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Contributing Guidelines

Jaroslav Janukevic edited this page Jan 2, 2014 · 16 revisions


The cliffnotes philosophy is all about cutting down the content keeping the guides lean and practical. In particular:

  • Don't include long preambles, blocks of text or extensive vocabulary lessons
  • Do focus on the practical and be to-the-point
  • Do include screencaps and images (and even video) that supplements the content
  • Do discuss third-party open-source libraries that save you tons of time
  • Do put the code blocks first. Always include practical code samples
  • Don't use elaborate examples that take way too much time to understand.
  • Do mention the implications and practical conclusions you've made


The most important thing is to save people as much time as possible. Include the maximum amount of useful code that we can in the smallest amount of space and 90% should be code in most cases. A few key principles to keep in mind:

  • Have short introductions that explain the reason why the concept matters
  • Always share references at the bottom of the guide that cites all sources
  • Feel free to use gists for large bodies of code you want to link to

Missing Topics

Check the issues for this repository to see what types of contributions would be most impactful. In particular, I will keep an issue that contains the most important missing topics. Also look for items in the cliffnotes with the Needs Attention mark which indicates the guide needs some love.

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