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898 lines (645 loc) · 42.3 KB


Gas Optimizations

Issue Instances Total Gas Saved
[G‑01] Remove or replace unused state variables 2 -
[G‑02] Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots 2 -
[G‑03] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas 5 21000
[G‑04] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage 2 194
[G‑05] internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas 24 480
[G‑06] ++i/i++ should be unchecked{++i}/unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used in for- and while-loops 4 240
[G‑07] Optimize names to save gas 28 616
[G‑08] internal functions not called by the contract should be removed to save deployment gas 1 -
[G‑09] Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas 2 6
[G‑10] require() or revert() statements that check input arguments should be at the top of the function 1 -
[G‑11] Superfluous event fields 2 -
[G‑12] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable 23 483

Total: 96 instances over 12 issues with 23019 gas saved

Gas totals use lower bounds of ranges and count two iterations of each for-loop. All values above are runtime, not deployment, values; deployment values are listed in the individual issue descriptions. The table above as well as its gas numbers do not include any of the excluded findings.

Gas Optimizations

[G‑01] Remove or replace unused state variables

Saves a storage slot. If the variable is assigned a non-zero value, saves Gsset (20000 gas). If it's assigned a zero value, saves Gsreset (2900 gas). If the variable remains unassigned, there is no gas savings unless the variable is public, in which case the compiler-generated non-payable getter deployment cost is saved. If the state variable is overriding an interface's public function, mark the variable as constant or immutable so that it does not use a storage slot

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ETHBridge.sol

16:       uint256 public totalSupply;

19:       mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;

[G‑02] Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots

Each slot saved can avoid an extra Gsset (20000 gas) for the first setting of the struct. Subsequent reads as well as writes have smaller gas savings

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/interfaces/IExecutor.sol

/// @audit Variable ordering with 7 slots instead of the current 8:
///           make `indexRepeatedStorageChanges` come right after `blockNumber`
15        struct StoredBlockInfo {
16            uint64 blockNumber;
17            bytes32 blockHash;
18            uint64 indexRepeatedStorageChanges;
19            uint256 numberOfLayer1Txs;
20            bytes32 priorityOperationsHash;
21            bytes32 l2LogsTreeRoot;
22            uint256 timestamp;
23            bytes32 commitment;
24:       }

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/Storage.sol

/// @audit Variable ordering with 13 slots instead of the current 14:
///           make `zkPorterIsAvailable` come right after `governor`
69    struct AppStorage {
70        /// @dev Storage of variables needed for diamond cut facet
71        DiamondCutStorage diamondCutStorage;
72        /// @notice Address which will exercise governance over the network i.e. change validator set, conduct upgrades
73        address governor;
74        /// @notice Address that governor proposed as one that will replace it
75        address pendingGovernor;
76        /// @notice List of permitted validators
77        mapping(address => bool) validators;
78        /// @dev Verifier contract. Used to verify aggregated proof for blocks
79        Verifier verifier;
80        /// @notice Total number of executed blocks i.e. blocks[totalBlocksExecuted] points at the latest executed block (block 0 is genesis)
81        uint256 totalBlocksExecuted;
82        /// @notice Total number of proved blocks i.e. blocks[totalBlocksProved] points at the latest proved block
83        uint256 totalBlocksVerified;
84        /// @notice Total number of committed blocks i.e. blocks[totalBlocksCommitted] points at the latest committed block
85        uint256 totalBlocksCommitted;
86        /// @dev Stored hashed StoredBlock for block number
87        mapping(uint256 => bytes32) storedBlockHashes;
88        /// @dev Stored root hashes of L2 -> L1 logs
89        mapping(uint256 => bytes32) l2LogsRootHashes;
90        /// @dev Container that stores transactions requested from L1
91        PriorityQueue.Queue priorityQueue;
92        /// @dev The smart contract that manages the list with permission to call contract functions
93        IAllowList allowList;
94        /// @notice Part of the configuration parameters of ZKP circuits. Used as an input for the verifier smart contract
95        VerifierParams verifierParams;
96        /// @notice Bytecode hash of bootloader program.
97        /// @dev Used as an input to zkp-circuit.
98        bytes32 l2BootloaderBytecodeHash;
99        /// @notice Bytecode hash of default account (bytecode for EOA).
100       /// @dev Used as an input to zkp-circuit.
101       bytes32 l2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash;
102       /// @dev Indicates that the porter may be touched on L2 transactions.
103       /// @dev Used as an input to zkp-circuit.
104       bool zkPorterIsAvailable;
105:  }

[G‑03] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas

When fetching data from a storage location, assigning the data to a memory variable causes all fields of the struct/array to be read from storage, which incurs a Gcoldsload (2100 gas) for each field of the struct/array. If the fields are read from the new memory variable, they incur an additional MLOAD rather than a cheap stack read. Instead of declearing the variable with the memory keyword, declaring the variable with the storage keyword and caching any fields that need to be re-read in stack variables, will be much cheaper, only incuring the Gcoldsload for the fields actually read. The only time it makes sense to read the whole struct/array into a memory variable, is if the full struct/array is being returned by the function, is being passed to a function that requires memory, or if the array/struct is being read from another memory array/struct

There are 5 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol

26:           Diamond.SelectorToFacet memory facet = diamondStorage.selectorToFacet[msg.sig];

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol

165:              Diamond.FacetToSelectors memory facetToSelectors = ds.facetToSelectors[facetAddr];

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol

134:              SelectorToFacet memory oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];

155:              SelectorToFacet memory oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];

175:              SelectorToFacet memory oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];

Code changes:

diff --git a/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol b/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol
index 6240c9a..00fa316 100644
--- a/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol
+++ b/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ contract DiamondProxy {
         // which is not defined for data length in range [1, 3].
         require( >= 4 || == 0, "Ut");
         // Get facet from function selector
-        Diamond.SelectorToFacet memory facet = diamondStorage.selectorToFacet[msg.sig];
+        Diamond.SelectorToFacet storage facet = diamondStorage.selectorToFacet[msg.sig];
         address facetAddress = facet.facetAddress;
         require(facetAddress != address(0), "F"); // Proxy has no facet for this selector
diff --git a/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol b/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol
index f86990a..d5a51b1 100644
--- a/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol
+++ b/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ contract GettersFacet is Base, IGetters {
         for (uint256 i = 0; i < facetsLen; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
             address facetAddr = ds.facets[i];
-            Diamond.FacetToSelectors memory facetToSelectors = ds.facetToSelectors[facetAddr];
+            Diamond.FacetToSelectors storage facetToSelectors = ds.facetToSelectors[facetAddr];
             result[i] = Facet(facetAddr, facetToSelectors.selectors);
diff --git a/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol b/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol
index d2d8e83..7e35248 100644
--- a/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol
+++ b/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ library Diamond {
         uint256 selectorsLength = _selectors.length;
         for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
             bytes4 selector = _selectors[i];
-            SelectorToFacet memory oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];
+            SelectorToFacet storage oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];
             require(oldFacet.facetAddress == address(0), "J"); // facet for this selector already exists
             _addOneFunction(_facet, selector, _isFacetFreezable);
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ library Diamond {
         uint256 selectorsLength = _selectors.length;
         for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
             bytes4 selector = _selectors[i];
-            SelectorToFacet memory oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];
+            SelectorToFacet storage oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];
             require(oldFacet.facetAddress != address(0), "L"); // it is impossible to replace the facet with zero address
             _removeOneFunction(oldFacet.facetAddress, selector);
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ library Diamond {
         uint256 selectorsLength = _selectors.length;
         for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
             bytes4 selector = _selectors[i];
-            SelectorToFacet memory oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];
+            SelectorToFacet storage oldFacet = ds.selectorToFacet[selector];
             require(oldFacet.facetAddress != address(0), "a2"); // Can't delete a non-existent facet
             _removeOneFunction(oldFacet.facetAddress, selector);

Gas changes:

-|  DiamondCutFacet                                    ·          -  ·          -  ·    1686842  ·        5.6 %  ·          -  │
+|  DiamondCutFacet                                    ·          -  ·          -  ·    1658939  ·        5.5 %  ·          -  │
-|  DiamondCutTest                                     ·          -  ·          -  ·    1664429  ·        5.5 %  ·          -  │
+|  DiamondCutTest                                     ·          -  ·          -  ·    1626312  ·        5.4 %  ·          -  │
-|  DiamondInit                                        ·          -  ·          -  ·     293178  ·          1 %  ·          -  │
+|  DiamondInit                                        ·          -  ·          -  ·     293166  ·          1 %  ·          -  │
-|  DiamondProxy                                       ·    1406590  ·    2537898  ·    2087482  ·          7 %  ·          -  │
+|  DiamondProxy                                       ·    1366496  ·    2493112  ·    2044502  ·        6.8 %  ·          -  │
-|  GettersFacet                                       ·          -  ·          -  ·     716653  ·        2.4 %  ·          -  │
+|  GettersFacet                                       ·          -  ·          -  ·     706506  ·        2.4 %  ·          -  │

[G‑04] State variables should be cached in stack variables rather than re-reading them from storage

The instances below point to the second+ access of a state variable within a function. Caching of a state variable replaces each Gwarmaccess (100 gas) with a much cheaper stack read. Other less obvious fixes/optimizations include having local memory caches of state variable structs, or having local caches of state variable contracts/addresses.

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol

/// @audit l2ProxyTokenBytecodeHash on line 78
82:           bytes memory create2Input = abi.encode(address(this), l2ProxyTokenBytecodeHash, _governor);

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2StandardERC20.sol

/// @audit decimals_ on line 86
92:           emit BridgeInitialization(_l1Address, decodedName, decodedSymbol, decimals_);

[G‑05] internal functions only called once can be inlined to save gas

Not inlining costs 20 to 40 gas because of two extra JUMP instructions and additional stack operations needed for function calls.

There are 24 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol

136       function _depositFunds(
137           address _from,
138           IERC20 _token,
139           uint256 _amount
140:      ) internal returns (uint256) {

149       function _getDepositL2Calldata(
150           address _l1Sender,
151           address _l2Receiver,
152           address _l1Token,
153           uint256 _amount
154:      ) internal view returns (bytes memory txCalldata) {

164:      function _getERC20Getters(address _token) internal view returns (bytes memory data) {

260       function _parseL2WithdrawalMessage(bytes memory _l2ToL1message)
261           internal
262           pure
263           returns (
264               address l1Receiver,
265               address l1Token,
266:              uint256 amount

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1EthBridge.sol

113       function _getDepositL2Calldata(
114           address _l1Sender,
115           address _l2Receiver,
116           uint256 _amount
117:      ) internal pure returns (bytes memory txCalldata) {

214       function _parseL2WithdrawalMessage(bytes memory _message)
215           internal
216           pure
217:          returns (address l1Receiver, uint256 amount)

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol

23        function _commitOneBlock(StoredBlockInfo memory _previousBlock, CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlock)
24            internal
25            view
26:           returns (StoredBlockInfo memory storedNewBlock)

89        function _processL2Logs(CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlock)
90            internal
91            pure
92            returns (
93                uint256 numberOfLayer1Txs,
94                bytes32 chainedPriorityTxsHash,
95                bytes32 previousBlockHash,
96:               uint256 blockTimestamp

177:      function _collectOperationsFromPriorityQueue(uint256 _nPriorityOps) internal returns (bytes32 concatHash) {

190:      function _executeOneBlock(StoredBlockInfo memory _storedBlock, uint256 _executedBlockIdx) internal {

274       function _getBlockProofPublicInput(
275           bytes32 _prevBlockCommitment,
276           bytes32 _currentBlockCommitment,
277           ProofInput calldata _proof,
278           VerifierParams memory _verifierParams
279:      ) internal pure returns (uint256) {

296:      function _verifyRecursivePartOfProof(uint256[] calldata _recurisiveAggregationInput) internal view returns (bool) {

349:      function _maxU256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {

354:      function _createBlockCommitment(CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlockData) internal view returns (bytes32) {

362:      function _blockPassThroughData(CommitBlockInfo calldata _block) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {

372:      function _blockMetaParameters() internal view returns (bytes memory) {

376:      function _blockAuxilaryOutput(CommitBlockInfo calldata _block) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol

75:       function _L2MessageToLog(L2Message calldata _message) internal pure returns (L2Log memory) {

116       function _requestL2Transaction(
117           address _sender,
118           address _contractL2,
119           uint256 _l2Value,
120           bytes calldata _calldata,
121           uint256 _ergsLimit,
122           bytes[] calldata _factoryDeps
123:      ) internal returns (bytes32 canonicalTxHash) {

144       function _writePriorityOp(
145           address _sender,
146           uint256 _txId,
147           uint256 _l2Value,
148           address _contractAddressL2,
149           bytes calldata _calldata,
150           uint64 _expirationBlock,
151           uint256 _ergsLimit,
152           bytes[] calldata _factoryDeps
153:      ) internal returns (bytes32 canonicalTxHash) {

216       function _hashFactoryDeps(bytes[] calldata _factoryDeps)
217           internal
218           pure
219:          returns (uint256[] memory hashedFactoryDeps)

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol

73:       function _deployL2Token(address _l1Token, bytes calldata _data) internal returns (address) {

104       function _getL1WithdrawMessage(
105           address _to,
106           address _l1Token,
107           uint256 _amount
108:      ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ETHBridge.sol

74:       function _getL1WithdrawMessage(address _to, uint256 _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {

[G‑06] ++i/i++ should be unchecked{++i}/unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow, as is the case when used in for- and while-loops

The unchecked keyword is new in solidity version 0.8.0, so this only applies to that version or higher, which these instances are. This saves 30-40 gas per loop

There are 4 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol

94:           for (uint256 i = 0; i < facetCutsLength; ++i) {

132:          for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {

153:          for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {

173:          for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {

[G‑07] Optimize names to save gas

public/external function names and public member variable names can be optimized to save gas. See this link for an example of how it works. Below are the interfaces/abstract contracts that can be optimized so that the most frequently-called functions use the least amount of gas possible during method lookup. Method IDs that have two leading zero bytes can save 128 gas each during deployment, and renaming functions to have lower method IDs will save 22 gas per call, per sorted position shifted

There are 28 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/interfaces/IL1Bridge.sol

/// @audit isWithdrawalFinalized(), deposit(), claimFailedDeposit(), finalizeWithdrawal(), l2TokenAddress()
8:    interface IL1Bridge {

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/interfaces/IL2Bridge.sol

/// @audit finalizeDeposit(), withdraw(), l1TokenAddress(), l2TokenAddress(), l1Bridge()
6:    interface IL2Bridge {

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol

/// @audit initialize(), deposit(), claimFailedDeposit(), finalizeWithdrawal(), l2TokenAddress()
21:   contract L1ERC20Bridge is IL1Bridge, AllowListed, ReentrancyGuard {

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1EthBridge.sol

/// @audit initialize(), deposit(), l2TokenAddress()
17:   contract L1EthBridge is IL1Bridge, AllowListed, ReentrancyGuard {

File: ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol

/// @audit canCall(), setPublicAccess(), setBatchPublicAccess(), setBatchPermissionToCall(), setPermissionToCall(), setPendingOwner(), acceptOwner()
16:   contract AllowList is IAllowList {

File: ethereum/contracts/common/interfaces/IAllowList.sol

/// @audit pendingOwner(), isAccessPublic(), hasSpecialAccessToCall(), canCall(), setBatchPublicAccess(), setPublicAccess(), setBatchPermissionToCall(), setPermissionToCall(), setPendingOwner(), acceptOwner()
5:    interface IAllowList {

File: ethereum/contracts/common/L2ContractHelper.sol

/// @audit sendToL1()
5:    interface IL2Messenger {

/// @audit forceDeployOnAddresses(), create2()
9:    interface IContractDeployer {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondInit.sol

/// @audit initialize()
14:   contract DiamondInit is Base {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/DiamondCut.sol

/// @audit proposeDiamondCut(), cancelDiamondCutProposal(), executeDiamondCutProposal(), emergencyFreezeDiamond(), unfreezeDiamond(), approveEmergencyDiamondCutAsSecurityCouncilMember()
12:   contract DiamondCutFacet is Base, IDiamondCut {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol

/// @audit executeBlocks(), proveBlocks(), revertBlocks()
16:   contract ExecutorFacet is Base, IExecutor {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol

/// @audit getVerifier(), getGovernor(), getPendingGovernor(), getTotalBlocksCommitted(), getTotalBlocksVerified(), getTotalBlocksExecuted(), getTotalPriorityTxs(), getFirstUnprocessedPriorityTx(), getPriorityQueueSize(), priorityQueueFrontOperation(), isValidator(), l2LogsRootHash(), storedBlockHash(), getProposedDiamondCutHash(), getProposedDiamondCutTimestamp(), getLastDiamondFreezeTimestamp(), getCurrentProposalId(), getSecurityCouncilEmergencyApprovals(), isSecurityCouncilMember(), getSecurityCouncilMemberLastApprovedProposalId(), isDiamondStorageFrozen(), isFacetFreezable(), isFunctionFreezable(), facets(), facetFunctionSelectors(), facetAddresses(), facetAddress()
13:   contract GettersFacet is Base, IGetters {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Governance.sol

/// @audit setPendingGovernor(), acceptGovernor(), setValidator(), setL2BootloaderBytecodeHash(), setL2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash(), setPorterAvailability(), setVerifier(), setVerifierParams()
11:   contract GovernanceFacet is Base, IGovernance {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol

/// @audit proveL2MessageInclusion(), proveL2LogInclusion(), l2TransactionBaseCost(), requestL2Transaction(), serializeL2Transaction()
16:   contract MailboxFacet is Base, IMailbox {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol

/// @audit proposeDiamondCut(), cancelDiamondCutProposal(), executeDiamondCutProposal(), emergencyFreezeDiamond(), unfreezeDiamond(), approveEmergencyDiamondCutAsSecurityCouncilMember()
7:    interface IDiamondCut {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/interfaces/IExecutor.sol

/// @audit commitBlocks(), proveBlocks(), executeBlocks(), revertBlocks()
5:    interface IExecutor {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/interfaces/IGetters.sol

/// @audit getVerifier(), getGovernor(), getPendingGovernor(), getTotalBlocksCommitted(), getTotalBlocksVerified(), getTotalBlocksExecuted(), getTotalPriorityTxs(), getFirstUnprocessedPriorityTx(), getPriorityQueueSize(), priorityQueueFrontOperation(), isValidator(), l2LogsRootHash(), storedBlockHash(), isDiamondStorageFrozen(), getProposedDiamondCutHash(), getProposedDiamondCutTimestamp(), getLastDiamondFreezeTimestamp(), getCurrentProposalId(), getSecurityCouncilEmergencyApprovals(), isSecurityCouncilMember(), getSecurityCouncilMemberLastApprovedProposalId(), facets(), facetFunctionSelectors(), facetAddresses(), facetAddress(), isFunctionFreezable()
7:    interface IGetters {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/interfaces/IGovernance.sol

/// @audit setPendingGovernor(), acceptGovernor(), setValidator(), setL2BootloaderBytecodeHash(), setL2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash(), setPorterAvailability(), setVerifier(), setVerifierParams()
8:    interface IGovernance {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/interfaces/IMailbox.sol

/// @audit proveL2MessageInclusion(), proveL2LogInclusion(), serializeL2Transaction(), requestL2Transaction(), l2TransactionBaseCost()
7:    interface IMailbox {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/interfaces/IL1Bridge.sol

/// @audit finalizeWithdrawal()
6:    interface IL1Bridge {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/interfaces/IL2Bridge.sol

/// @audit finalizeDeposit(), withdraw(), l1TokenAddress(), l2TokenAddress(), l1Bridge()
6:    interface IL2Bridge {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/interfaces/IL2EthInitializable.sol

/// @audit initialization()
5:    interface IL2EthInitializable {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/interfaces/IL2StandardToken.sol

/// @audit bridgeMint(), bridgeBurn(), l1Address(), l2Bridge()
5:    interface IL2StandardToken {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ETHBridge.sol

/// @audit finalizeDeposit(), l2TokenAddress()
14:   contract L2ETHBridge is IL2Bridge {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2StandardERC20.sol

/// @audit bridgeInitialize()
11:   contract L2StandardERC20 is ERC20Upgradeable, IL2StandardToken {

File: zksync/contracts/ExternalDecoder.sol

/// @audit decodeString(), decodeUint8()
8:    library ExternalDecoder {

File: zksync/contracts/L2ContractHelper.sol

/// @audit sendToL1()
5:    interface IL2Messenger {

/// @audit create2()
9:    interface IContractDeployer {

[G‑08] internal functions not called by the contract should be removed to save deployment gas

If the functions are required by an interface, the contract should inherit from that interface and use the override keyword

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol

80        function _calculateBlockHash(StoredBlockInfo memory _previousBlock, CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlock)
81            internal
82            pure
83:           returns (bytes32)

[G‑09] Splitting require() statements that use && saves gas

See this issue which describes the fact that there is a larger deployment gas cost, but with enough runtime calls, the change ends up being cheaper by 3 gas

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol

96            require(
97                callersLength == _targets.length &&
98                    callersLength == _functionSigs.length &&
99                    callersLength == _enables.length,
100               "yw"
101:          ); // The size of arrays should be equal

File: ethereum/contracts/common/L2ContractHelper.sol

65:           require(version == 1 && _bytecodeHash[1] == bytes1(0), "zf"); // Incorrectly formatted bytecodeHash

[G‑10] require() or revert() statements that check input arguments should be at the top of the function

Checks that involve constants should come before checks that involve state variables, function calls, and calculations. By doing these checks first, the function is able to revert before wasting a Gcoldsload (2100 gas*) in a function that may ultimately revert in the unhappy case.

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ETHBridge.sol

/// @audit expensive op on line 49
50:           require(_l1Token == CONVENTIONAL_ETH_ADDRESS);

[G‑11] Superfluous event fields

block.timestamp and block.number are added to event information by default so adding them manually wastes gas

There are 2 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/interfaces/IExecutor.sol

76:       event BlockCommit(uint256 indexed blockNumber, bytes32 indexed blockHash, bytes32 indexed commitment);

82:       event BlockExecution(uint256 indexed blockNumber, bytes32 indexed blockHash, bytes32 indexed commitment);

[G‑12] Functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users can be marked payable

If a function modifier such as onlyOwner is used, the function will revert if a normal user tries to pay the function. Marking the function as payable will lower the gas cost for legitimate callers because the compiler will not include checks for whether a payment was provided. The extra opcodes avoided are CALLVALUE(2),DUP1(3),ISZERO(3),PUSH2(3),JUMPI(10),PUSH1(3),DUP1(3),REVERT(0),JUMPDEST(1),POP(2), which costs an average of about 21 gas per call to the function, in addition to the extra deployment cost

There are 23 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol

57:       function setPublicAccess(address _target, bool _enable) external onlyOwner {

65:       function setBatchPublicAccess(address[] calldata _targets, bool[] calldata _enables) external onlyOwner {

89        function setBatchPermissionToCall(
90            address[] calldata _callers,
91            address[] calldata _targets,
92            bytes4[] calldata _functionSigs,
93            bool[] calldata _enables
94:       ) external onlyOwner {

113       function setPermissionToCall(
114           address _caller,
115           address _target,
116           bytes4 _functionSig,
117           bool _enable
118:      ) external onlyOwner {

140:      function setPendingOwner(address _newPendingOwner) external onlyOwner {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/DiamondCut.sol

22:       function proposeDiamondCut(Diamond.FacetCut[] calldata _facetCuts, address _initAddress) external onlyGovernor {

35:       function cancelDiamondCutProposal() external onlyGovernor {

46:       function executeDiamondCutProposal(Diamond.DiamondCutData calldata _diamondCut) external onlyGovernor {

78:       function emergencyFreezeDiamond() external onlyGovernor {

91:       function unfreezeDiamond() external onlyGovernor {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol

152       function commitBlocks(StoredBlockInfo memory _lastCommittedBlockData, CommitBlockInfo[] calldata _newBlocksData)
153           external
154           override
155           nonReentrant
156:          onlyValidator

208:      function executeBlocks(StoredBlockInfo[] calldata _blocksData) external nonReentrant onlyValidator {

221       function proveBlocks(
222           StoredBlockInfo calldata _prevBlock,
223           StoredBlockInfo[] calldata _committedBlocks,
224           ProofInput calldata _proof
225:      ) external nonReentrant onlyValidator {

336:      function revertBlocks(uint256 _newLastBlock) external nonReentrant onlyValidator {

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Governance.sol

15:       function setPendingGovernor(address _newPendingGovernor) external onlyGovernor {

45:       function setValidator(address _validator, bool _active) external onlyGovernor {

54:       function setL2BootloaderBytecodeHash(bytes32 _l2BootloaderBytecodeHash) external onlyGovernor {

69:       function setL2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash(bytes32 _l2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash) external onlyGovernor {

84:       function setPorterAvailability(bool _zkPorterIsAvailable) external onlyGovernor {

94:       function setVerifier(Verifier _newVerifier) external onlyGovernor {

104:      function setVerifierParams(VerifierParams calldata _newVerifierParams) external onlyGovernor {

File: zksync/contracts/bridge/L2StandardERC20.sol

102:      function bridgeMint(address _to, uint256 _amount) external override onlyBridge {

109:      function bridgeBurn(address _from, uint256 _amount) external override onlyBridge {

Excluded findings

These findings are excluded from awards calculations because there are publicly-available automated tools that find them. The valid ones appear here for completeness


Gas Optimizations

Issue Instances Total Gas Saved
[G‑01] <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop 1 3
[G‑02] Using bools for storage incurs overhead 4 68400

Total: 5 instances over 2 issues with 68403 gas saved

Gas totals use lower bounds of ranges and count two iterations of each for-loop. All values above are runtime, not deployment, values; deployment values are listed in the individual issue descriptions. The table above as well as its gas numbers do not include any of the excluded findings.

Gas Optimizations

[G‑01] <array>.length should not be looked up in every loop of a for-loop

The overheads outlined below are PER LOOP, excluding the first loop

  • storage arrays incur a Gwarmaccess (100 gas)
  • memory arrays use MLOAD (3 gas)
  • calldata arrays use CALLDATALOAD (3 gas)

Caching the length changes each of these to a DUP<N> (3 gas), and gets rid of the extra DUP<N> needed to store the stack offset

There is 1 instance of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol

/// @audit (valid but excluded finding)
111:          for (uint256 i = 0; i < emittedL2Logs.length; i = i.uncheckedAdd(L2_TO_L1_LOG_SERIALIZE_SIZE)) {

[G‑02] Using bools for storage incurs overhead

    // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full
    // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the
    // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write
    // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and
    // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled. Use uint256(1) and uint256(2) for true/false to avoid a Gwarmaccess (100 gas) for the extra SLOAD, and to avoid Gsset (20000 gas) when changing from false to true, after having been true in the past

There are 4 instances of this issue:

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol

/// @audit (valid but excluded finding)
40:       mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public isWithdrawalFinalized;

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1EthBridge.sol

/// @audit (valid but excluded finding)
37:       mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public isWithdrawalFinalized;

File: ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol

/// @audit (valid but excluded finding)
26:       mapping(address => bool) public isAccessPublic;

/// @audit (valid but excluded finding)
30:       mapping(address => mapping(address => mapping(bytes4 => bool))) public hasSpecialAccessToCall;