Now that we have reviewed the core concepts behind GC algorithms, let us move to the specific implementations one can find inside the JVM. An important aspect to recognize first is the fact that, for most JVMs out there, two different GC algorithms are needed – one to clean the Young Generation and another to clean the Old Generation.
学习了GC算法的相关概念之后, 我们将介绍在JVM中这些算法的具体实现。首先要记住的是, 大多数JVM都需要使用两种不同的GC算法 —— 一种用来清理年轻代, 另一种用来清理老年代。
You can choose from a variety of such algorithms bundled into the JVM. If you do not specify a garbage collection algorithm explicitly, a platform-specific default will be used. In this chapter, the working principles of each of those algorithms will be explained.
我们可以选择JVM内置的各种算法。如果不通过参数明确指定垃圾收集算法, 则会使用宿主平台的默认实现。本章会详细介绍各种算法的实现原理。
For a quick cheat sheet, the following list is a fast way to get yourself up to speed with which algorithm combinations are possible. Note that this stands true for Java 8, for older Java versions the available combinations might differ a bit:
下面是关于Java 8中各种组合的垃圾收集器概要列表,对于之前的Java版本来说,可用组合会有一些不同:
Young | Tenured | JVM options |
Incremental(增量GC) | Incremental | -Xincgc |
Serial | Serial | -XX:+UseSerialGC |
Parallel Scavenge | Serial | -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:-UseParallelOldGC |
Parallel New | Serial | N/A |
Serial | Parallel Old | N/A |
Parallel Scavenge | Parallel Old | -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC |
Parallel New | Parallel Old | N/A |
Serial | CMS | -XX:-UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC |
Parallel Scavenge | CMS | N/A |
Parallel New | CMS | -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC |
G1 | -XX:+UseG1GC |
If the above looks too complex, do not worry. In reality it all boils down to just four combinations highlighted in the table above. The rest are either deprecated, not supported or just impractical to apply in real world. So, in the following chapters we cover the working principles of the following combinations:
看起来有些复杂, 不用担心。主要使用的是上表中黑体字表示的这四种组合。其余的要么是被废弃(deprecated), 要么是不支持或者是不太适用于生产环境。所以,接下来我们只介绍下面这些组合及其工作原理:
- Serial GC for both the Young and Old generations
- Parallel GC for both the Young and Old generations
- Parallel New for Young + Concurrent Mark and Sweep (CMS) for the Old Generation
- G1, which encompasses collection of both Young and Old generations
- 年轻代和老年代的串行GC(Serial GC)
- 年轻代和老年代的并行GC(Parallel GC)
- 年轻代的并行GC(Parallel New) + 老年代的CMS(Concurrent Mark and Sweep)
- G1, 负责回收年轻代和老年代
This collection of garbage collectors uses mark-copy for the Young Generation and mark-sweep-compact for the Old Generation. As the name implies – both of these collectors are single-threaded collectors, incapable of parallelizing the task at hand. Both collectors also trigger stop-the-world pauses, stopping all application threads.
Serial GC 对年轻代使用 mark-copy(标记-复制) 算法, 对老年代使用 mark-sweep-compact(标记-清除-整理)算法. 顾名思义, 两者都是单线程的垃圾收集器,不能进行并行处理。两者都会触发全线暂停(STW),停止所有的应用线程。
This GC algorithm cannot thus take advantage of multiple CPU cores commonly found in modern hardware. Independent of the number of cores available, just one is used by the JVM during garbage collection.
因此这种GC算法不能充分利用多核CPU。不管有多少CPU内核, JVM 在垃圾收集时都只能使用单个核心。
Enabling this collector for both the Young and Old Generation is done via specifying a single parameter in the JVM startup script:
要启用此款收集器, 只需要指定一个JVM启动参数即可,同时对年轻代和老年代生效:
java -XX:+UseSerialGC com.mypackages.MyExecutableClass
This option makes sense and is recommended only for the JVM with a couple of hundreds megabytes heap size, running in an environment with a single CPU. For the majority of server-side deployments this is a rare combination. Most server-side deployments are done on platforms with multiple cores, essentially meaning that by choosing Serial GC you are setting artificial limits on the use of system resources. This results in idle resources which otherwise could be used to reduce latency or increase throughput.
该选项只适合几百MB堆内存的JVM,而且是单核CPU时比较有用。 对于服务器端来说, 因为一般是多个CPU内核, 并不推荐使用, 除非确实需要限制JVM所使用的资源。大多数服务器端应用部署在多核平台上, 选择 Serial GC 就表示人为的限制系统资源的使用。 导致的就是资源闲置, 多的CPU资源也不能用来降低延迟,也不能用来增加吞吐量。
Let us now review how garbage collector logs look like when using Serial GC and what useful information one can obtain from there. For this purpose, we have turned on GC logging on the JVM using the following parameters:
下面让我们看看Serial GC的垃圾收集日志, 并从中提取什么有用的信息。为了打开GC日志记录, 我们使用下面的JVM启动参数:
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
The resulting output is similar to the following:
151.126: [GC (Allocation Failure)
151.126: [DefNew: 629119K->69888K(629120K), 0.0584157 secs]
1619346K->1273247K(2027264K), 0.0585007 secs]
[Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs]
172.829: [GC (Allocation Failure)
172.829: [DefNew: 629120K->629120K(629120K), 0.0000372 secs]
172.829: [Tenured: 1203359K->755802K(1398144K), 0.1855567 secs]
[Metaspace: 6741K->6741K(1056768K)], 0.1856954 secs]
[Times: user=0.18 sys=0.00, real=0.18 secs]
Such short snippet from the GC logs exposes a lot of information about what is taking place inside the JVM. As a matter of fact, in this snippet there were two Garbage Collection events taking place, one of them cleaning the Young Generation and another taking care of the entire heap. Let’s start by analyzing the first collection that is taking place in the Young Generation.
此GC日志片段展示了在JVM中发生的很多事情。 实际上,在这段日志中产生了两个GC事件, 其中一次清理的是年轻代,另一次清理的是整个堆内存。让我们先来分析前一次GC,其在年轻代中产生。
Following snippet contains the information about a GC event cleaning the Young Generation:
1 :151.1262
2 : [GC
3 (Allocation Failure
4 151.126:
5 :629119K->69888K
7 , 0.0584157 secs]1619346K->1273247K
9,0.0585007 secs
10][Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs]
– Time when the GC event started. GC事件开始的时间. 其中-0200
– Time when the GC event started, relative to the JVM startup time. Measured in seconds. GC事件开始时,相对于JVM启动时的间隔时间,单位是秒。
– Flag to distinguish between Minor & Full GC. This time it is indicating that this was a Minor GC. 用来区分 Minor GC 还是 Full GC 的标志。GC
表明这是一次小型GC(Minor GC)
Allocation Failure
– Cause of the collection. In this case, the GC is triggered due to a data structure not fitting into any region in the Young Generation. 触发 GC 的原因。本次GC事件, 是由于年轻代中没有空间来存放新的数据结构引起的。
– Name of the garbage collector used. This cryptic name stands for the single-threaded mark-copy stop-the-world garbage collector used to clean Young generation. 垃圾收集器的名称。这个神秘的名字表示的是在年轻代中使用的: 单线程, 标记-复制(mark-copy), 全线暂停(STW) 垃圾收集器。
– Usage of the Young Generation before and after collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后年轻代的使用量。
– Total size of the Young Generation. 年轻代总的空间大小。
– Total used heap before and after collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后整个堆内存的使用情况。
– Total available heap. 可用堆的总空间大小。
0.0585007 secs
– Duration of the GC event in seconds. GC事件持续的时间,以秒为单位。
[Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs]
– Duration of the GC event, measured in different categories: GC事件的持续时间, 通过三个部分来衡量:
- user – Total CPU time that was consumed by the garbage collector threads during this collection. 在此次垃圾回收过程中, 所有 GC线程所消耗的CPU时间之和。
- sys – Time spent in OS calls or waiting for system event. GC过程中中操作系统调用和系统等待事件所消耗的时间。
- real – Clock time for which your application was stopped. As Serial Garbage Collector always uses just a single thread, real time is thus equal to the sum of user and system times. 应用程序暂停的时间。因为串行垃圾收集器(Serial Garbage Collector)只使用单线程, 因此 real time 等于 user 和 system 时间的总和。
From the above snippet we can understand exactly what was happening with the memory consumption inside JVM during the GC event. Before this collection, heap usage totaled at 1,619,346K. Out of this, the Young Generation consumed 629,119K. From this we can calculate the Old Generation usage being equal to 990,227K.
可以从上面的日志片段了解到, 在GC事件中,JVM 的内存使用情况发生了怎样的变化。此次垃圾收集之前, 堆内存总的使用量为 1,619,346K。其中,年轻代使用了 629,119K。可以算出,老年代使用量为 990,227K。
A more important conclusion is hidden in the next batch of numbers indicating that, after the collection, Young Generation usage decreased by 559,231K but total heap usage decreased only by 346,099K. From this we can again derive that 213,132K of objects were promoted from the Young Generation to the Old Generation.
更重要的信息蕴含在下一批数字中, 垃圾收集之后, 年轻代的使用量减少了 559,231K, 但堆内存的总体使用量只下降了 346,099K。 从中可以算出,有 213,132K 的对象从年轻代提升到了老年代。
This GC event is also illustrated with the following snapshots showing memory usage right before the GC started and right after it finished:
此次GC事件也可以用下面的示意图来说明, 显示的是GC开始之前, 以及刚刚结束之后, 这两个时间点内存使用情况的快照:
After understanding the first minor GC event, lets look into the second GC event in the logs:
理解第一次 minor GC 事件后,让我们看看日志中的第二次GC事件:
1 :172.829
2 : [GC (Allocation Failure 172.829:
[DefNew: 629120K->629120K(629120K), 0.0000372 secs
3] 172.829:[Tenured
6,0.1855567 secs
7 ]1832479K->755802K
9,[Metaspace: 6741K->6741K(1056768K)]
[Times: user=0.18 sys=0.00, real=0.18 secs]
– Time when the GC event started. GC事件开始的时间. 其中-0200
– Time when the GC event started, relative to the JVM startup time. Measured in seconds. GC事件开始时,相对于JVM启动时的间隔时间,单位是秒。[DefNew: 629120K->629120K(629120K), 0.0000372 secs
– Similar to the previous example, a minor garbage collection in the Young Generation happened during this event due to Allocation Failure. For this collection the same DefNew collector was run as before and it decreased the usage of the Young Generation from 629120K to 0. Notice that JVM reports this incorrectly due to buggy behavior and instead reports the Young Generation as being completely full. This collection took 0.0000372 seconds.[DefNew: 629120K->629120K(629120K), 0.0000372 secs
– 与上面的示例类似, 因为内存分配失败,在年轻代中发生了一次 minor GC。此次GC同样使用的是 DefNew 收集器, 让年轻代的使用量从 629120K 降为 0。注意,JVM对此次GC的报告有些问题,误将年轻代认为是完全填满的。此次垃圾收集消耗了 0.0000372秒。
– Name of the garbage collector used to clean the Old space. The name Tenured indicates a single-threaded stop-the-world mark-sweep-compact garbage collector being used. 用于清理老年代空间的垃圾收集器名称。Tenured 表明使用的是单线程的全线暂停垃圾收集器, 收集算法为 标记-清除-整理(mark-sweep-compact )。1203359K->755802K
– Usage of Old generation before and after the event. 在垃圾收集之前和之后老年代的使用量。(1398144K)
– Total capacity of the Old generation. 老年代的总空间大小。0.1855567 secs
– Time it took to clean the Old Generation. 清理老年代所花的时间。1832479K->755802K
– Usage of the whole heap before and after the collection of the Young and Old Generations. 在垃圾收集之前和之后,整个堆内存的使用情况。(2027264K)
– Total heap available for the JVM. 可用堆的总空间大小。[Metaspace: 6741K->6741K(1056768K)]
– Similar information about Metaspace collection. As seen, no garbage was collected in Metaspace during the event. 关于 Metaspace 空间, 同样的信息。可以看出, 此次GC过程中 Metaspace 中没有收集到任何垃圾。[Times: user=0.18 sys=0.00, real=0.18 secs]
– Duration of the GC event, measured in different categories: GC事件的持续时间, 通过三个部分来衡量:
- user – Total CPU time that was consumed by the garbage collector threads during this collection. 在此次垃圾回收过程中, 所有 GC线程所消耗的CPU时间之和。
- sys – Time spent in OS calls or waiting for system event. GC过程中中操作系统调用和系统等待事件所消耗的时间。
- real – Clock time for which your application was stopped. As Serial Garbage Collector always uses just a single thread, real time is thus equal to the sum of user and system times. 应用程序暂停的时间。因为串行垃圾收集器(Serial Garbage Collector)只使用单线程, 因此 real time 等于 user 和 system 时间的总和。
The difference with Minor GC is evident – in addition to the Young Generation, during this GC event the Old Generation and Metaspace were also cleaned. The layout of the memory before and after the event would look like the situation in the following picture:
和 Minor GC 相比,最明显的区别是 —— 在此次GC事件中, 除了年轻代, 还清理了老年代和Metaspace. 在GC事件开始之前, 以及刚刚结束之后的内存布局,可以用下面的示意图来说明:
This combination of Garbage Collectors uses mark-copy in the Young Generation and mark-sweep-compact in the Old Generation. Both Young and Old collections trigger stop-the-world events, stopping all application threads to perform garbage collection. Both collectors run marking and copying / compacting phases using multiple threads, hence the name ‘Parallel’. Using this approach, collection times can be considerably reduced.
并行垃圾收集器这一类组合, 在年轻代使用 标记-复制(mark-copy)算法, 在老年代使用 标记-清除-整理(mark-sweep-compact)算法。年轻代和老年代的垃圾回收都会触发STW事件,暂停所有的应用线程来执行垃圾收集。两者在执行 标记和 复制/整理阶段时都使用多个线程, 因此得名“(Parallel)”。通过并行执行, 使得GC时间大幅减少。
The number of threads used during garbage collection is configurable via the command line parameter -XX:ParallelGCThreads=NNN . The default value is equal to the number of cores in your machine.
通过命令行参数 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=NNN
来指定 GC 线程数。 其默认值为CPU内核数。
Selection of Parallel GC is done via the specification of any of the following combinations of parameters in the JVM startup script:
java -XX:+UseParallelGC com.mypackages.MyExecutableClass
java -XX:+UseParallelOldGC com.mypackages.MyExecutableClass
java -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC com.mypackages.MyExecutableClass
Parallel Garbage Collector is suitable on multi-core machines in cases where your primary goal is to increase throughput. Higher throughput is achieved due to more efficient usage of system resources:
- during collection, all cores are cleaning the garbage in parallel, resulting in shorter pauses
- between garbage collection cycles neither of the collectors is consuming any resources
- 在GC期间, 所有 CPU 内核都在并行清理垃圾, 所以暂停时间更短
- 在两次GC周期的间隔期, 没有GC线程在运行,不会消耗任何系统资源
On the other hand, as all phases of the collection have to happen without any interruptions, these collectors are still susceptible to long pauses during which your application threads are stopped. So if latency is your primary goal, you should check the next combinations of garbage collectors.
另一方面, 因为此GC的所有阶段都不能中断, 所以并行GC很容易出现长时间的停顿. 如果延迟是系统的主要目标, 那么就应该选择其他垃圾收集器组合。
译者注: 长时间卡顿的意思是,此GC启动之后,属于一次性完成所有操作, 于是单次 pause 的时间会较长。
Let us now review how garbage collector logs look like when using Parallel GC and what useful information one can obtain from there. For this, let’s look again at the garbage collector logs that expose once more one minor and one major GC pause:
让我们看看并行垃圾收集器的GC日志长什么样, 从中我们可以得到哪些有用信息。下面的GC日志中显示了一次 minor GC 暂停 和一次 major GC 暂停:
2015-05-26T14:27:40.915-0200: 116.115: [GC (Allocation Failure)
[PSYoungGen: 2694440K->1305132K(2796544K)]
, 0.2406675 secs]
[Times: user=1.77 sys=0.01, real=0.24 secs]
2015-05-26T14:27:41.155-0200: 116.356: [Full GC (Ergonomics)
[PSYoungGen: 1305132K->0K(2796544K)]
[ParOldGen: 7133794K->6597672K(8388608K)] 8438926K->6597672K(11185152K),
[Metaspace: 6745K->6745K(1056768K)]
, 0.9158801 secs]
[Times: user=4.49 sys=0.64, real=0.92 secs]
The first of the two events indicates a GC event taking place in the Young Generation:
2:[ GC
3 (Allocation Failure
9,0.2406675 secs
[Times: user=1.77 sys=0.01, real=0.24 secs]
– Time when the GC event started. GC事件开始的时间. 其中-0200
– Time when the GC event started, relative to the JVM startup time. Measured in seconds. GC事件开始时,相对于JVM启动时的间隔时间,单位是秒。GC
– Flag to distinguish between Minor & Full GC. This time it is indicating that this was a Minor GC. 用来区分 Minor GC 还是 Full GC 的标志。GC
表明这是一次小型GC(Minor GC)Allocation Failure
– Cause of the collection. In this case, the GC is triggered due to a data structure not fitting into any region in the Young Generation. 触发垃圾收集的原因。本次GC事件, 是由于年轻代中没有适当的空间存放新的数据结构引起的。PSYoungGen
– Name of the garbage collector used, representing a parallel mark-copy stop-the-world garbage collector used to clean the Young generation. 垃圾收集器的名称。这个名字表示的是在年轻代中使用的: 并行的 标记-复制(mark-copy), 全线暂停(STW) 垃圾收集器。2694440K->1305132K
– Usage of the Young Generation before and after collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后的年轻代使用量。(2796544K)
– Total size of the Young Generation. 年轻代的总大小。9556775K->8438926K
– Total heap usage before and after collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后整个堆内存的使用量。(11185152K)
– Total available heap. 可用堆的总大小。0.2406675 secs
– Duration of the GC event in seconds. GC事件持续的时间,以秒为单位。[Times: user=1.77 sys=0.01, real=0.24 secs]
– Duration of the GC event, measured in different categories: GC事件的持续时间, 通过三个部分来衡量:
- user – Total CPU time that was consumed by the garbage collector threads during this collection. 在此次垃圾回收过程中, 由GC线程所消耗的总的CPU时间。
- sys – Time spent in OS calls or waiting for system event. GC过程中中操作系统调用和系统等待事件所消耗的时间。
- real – Clock time for which your application was stopped. With Parallel GC this number should be close to (user time + system time) divided by the number of threads used by Garbage Collector. In this particular case 8 threads were used. Note that due to some activities not being parallelizable, it always exceeds the ratio by a certain amount. 应用程序暂停的时间。在 Parallel GC 中, 这个数字约等于: (user time + system time)/GC线程数。 这里使用了8个线程。 请注意,总有一定比例的处理过程是不能并行进行的。
So, in short, the total heap consumption before the collection was 9,556,775K. Out of this Young generation was 2,694,440K. This means that used Old generation was 6,862,335K. After the collection young generation usage decreased by 1,389,308K, but total heap usage decreased only by 1,117,849K. This means that 271,459K was promoted from Young generation to Old.
所以,可以简单地得出, 在垃圾收集之前, 堆内存总使用量为 9,556,775K。 其中年轻代为 2,694,440K。同时算出老年代使用量为 6,862,335K. 在垃圾收集之后, 年轻代使用量减少为 1,389,308K, 但总的堆内存使用量只减少了 1,117,849K
。这表示有大小为 271,459K 的对象从年轻代提升到老年代。
After understanding how Parallel GC cleans the Young Generation, we are ready to look at how the whole heap is being cleaned by analyzing the next snippet from the GC logs:
学习了并行GC如何清理年轻代之后, 下面介绍清理整个堆内存的GC日志以及如何进行分析:
: [Full GC
[PSYoungGen: 1305132K->0K(2796544K)]
[Metaspace: 6745K->6745K(1056768K)]
,0.9158801 secs
[Times: user=4.49 sys=0.64, real=0.92 secs]
– Time when the GC event started. GC事件开始的时间. 其中-0200
– Time when the GC event started, relative to the JVM startup time. Measured in seconds. In this case we can see the event started right after the previous Minor GC finished. GC事件开始时,相对于JVM启动时的间隔时间,单位是秒。 我们可以看到, 此次事件在前一次 MinorGC完成之后立刻就开始了。Full GC
– Flag indicating that the event is Full GC event cleaning both the Young and Old generations. 用来表示此次是 Full GC 的标志。Full GC
– Reason for the GC taking place. This indicates that the JVM internal ergonomics decided this is the right time to collect some garbage. 触发垃圾收集的原因。Ergonomics
表示JVM内部环境认为此时可以进行一次垃圾收集。[PSYoungGen: 1305132K->0K(2796544K)]
– Similar to previous example, a parallel mark-copy stop-the-world garbage collector named “PSYoungGen” was used to clean the Young Generation. Usage of Young Generation shrank from 1305132K to 0, which is the typical result of a Full GC. 和上面的示例一样, 清理年轻代的垃圾收集器是名为 “PSYoungGen” 的STW收集器, 采用标记-复制(mark-copy)算法。 年轻代使用量从 1305132K 变为0
, 一般 Full GC 的结果都是这样。ParOldGen
– Type of the collector used to clean the Old Generation. In this case, parallel mark-sweep-compact stop-the-world garbage collector named ParOldGen was used. 用于清理老年代空间的垃圾收集器类型。在这里使用的是名为 ParOldGen 的垃圾收集器, 这是一款并行 STW垃圾收集器, 算法为 标记-清除-整理(mark-sweep-compact)。7133794K->6597672K
– Usage of the Old Generation before and after the collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后老年代内存的使用情况。(8388608K)
– Total size of the Old Generation. 老年代的总空间大小。8438926K->6597672K
– Usage of the whole heap before and after the collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后堆内存的使用情况。(11185152K)
– Total heap available. 可用堆内存的总容量。[Metaspace: 6745K->6745K(1056768K)]
– Similar information about Metaspace region. As we can see, no garbage was collected in Metaspace during this event. 类似的信息,关于 Metaspace 空间的。可以看出, 在GC事件中 Metaspace 里面没有回收任何对象。0.9158801 secs
– Duration of the GC event in seconds. GC事件持续的时间,以秒为单位。[Times: user=4.49 sys=0.64, real=0.92 secs]
– Duration of the GC event, measured in different categories: GC事件的持续时间, 通过三个部分来衡量:
- user – Total CPU time that was consumed by the garbage collector threads during this collection. 在此次垃圾回收过程中, 由GC线程所消耗的总的CPU时间。
- sys – Time spent in OS calls or waiting for system event. GC过程中中操作系统调用和系统等待事件所消耗的时间。
- real – Clock time for which your application was stopped. With Parallel GC this number should be close to (user time + system time) divided by the number of threads used by Garbage Collector. In this particular case 8 threads were used. Note that due to some activities not being parallelizable, it always exceeds the ratio by a certain amount. 应用程序暂停的时间。在 Parallel GC 中, 这个数字约等于: (user time + system time)/GC线程数。 这里使用了8个线程。 请注意,总有一定比例的处理过程是不能并行进行的。
Again, the difference with Minor GC is evident – in addition to the Young Generation, during this GC event the Old Generation and Metaspace were also cleaned. The layout of the memory before and after the event would look like the situation in the following picture:
同样,和 Minor GC 的区别是很明显的 —— 在此次GC事件中, 除了年轻代, 还清理了老年代和 Metaspace. 在GC事件前后的内存布局如下图所示:
The official name for this collection of garbage collectors is “Mostly Concurrent Mark and Sweep Garbage Collector”. It uses the parallel stop-the-world mark-copy algorithm in the Young Generation and the mostly concurrent mark-sweep algorithm in the Old Generation.
CMS的官方名称为 “Mostly Concurrent Mark and Sweep Garbage Collector”(主要并发-标记-清除-垃圾收集器). 其对年轻代采用并行 STW方式的 mark-copy (标记-复制)算法, 对老年代主要使用并发 mark-sweep (标记-清除)算法。
This collector was designed to avoid long pauses while collecting in the Old Generation. It achieves this by two means. Firstly, it does not compact the Old Generation but uses free-lists to manage reclaimed space. Secondly, it does most of the job in the mark-and-sweep phases concurrently with the application. This means that garbage collection is not explicitly stopping the application threads to perform these phases. It should be noted, however, that it still competes for CPU time with the application threads. By default, the number of threads used by this GC algorithm equals to ¼ of the number of physical cores of your machine.
- 第一, 不对老年代进行整理, 而是使用空闲列表(free-lists)来管理内存空间的回收。
- 第二, 在 mark-and-sweep (标记-清除) 阶段的大部分工作和应用线程一起并发执行。
也就是说, 在这些阶段并没有明显的应用线程暂停。但值得注意的是, 它仍然和应用线程争抢CPU时间。默认情况下, CMS 使用的并发线程数等于CPU内核数的 1/4
This garbage collector can be chosen by specifying the following option on your command line:
java -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC com.mypackages.MyExecutableClass
This combination is a good choice on multi-core machines if your primary target is latency. Decreasing the duration of an individual GC pause directly affects the way your application is perceived by end-users, giving them a feel of a more responsive application. As most of the time at least some CPU resources are consumed by the GC and not executing your application’s code, CMS generally often worse throughput than Parallel GC in CPU-bound applications.
如果服务器是多核CPU,并且主要调优目标是降低延迟, 那么使用CMS是个很明智的选择. 减少每一次GC停顿的时间,会直接影响到终端用户对系统的体验, 用户会认为系统非常灵敏。 因为多数时候都有部分CPU资源被GC消耗, 所以在CPU资源受限的情况下,CMS会比并行GC的吞吐量差一些。
As with previous GC algorithms, let us now see how this algorithm is applied in practice by taking a look at the GC logs that once again expose one minor and one major GC pause:
和前面的GC算法一样, 我们先来看看CMS算法在实际应用中的GC日志, 其中包括一次 minor GC, 以及一次 major GC 停顿:
2015-05-26T16:23:07.219-0200: 64.322: [GC (Allocation Failure) 64.322:
[ParNew: 613404K->68068K(613440K), 0.1020465 secs]
10885349K->10880154K(12514816K), 0.1021309 secs]
[Times: user=0.78 sys=0.01, real=0.11 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.321-0200: 64.425: [GC (CMS Initial Mark)
[1 CMS-initial-mark: 10812086K(11901376K)]
10887844K(12514816K), 0.0001997 secs]
[Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.321-0200: 64.425: [CMS-concurrent-mark-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.357-0200: 64.460: [CMS-concurrent-mark: 0.035/0.035 secs]
[Times: user=0.07 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.357-0200: 64.460: [CMS-concurrent-preclean-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.373-0200: 64.476: [CMS-concurrent-preclean: 0.016/0.016 secs]
[Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.373-0200: 64.476: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.446-0200: 65.550: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean: 0.167/1.074 secs]
[Times: user=0.20 sys=0.00, real=1.07 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.447-0200: 65.550: [GC (CMS Final Remark)
[YG occupancy: 387920 K (613440 K)]
65.550: [Rescan (parallel) , 0.0085125 secs]
65.559: [weak refs processing, 0.0000243 secs]
65.559: [class unloading, 0.0013120 secs]
65.560: [scrub symbol table, 0.0008345 secs]
65.561: [scrub string table, 0.0001759 secs]
[1 CMS-remark: 10812086K(11901376K)]
11200006K(12514816K), 0.0110730 secs]
[Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.458-0200: 65.561: [CMS-concurrent-sweep-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.485-0200: 65.588: [CMS-concurrent-sweep: 0.027/0.027 secs]
[Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.485-0200: 65.589: [CMS-concurrent-reset-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.497-0200: 65.601: [CMS-concurrent-reset: 0.012/0.012 secs]
[Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
First of the GC events in log denotes a minor GC cleaning the Young space. Let’s analyze how this collector combination behaves in this regard:
日志中的第一次GC事件是清理年轻代的小型GC(Minor GC)。让我们来分析 CMS 垃圾收集器的行为:
(Allocation Failure
) 64.322:
,0.1020465 secs
,0.1021309 secs
[Times: user=0.78 sys=0.01, real=0.11 secs]
– Time when the GC event started. GC事件开始的时间. 其中-0200
– Time when the GC event started, relative to the JVM startup time. Measured in seconds. GC事件开始时,相对于JVM启动时的间隔时间,单位是秒。GC
– Flag to distinguish between Minor & Full GC. This time it is indicating that this was a Minor GC. 用来区分 Minor GC 还是 Full GC 的标志。GC
表明这是一次小型GC(Minor GC)Allocation Failure
– Cause of the collection. In this case, the GC is triggered due to a requested allocation not fitting into any region in Young Generation. 触发垃圾收集的原因。本次GC事件, 是由于年轻代中没有适当的空间存放新的数据结构引起的。ParNew
– Name of the collector used, this time it indicates a parallel mark-copy stop-the-world garbage collector used in the Young Generation, designed to work in conjunction with Concurrent Mark & Sweep garbage collector in the Old Generation. 使用的垃圾收集器的名称。这个名字表示的是在年轻代中使用的: 并行的 标记-复制(mark-copy), 全线暂停(STW)垃圾收集器, 专门设计了用来配合老年代使用的 Concurrent Mark & Sweep 垃圾收集器。613404K->68068K
– Usage of the Young Generation before and after collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后的年轻代使用量。(613440K)
– Total size of the Young Generation. 年轻代的总大小。0.1020465 secs
– Duration for the collection w/o final cleanup. 垃圾收集器在 w/o final cleanup 阶段消耗的时间10885349K->10880154K
– Total used heap before and after collection. 在垃圾收集之前和之后堆内存的使用情况。(12514816K)
– Total available heap. 可用堆的总大小。0.1021309 secs
– The time it took for the garbage collector to mark and copy live objects in the Young Generation. This includes communication overhead with ConcurrentMarkSweep collector, promotion of objects that are old enough to the Old Generation and some final cleanup at the end of the garbage collection cycle. 垃圾收集器在标记和复制年轻代存活对象时所消耗的时间。包括和ConcurrentMarkSweep收集器的通信开销, 提升存活时间达标的对象到老年代,以及垃圾收集后期的一些最终清理。[Times: user=0.78 sys=0.01, real=0.11 secs]
– Duration of the GC event, measured in different categories: GC事件的持续时间, 通过三个部分来衡量:
- user – Total CPU time that was consumed by the garbage collector threads during this collection. 在此次垃圾回收过程中, 由GC线程所消耗的总的CPU时间。
- sys – Time spent in OS calls or waiting for system event. GC过程中中操作系统调用和系统等待事件所消耗的时间。
- real – Clock time for which your application was stopped. With Parallel GC this number should be close to (user time + system time) divided by the number of threads used by the Garbage Collector. In this particular case 8 threads were used. Note that due to some activities not being parallelizable, it always exceeds the ratio by a certain amount. 应用程序暂停的时间。在并行GC(Parallel GC)中, 这个数字约等于: (user time + system time)/GC线程数。 这里使用的是8个线程。 请注意,总是有固定比例的处理过程是不能并行化的。
From the above we can thus see that before the collection the total used heap was 10,885,349K and the used Young Generation share was 613,404K. This means that the Old Generation share was 10,271,945K. After the collection, Young Generation usage decreased by 545,336K but total heap usage decreased only by 5,195K. This means that 540,141K was promoted from the Young Generation to Old.
从上面的日志可以看出,在GC之前总的堆内存使用量为 10,885,349K, 年轻代的使用量为 613,404K。这意味着老年代使用量等于 10,271,945K。GC之后,年轻代的使用量减少了 545,336K, 而总的堆内存使用只下降了 5,195K。可以算出有 540,141K 的对象从年轻代提升到老年代。
Now, just as you are becoming accustomed to reading GC logs already, this chapter will introduce a completely different format for the next garbage collection event in the logs. The lengthy output that follows consists of all the different phases of the mostly concurrent garbage collection in the Old Generation. We will review them one by one but in this case we will cover the log content in phases instead of the entire event log at once for more concise representation. But to recap, the whole event for the CMS collector looks like the following:
现在, 我们已经熟悉了如何解读GC日志, 接下来将介绍一种完全不同的日志格式。下面这一段很长很长的日志, 就是CMS对老年代进行垃圾收集时输出的各阶段日志。为了简洁,我们对这些阶段逐个介绍。 首先来看CMS收集器整个GC事件的日志:
2015-05-26T16:23:07.321-0200: 64.425: [GC (CMS Initial Mark)
[1 CMS-initial-mark: 10812086K(11901376K)]
10887844K(12514816K), 0.0001997 secs]
[Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.321-0200: 64.425: [CMS-concurrent-mark-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.357-0200: 64.460: [CMS-concurrent-mark: 0.035/0.035 secs]
[Times: user=0.07 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.357-0200: 64.460: [CMS-concurrent-preclean-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.373-0200: 64.476: [CMS-concurrent-preclean: 0.016/0.016 secs]
[Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.373-0200: 64.476: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.446-0200: 65.550: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean: 0.167/1.074 secs]
[Times: user=0.20 sys=0.00, real=1.07 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.447-0200: 65.550: [GC (CMS Final Remark)
[YG occupancy: 387920 K (613440 K)]
65.550: [Rescan (parallel) , 0.0085125 secs]
65.559: [weak refs processing, 0.0000243 secs]
65.559: [class unloading, 0.0013120 secs]
65.560: [scrub symbol table, 0.0008345 secs]
65.561: [scrub string table, 0.0001759 secs]
[1 CMS-remark: 10812086K(11901376K)]
11200006K(12514816K), 0.0110730 secs]
[Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.458-0200: 65.561: [CMS-concurrent-sweep-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.485-0200: 65.588: [CMS-concurrent-sweep: 0.027/0.027 secs]
[Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.485-0200: 65.589: [CMS-concurrent-reset-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.497-0200: 65.601: [CMS-concurrent-reset: 0.012/0.012 secs]
[Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
Just to bear in mind – in real world situation Minor Garbage Collections of the Young Generation can occur anytime during concurrent collecting the Old Generation. In such case the major collection records seen below will be interleaved with the Minor GC events covered in previous chapter.
只是要记住 —— 在实际情况下, 进行老年代的并发回收时, 可能会伴随着多次年轻代的小型GC. 在这种情况下, 大型GC的日志中就会掺杂着多次小型GC事件, 像前面所介绍的一样。
Phase 1: Initial Mark. This is one of the two stop-the-world events during CMS. The goal of this phase is to mark all the objects in the Old Generation that are either direct GC roots or are referenced from some live object in the Young Generation. The latter is important since the Old Generation is collected separately.
阶段 1: Initial Mark(初始标记). 这是第一次STW事件。 此阶段的目标是标记老年代中所有存活的对象, 包括 GC ROOR 的直接引用, 以及由年轻代中存活对象所引用的对象。 后者也非常重要, 因为老年代是独立进行回收的。
2015-05-26T16:23:07.321-0200: 64.42
1: [GC (CMS Initial Mark
[1 CMS-initial-mark:10812086K
0.0001997 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.321-0200: 64.42
– Time the GC event started, both clock time and relative to the time from the JVM start. For the following phases the same notion is used throughout the event and is thus skipped for brevity. GC事件开始的时间. 其中-0200
是时区,而中国所在的东8区为 +0800。 而 64.42 是相对于JVM启动的时间。 下面的其他阶段也是一样,所以就不再重复介绍。CMS Initial Mark
– Phase of the collection – “Initial Mark” in this occasion – that is collecting all GC Roots. 垃圾回收的阶段名称为 “Initial Mark”。 标记所有的 GC Root。10812086K
– Currently used Old Generation. 老年代的当前使用量。(11901376K)
– Total available memory in the Old Generation. 老年代中可用内存总量。10887844K
– Currently used heap. 当前堆内存的使用量。(12514816K)
– Total available heap. 可用堆的总大小。0.0001997 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
– Duration of the phase, measured also in user, system and real time. 此次暂停的持续时间, 以 user, system 和 real time 3个部分进行衡量。
Phase 2: Concurrent Mark. During this phase the Garbage Collector traverses the Old Generation and marks all live objects, starting from the roots found in the previous phase of “Initial Mark”. The “Concurrent Mark” phase, as its name suggests, runs concurrently with your application and does not stop the application threads. Note that not all the live objects in the Old Generation may be marked, since the application is mutating references during the marking.
阶段 2: Concurrent Mark(并发标记). 在此阶段, 垃圾收集器遍历老年代, 标记所有的存活对象, 从前一阶段 “Initial Mark” 找到的 root 根开始算起。 顾名思义, “并发标记”阶段, 就是与应用程序同时运行,不用暂停的阶段。 请注意, 并非所有老年代中存活的对象都在此阶段被标记, 因为在标记过程中对象的引用关系还在发生变化。
In the illustration, a reference pointing away from the “Current object” was removed concurrently with the marking thread.
在上面的示意图中, “Current object” 旁边的一个引用被标记线程并发删除了。
2015-05-26T16:23:07.321-0200: 64.425: [CMS-concurrent-mark-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.357-0200: 64.460: [CMS-concurrent-mark
1:035/0.035 secs
[Times: user=0.07 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
– Phase of the collection – “Concurrent Mark” in this occasion – that is traversing the Old Generation and marking all live objects. 并发标记("Concurrent Mark") 是CMS垃圾收集中的一个阶段, 遍历老年代并标记所有的存活对象。035/0.035 secs
– Duration of the phase, showing elapsed time and wall clock time correspondingly. 此阶段的持续时间, 分别是运行时间和相应的实际时间。[Times: user=0.07 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
– “Times” section is less meaningful for concurrent phases as it is measured from the start of the concurrent marking and includes more than just the work done for the concurrent marking.
这部分对并发阶段来说没多少意义, 因为是从并发标记开始时计算的,而这段时间内不仅并发标记在运行,程序也在运行
Phase 3: Concurrent Preclean. This is again a concurrent phase, running in parallel with the application threads, not stopping them. While the previous phase was running concurrently with the application, some references were changed. Whenever that happens, the JVM marks the area of the heap (called “Card”) that contains the mutated object as “dirty” (this is known as Card Marking).
阶段 3: Concurrent Preclean(并发预清理). 此阶段同样是与应用线程并行执行的, 不需要停止应用线程。 因为前一阶段是与程序并发进行的,可能有一些引用已经改变。如果在并发标记过程中发生了引用关系变化,JVM会(通过“Card”)将发生了改变的区域标记为“脏”区(这就是所谓的卡片标记,Card Marking)。
In the pre-cleaning phase, these dirty objects are accounted for, and the objects reachable from them are also marked. The cards are cleaned when this is done.
在预清理阶段,这些脏对象会被统计出来,从他们可达的对象也被标记下来。此阶段完成后, 用以标记的 card 也就被清空了。
Additionally, some necessary housekeeping and preparations for the Final Remark phase are performed.
此外, 本阶段也会执行一些必要的细节处理, 并为 Final Remark 阶段做一些准备工作。
2015-05-26T16:23:07.357-0200: 64.460: [CMS-concurrent-preclean-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:07.373-0200: 64.476: [
:0.016/0.016 secs
][Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
– Phase of the collection – “Concurrent Preclean” in this occasion – accounting for references being changed during previous marking phase. 并发预清理阶段, 统计此前的标记阶段中发生了改变的对象。0.016/0.016 secs
– Duration of the phase, showing elapsed time and wall clock time correspondingly. 此阶段的持续时间, 分别是运行时间和对应的实际时间。[Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
– The “Times” section is less meaningful for concurrent phases as it is measured from the start of the concurrent marking and includes more than just the work done for the concurrent marking. Times 这部分对并发阶段来说没多少意义, 因为是从并发标记开始时计算的,而这段时间内不仅GC的并发标记在运行,程序也在运行。
Phase 4: Concurrent Abortable Preclean. Again, a concurrent phase that is not stopping the application’s threads. This one attempts to take as much work off the shoulders of the stop-the-world Final Remark as possible. The exact duration of this phase depends on a number of factors, since it iterates doing the same thing until one of the abortion conditions (such as the number of iterations, amount of useful work done, elapsed wall clock time, etc) is met.
阶段 4: Concurrent Abortable Preclean(并发可取消的预清理). 此阶段也不停止应用线程. 本阶段尝试在 STW 的 Final Remark 之前尽可能地多做一些工作。本阶段的具体时间取决于多种因素, 因为它循环做同样的事情,直到满足某个退出条件( 如迭代次数, 有用工作量, 消耗的系统时间,等等)。
2015-05-26T16:23:07.373-0200: 64.476: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean-start]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.446-0200: 65.550: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean1: 0.167/1.074 secs2][Times: user=0.20 sys=0.00, real=1.07 secs]3
– Phase of the collection “Concurrent Abortable Preclean” in this occasion。此阶段的名称: “Concurrent Abortable Preclean”。0.167/1.074 secs
– Duration of the phase, showing elapsed and wall clock time respectively. It is interesting to note that the user time reported is a lot smaller than clock time. Usually we have seen that real time is less than user time, meaning that some work was done in parallel and so elapsed clock time is less than used CPU time. Here we have a little amount of work – for 0.167 seconds of CPU time, and garbage collector threads were doing a lot of waiting. Essentially, they were trying to stave off for as long as possible before having to do an STW pause. By default, this phase may last for up to 5 seconds. 此阶段的持续时间, 运行时间和对应的实际时间。有趣的是, 用户时间明显比时钟时间要小很多。通常情况下我们看到的都是时钟时间小于用户时间, 这意味着因为有一些并行工作, 所以运行时间才会小于使用的CPU时间。这里只进行了少量的工作 — 0.167秒的CPU时间,GC线程经历了很多系统等待。从本质上讲,GC线程试图在必须执行 STW暂停之前等待尽可能长的时间。默认条件下,此阶段可以持续最多5秒钟。
[Times: user=0.20 sys=0.00, real=1.07 secs]
– The “Times” section is less meaningful for concurrent phases, as it is measured from the start of the concurrent marking and includes more than just the work done for the concurrent marking. “Times” 这部分对并发阶段来说没多少意义, 因为是从并发标记开始时计算的,而这段时间内不仅GC的并发标记线程在运行,程序也在运行
This phase may significantly impact the duration of the upcoming stop-the-world pause, and has quite a lot of non-trivial configuration options and fail modes.
此阶段可能显著影响STW停顿的持续时间, 并且有许多重要的配置选项和失败模式。
Phase 5: Final Remark. This is the second and last stop-the-world phase during the event. The goal of this stop-the-world phase is to finalize marking all live objects in the Old Generation. Since the previous preclean phases were concurrent, they may have been unable to keep up with the application’s mutating speeds. A stop-the-world pause is required to finish the ordeal.
阶段 5: Final Remark(最终标记). 这是此次GC事件中第二次(也是最后一次)STW阶段。本阶段的目标是完成老年代中所有存活对象的标记. 因为之前的 preclean 阶段是并发的, 有可能无法跟上应用程序的变化速度。所以需要 STW暂停来处理复杂情况。
Usually CMS tries to run final remark phase when Young Generation is as empty as possible in order to eliminate the possibility of several stop-the-world phases happening back-to-back.
通常CMS会尝试在年轻代尽可能空的情况运行 final remark 阶段, 以免接连多次发生 STW 事件。
This event looks a bit more complex than previous phases:
2015-05-26T16:23:08.447-0200: 65.550
: [GC (CMS Final Remark
) [YG occupancy: 387920 K (613440 K)
] 65.550:[Rescan (parallel) , 0.0085125 secs]
65.559: [weak refs processing, 0.0000243 secs]65.559
: [class unloading, 0.0013120 secs]65.560
: [scrub string table, 0.0001759 secs
] [1 CMS-remark:10812086K(11901376K)
,0.0110730 secs
][Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
2015-05-26T16:23:08.447-0200: 65.550
– Time the GC event started, both clock time and relative to the time from the JVM start. GC事件开始的时间. 包括时钟时间,以及相对于JVM启动的时间. 其中-0200
。CMS Final Remark
– Phase of the collection – “Final Remark” in this occasion – that is marking all live objects in the Old Generation, including the references that were created/modified during previous concurrent marking phases. 此阶段的名称为 “Final Remark”, 标记老年代中所有存活的对象,包括在此前的并发标记过程中创建/修改的引用。YG occupancy: 387920 K (613440 K)
– Current occupancy and capacity of the Young Generation. 当前年轻代的使用量和总容量。[Rescan (parallel) , 0.0085125 secs]
– The “Rescan” completes the marking of live objects while the application is stopped. In this case the rescan was done in parallel and took 0.0085125 seconds. 在程序暂停时重新进行扫描(Rescan),以完成存活对象的标记。此时 rescan 是并行执行的,消耗的时间为 0.0085125秒。weak refs processing, 0.0000243 secs]65.559
– First of the sub-phases that is processing weak references along with the duration and timestamp of the phase. 处理弱引用的第一个子阶段(sub-phases)。 显示的是持续时间和开始时间戳。class unloading, 0.0013120 secs]65.560
– Next sub-phase that is unloading the unused classes, with the duration and timestamp of the phase. 第二个子阶段, 卸载不使用的类。 显示的是持续时间和开始的时间戳。scrub string table, 0.0001759 secs
– Final sub-phase that is cleaning up symbol and string tables which hold class-level metadata and internalized string respectively. Clock time of the pause is also included. 最后一个子阶段, 清理持有class级别 metadata 的符号表(symbol tables),以及内部化字符串对应的 string tables。当然也显示了暂停的时钟时间。10812086K(11901376K)
– Occupancy and the capacity of the Old Generation after the phase. 此阶段完成后老年代的使用量和总容量11200006K(12514816K)
– Usage and the capacity of the total heap after the phase. 此阶段完成后整个堆内存的使用量和总容量0.0110730 secs
– Duration of the phase. 此阶段的持续时间。[Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
– Duration of the pause, measured in user, system and real time categories. GC事件的持续时间, 通过不同的类别来衡量: user, system and real time。
After the five marking phases, all live objects in the Old Generation are marked and now garbage collector is going to reclaim all unused objects by sweeping the Old Generation:
在5个标记阶段完成之后, 老年代中所有的存活对象都被标记了, 现在GC将清除所有不使用的对象来回收老年代空间:
Phase 6: Concurrent Sweep. Performed concurrently with the application, without the need for the stop-the-world pauses. The purpose of the phase is to remove unused objects and to reclaim the space occupied by them for future use.
阶段 6: Concurrent Sweep(并发清除). 此阶段与应用程序并发执行,不需要STW停顿。目的是删除未使用的对象,并收回他们占用的空间。
2015-05-26T16:23:08.458-0200: 65.561: [CMS-concurrent-sweep-start] 2015-05-26T16:23:08.485-0200: 65.588: [
:0.027/0.027 secs
][Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
– Phase of the collection “Concurrent Sweep” in this occasion, sweeping unmarked and thus unused objects to reclaim space. 此阶段的名称, “Concurrent Sweep”, 清除未被标记、不再使用的对象以释放内存空间。0.027/0.027 secs
– Duration of the phase, showing elapsed time and wall clock time correspondingly. 此阶段的持续时间, 分别是运行时间和实际时间[Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
– “Times” section is less meaningful on concurrent phases, as it is measured from the start of the concurrent marking and includes more than just the work done for the concurrent marking. “Times”部分对并发阶段来说没有多少意义, 因为是从并发标记开始时计算的,而这段时间内不仅是并发标记在运行,程序也在运行。
Phase 7: Concurrent Reset. Concurrently executed phase, resetting inner data structures of the CMS algorithm and preparing them for the next cycle.
阶段 7: Concurrent Reset(并发重置). 此阶段与应用程序并发执行,重置CMS算法相关的内部数据, 为下一次GC循环做准备。
2015-05-26T16:23:08.485-0200: 65.589: [CMS-concurrent-reset-start] 2015-05-26T16:23:08.497-0200: 65.601: [
:0.012/0.012 secs
][Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
– The phase of the collection – “Concurrent Reset” in this occasion – that is resetting inner data structures of the CMS algorithm and preparing for the next collection. 此阶段的名称, “Concurrent Reset”, 重置CMS算法的内部数据结构, 为下一次GC循环做准备。0.012/0.012 secs
– Duration of the the phase, measuring elapsed and wall clock time respectively. 此阶段的持续时间, 分别是运行时间和对应的实际时间[Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
– The “Times” section is less meaningful on concurrent phases, as it is measured from the start of the concurrent marking and includes more than just the work done for the concurrent marking. “Times”部分对并发阶段来说没多少意义, 因为是从并发标记开始时计算的,而这段时间内不仅GC线程在运行,程序也在运行。
All in all, the CMS garbage collector does a great job at reducing the pause durations by offloading a great deal of the work to concurrent threads that do not require the application to stop. However, it, too, has some drawbacks, the most notable of them being the Old Generation fragmentation and the lack of predictability in pause durations in some cases, especially on large heaps.
总之, CMS垃圾收集器在减少停顿时间上做了很多给力的工作, 大量的并发线程执行的工作并不需要暂停应用线程。 当然, CMS也有一些缺点,其中最大的问题就是老年代内存碎片问题, 在某些情况下GC会造成不可预测的暂停时间, 特别是堆内存较大的情况下。
One of the key design goals of G1 was to make the duration and distribution of stop-the-world pauses due to garbage collection predictable and configurable. In fact, Garbage-First is a soft real-time garbage collector, meaning that you can set specific performance goals to it. You can request the stop-the-world pauses to be no longer than x milliseconds within any given y-millisecond long time range, e.g. no more than 5 milliseconds in any given second. Garbage-First GC will do its best to meet this goal with high probability (but not with certainty, that would be hard real-time).
G1最主要的设计目标是: 将STW停顿的时间和分布变成可预期以及可配置的。事实上, G1是一款软实时垃圾收集器, 也就是说可以为其设置某项特定的性能指标. 可以指定: 在任意 xx
毫秒的时间范围内, STW停顿不得超过 x
毫秒。 如: 任意1秒暂停时间不得超过5毫秒. Garbage-First GC 会尽力达成这个目标(有很大的概率会满足, 但并不完全确定,具体是多少将是硬实时的[hard real-time])。
To achieve this, G1 builds upon a number of insights. First, the heap does not have to be split into contiguous Young and Old generation. Instead, the heap is split into a number (typically about 2048) smaller heap regions that can house objects. Each region may be an Eden region, a Survivor region or an Old region. The logical union of all Eden and Survivor regions is the Young Generation, and all the Old regions put together is the Old Generation:
为了达成这项指标, G1 有一些独特的实现。首先, 堆不再分成连续的年轻代和老年代空间。而是划分为多个(通常是2048个)可以存放对象的 小堆区(smaller heap regions)。每个小堆区都可能是 Eden区, Survivor区或者Old区. 在逻辑上, 所有的Eden区和Survivor区合起来就是年轻代, 所有的Old区拼在一起那就是老年代:
This allows the GC to avoid collecting the entire heap at once, and instead approach the problem incrementally: only a subset of the regions, called the collection set will be considered at a time. All the Young regions are collected during each pause, but some Old regions may be included as well:
这样的划分使得 GC不必每次都去收集整个堆空间, 而是以增量的方式来处理: 每次只处理一部分小堆区,称为此次的回收集(collection set). 每次暂停都会收集所有年轻代的小堆区, 但可能只包含一部分老年代小堆区:
Another novelty of G1 is that during the concurrent phase it estimates the amount of live data that each region contains. This is used in building the collection set: the regions that contain the most garbage are collected first. Hence the name: garbage-first collection.
G1的另一项创新, 是在并发阶段估算每个小堆区存活对象的总数。用来构建回收集(collection set)的原则是: 垃圾最多的小堆区会被优先收集。这也是G1名称的由来: garbage-first。
To run the JVM with the G1 collector enabled, run your application as
要启用G1收集器, 使用的命令行参数为:
java -XX:+UseG1GC com.mypackages.MyExecutableClass
In the beginning of the application’s lifecycle, G1 does not have any additional information from the not-yet-executed concurrent phases, so it initially functions in the fully-young mode. When the Young Generation fills up, the application threads are stopped, and the live data inside the Young regions is copied to Survivor regions, or any free regions that thereby become Survivor.
在应用程序刚启动时, G1还未执行过(not-yet-executed)并发阶段, 也就没有获得任何额外的信息, 处于初始的 fully-young 模式. 在年轻代空间用满之后, 应用线程被暂停, 年轻代堆区中的存活对象被复制到存活区, 如果还没有存活区,则选择任意一部分空闲的小堆区用作存活区。
The process of copying these is called Evacuation, and it works in pretty much the same way as the other Young collectors we have seen before. The full logs of evacuation pauses are rather large, so, for simplicity’s sake we will leave out a couple of small bits that are irrelevant in the first fully-young evacuation pause. We will get back to them after the concurrent phases are explained in greater detail. In addition, due to the sheer size of the log record, the parallel phase details and “Other” phase details are extracted to separate sections:
复制的过程称为转移(Evacuation), 这和前面讲过的年轻代收集器基本上是一样的工作原理。转移暂停的日志信息很长,为简单起见, 我们去除了一些不重要的信息. 在并发阶段之后我们会进行详细的讲解。此外, 由于日志记录很多, 所以并行阶段和“其他”阶段的日志将拆分为多个部分来进行讲解:
0.134: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young), 0.0144119 secs]
[Parallel Time: 13.9 ms, GC Workers: 8]
[Code Root Fixup: 0.0 ms]
[Code Root Purge: 0.0 ms]
[Clear CT: 0.1 ms]
[Other: 0.4 ms]
[Eden: 24.0M(24.0M)->0.0B(13.0M)
Survivors: 0.0B->3072.0K
Heap: 24.0M(256.0M)->21.9M(256.0M)]
[Times: user=0.04 sys=0.04, real=0.02 secs]
0.134: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young), 0.0144119 secs]
– G1 pause cleaning only (young) regions. The pause started 134ms after the JVM startup and the duration of the pause was 0.0144 seconds measured in wall clock time. G1转移暂停,只清理年轻代空间。暂停在JVM启动之后 134 ms 开始, 持续的系统时间为 0.0144秒 。[Parallel Time: 13.9 ms, GC Workers: 8]
– Indicating that for 13.9 ms (real time) the following activities were carried out by 8 threads in parallel 表明后面的活动由8个 Worker 线程并行执行, 消耗时间为13.9毫秒(real time)。…
– Cut for brevity, see the following section below for the details. 为阅读方便, 省略了部分内容,请参考后文。[Code Root Fixup: 0.0 ms]
– Freeing up the data structures used for managing the parallel activities. Should always be near-zero. This is done sequentially. 释放用于管理并行活动的内部数据。一般都接近于零。这是串行执行的过程。[Code Root Purge: 0.0 ms]
– Cleaning up more data structures, should also be very fast, but non necessarily almost zero. This is done sequentially. 清理其他部分数据, 也是非常快的, 但如非必要则几乎等于零。这是串行执行的过程。[Other: 0.4 ms]
– Miscellaneous other activities, many of which are also parallelized. 其他活动消耗的时间, 其中有很多是并行执行的。…
– See the section below for details. 请参考后文。[Eden: 24.0M(24.0M)->0.0B(13.0M)
– Eden usage and capacity before and after the pause. 暂停之前和暂停之后, Eden 区的使用量/总容量。Survivors: 0.0B->3072.0K
– Space used by Survivor regions before and after the pause. 暂停之前和暂停之后, 存活区的使用量。Heap: 24.0M(256.0M)->21.9M(256.0M)]
– Total heap usage and capacity before and after the pause. 暂停之前和暂停之后, 整个堆内存的使用量与总容量。[Times: user=0.04 sys=0.04, real=0.02 secs]
– Duration of the GC event, measured in different categories: GC事件的持续时间, 通过三个部分来衡量:
- user – Total CPU time that was consumed by the garbage collector threads during this collection. 在此次垃圾回收过程中, 由GC线程所消耗的总的CPU时间。
- sys – Time spent in OS calls or waiting for system event. GC过程中, 系统调用和系统等待事件所消耗的时间。
- real – Clock time for which your application was stopped. With the parallelizable activities during GC this number is ideally close to (user time + system time) divided by the number of threads used by Garbage Collector. In this particular case 8 threads were used. Note that due to some activities not being parallelizable, it always exceeds the ratio by a certain amount. 应用程序暂停的时间。在并行GC(Parallel GC)中, 这个数字约等于: (user time + system time)/GC线程数。 这里使用的是8个线程。 请注意,总是有一定比例的处理过程是不能并行化的。
说明: 系统时间(wall clock time, elapsed time), 是指一段程序从运行到终止,系统时钟走过的时间。一般来说,系统时间都是要大于CPU时间
Most of the heavy-lifting is done by multiple dedicated GC worker threads. Their activities are described in the following section of the log:
最繁重的GC任务由多个专用的 worker 线程来执行。下面的日志描述了他们的行为:
[Parallel Time: 13.9 ms, GC Workers: 8]
[GC Worker Start (ms)
: Min: 134.0, Avg: 134.1, Max: 134.1, Diff: 0.1]
[Ext Root Scanning (ms)
: Min: 0.1, Avg: 0.2, Max: 0.3, Diff: 0.2, Sum: 1.2]
[Update RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
[Processed Buffers: Min: 0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0, Diff: 0, Sum: 0]
[Scan RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
[Code Root Scanning (ms)
: Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.2, Diff: 0.2, Sum: 0.2]
[Object Copy (ms)
: Min: 10.8, Avg: 12.1, Max: 12.6, Diff: 1.9, Sum: 96.5]
[Termination (ms)
: Min: 0.8, Avg: 1.5, Max: 2.8, Diff: 1.9, Sum: 12.2]
[Termination Attempts
: Min: 173, Avg: 293.2, Max: 362, Diff: 189, Sum: 2346]
[GC Worker Other (ms)
: Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.1]
GC Worker Total (ms)
: Min: 13.7, Avg: 13.8, Max: 13.8, Diff: 0.1, Sum: 110.2]
[GC Worker End (ms)
: Min: 147.8, Avg: 147.8, Max: 147.8, Diff: 0.0]
[Parallel Time: 13.9 ms, GC Workers: 8]
– Indicating that for 13.9 ms (clock time) the following activities were carried out by 8 threads in parallel。 表明下列活动由8个线程并行执行,消耗的时间为13.9毫秒(real time)。[GC Worker Start (ms)
– The moment in time at which the workers started their activity, matching the timestamp at the beginning of the pause. If Min and Max differ a lot, then it may be an indication that too many threads are used or other processes on the machine are stealing CPU time from the garbage collection process inside the JVM. GC的worker线程开始启动时,相对于 pause 开始的时间戳。如果Min
差别很大,则表明本机其他进程所使用的线程数量过多, 挤占了GC的CPU时间。[Ext Root Scanning (ms)
– How long it took to scan the external (non-heap) roots such as classloaders, JNI references, JVM system roots, etc. Shows elapsed time, “Sum” is CPU time. 用了多长时间来扫描堆外(non-heap)的root, 如 classloaders, JNI引用, JVM的系统root等。后面显示了运行时间, “Sum” 指的是CPU时间。[Code Root Scanning (ms)
– How long it took to scan the roots that came from the actual code: local vars, etc. 用了多长时间来扫描实际代码中的 root: 例如局部变量等等(local vars)。[Object Copy (ms)
– How long it took to copy the live objects away from the collected regions. 用了多长时间来拷贝收集区内的存活对象。[Termination (ms)
– How long it took for the worker threads to ensure that they can safely stop and that there’s no more work to be done, and then actually terminate. GC的worker线程用了多长时间来确保自身可以安全地停止, 这段时间什么也不用做, stop 之后该线程就终止运行了。[Termination Attempts
– How many attempts worker threads took to try and terminate. An attempt is failed if the worker discovers that there’s in fact more work to be done, and it’s too early to terminate. GC的worker 线程尝试多少次 try 和 teminate。如果worker发现还有一些任务没处理完,则这一次尝试就是失败的, 暂时还不能终止。[GC Worker Other (ms)
– Other miscellaneous small activities that do not deserve a separate section in the logs. 一些琐碎的小活动,在GC日志中不值得单独列出来。GC Worker Total (ms)
– How long the worker threads have worked for in total. worker 线程的工作时间总计。[GC Worker End (ms)
– The timestamp at which the workers have finished their jobs. Normally they should be roughly equal, otherwise it may be an indication of too many threads hanging around or a noisy neighbor. GC的worker 线程完成作业的时间戳。通常来说这部分数字应该大致相等, 否则就说明有太多的线程被挂起, 很可能是因为坏邻居效应(noisy neighbor) 所导致的。
Additionally, there are some miscellaneous activities that are performed during the Evacuation pause. We will only cover a part of them in this section. The rest will be covered later.
此外,在转移暂停期间,还有一些琐碎执行的小活动。这里我们只介绍其中的一部分, 其余的会在后面进行讨论。
[Other: 0.4 ms]
[Choose CSet: 0.0 ms]
[Ref Proc: 0.2 ms]
[Ref Enq: 0.0 ms]
[Redirty Cards: 0.1 ms]
[Humongous Register: 0.0 ms]
[Humongous Reclaim: 0.0 ms]
[Free CSet: 0.0 ms]
[Other: 0.4 ms]
– Miscellaneous other activities, many of which are also parallelized. 其他活动消耗的时间, 其中有很多也是并行执行的。[Ref Proc: 0.2 ms]
– The time it took to process non-strong references: clear them or determine that no clearing is needed. 处理非强引用(non-strong)的时间: 进行清理或者决定是否需要清理。[Ref Enq: 0.0 ms]
– The time it took to enqueue the remaining non-strong references to the appropriate ReferenceQueue. 用来将剩下的 non-strong 引用排列到合适的 ReferenceQueue中。[Free CSet: 0.0 ms]
– The time it takes to return the freed regions in the collection set so that they are available for new allocations. 将回收集中被释放的小堆归还所消耗的时间, 以便他们能用来分配新的对象。
The G1 collector builds up on many concepts of CMS from the previous section, so it is a good idea to make sure that you have a sufficient understanding of it before proceeding. Even though it differs in a number of ways, the goals of the Concurrent Marking are very similar. G1 Concurrent Marking uses the Snapshot-At-The-Beginning approach that marks all the objects that were live at the beginning of the marking cycle, even if they have turned into garbage meanwhile. The information on which objects are live allows to build up the liveness stats for each region so that the collection set could be efficiently chosen afterwards.
G1收集器的很多概念建立在CMS的基础上,所以下面的内容需要你对CMS有一定的理解. 虽然也有很多地方不同, 但并发标记的目标基本上是一样的. G1的并发标记通过 Snapshot-At-The-Beginning(开始时快照) 的方式, 在标记阶段开始时记下所有的存活对象。即使在标记的同时又有一些变成了垃圾. 通过对象是存活信息, 可以构建出每个小堆区的存活状态, 以便回收集能高效地进行选择。
This information is then used to perform garbage collection in the Old regions. It can happen fully concurrently, if the marking determines that a region contains only garbage, or during a stop-the-world evacuation pause for Old regions that contain both garbage and live objects.
这些信息在接下来的阶段会用来执行老年代区域的垃圾收集。在两种情况下是完全地并发执行的: 一、如果在标记阶段确定某个小堆区只包含垃圾; 二、在STW转移暂停期间, 同时包含垃圾和存活对象的老年代小堆区。
Concurrent Marking starts when the overall occupancy of the heap is large enough. By default, it is 45%, but this can be changed by the InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent JVM option. Like in CMS, Concurrent Marking in G1 consists of a number of phases, some of them fully concurrent, and some of them requiring the application threads to be stopped.
当堆内存的总体使用比例达到一定数值时,就会触发并发标记。默认值为 45%
, 但也可以通过JVM参数 InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent
来设置。和CMS一样, G1的并发标记也是由多个阶段组成, 其中一些是完全并发的, 还有一些阶段需要暂停应用线程。
Phase 1: Initial Mark. This phase marks all the objects directly reachable from the GC roots. In CMS, it required a separate stop-the world pause, but in G1 it is typically piggy-backed on an Evacuation Pause, so its overhead is minimal. You can notice this pause in GC logs by the “(initial-mark)” addition in the first line of an Evacuation Pause:
阶段 1: Initial Mark(初始标记)。 此阶段标记所有从GC root 直接可达的对象。在CMS中需要一次STW暂停, 但G1里面通常是在转移暂停的同时处理这些事情, 所以它的开销是很小的. 可以在 Evacuation Pause 日志中的第一行看到(initial-mark)暂停:
1.631: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young) (initial-mark), 0.0062656 secs]
Phase 2: Root Region Scan. This phase marks all the live objects reachable from the so-called root regions, i.e. the ones that are not empty and that we might end up having to collect in the middle of the marking cycle. Since moving stuff around in the middle of concurrent marking will cause trouble, this phase has to complete before the next evacuation pause starts. If it has to start earlier, it will request an early abort of root region scan, and then wait for it to finish. In the current implementation, the root regions are the survivor regions: they are the bits of Young Generation that will definitely be collected in the next Evacuation Pause.
阶段 2: Root Region Scan(Root区扫描). 此阶段标记所有从 "根区域" 可达的存活对象。 根区域包括: 非空的区域, 以及在标记过程中不得不收集的区域。因为在并发标记的过程中迁移对象会造成很多麻烦, 所以此阶段必须在下一次转移暂停之前完成。如果必须启动转移暂停, 则会先要求根区域扫描中止, 等它完成才能继续扫描. 在当前版本的实现中, 根区域是存活的小堆区: y包括下一次转移暂停中肯定会被清理的那部分年轻代小堆区。
1.362: [GC concurrent-root-region-scan-start]
1.364: [GC concurrent-root-region-scan-end, 0.0028513 secs]
Phase 3. Concurrent Mark. This phase is very much similar to that of CMS: it simply walks the object graph and marks the visited objects in a special bitmap. To ensure that the semantics of snapshot-at-the beginning are met, G1 GC requires that all the concurrent updates to the object graph made by the application threads leave the previous reference known for marking purposes.
阶段 3: Concurrent Mark(并发标记). 此阶段非常类似于CMS: 它只是遍历对象图, 并在一个特殊的位图中标记能访问到的对象. 为了确保标记开始时的快照准确性, 所有应用线程并发对对象图执行的引用更新,G1 要求放弃前面阶段为了标记目的而引用的过时引用。
This is achieved by the use of the Pre-Write barriers (not to be confused with Post-Write barriers discussed later and memory barriers that relate to multithreaded programming). Their function is to, whenever you write to a field while G1 Concurrent Marking is active, store the previous referee in the so-called log buffers, to be processed by the concurrent marking threads.
这是通过使用 Pre-Write
屏障来实现的,(不要和之后介绍的 Post-Write
混淆, 也不要和多线程开发中的内存屏障(memory barriers)相混淆)。Pre-Write屏障的作用是: G1在进行并发标记时, 如果程序将对象的某个属性做了变更, 就会在 log buffers 中存储之前的引用。 由并发标记线程负责处理。
1.364: [GC concurrent-mark-start]
1.645: [GC co ncurrent-mark-end, 0.2803470 secs]
Phase 4. Remark. This is a stop-the-world pause that, like previously seen in CMS, completes the marking process. For G1, it briefly stops the application threads to stop the inflow of the concurrent update logs and processes the little amount of them that is left over, and marks whatever still-unmarked objects that were live when the concurrent marking cycle was initiated. This phase also performs some additional cleaning, e.g. reference processing (see the Evacuation Pause log) or class unloading.
阶段 4: Remark(再次标记). 和CMS类似,这也是一次STW停顿,以完成标记过程。对于G1,它短暂地停止应用线程, 停止并发更新日志的写入, 处理其中的少量信息, 并标记所有在并发标记开始时未被标记的存活对象。这一阶段也执行某些额外的清理, 如引用处理(参见 Evacuation Pause log) 或者类卸载(class unloading)。
1.645: [GC remark 1.645: [Finalize Marking, 0.0009461 secs]
1.646: [GC ref-proc, 0.0000417 secs] 1.646:
[Unloading, 0.0011301 secs], 0.0074056 secs]
[Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
Phase 5. Cleanup. This final phase prepares the ground for the upcoming evacuation phase, counting all the live objects in the heap regions, and sorting these regions by expected GC efficiency. It also performs all the house-keeping activities required to maintain the internal state for the next iteration of concurrent marking.
阶段 5: Cleanup(清理). 最后这个小阶段为即将到来的转移阶段做准备, 统计小堆区中所有存活的对象, 并将小堆区进行排序, 以提升GC的效率. 此阶段也为下一次标记执行所有必需的整理工作(house-keeping activities): 维护并发标记的内部状态。
Last but not least, the regions that contain no live objects at all are reclaimed in this phase. Some parts of this phase are concurrent, such as the empty region reclamation and most of the liveness calculation, but it also requires a short stop-the-world pause to finalize the picture while the application threads are not interfering. The logs for such stop-the-world pauses would be similar to:
最后要提醒的是, 所有不包含存活对象的小堆区在此阶段都被回收了。有一部分是并发的: 例如空堆区的回收,还有大部分的存活率计算, 此阶段也需要一个短暂的STW暂停, 以不受应用线程的影响来完成作业. 这种STW停顿的日志如下:
1.652: [GC cleanup 1213M->1213M(1885M), 0.0030492 secs]
[Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
In case when some heap regions that only contain garbage were discovered, the pause format can look a bit different, similar to:
如果发现某些小堆区中只包含垃圾, 则日志格式可能会有点不同, 如: 1.872: [GC cleanup 1357M->173M(1996M), 0.0015664 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs] 1.874: [GC concurrent-cleanup-start] 1.876: [GC concurrent-cleanup-end, 0.0014846 secs]
It’s a pleasant case when concurrent cleanup can free up entire regions in Old Generation, but it may not always be the case. After Concurrent Marking has successfully completed, G1 will schedule a mixed collection that will not only get the garbage away from the young regions, but also throw in a bunch of Old regions to the collection set.
能并发清理老年代中整个整个的小堆区是一种最优情形, 但有时候并不是这样。并发标记完成之后, G1将执行一次混合收集(mixed collection), 不只清理年轻代, 还将一部分老年代区域也加入到 collection set 中。
A mixed Evacuation pause does not always immediately follow the end of the concurrent marking phase. There is a number of rules and heuristics that affect this. For instance, if it was possible to free up a large portion of the Old regions concurrently, then there is no need to do it.
混合模式的转移暂停(Evacuation pause)不一定紧跟着并发标记阶段。有很多规则和历史数据会影响混合模式的启动时机。比如, 假若在老年代中可以并发地腾出很多的小堆区,就没有必要启动混合模式。
There may, therefore, easily be a number of fully-young evacuation pauses between the end of concurrent marking and a mixed evacuation pause.
因此, 在并发标记与混合转移暂停之间, 很可能会存在多次 fully-young 转移暂停。
The exact number of Old regions to be added to the collection set, and the order in which they are added, is also selected based on a number of rules. These include the soft real-time performance goals specified for the application, the liveness and gc efficiency data collected during concurrent marking, and a number of configurable JVM options. The process of a mixed collection is largely the same as we have already reviewed earlier for fully-young gc, but this time we will also cover the subject of remembered sets.
添加到回收集的老年代小堆区的具体数字及其顺序, 也是基于许多规则来判定的。 其中包括指定的软实时性能指标, 存活性,以及在并发标记期间收集的GC效率等数据, 外加一些可配置的JVM选项. 混合收集的过程, 很大程度上和前面的 fully-young gc 是一样的, 但这里我们还要介绍一个概念: remembered sets(历史记忆集)。
Remembered sets are what allows the independent collection of different heap regions. For instance, when collecting region A,B and C, we have to know whether or not there are references to them from regions D and E to determine their liveness. But traversing the whole heap graph would take quite a while and ruin the whole point of incremental collection, therefore an optimization is employed. Much like we have the Card Table for independently collecting Young regions in other GC algorithms, we have Remembered Sets in G1.
Remembered sets (历史记忆集)是用来支持不同的小堆区进行独立回收的。例如,在收集A、B、C区时, 我们必须要知道是否有从D区或者E区指向其中的引用, 以确定他们的存活性. 但是遍历整个堆需要相当长的时间, 这就违背了增量收集的初衷, 因此必须采取某种优化手段. 其他GC算法有独立的 Card Table 来支持年轻代的垃圾收集一样, 而G1中使用的是 Remembered Sets。
As shown in the illustration below, each region has a remembered set that lists the references pointing to this region from the outside. These references will then be regarded as additional GC roots. Note that objects in Old regions that were determined to be garbage during concurrent marking will be ignored even if there are outside references to them: the referents are also garbage in that case.
如下图所示, 每个小堆区都有一个 remembered set, 列出了从外部指向本区的所有引用。这些引用将被视为附加的 GC root. 注意,在并发标记过程中,老年代中被确定为垃圾的对象会被忽略, 即使有外部引用指向他们: 因为在这种情况下引用者也是垃圾。
What happens next is the same as what other collectors do: multiple parallel GC threads figure out what objects are live and which ones are garbage:
接下来的行为,和其他垃圾收集器一样: 多个GC线程并行地找出哪些是存活对象,确定哪些是垃圾:
And, finally, the live objects are moved to survivor regions, creating new if necessary. The now empty regions are freed and can be used for storing objects in again.
最后, 存活对象被转移到存活区(survivor regions), 在必要时会创建新的小堆区。现在,空的小堆区被释放, 可用于存放新的对象了。
To maintain the remembered sets, during the runtime of the application, a Post-Write Barrier is issued whenever a write to a field is performed. If the resulting reference is cross-region, i.e. pointing from one region to another, a corresponding entry will appear in the Remembered Set of the target region. To reduce the overhead that the Write Barrier introduces, the process of putting the cards into the Remembered Set is asynchronous and features quite a number of optimizations. But basically it boils down to the Write Barrier putting the dirty card information into a local buffer, and a specialized GC thread picking it up and propagating the information to the remembered set of the referred region.
为了维护 remembered set, 在程序运行的过程中, 只要写入某个字段,就会产生一个 Post-Write 屏障。如果生成的引用是跨区域的(cross-region),即从一个区指向另一个区, 就会在目标区的Remembered Set中,出现一个对应的条目。为了减少 Write Barrier 造成的开销, 将卡片放入Remembered Set 的过程是异步的, 而且经过了很多的优化. 总体上是这样: Write Barrier 把脏卡信息存放到本地缓冲区(local buffer), 有专门的GC线程负责收集, 并将相关信息传给被引用区的 remembered set。
In the mixed mode, the logs publish certain new interesting aspects when compared to the fully young mode:
混合模式下的日志, 和纯年轻代模式相比, 可以发现一些有趣的地方:
[Update RS (ms)
: Min: 0.7, Avg: 0.8, Max: 0.9, Diff: 0.2, Sum: 6.1]
[Processed Buffers
: Min: 0, Avg: 2.2, Max: 5, Diff: 5, Sum: 18]
[Scan RS (ms)
: Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.1, Max: 0.2, Diff: 0.2, Sum: 0.8]
[Clear CT: 0.2 ms]
[Redirty Cards: 0.1 ms]
1. `[Update RS (ms)` – Since the Remembered Sets are processed concurrently, we have to make sure that the still-buffered cards are processed before the actual collection begins. If this number is high, then the concurrent GC threads are unable to handle the load. It may be, e.g., because of an overwhelming number of incoming field modifications, or insufficient CPU resources. 因为 Remembered Sets 是并发处理的,必须确保在实际的垃圾收集之前, 缓冲区中的 card 得到处理。如果card数量很多, 则GC并发线程的负载可能就会很高。可能的原因是, 修改的字段过多, 或者CPU资源受限。
[Processed Buffers
– How many local buffers each worker thread has processed. 每个 worker 线程处理了多少个本地缓冲区(local buffer)。[Scan RS (ms)
– How long it took to scan the references coming in from remembered sets. 用了多长时间扫描来自RSet的引用。[Clear CT: 0.2 ms]
– Time to clean the cards in the card table. Cleaning simply removes the “dirty” status that was put there to signify that a field was updated, to be used for Remembered Sets. 清理 card table 中 cards 的时间。清理工作只是简单地删除“脏”状态, 此状态用来标识一个字段是否被更新的, 供Remembered Sets使用。[Redirty Cards: 0.1 ms]
– The time it takes to mark the appropriate locations in the card table as dirty. Appropriate locations are defined by the mutations to the heap that GC does itself, e.g. while enqueuing references. 将 card table 中适当的位置标记为 dirty 所花费的时间。"适当的位置"是由GC本身执行的堆内存改变所决定的, 例如引用排队等。
This should give one a sufficient basic understanding of how G1 functions. There are, of course, still quite some implementation details that we have left out for brevity, like dealing with humongous objects. All things considered, G1 is the most technologically advanced production-ready collector available in HotSpot. On top of that, it is being relentlessly improved by the HotSpot Engineers, with new optimizations or features coming in with newer java versions.
通过本节内容的学习, 你应该对G1垃圾收集器有了一定了解。当然, 为了简洁, 我们省略了很多实现细节, 例如如何处理巨无霸对象(humongous objects)。 综合来看, G1是HotSpot中最先进的**准产品级(production-ready)**垃圾收集器。重要的是, HotSpot 工程师的主要精力都放在不断改进G1上面, 在新的java版本中,将会带来新的功能和优化。
As we have seen, G1 addressed a wide range of problems that CMS has, starting from pause predictability and ending with heap fragmentation. Given an application not constrained by CPU utilization, but very sensitive to the latency of individual operations, G1 is very likely to be the best available choice for HotSpot users, especially when running the latest versions of Java. However, these latency improvements do not come for free: throughput overhead of G1 is larger thanks to the additional write barriers and more active background threads. So, if the application is throughput-bound or is consuming 100% of CPU, and does not care as much about individual pause durations, then CMS or even Parallel may be better choices.
我们可以看到, G1 解决了 CMS 中的各种疑难问题, 包括暂停时间的可预测性, 并终结了堆内存的碎片化。对单业务延迟非常敏感的系统来说, 如果CPU资源不受限制,那么G1可以说是 HotSpot 中最好的选择, 特别是在最新版本的Java虚拟机中。当然,这种降低延迟的优化也不是没有代价的: 由于额外的写屏障(write barriers)和更积极的守护线程, G1的开销会更大。所以, 如果系统属于吞吐量优先型的, 又或者CPU持续占用100%, 而又不在乎单次GC的暂停时间, 那么CMS是更好的选择。
总之: G1适合大内存,需要低延迟的场景。
The only viable way to select the right GC algorithm and settings is through trial and errors, but we do give the general guidelines in the next chapter.
选择正确的GC算法,唯一可行的方式就是去尝试,并找出不对劲的地方, 在下一章我们将给出一般指导原则。
Note that G1 will probably be the default GC for Java 9:
注意,G1可能会成为Java 9的默认GC:
译注: Shenandoah: 谢南多厄河; 情人渡,水手谣; --> 此款GC暂时没有标准的中文译名; 翻译为大水手垃圾收集器?
We have outlined all of the production-ready algorithms in HotSpot that you can just take and use right away. There is another one in the making, a so-called Ultra-Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector. It is aimed for large multi-core machines with large heaps, the goal is to manage heaps of 100GB and larger with pauses of 10ms or shorter. This is traded off against throughput: the implementers are aiming at a no more than 10% of a performance penalty for applications with no GC pauses.
我们列出了HotSpot中可用的所有 "准生产级" 算法。还有一种还在实验室中的算法, 称为超低延迟垃圾收集器(Ultra-Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector). 它的设计目标是管理大型的多核服务器上,超大型的堆内存: 管理 100GB 及以上的堆容量, GC暂停时间小于 10ms。 当然,也是需要和吞吐量进行权衡的: 没有GC暂停的时候,算法的实现对吞吐量的性能损失不能超过10%
We are not going to go into the implementation details before the new algorithm is released as production-ready, but it also builds upon many of the ideas already covered in earlier chapters, such as concurrent marking and incremental collecting. It does a lot of things differently, however. It does not split the heap into multiple generations, instead having a single space only. That’s right, Shenandoah is not a generational garbage collector. This allows it to get rid of card tables and remembered sets. It also uses forwarding pointers and a Brooks style read barrier to allow for concurrent copying of live objects, thus reducing the number and duration of pauses.
在新算法作为准产品级进行发布之前, 我们不准备去讨论具体的实现细节, 但它也构建在前面所提到的很多算法的基础上, 例如并发标记和增量收集。但其中有很多东西是不同的。它不再将堆内存划分成多个代, 而是只采用单个空间. 没错, Shenandoah 并不是一款分代垃圾收集器。这也就不再需要 card tables 和 remembered sets. 它还使用转发指针(forwarding pointers), 以及Brooks 风格的读屏障(Brooks style read barrier), 以允许对存活对象的并发复制, 从而减少GC暂停的次数和时间。
A lot of more detailed and up-to-date information about Shenandoah is available on the Internet, for instance in this blog:
关于 Shenandoah 的更多信息,请参考博客:, JEP文档:, 或者Google搜索 "Shenandoah GC"。
原文链接: GC Algorithms: Implementations