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Exception subclass: #JSException instanceVariableNames: 'jsError' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'JSBridge-Core'!!JSException methodsFor: 'signalling' stamp: 'WRB 4/26/2020 09:11'!error: error jsError := error. self signal: error message! !"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!JSException class instanceVariableNames: ''!!JSException class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'WRB 4/26/2020 09:12'!error: jsError JSException new error: jsError! !Object subclass: #JSObjectProxy instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: 'CallbackSemaphore CallbackProcess' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'JSBridge-Core'!!JSObjectProxy commentStamp: 'bf 07/12/2016 21:05' prior: 0!A JSObjectProxy is a proxy for JavaScript objects. It intercepts messages to look up named properties, and call them if they are functions. Arguments are converted from Squeak to JavaScript objects for nil, Booleans, SmallIntegers, Floats, Strings, Arrays, and Dictionaries. The result is converted back to Squeak objects for numbers and null/true/false, otherwise wrapped in a new JSObjectProxy. To add new properties, or access existing properties without calling them (if they are functions), use at:/at:put:. In addition, sending #new/#new:... creates an instance of that object, and #typeof returns the type as a string. There is a global proxy named JS to allow accessing global JavaScript objects."Call global function"JS alert: 'Squeak says Hello World!!'."Call function on global object (open console to see result)"JS console log: 'Squeak says Hello World!!'."Modify DOM"((JS document getElementsByTagName: 'h1') at: 0) at: 'innerHTML' put: 'Squeak said Hello World at ', Time now asString."Create new Object, add properties and a method, retrieve property, call method"| obj |obj := JS Object new.obj at: #someProp put: 42.obj at: #complexProp put: {#a -> 3. #b -> 4}.obj at: #someMethod put: (JS Function new: 'return this.complexProp.a + this.complexProp.b').{obj someProp. obj complexProp. obj someMethod}"Inspect all properties in global window object"| object propNames propValues |object := JS window.propNames := JS Object keys: object.propValues := (0 to: propNames length - 1) collect: [:i | (propNames at: i) -> (object at: (propNames at: i))].(propValues as: Dictionary) inspect"A Squeak block becomes a JavaScript function"JS at: #sqPlus put: [:arg0 :arg1 | Transcript show: 'sqPlus called with ', arg0 asString, ' and ', arg1 asString; cr. arg0 + arg1]."It can be called from JavaScript (open transcript to see)"JS eval: 'sqPlus(3, 4)'."It returns a Promise. When resolved, you can access the result"JS eval: 'sqPlus(3, 4).then(function(result) { console.log(result);})'."Which even works from Squeak ..."(JS sqPlus: 3 and: 4) then: [:result | JS alert: result]."But instead of using JavaScript's then() function, you can use Smalltalk's semaphores!!"JS await: (JS sqPlus: 3 and: 4)."If you don't need a result, just ignore the Promise"JS setTimeout: [JS alert: 'Hi'] ms: 1000."Now for some fun: Load jQuery, and compile a helper method"| script |(JS at: #jQuery) ifNil: [ script := JS document createElement: 'SCRIPT'. script at: 'src' put: 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js'. script at: 'type' put: 'text/javascript'. ((JS document getElementsByTagName: 'head') at: 0) appendChild: script.].String compile: 'asJQuery ^JS jQuery: self' classified: '*mystuff' notifying: nil."Use jQuery"'canvas' asJQuery hide: 'slow'; show: 'fast'.'h1' asJQuery css: {'color'->'red'. 'text-shadow' -> '0 2px white, 0 3px #777'}.'<button>' asJQuery text: 'Hi'; click: [Transcript show: 'hi'; cr]; appendTo: 'h1'.!!JSObjectProxy methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'bf 11/20/2014 00:38'!at: aKey "get a property" | error | <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveAt 0 0) at: 1. (error := self primGetError) ifNotNil: [^ self error: error]. ^ self primitiveFailed!at: aKey put: aValue "set a property" | error | <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveAtPut 0 0) at: 1. ^ self with: aValue retry: [:val | self at: aKey put: val]!doesNotUnderstand: aMessage "Call a function, or get/set an existing property. The function name / property name is the message selector up to the first colon. If the function name is 'new', create a new instance and call the constructor with args." <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveDoUnderstand 0 0) at: 1. ^self with: aMessage arguments retry: [:args | self doesNotUnderstand: (Message selector: aMessage selector arguments: args)]!printOn: aStream [aStream nextPutAll: self asString] ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^ super printOn: aStream].!asString "Convert me to a string" <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveAsString 0 0) at: 1. ^ self primitiveFailed!asJSArgument ^ self!typeof "Answer my jsObject's type (a string)" <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveTypeof 0 0) at: 1. ^ self primitiveFailed! !!JSObjectProxy methodsFor: 'promises' stamp: 'WRB 4/26/2020 09:28'!await: promise | sem result isError | isError := false. sem := Semaphore new. promise then: [:value | result := value. sem signal]; catch: [:error | result := error. isError := true. sem signal]. sem wait. isError ifTrue: [JSException error: result]. ^result! !!JSObjectProxy methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'bf 11/20/2014 00:38'!primGetError <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveGetError 0 0) at: 1. ^ nil!primSqueakAsJSObject: anObject <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveSqueakAsJSObject 0 0) at: 1. ^ self primitiveFailed!with: argument retry: retryBlock | error | (error := self primGetError) ifNil: [^ self error: 'JSBridge error']. (error beginsWith: 'asJSArgument') ifTrue: [ ^retryBlock value: argument asJSArgument]. (error beginsWith: 'CallbackSemaphore') ifTrue: [ self class initCallbacks. ^retryBlock value: argument]. self error: error.! !!JSObjectProxy class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'bf 11/20/2014 00:38'!new self error: 'Use "JS Object new" to create a new JavaScript object'.! !!JSObjectProxy class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'bf 11/21/2014 17:00'!initialize "Create the JS global" Smalltalk at: #JS put: self basicNew. "If we have the plugin, show workspace" [JS window] ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^self]. Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [self openExamples] ifFalse: [[self openExamples] fork].!openExamples Workspace new contents: 'Besides running regular Squeak images, SqueakJS can directly use JavaScript. It can interact with the DOM, access JavaScript libraries, and use Smalltalk code to create an interactive HTML interface. Try these examples:', self examples; openLabel: 'JSBridge'.!examples | comment | "Create symbols in advance" ('sqPlus:and: alert: console log: document getElementsByTagName: navigator Object keys: Function length eval: then: setTimeout:ms: createElement: appendChild: jQuery: hide: show: css: click: appendTo:' findTokens: ' ') do: [:s | s asSymbol]. comment := self organization classComment asString. ^ comment copyFrom: (comment indexOf: $") to: comment size.! !!JSObjectProxy class methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'bf 11/26/2014 18:52'!initCallbacks CallbackProcess ifNotNil: [CallbackProcess terminate. CallbackProcess := nil]. CallbackSemaphore := Semaphore new. self primInitCallbacks: (Smalltalk registerExternalObject: CallbackSemaphore). CallbackProcess := [self callbackProcess] newProcess priority: Processor lowIOPriority; resume.!callbackProcess [true] whileTrue: [ CallbackSemaphore wait. [self handleCallback] fork].!handleCallback | block args result | block := self primGetActiveCallbackBlock. args := self primGetActiveCallbackArgs. [result := block valueWithArguments: args] ifError: [:err :rcvr | result := JS Error: err asString]. self primReturnFromCallback: result.!primInitCallbacks: semaIndex <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveInitCallbacks 0 0) at: 1. ^ self primitiveFailed!primGetActiveCallbackBlock <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveGetActiveCallbackBlock 0 0) at: 1. ^ self primitiveFailed!primGetActiveCallbackArgs <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveGetActiveCallbackArgs 0 0) at: 1. ^ self primitiveFailed!primReturnFromCallback: returnValue <primitive: 117> #(JavaScriptPlugin primitiveReturnFromCallback 0 0) at: 1. ^ self primitiveFailed! !!Object methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument self error: 'Cannot convert ', self class name, ' to JavaScript'.!asJSObject "Only for debugging!! Allows to pass a Squeak object to JavaScript without converting" ^JSObjectProxy basicNew primSqueakAsJSObject: self! !!UndefinedObject methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS null by plugin" ^self! !!Boolean methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS true/false by plugin" ^self! !!SmallInteger methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS number by plugin" ^self! !!Float methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS number by plugin" ^self! !!Collection methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS array by plugin" | array i | array := Array new: self size. i := 0. self do: [:each | array at: (i := i + 1) put: each asJSArgument]. ^ array! !!Dictionary methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS object by plugin" | assocs i | assocs := Array new: self size. i := 0. self associationsDo: [:a | assocs at: (i := i + 1) put: a key asJSArgument -> a value asJSArgument]. ^ assocs! !!String methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS string by plugin" self class isBytes ifTrue: [^self]. ^super asJSArgument! !!BlockContext methodsFor: '*jsbridge-core' stamp: 'bf 11/25/2014 18:12'!asJSArgument "converted to JS function by plugin" ^self! !JSObjectProxy initialize!