There are two major components to Peloton settings:
- SettingsCatalog
- SettingsManager
All settings are stored in the 'pg_settings' catalog table. pg_settings contains the following columns to track configuration information:
- name (varchar) : the name of a parameter
- value (varchar) : the current value of a parameter
- value_type (integer) : the type (type::TypeId) of the value
- description (varchar) : a short description of usage
- min_value (varchar) : the minimum legal value
- max_value (varchar) : the maximum legal value
- default_value (varchar) : default value
- is_mutable (boolean) : be true if the parameter is allowed to modify during the system running
- is_persistent (boolean) : be true if the value should be restored from logs/checkpoints when the system restarts
This is a programmatic wrapper around SettingsCatalog. It provides
several APIs: DefineSetting
, GetValue
and SetValue
for defining,
retrieving and setting configuration values at runtime.
It also provides utility functions such as GetInt(id
) and
SetInt(id, value)
for simplified and typed access to configuration.
SettingsManager keeps a map from name to value which is used during
bootstrap before catalog being initialized.
SettingId is an enum class contains members whose names are the same as the names of parameters.
When you want to add a new parameter, define it with macros
SETTING_(int, bool, string)
in include/settings/settings.h
For example:
// CONFIG_int(name, description, default_value, is_mutable, is_persistent)
CONFIG_int(port, "Peloton port (default: 15721)", 15721, false, false)
The macro defined in include/settings/settings_macro.h will be exposed as four types of content on demand:
- a gflags definition
- a gflags declaration
- a member in SettingId
- a statement of SettingsManager::DefineSetting
To get or set values, use the utility functions of SettingsManager
For example:
SettingsManager::SetBool(SettingId::index_tuner, true)
- Support more types, not only INTEGER, BOOLEAN, STRING
- Support validation check, I leave blank in min_value and max_value temporarily.