Use constant
and immutable
keywords for storage varibles if they doesn't change through contract's lifecycle
That way the variable will go to the contract's bytecode and will not allocate a storage slot
line#L19: address public override l1Bridge;
line#L23: UpgradeableBeacon public l2TokenFactory;
line#L26: bytes32 l2TokenProxyBytecodeHash;
line#L12: AppStorage internal s;
line#L24: ERC20Getters availableGetters;
line#L29: uint8 private decimals_;
line#L32: address public override l2Bridge;
line#L35: address public override l1Address;
line#L16: uint256 public totalSupply;
line#L22: address public override l1Bridge;
line#L23: uint256 constant INITIAL_STORAGE_CHANGES_COMMITMENT_BYTES = 4 + 64 * 4896;
line#L25: require(_index < 2**pathLength, "pz");
line#L53: require(bytecodeLenInWords < 2**16, "pp");
line#L72: codeLengthInWords = uint256(uint8(_bytecodeHash[2])) * 256 + uint256(uint8(_bytecodeHash[3]));
If a constant
variable initialization includes keccak256()
, sha256()
, etc. it should be marked as immutable
The result of the calculation of the hash (or whatever the expression is) is expected to be saved once compiled, but that's not the case. If marked as constant
the calculation will be executed every time the variable is accessed.
line#L24: bytes32 constant CREATE2_PREFIX = keccak256("zksyncCreate2");
line#L41: bytes32 constant CREATE2_PREFIX = keccak256("zksyncCreate2");
The word-size in ethereum is 32 bytes which means that every variables which is sized with less bytes will cost more to operate with
line#L26: uint160 constant SYSTEM_CONTRACTS_OFFSET = 0x8000;
line#L64: uint8 version = uint8(_bytecodeHash[0]);
line#L40: uint8 l2ShardId;
line#L42: uint16 txNumberInBlock;
line#L54: uint16 txNumberInBlock;
line#L30: uint64 _genesisIndexRepeatedStorageChanges,
line#L17: uint160 constant SYSTEM_CONTRACTS_OFFSET = 0x8000;
line#L86: uint32 _calldataLength
line#L98: uint64 expirationBlock,
line#L16: uint64 blockNumber;
line#L18: uint64 indexRepeatedStorageChanges;
line#L42: uint64 timestamp;
line#L43: uint64 indexRepeatedStorageChanges;
line#L125: uint64 expirationBlock = uint64(block.number + PRIORITY_EXPIRATION);
line#L150: uint64 _expirationBlock,
line#L29: uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
line#L36: uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
line#L24: uint16 selectorPosition;
line#L33: uint16 facetPosition;
line#L207: uint16 selectorPosition = uint16(ds.facetToSelectors[_facet].selectors.length);
line#L15: function decodeUint8(bytes memory _input) external pure returns (uint8 result) {
line#L18: function readUint32(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint32 result, uint256 offset) {
line#L12: event BridgeInitialization(address indexed l1Token, string name, string symbol, uint8 decimals);
line#L29: uint8 private decimals_;
line#L84: try ExternalDecoder.decodeUint8(decimalsBytes) returns (uint8 decimalsUint8) {
line#L185: uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
line#L228: uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
line#L273: (uint32 functionSignature, uint256 offset) = UnsafeBytes.readUint32(_l2ToL1message, 0);
line#L138: uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
line#L185: uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
line#L223: (uint32 functionSignature, uint256 offset) = UnsafeBytes.readUint32(_message, 0);
line#L12: uint64 expirationBlock;
line#L10: uint16 _l2TxNumberInBlock,
Since it is compared to a target value (usually the length of an array) there is no way the counter overflows
line#L94: for (uint256 i = 0; i < facetCutsLength; ++i) {
line#L132: for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
line#L153: for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
line#L173: for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
line#L50: bool timestampNotTooSmall = block.timestamp - COMMIT_TIMESTAMP_NOT_OLDER <= l2BlockTimestamp;
line#L51: bool timestampNotTooBig = l2BlockTimestamp <= block.timestamp + COMMIT_TIMESTAMP_APPROXIMATION_DELTA;
line#L216: require(s.totalBlocksExecuted <= s.totalBlocksVerified, "n");
line#L268: require(currentTotalBlocksVerified <= s.totalBlocksCommitted, "q");
line#L24: require( >= 4 || == 0, "Ut");
line#L49: bool approvedBySecurityCouncil = s.diamondCutStorage.securityCouncilEmergencyApprovals >=
line#L52: bool upgradeNoticePeriodPassed = block.timestamp >=
line#L56: require(_blockNumber <= s.totalBlocksExecuted, "xx");
line#L124: require(_ergsLimit <= PRIORITY_TX_MAX_ERGS_LIMIT, "ui");
The EVM checks whether a payment is provided to the function and this check costs additional gas. If the function is marked as payable
there is no such check
line#L102: function bridgeMint(address _to, uint256 _amount) external override onlyBridge {
line#L109: function bridgeBurn(address _from, uint256 _amount) external override onlyBridge {
line#L57: function setPublicAccess(address _target, bool _enable) external onlyOwner {
line#L65: function setBatchPublicAccess(address[] calldata _targets, bool[] calldata _enables) external onlyOwner {
line#L140: function setPendingOwner(address _newPendingOwner) external onlyOwner {
line#L153: function acceptOwner() external {
line#L28: function acceptGovernor() external {
If a function is called only once it can be inlined in order to save 20 gas
line#L43: function _initializeReentrancyGuard() private {
line#L119: function _addFunctions(
line#L143: function _replaceFunctions(
line#L256: function _removeFacet(address _facet) private {
line#L277: function _initializeDiamondCut(address _init, bytes memory _calldata) private {
Saves 3 gas per if
line#L117: require(amount > 0, "1T");
line#L210: require(amount > 0, "y1");
line#L23: require(pathLength > 0, "xc");
If you declare a variables of type uint256
it will automatically get assigned to its default value of 0. It is a gas wastage to assign it yourself.
line#L111: for (uint256 i = 0; i < emittedL2Logs.length; i = i.uncheckedAdd(L2_TO_L1_LOG_SERIALIZE_SIZE)) {
line#L162: for (uint256 i = 0; i < blocksLength; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
line#L210: for (uint256 i = 0; i < nBlocks; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
line#L240: for (uint256 i = 0; i < committedBlocksLength; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
line#L69: for (uint256 i = 0; i < targetsLength; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
line#L103: for (uint256 i = 0; i < callersLength; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
line#L94: for (uint256 i = 0; i < facetCutsLength; ++i) {
line#L132: for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
line#L153: for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
line#L173: for (uint256 i = 0; i < selectorsLength; ++i) {
line#L28: for (uint256 i = 0; i < pathLength; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
line#L28: address constant CONVENTIONAL_ETH_ADDRESS = address(0);
line#L163: for (uint256 i = 0; i < facetsLen; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
line#L223: for (uint256 i = 0; i < factoryDepsLen; i = i.uncheckedInc()) {
Use multiple require()
statements instead
line#L96: require(
line#L97: callersLength == _targets.length &&
line#L98: callersLength == _functionSigs.length &&
line#L99: callersLength == _enables.length,
line#L100: "yw"
line#L101: );
line#L65: require(version == 1 && _bytecodeHash[1] == bytes1(0), "zf");
line#L30: require(msg.sender == pendingGovernor, "n4");
line#L16: require(msg.sender == s.governor, "1g");
line#L22: require(s.validators[msg.sender], "1h");
line#L15: require(_allowList.canCall(msg.sender, address(this), functionSig), "nr");
line#L28: require(_newBlock.blockNumber == _previousBlock.blockNumber + 1, "f");
line#L39: require(_previousBlock.blockHash == previousBlockHash, "l");
line#L52: require(timestampNotTooSmall, "h");
line#L53: require(timestampNotTooBig, "h1");
line#L117: require(keccak256(l2Messages[currentMessage]) == hashedMessage, "k2");
line#L129: require(!isSystemContextLogProcessed, "fx");
line#L142: require(currentBytecode == factoryDeps.length, "ym");
line#L143: require(currentMessage == l2Messages.length, "pl");
line#L159: require(s.storedBlockHashes[s.totalBlocksCommitted] == _hashStoredBlockInfo(_lastCommittedBlockData), "i");
line#L192: require(currentBlockNumber == s.totalBlocksExecuted + _executedBlockIdx + 1, "k");
line#L199: require(priorityOperationsHash == _storedBlock.priorityOperationsHash, "x");
line#L216: require(s.totalBlocksExecuted <= s.totalBlocksVerified, "n");
line#L241: require(
line#L242: _hashStoredBlockInfo(_committedBlocks[i]) ==
line#L243: s.storedBlockHashes[currentTotalBlocksVerified.uncheckedInc()],
line#L244: "o1"
line#L245: );
line#L261: require(successVerifyProof, "p");
line#L268: require(currentTotalBlocksVerified <= s.totalBlocksCommitted, "q");
line#L337: require(s.totalBlocksCommitted > _newLastBlock, "v1");
line#L55: require(lockSlotOldValue == 0, "1B");
line#L72: require(_status == _NOT_ENTERED, "r1");
line#L58: require(msg.sender == l1Bridge, "mq");
line#L63: require(deployedToken == expectedL2Token, "mt");
line#L95: require(l1Token != address(0), "yh");
line#L23: require(pathLength > 0, "xc");
line#L24: require(pathLength < 256, "bt");
line#L25: require(_index < 2**pathLength, "pz");
line#L44: require(l1Address == address(0), "in5");
line#L45: require(_l1Address != address(0), "in6");
line#L49: require(msg.sender == l1Bridge, "ni");
line#L64: require(_l2Token == CONVENTIONAL_ETH_ADDRESS, "zn");
line#L33: require(_owner != address(0), "kq");
line#L38: require(msg.sender == owner, "kx");
line#L96: require(
line#L97: callersLength == _targets.length &&
line#L98: callersLength == _functionSigs.length &&
line#L99: callersLength == _enables.length,
line#L100: "yw"
line#L101: );
line#L155: require(msg.sender == newOwner, "n0");
line#L100: require(selectors.length > 0, "B");
line#L109: revert("C");
line#L135: require(oldFacet.facetAddress == address(0), "J");
line#L150: require(_facet != address(0), "K");
line#L170: require(_facet == address(0), "a1");
line#L176: require(oldFacet.facetAddress != address(0), "a2");
line#L279: require(_calldata.length == 0, "H");
line#L283: require(success, "I");
line#L288: require(abi.decode(data, (bytes32)) == DIAMOND_INIT_SUCCESS_RETURN_VALUE, "lp1");
line#L56: require(_blockNumber <= s.totalBlocksExecuted, "xx");
line#L63: require(hashedLog != L2_L1_LOGS_TREE_DEFAULT_LEAF_HASH, "tw");
line#L66: require(_proof.length == L2_TO_L1_LOG_MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, "rz");
line#L124: require(_ergsLimit <= PRIORITY_TX_MAX_ERGS_LIMIT, "ui");
line#L23: require(s.diamondCutStorage.proposedDiamondCutTimestamp == 0, "a3");
line#L40: require(_resetProposal(), "g1");
line#L56: require(approvedBySecurityCouncil || !diamondStorage.isFrozen, "f3");
line#L59: require(
line#L60: s.diamondCutStorage.proposedDiamondCutHash ==
line#L61: keccak256(abi.encode(_diamondCut.facetCuts, _diamondCut.initAddress)),
line#L62: "a4"
line#L63: );
line#L80: require(!diamondStorage.isFrozen, "a9");
line#L94: require(diamondStorage.isFrozen, "a7");
line#L108: require(s.diamondCutStorage.securityCouncilMemberLastApprovedProposalId[msg.sender] < currentProposalId, "ao");
line#L111: require(s.diamondCutStorage.proposedDiamondCutTimestamp != 0, "f0");
line#L13: require(_chainId == block.chainid, "pr");
line#L24: require( >= 4 || == 0, "Ut");
line#L29: require(facetAddress != address(0), "F");
line#L30: require(!diamondStorage.isFrozen || !facet.isFreezable, "q1");
line#L93: require(_l1Token == CONVENTIONAL_ETH_ADDRESS, "bx");
line#L141: require(_l1Token == CONVENTIONAL_ETH_ADDRESS, "sj");
line#L189: require(!isWithdrawalFinalized[_l2BlockNumber][_l2MessageIndex], "jj");
line#L205: require(success, "rj");
line#L64: require(!_queue.isEmpty(), "D");
line#L72: require(!_queue.isEmpty(), "s");
line#L50: require(_bytecode.length % 32 == 0, "po");
line#L53: require(bytecodeLenInWords < 2**16, "pp");
line#L65: require(version == 1 && _bytecodeHash[1] == bytes1(0), "zf");
line#L67: require(bytecodeLen(_bytecodeHash) % 2 == 1, "uy");
line#L148: require(ds.selectorToFacet[_selector].facetAddress != address(0), "g2");
line#L77: require(_factoryDeps.length == 2, "mk");
line#L117: require(amount > 0, "1T");
line#L210: require(amount > 0, "y1");
line#L232: require(!isWithdrawalFinalized[_l2BlockNumber][_l2MessageIndex], "pw");
line#L271: require(_l2ToL1message.length == 76, "kk");
line#L274: require(bytes4(functionSignature) == this.finalizeWithdrawal.selector, "nt");
/// @audit Store `_input` in calldata.
line#L10: function decodeString(bytes memory _input) external pure returns (string memory result) {
line#L15: function decodeUint8(bytes memory _input) external pure returns (uint8 result) {
line#L260: function _parseL2WithdrawalMessage(bytes memory _l2ToL1message)
line#L54: function pushBack(Queue storage _queue, PriorityOperation memory _operation) internal {
line#L26: function sendMessageToL1(bytes memory _message) internal returns (bytes32) {
line#L18: function readUint32(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint32 result, uint256 offset) {
line#L25: function readAddress(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (address result, uint256 offset) {
line#L32: function readUint256(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint256 result, uint256 offset) {
line#L39: function readBytes32(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (bytes32 result, uint256 offset) {
line#L214: function _parseL2WithdrawalMessage(bytes memory _message)
line#L43: L2Log memory _log,
line#L53: L2Log memory _log,
line#L23: function _commitOneBlock(StoredBlockInfo memory _previousBlock, CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlock)
line#L80: function _calculateBlockHash(StoredBlockInfo memory _previousBlock, CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlock)
line#L190: function _executeOneBlock(StoredBlockInfo memory _storedBlock, uint256 _executedBlockIdx) internal {
line#L278: VerifierParams memory _verifierParams
line#L43: function bridgeInitialize(address _l1Address, bytes memory _data) external initializer {
line#L43: function sendMessageToL1(bytes memory _message) internal returns (bytes32) {
line#L47: function hashL2Bytecode(bytes memory _bytecode) internal pure returns (bytes32 hashedBytecode) {
line#L89: function diamondCut(DiamondCutData memory _diamondCut) internal {
line#L121: bytes4[] memory _selectors,
line#L167: function _removeFunctions(address _facet, bytes4[] memory _selectors) private {
line#L277: function _initializeDiamondCut(address _init, bytes memory _calldata) private {