The GoGoPool is still using @rari-capital/solmate library, meanwhile the package has been deprecated.
Using outdated package, can lead to another open security vulnerabilities which being patched on the latest release of a library/package. Thus it's necessary to keep the latest updated package.
Consider to use the updated one,
MultisigManager.sol contains a hard limit of MULTISIG_LIMIT
to 10. Meanwhile in the contract, there are functions like registerMultisig
, enableMultisig
, and disableMultisig
. So, logically, there should be a unregister
or remove
for the multisig.
If the limit is reached and some address was disabled or maybe compromised, it will locked the protocol from registering new multisig.
If multisig is secure enough so that it wont get compromised, then the hard limit of it seems unnecessary.
Storage gaps are a convention for reserving storage slots in a base contract, allowing future versions of that contract to use up those slots without affecting the storage layout of child contracts. The TokenggAVAX, which inherits openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable library is missing this storage gaps.
When changing storage variable commonly a setter function it's recommended to emit an event, meanwhile the protocol most of the setter function didn't emit an event. Emitting events allows monitoring activities with off-chain monitoring tools.
for example:
File: ClaimNodeOp.sol
40: function setRewardsCycleTotal(uint256 amount) public onlySpecificRegisteredContract("RewardsPool", msg.sender) {
41: setUint(keccak256("NOPClaim.RewardsCycleTotal"), amount);
42: }
File: Oracle.sol
28: function setOneInch(address addr) external onlyGuardian {
29: setAddress(keccak256("Oracle.OneInch"), addr);
30: }
File: ProtocolDAO.sol
96: function setTotalGGPCirculatingSupply(uint256 amount) public onlySpecificRegisteredContract("RewardsPool", msg.sender) {
97: return setUint(keccak256("ProtocolDAO.TotalGGPCirculatingSupply"), amount);
98: }
The others are: setClaimingContractPct()
, setExpectedAVAXRewardsRate()
, setRewardsStartTime()
, setLastRewardsCycleCompleted()
File: BaseAbstract.sol
6: // TODO remove this when dev is complete
7: // import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
8: // import {format} from "sol-utils/format.sol";
File: MinipoolManager.sol
412: // TODO Revisit this logic if we ever allow unequal matched funds
File: Staking.sol
203: // TODO cant use onlySpecificRegisteredContract("ClaimNodeOp", msg.sender) since we also call from increaseMinipoolCount. Wat do?