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Adding new metrics

To add new metric (replace {{project}} with kubernetes, prometheus or any other project defined in projects.yaml):

  1. Define parameterized SQL (with {{from}}, {{to}} and {{n}} params) that returns this metric data. For histogram metrics define {{period:alias.date_column}} instead.
  • {{n}} is only used in aggregate periods mode and it will get value from Number of periods drop-down. For example for 7 days MA (moving average) it will be 7.
  • Use {{period:alias.date_column}} for quick ranges based metrics, to test such metric use PG_PASS=... runq ./metrics/project/filename.sql qr '1 week,,'.
  • Use (lower(actor_col) {{exclude_bots}}) to skip bot activity.
  • This SQL will be automatically called on different periods by gha2db_sync and/or devstats tool.
  1. Define this metric in metrics/{{project}}/metrics.yaml (file used by gha2db_sync tool).
  • You can define this metric in devel/test_metrics.yaml first (and eventually in devel/test_columns.yaml, devel/test_tags.yaml) and run devel/
  • Then call sudo -u postgres psql gha -c 'select * from sseries_name' to see the results.
  • You need to define periods for calculations, for example m,q,y for "month, quarter and year", or h,d,w for "hour, day and week". You can use any combination of h,d,w,m,q,y. You can also use annotations_ranges: true for tabular tables with automatic quick ranges.
  • You can define aggregate periods via aggregate: n1,n2,n3,..., if you don't define this, there will be one aggregation period = 1. Some aggregate combinations can be set to skip, for example you have periods: m,q,y, aggregate: 1,3,7, you want to skip >1 aggregate for y and 7 for q, then set: skip: y3,y7,q3.
  • You need to define SQL file via sql: filename. It will use metrics/{{project}}/filename.sql with fallback to metrics/shared/filename.sql.
  • You need to define how to generate time series name(s) for this metrics. There are 4 options here:
  • Metric can return a single row with a single value (like for instance "All PRs merged" - in that case, you can define series name inside YAML file via series_name_or_func: your_series_name. If metrics use more than single period, You should add add_period_to_name: true which will add period name to your series name (it adds _w, _d, _q etc.)
  • Metric can return a single row containing multiple columns, for example, "Time opened to merged". It returns lower percentile, median and higher percentile for the time from open to merge for PRs in a given period. You should use series_name_or_func: single_row_multi_column in such case, and SQL should return single row, with the first column in format series_name1,seriesn_name2,...,series_nameN and then N value columns. The period name will be added to all N series automatically.
  • Metric can return multiple rows, each containing column with series name and column with a value. Use series_name_or_func: multi_row_single_column in such case, for example "SIG mentions categories". Metric should return 0-N rows each one containing series name in format prefix,series_name, followed by value column. Series names would be in format prefix_series_name_period. The prefix is optional, you can use ,series_name - it will create "series_name_period", series_name comes from metric so it will be normalized (like downcased, white space characters changed to underscores, UTF8 characters normalized or stripped etc.). Such series returns different row counts for different periods (for example some SIG were not mentioned in some periods). This creates data gaps.
  • Metric can return multiple rows with multiple columns. You should use series_name_or_func: multi_row_multi_column in such case, for example, "Companies velocity", it returns multiple rows (companies) each row containing multiple company measurements (activities, authors, commits etc.). This requires special format of the first column: prefix;series_name;measurement1,measurement2,...,measurementN. series_names changes for each row, and will be normalized as if multi_row_single_column, the prefix is also optional as if multi_row_single_column. Then each row will create N series in format: prefix_series_name_measurement1_period, ... prefix_series_name_measurementN_period or if period is skipped: series_name_measurementI_period. Those metrics also create data gaps.
  • For "histogram" metrics histogram: true we are putting data for last {{period}} using some string key instead of timestamp data. So for example simplest metric (single row, single column) means: multiple rows with hist "values", each value being "name,value" pair.
  • Simplest type of histogram series_name_or_func is just a series name. Because we're calculating histogram for last {{period}} each time, given series is cleared and recalculated.
  • Metric can return multiple rows with single column (which means 3 columns in histogram mode: prefix,series_name and then histogram value (2 columns: name and value), exactly the same as series_name_or_func: multi_row_single_column.
  • If metrics need additional string descriptions (like when we are returning number of hours as age, and want to have nice formatted string value like "1 day 12 hours") use desc: time_diff_as_string.
  • Metric can return multiple values in a single series (for example for SIG mentions stacking, bot commands, company stats etc), use multi_value: true to mark series to return multi value in a single series (instead of creating multiple series with single values). Multi values are used for stacked charts with multi value drop down to select series.
  • If you want to escape value names in multi-valued series use escape_value_name: true in metrics.yaml.
  • If you do not want to escape series names in multi-valued series use skip_escape_series_name: true in metrics.yaml.
  • If your metric saves HyperLogLog data instead of int/float64 values then use hll: true.
  1. Add test coverage in metrics_test.go and tests.yaml.
  2. You need to generate data, using PG_PASS=... ./devel/ If you choose to use add single metric, you need to create 2 files: test_metrics.yaml and test_tags.yaml. Those YAML files should contain only new metric related data. You may need to update test_columns.yaml too.
  3. To test new metric on non-production database "test", use: GHA2DB_PROJECT={{project}} ./devel/ script.
  4. Add Grafana dashboard or row that displays this metric. Eventually copy existing one and adjust. To find new UID available use: find grafana/dashboards/ -iname "*.json" -exec grep -E '^ "uid"' "{}" \; | sort | uniq. Or check the last dashbord's UID in
  5. Update all Home dashboards (make dashboard list panel higher to include new dashboard without scrolling). For your dashboard to be visible there you must set "tags": ["dashboard", "{{project}}"].
  6. Export new Grafana dashboard to JSON, for example use ./devel/ If you are using dashboards folders update ./grafana/project/custom_sqlite.sql.
  7. Create PR for the new metric.
  8. Add metrics dashboard decription in this file.
  9. Add more detailed documentation in dashboards documentation. Then update metrics/project/vars.yaml to include that metric.


You can define tags in metrics/{{project}}/tags.yaml

Mandatory columns

You can define mandatory columns in metrics/{{project}}/columns.yaml