diff --git a/pkg/machines/vnc.js b/pkg/machines/vnc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e31bee76f8a..000000000000
--- a/pkg/machines/vnc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-/* global window, cockpit, RFB, WebUtil, $D */
- * These are modules that both global and noVNC code expect to use,
- * but only use them via their entry points. They are not nodejs
- * style modules, so we need to use the exports loader to get the
- * right exported object out of their scopes.
- */
-window.Util = require("exports?Util!noVNC/include/util.js");
-window.WebUtil = require("exports?WebUtil!noVNC/include/webutil.js");
- * This is a real nodejs module.expotrs form, which other code
- * then expects to use. We must export it globally
- */
-window.inflator = require("noVNC/include/inflator.js");
- * This is a hodgepodge of old-school javascript with hundreds of
- * interdependencies between files. We concatenate them with our custom
- * cat.js webpack loader.
- */
-window.RFB = require("exports?RFB!./cat?noVNC/include/base64.js&noVNC/include/websock.js&noVNC/include/des.js&noVNC/include/keysymdef.js&noVNC/include/keyboard.js&noVNC/include/input.js&noVNC/include/display.js&noVNC/include/rfb.js!noVNC/include/keysym.js");
-var rfb;
-var resizeTimeout;
-function ensureVisibility() {
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- var containerId = decodeURIComponent(WebUtil.getConfigVar("containerId", ""));
- console.log("Scrolling VNC frame into view, containerId = ", containerId);
- var toBeVisible = window.parent.document.querySelector("tr[data-row-id='" + containerId + "']");
- var toBeVisibleRow = window.parent.document.getElementById(containerId + "-row");
- if (toBeVisible && toBeVisibleRow && toBeVisible.scrollIntoView) {
- toBeVisible.scrollIntoView(); // ensure maximal visibility of the VNC iframe + VM-controls
- toBeVisibleRow.scrollIntoView(); // ensure the VM's name is visible
- } else {
- console.log('scrollIntoView() is not supported');
- }
- }, 50);
-function UIresize() {
- var containerId = decodeURIComponent(WebUtil.getConfigVar('containerId', ''));
- if (!containerId) {
- console.error("containerId not found in noVNC frame params!");
- return ;
- }
- // Normally, the frame/container size shall resize the VM.
- // Since this is not working, let's do it vice-versa: adapt browser's component height according to inner display's size.
- // Another workaround is in canvas resizing which effectively leads to scaling. But this seems not look good.
- if (WebUtil.getConfigVar('resize', false)) {
- var height = ($D('noVNC_canvas').height + 60)+ "px";
- console.log('Resizing noVNC, height = ', height);
- var novncContainerId = containerId + "-novnc-frame-container";
- var novncContainer = window.parent.document.getElementById(novncContainerId);
- if (novncContainer)
- novncContainer.style.height = height;
- // no need to resize width - already 100%, potential scrollbar
- ensureVisibility();
- }
-function FBUComplete(rfb, fbu) {
- UIresize();
- rfb.set_onFBUComplete(function() { });
- console.log('Setting focus');
- $D('noVNC_canvas').focus();
-function passwordRequired(rfb) {
- var msg;
- msg = '