To prevent unintended behaviors, critical address input should be checked against address(0)
. Please consider checking _governor
in the following initialize
function initialize(
Verifier _verifier,
address _governor,
address _validator,
bytes32 _genesisBlockHash,
uint64 _genesisIndexRepeatedStorageChanges,
bytes32 _genesisBlockCommitment,
IAllowList _allowList,
VerifierParams calldata _verifierParams,
bool _zkPorterIsAvailable,
bytes32 _l2BootloaderBytecodeHash,
bytes32 _l2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash
) external reentrancyGuardInitializer returns (bytes32) {
s.verifier = _verifier;
s.governor = _governor;
Comments regarding todos indicate that there are unresolved action items for implementation, which need to be addressed before the protocol deployment. Please review the todo comments in the following code.
// TODO: change constant to the real root hash of empty Merkle tree (SMA-184)
bytes32 constant DEFAULT_L2_LOGS_TREE_ROOT_HASH = bytes32(0);
function l2TransactionBaseCost(
uint256, // _gasPrice
uint256, // _ergsLimit
uint32 // _calldataLength
) public pure returns (uint256) {
// TODO: estimate gas for L1 execute
return 0;
// TODO: Restore after stable priority op fee modeling. (SMA-1230)
// uint256 baseCost = l2TransactionBaseCost(tx.gasprice, _ergsLimit, uint32(_calldata.length));
// uint256 layer2Tip = msg.value - baseCost;
canonicalTxHash: canonicalTxHash,
expirationBlock: _expirationBlock,
layer2Tip: uint192(0) // TODO: Restore after fee modeling will be stable. (SMA-1230)
To improve readability and maintainability, constants can be used instead of magic numbers. Please consider replacing the following magic numbers, such as 56
, with constants.
221: require(_message.length == 56);
100: bytes memory emittedL2Logs = _newBlock.l2Logs[4:];
112: (address logSender, ) = UnsafeBytes.readAddress(emittedL2Logs, i + 4);
116: (bytes32 hashedMessage, ) = UnsafeBytes.readBytes32(emittedL2Logs, i + 56);
121: (bytes32 canonicalTxHash, ) = UnsafeBytes.readBytes32(emittedL2Logs, i + 24);
130: (blockTimestamp, ) = UnsafeBytes.readUint256(emittedL2Logs, i + 24);
131: (previousBlockHash, ) = UnsafeBytes.readBytes32(emittedL2Logs, i + 56);
135: (bytes32 bytecodeHash, ) = UnsafeBytes.readBytes32(emittedL2Logs, i + 24);
287: require(data.length == 32, "lp");
When the reason strings are missing in the require
statements, it is unclear about why certain conditions revert. Please add descriptive reason strings for the following require
145: require(amount != 0);
224: require(bytes4(functionSignature) == this.finalizeWithdrawal.selector);
238: require(callSuccess);
297: require(_recurisiveAggregationInput.length == 4);
50: require(_l1Token == CONVENTIONAL_ETH_ADDRESS);
Querying event can be optimized with index. Please consider adding indexed
to the relevant fields of the following events.
20: event DiamondCutProposal(Diamond.FacetCut[] _facetCuts, address _initAddress);
16: event DiamondCut(FacetCut[] facetCuts, address initAddress, bytes initCalldata);
NatSpec comments provide rich code documentation. NatSpec comments are missing for the following functions. Please consider adding them.
47: function hashL2Bytecode(bytes memory _bytecode) internal pure returns (bytes32 hashedBytecode) {
75: function computeCreate2Address(
43: function _initializeReentrancyGuard() private {
6: function uncheckedInc(uint256 _number) internal pure returns (uint256) {
12: function uncheckedAdd(uint256 _lhs, uint256 _rhs) internal pure returns (uint256) {
18: function readUint32(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint32 result, uint256 offset) {
25: function readAddress(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (address result, uint256 offset) {
32: function readUint256(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (uint256 result, uint256 offset) {
39: function readBytes32(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start) internal pure returns (bytes32 result, uint256 offset) {
362: function _blockPassThroughData(CommitBlockInfo calldata _block) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
372: function _blockMetaParameters() internal view returns (bytes memory) {
376: function _blockAuxilaryOutput(CommitBlockInfo calldata _block) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
116: function _requestL2Transaction(
26: function sendMessageToL1(bytes memory _message) internal returns (bytes32) {
NatSpec comments provide rich code documentation. @param and/or @return comments are missing for the following functions. Please consider completing NatSpec comments for them.
136: function _depositFunds(
149: function _getDepositL2Calldata(
164: function _getERC20Getters(address _token) internal view returns (bytes memory data) {
260: function _parseL2WithdrawalMessage(bytes memory _l2ToL1message)
113: function _getDepositL2Calldata(
214: function _parseL2WithdrawalMessage(bytes memory _message)
232: function _withdrawFunds(address _to, uint256 _amount) internal {
63: function validateBytecodeHash(bytes32 _bytecodeHash) internal pure {
71: function bytecodeLen(bytes32 _bytecodeHash) internal pure returns (uint256 codeLengthInWords) {
25: function initialize(
46: function executeDiamondCutProposal(Diamond.DiamondCutData calldata _diamondCut) external onlyGovernor {
23: function _commitOneBlock(StoredBlockInfo memory _previousBlock, CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlock)
89: function _processL2Logs(CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlock)
152: function commitBlocks(StoredBlockInfo memory _lastCommittedBlockData, CommitBlockInfo[] calldata _newBlocksData)
177: function _collectOperationsFromPriorityQueue(uint256 _nPriorityOps) internal returns (bytes32 concatHash) {
190: function _executeOneBlock(StoredBlockInfo memory _storedBlock, uint256 _executedBlockIdx) internal {
208: function executeBlocks(StoredBlockInfo[] calldata _blocksData) external nonReentrant onlyValidator {
221: function proveBlocks(
274: function _getBlockProofPublicInput(
296: function _verifyRecursivePartOfProof(uint256[] calldata _recurisiveAggregationInput) internal view returns (bool) {
349: function _maxU256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
354: function _createBlockCommitment(CommitBlockInfo calldata _newBlockData) internal view returns (bytes32) {
385: function _hashStoredBlockInfo(StoredBlockInfo memory _storedBlockInfo) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
144: function _writePriorityOp(
216: function _hashFactoryDeps(bytes[] calldata _factoryDeps)
119: function _addFunctions(
143: function _replaceFunctions(
167: function _removeFunctions(address _facet, bytes4[] memory _selectors) private {
184: function _saveFacetIfNew(address _facet) private {
200: function _addOneFunction(
227: function _removeOneFunction(address _facet, bytes4 _selector) private {
256: function _removeFacet(address _facet) private {
277: function _initializeDiamondCut(address _init, bytes memory _calldata) private {
39: function getTotalPriorityTxs(Queue storage _queue) internal view returns (uint256) {
49: function isEmpty(Queue storage _queue) internal view returns (bool) {
54: function pushBack(Queue storage _queue, PriorityOperation memory _operation) internal {
71: function popFront(Queue storage _queue) internal returns (PriorityOperation memory priorityOperation) {
73: function _deployL2Token(address _l1Token, bytes calldata _data) internal returns (address) {
104: function _getL1WithdrawMessage(
113: function l2TokenAddress(address _l1Token) public view override returns (address) {
122: function _getCreate2Salt(address _l1Token) internal pure returns (bytes32 salt) {
59: function withdraw(
74: function _getL1WithdrawMessage(address _to, uint256 _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {