( +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/alt{ + pixel_x = -23 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XQ" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/sterile_green_side, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XS" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "garrow_vehicle_elevator_two" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/blackcorner/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XW" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/endcap_left/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/alarm/almayer{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/vents/scrubber{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/disposal{ + density = 0; + layer = 3.2; + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/obj/structure/prop/invuln/lattice_prop{ + icon_state = "lattice3"; + pixel_x = 16; + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/north, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"XY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/item/stack/catwalk{ + pixel_x = 2; + pixel_y = -9 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1/delayone{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/floodlight/landing/floor{ + color = "#dae2ff"; + light_color = "#dae2ff" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ya" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yb" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer{ + blend_objects = list(/obj/structure/window_frame,/obj/structure/window/framed) + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yc" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yd" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ + buckling_y = 2; + dir = 8; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yf" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "20" + }, +/turf/template_noop, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yg" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/holohoop{ + dir = 4; + id = "basketball"; + side = "left" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yk" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yn" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yp" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yq" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/secure{ + dir = 1; + name = "\improper Platoon Commander's Office"; + req_access = list(); + req_one_access_txt = "19;12" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/door/firedoor/border_only/almayer{ + dir = 2 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2"; + pixel_x = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yr" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ys" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yu" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset{ + pixel_x = 6 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Yw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YA" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/small/blue{ + dir = 8; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.25 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YE" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/tripoli{ + icon_state = "30" + }, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YF" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime1{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YH" = ( +/obj/item/trash/plate{ + pixel_x = 2; + pixel_y = 14 + }, +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/misc/flares{ + pixel_x = -8 + }, +/obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/misc/flares/signal{ + pixel_x = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YJ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/liquid_fuel, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YK" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SE-out"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/gear{ + id = "supply_elevator_gear" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/corner/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YL" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{ + dir = 2; + name = "\improper Hangar Lockdown Blast Door" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YP" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/firealarm{ + pixel_y = 2; + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -21 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/mono, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YR" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YV" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YX" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow2"; + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"YY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Za" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zd" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/dark_sterile, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Ze" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "E"; + pixel_x = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/horizontal/blue/middle{ + pixel_x = 16 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zn" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "door_warning"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zo" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/landinglight/ds1{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zp" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, +/obj/structure/largecrate/random/mini/small_case/c{ + pixel_x = -11; + pixel_y = 9 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zr" = ( +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zs" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/strata_decals/grime/grime2, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zt" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "91" + }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/tripoli, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zu" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zx" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli{ + icon_state = "8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"Zy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "S" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZB" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/maintenance/colony{ + req_one_access = null; + name = "\improper Supply Launch Bay" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/test_floor4, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZD" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/tripoli/transparent/nosecone{ + icon_state = "102" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZG" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt{ + layer = 2.52 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZK" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZL" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "N"; + pixel_y = 2 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W"; + layer = 3.3 + }, +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZN" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZO" = ( +/obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable/heavyduty{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + dir = 4; + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZQ" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "SW-out" + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double/blue{ + light_color = "#dae2ff"; + light_power = 0.7 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZR" = ( +/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZS" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/safety/bulkhead_door{ + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/safety/hazard{ + pixel_x = 14; + pixel_y = -29 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/cargo_arrow/east, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZU" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/siding{ + icon_state = "siding2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "cargo_arrow2"; + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plating/northeast, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZV" = ( +/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/black, +/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZW" = ( +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4; + layer = 2.7 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ + icon_state = "W" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/plate, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) +"ZX" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + dir = 4; + id = "squadarmory"; + name = "\improper Gear Lockers" + }, +/turf/open/floor/almayer/edge/smooth/west, +/area/adminlevel/ert_station/soalar_devils_station) + +(1,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(2,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(3,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +bk +To +jY +To +To +gE +To +To +jY +To +sc +To +To +To +To +sn +To +To +To +To +FP +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(4,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +Db +pV +GY +pV +pV +zi +pV +pV +GY +pV +MB +pV +pV +pV +pV +Nt +pV +pV +pV +pV +Qs +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(5,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +LG +wS +PX +oJ +wS +oU +wS +oJ +PX +sU +nb +EM +tN +EM +VE +kC +EM +EM +tN +EM +QN +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(6,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +er +Im +qv +er +LZ +LZ +LZ +Im +qv +hy +xm +qv +qv +qv +qv +qv +qv +qv +qv +qv +qv +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(7,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +TV +aI +cR +be +DI +DI +be +be +am +cq +DI +qv +Wj +aO +qv +uq +bo +qv +Fx +dy +qv +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(8,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +BB +JE +DC +ql +VB +zC +ql +BB +Fb +hN +ql +qv +LF +Hk +sb +Su +Ub +om +be +Yn +gh +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(9,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +qv +qz +YQ +qz +qv +qv +qv +Am +as +Bz +qv +qv +Hi +HP +tx +Mx +wa +sE +cz +Bt +FO +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(10,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +Kp +Mp +fr +jG +Kp +qv +Kp +Mp +Fl +MV +Kp +qv +aV +be +yx +DN +FG +jb +Vn +wP +LC +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(11,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +qv +OY +zZ +yq +qv +qv +qv +yJ +aQ +OG +qv +qv +Iu +Wl +jd +DI +zG +HR +sQ +Pn +zp +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(12,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +Ae +OY +zZ +yb +Kp +qv +Kp +OY +aQ +OG +Ae +qv +tU +rC +Fy +cG +Qo +lN +XX +oV +es +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(13,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +qv +OY +zZ +Tg +qv +qv +qv +EL +aQ +OG +qv +qv +cV +DI +kW +DI +yW +qv +Hj +DI +yo +ZR +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +"} +(14,1,1) = {" +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +uF +ZR +ZR +ZR +ZR +Kp +qf +NJ +WO +Kp +qv +Kp +qf +KM +RG +Kp +qv +bM +By +Ui +Zn +st +qv +TB +yv +Na +ZR +uF 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