QA: 1.Make a check on facetCutsLength so that it never equal to zero;
If facetCutsLength is equal to zero than further condition in for loop like here,"i < facetCutsLength" will always fail leads to unrequired wastage of gas.Therefore implement a check
Recommendation: Make a check require(facetCutsLength != 0,"should be != 0") and require(selectorsLength != 0,"should be != 0")
2.First declare a variable as uint256 later declaring as uint16 can make a underflow and overflow condition to occur:
uint256 facetPosition = ds.facetToSelectors[_facet].facetPosition;
uint256 selectorPosition = ds.selectorToFacet[_selector].selectorPosition;
In Diamond._removeFacet and Diamond._removeOneFunction first declaring variable as uint256(uint256 facetPosition = ds.facetToSelectors[_facet].facetPosition and uint256 selectorPosition = ds.selectorToFacet[_selector].selectorPosition) than after moving it to the facet position making it as uint16 will raise a condition of underflow and underflow.
ds.facetToSelectors[lastFacet].facetPosition = uint16(facetPosition);
ds.selectorToFacet[lastSelector].selectorPosition = uint16(selectorPosition);
Recommendation: Casting facetPosition and selectorPosition as uint256 throughout the function,whenever using it in a function.
3.Make a address check on address _facet
In Diamond._saveFacetIfNew before Adding address to the list of known facets address check is required to conform the address which is been adding should not be equal to zero.
function _saveFacetIfNew(address _facet) private {
Make a check condition as other functions did: require(_facet == address(0), "a1");
Issue:Non-critical 1.Wrong comment written:
In Diamond._removeFunctions in require statement it is stated as require(_facet == address(0), "a1"); and in comment it is written as // facet address must be zero
Make // facet address must be non-zero address