All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
10.0.0-2.2 (2019-09-16)
10.0.0-2.1 (2019-09-13)
- pulsar: fixed an error (c0f07d5)
- pulsar: removed vector from pulsar crdt (338dd2a)
- pulsar: wrong data sent (effd460)
- pulsar: adding Metadata type for pulsar (4534e46)
10.0.0-2.0 (2019-07-05)
- test: fix LSSyncMessage test with the new streamid (120d9ee)
- export: export StreamID and StreamsSubtype (7bdcbb4)
- streamid: add subtype in streamid (ea77f53)
- streams: add CURSOR and CRYPTO in Streams and StreamsSubtype (f4fa80c)
10.0.0-1 (2019-03-29)
- dependencies: fix bug in richoperation fromPlain (08a4903)
- id: fix problem with int32 id in dotted, and repair digest (31102a1)
- dotted: add all class for dottedLogootsplit (554084b)
10.0.0-0 (2019-03-29)
- dependencies: fix bug in richoperation fromPlain (08a4903)
- id: fix problem with int32 id in dotted, and repair digest (31102a1)
- dotted: add all class for dottedLogootsplit (554084b)