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133 lines (103 loc) · 12.1 KB

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133 lines (103 loc) · 12.1 KB

Moonwell audit details

  • Total Prize Pool: $100,000 USDC
    • HM awards: $71,825 USDC
    • Analysis awards: $4,225 USDC
    • QA awards: $2,112.50 USDC
    • Bot Race awards: $6,337.50 USDC
    • Gas awards: $0 USDC
    • Judge awards: $9,000 USDC
    • Lookout awards: $6,000 USDC
    • Scout awards: $500 USDC
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts July 24, 2023 20:00 UTC
  • Ends July 31, 2023 20:00 UTC

Note for C4 wardens: For this contest, gas optimizations are out of scope. The Moonwell team will not be awarding prize funds for gas-specific submissions.

Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues

Automated findings output for the audit can be found here within 24 hours of audit opening.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the automated findings output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.

  • ChainlinkCompositeOracle getPriceAndDecimals uses roundId, roundId is deprecated, so this is a known issue.
  • ChainlinkOracle getChainlinkPrice checks that roundId is 0, roundId is deprecated, and this is a known issue.
  • Temporal Governor unSetTrustedSenders does not check to ensure that there is at least 1 trusted sender after removing trusted senders. Because of this, a governance proposal could brick the TemporalGovernor and not allow any future governance proposals to be sent through the Temporal Governor again.

Known Compound v2 Issues

The following issues are known issues with the Compoundv2 codebase, and as such, are considered publicly known issues and ineligible for awards.

  • Borrowing rewards for markets where a reward speed is not set do not accrue without a user calling claim (or someone calling claimBehalf).
  • When setting reward speed = 0 and later turning it back on (setting a non-zero value) for a market, rewards will accrue as if the new rate was always on.
  • Assets which are supplied which a user hasn't called enterMarkets for can still be seized. This is working as designed.
  • New markets must be added with no collateral factor, and some small amount of the collateral token supply must be burned in order to avoid market manipulation. This is a known issue.
  • Comptroller _rescueFunds function does not check the return value of transfer. This is expected.
  • MToken sweepToken does not check the return value of transfer. This is expected.
  • All findings in both of the Halborn audits are out of scope.


The Moonwell Protocol is a fork of Benqi, which is a fork of Compound v2 with features like borrow caps and multi-token emissions.

Specific areas of concern include:

  • ChainlinkCompositeOracle which aggregates mulitple exchange rates together.
  • MultiRewardDistributor allow distributing and rewarding users with multiple tokens per MToken. Parts of this system that require special attention are what happens when hooks fail in the Comptroller. Are there states this system could be in that would allow an attacker to pull more than their pro rata share of rewards out? This contract is based on the Flywheel logic in the Comptroller.
  • TemporalGovernor which is the cross chain governance contract. Specific areas of concern include delays, the pause guardian, putting the contract into a state where it cannot be updated.

For more in depth review of the MToken <-> Comptroller <-> Multi Reward Distributor, see the Cross Contract Interaction Documentation.

More docs can be found on, but bear in mind that those are for V1 and don't include the changes introduced in V2.


Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
src/core/MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol 745 This contract handles distribution of rewards to mToken holders. @openzeppelin/*
src/core/Comptroller.sol 526 This contract is the source of truth for the entire Moonwell protocol @openzeppelin/*
src/core/Unitroller.sol 64 This contract delegate calls most actions to the Comptroller and acts as the storage proxy @openzeppelin/*
src/core/Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol 248 This contract governs the Base deployment of Moonwell through actions submitted through Wormhole @openzeppelin/*
src/core/MToken.sol 693 Abstract base for MTokens none
src/core/MErc20.sol 112 Moonwell MERC20 Token Contract none
src/core/MErc20Delegator.sol 212 Moonwell Delegator Contract none
src/core/MErc20Delegate.sol 18 Moonwell Delegate Contract, delegate-called by delegator none
src/core/router/WETHRouter.sol 40 Mint and redeem MTokens for raw ETH @openzeppelin/*
src/core/IRModels/InterestRateModel.sol 6 Interface for interest rate models none
src/core/IRModels/WhitePaperInterestRateModel.sol 31 White paper interest rate model none
src/core/IRModels/JumpRateModel.sol 41 Jump rate interest rate model, rates spike after kink none
src/core/Oracles/ChainlinkCompositeOracle.sol 138 Chainlink composite oracle, combines 2 or 3 chainlink oracle feeds into a single composite price none
src/core/Oracles/ChainlinkOracle.sol 109 Stores all chainlink oracle addresses for each respective underlying asset none
test/proposals/mips/mip00.sol 586 Handles deployment and parameterization of initial system @openzeppelin/*

Out of scope

  • All files in the deprecated folder are out of scope
  • All files in the mock folder are out of scope
  • Safemath
  • All openzeppelin dependencies

Video Walkthroughs

Videos of the codebase walkthrough can be found at the following links:

Additional Context

The MultiRewardDistributor contains logic that is modified and heavily inspired by Compound Flywheel. Verifying the user rewards are properly calculated and this system cannot brick the rest of the instance is of utmost importance.

Scoping Details

- If you have a public code repo, please share it here:  
- How many contracts are in scope?:   12
- Total SLoC for these contracts?:  4802
- How many external imports are there?:  1
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?:  22 structs, 9 interfaces
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?:   Inheritance
- How many external calls?:  3 
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?: 80%
- Is this an upgrade of an existing system?: True; Compound with multi-reward contract to handle distributing rewards in multiple assets per cToken, plus a cross chain governance system as well as a WETHRouter to allow users to go into mETH without having the protocol natively handle ETH.
- Check all that apply (e.g. timelock, NFT, AMM, ERC20, rollups, etc.): Multi-Chain, ERC-20 Token, Timelock function
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?:   True
- Please describe required context:   Understand governance system on moonbeam to figure out how temporal governance works
- Does it use an oracle?:  Yes, chainlink
- Describe any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models your code uses: n/a
- Is this either a fork of or an alternate implementation of another project?:   True; Compound with MRD
- Does it use a side-chain?: False
- Describe any specific areas you would like addressed: Would like to see people try to break the MRD logic, the temporal governor, the weth router, and take a deep look at the deployment script for any possible misconfigurations of the system. also any issues with calls to MRD from other parts of the system enabling theft of rewards or claiming of rewards that users aren't entitled to

Moonwell Protocol v2

The Moonwell Protocol is a fork of Benqi, which is a fork of Compound v2 with things like borrow caps and multi-token emissions.

The "v2" release of the Moonwell Protocol is a major system upgrade to use solidity 0.8.17, add supply caps, and a number of improvements for user experience (things like mintWithPermit and claimAllRewards). Solidity version 0.8.20 was not used because EIP-3855 which adds the PUSH0 opcode will not be live on base where this system will be deployed.

Running + Development

Development will work with the latest version of foundry installed.

Basic development workflow:

  • use forge build to build the smart contracts
  • use forge test -vvv --match-contract UnitTest to run the unit tests
  • use forge test --match-contract IntegrationTest --fork-url $ETH_RPC_URL to run the integration tests
  • use forge test --match-contract ArbitrumTest --fork-url $ARB_RPC_URL to run the ChainlinkCompositeOracle tests
  • use forge test --match-contract LiveSystemTest --fork-url baseGoerli to run the base goerli live system tests
  • use forge script test/proposals/DeployProposal.s.sol:DeployProposal -vvvv --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL to do a dry run of the deployment script