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163 lines (154 loc) · 7.25 KB


  • Gear
  • FastCDC
  • Zpaq
  • AE
  • RollSum
  • BuzHash
  • LMC (chunking)
  • RAM Chunking (Rapid Asymmetric Maximum)
    • doi:10.1016/j.future.2017.02.013
  • MII (minimal incrimental interval)
    • doi:10.1109/access.2019.2926195
  • TTTD
  • FBC

Algorithm Points of Comparison

  • Ability to constrain block size
    • distribution
    • tuneability of distribution
  • Speed
    • on different distributions
  • Common chunk discovery
    • on different distributions
  • Common chuck discovery after a byte shift
    • on different distributions
  • Common chuck discovery after edit
    • on different data distributions
    • under different edit kinds

Impl Features

  • Incrimental input: rather than require a single &[u8] up front, allow providing a number of &[u8]s over the life of the splitter/hasher.

  • Slice input vs byte-at-a-time: By allowing algorithms to take in larger slices of data at a time, it enables them to potentially impliment optimizations to speed up computation.


  • cdc
    • latest release: 2017-09-09
      • inactive development (as of 2020-06-21)
    • algorithm(s): "Rabin64" (polynomial based, 64-bit)
    • incrimental input: no
      • no documentation indicates incrimental input is possible
      • while one could use a special impl of Iterator<Item=u8> that can be extended, this would only work if the SeperatorIter or ChunkIter had not emitted a final incomplete chunk/seperator.
    • includes RollingHash64 trait
    • structure includes mutable context, no non-mutable representation
    • input format(s): Iterator<Item=u8>, u8
      • may limit performance capability
    • input is fully buffered by cdc structures
    • provides both rolling hash and content splitting features
    • has explicit representation for "prefilling" of the rolling hash.
    • includes multiple iterator adapters
      • splits the concept of a "seperator" (index + hash) vs a "chunk" (index + hash + size).
      • iterator adaptors don't generalize over rolling hashes, they are hard-coded to the Rabin64 impl
    • documentation is lacking (almost universally missing)
  • fastcdc
    • latest release: 2020-03-19, v1.0.3
      • active development (as of 2020-06-21)
    • algorithm(s): FastCDC
    • incrimental input: no
    • api:
      • input: one &[u8]
      • output: Iterator<Item=Chunk> where Chunk: (offset: usize, size: usize). Returns the remaining chunk as the last item even if not considered a complete chunk.
    • only struct mixes mutable and immutable data, no configuration representation
    • "chunks" are an offset and a size
      • iow: no rolling hash support
    • single struct, no traits
    • provides a fixed table for fastcdc (generated via a reproducable mechanism initially)
  • quickcdc
    • latest release: 2018-12-17 v1.0.0 (no other releases)
      • inactive development (as of 2020-06-21)
    • algorithm(s): AE (with modifications/extensions)
    • incrimental input: no
    • api:
      • input: one &[u8]
      • output: Iterator<Item=&[u8]>
    • no struct representation of configuration (only mixes mutable and immutable)
    • api: iterator over slices
    • single struct, no traits
    • includes improper use of unsafe in a non-public function (passes pointers into a function that dereferences them but the function is not marked unsafe).
  • gearhash
    • latest release: 2020-04-12 v0.1.3
      • active development (as of 2020-06-21)
    • algorithm(s): gear
    • incrimental input: yes
    • provides simd & scalar impls
    • includes a static table for gearhash
    • api: call next_match() repeatedly with new slices. Returns a Option<usize> indicating where a split point is (if any) in the slice passed to next_match().
    • Hasher struct provides both content splitting and rolling hash features.
      • in-place splitting
      • lacks helpers present in cdchunking
    • single struct, no traits
    • no struct representation of configuration (only mixes mutable and immutable data)
  • cdchunking
    • latest release: 2019-11-02 v1.0.0
      • inactive development (as of 2020-06-21)
    • algorithm(s): Zpaq
    • provides a chunker-impl trait
    • api: call next_boundary() repeatedly with new slices. Returns a Option<usize> indicating what a split point is (if any) in the slice.
      • must explicitly call a reset() after a match to reset internal state for subsequent matches.
    • provides a Chunker which takes a ChunkerImpl and provides a number of ease-of-use apis:
      • from a Read into a Iterator<Item=Result<Vec<u8>>>
      • from a Read into a Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>>
      • from a Read into a series of one of Data(&[u8]) or End, where the Data(&[u8]) are references to an internal buffer and End indicate the end of a chunk.
      • from a Read to an iterator of (start, len, end) (ie: no data returned)
      • from a &[u8] to an Iterator<Item=[u8]>
  • rollsum aka rsroll
    • latest release: (commit 2019-12-22, publish 2020-09-27) v0.3.0
      • uncertain inactive development (as of 2020-10-08)
    • algorithm(s):
      • rollsum (based on bupsplit, based on rsync chunking)
      • gear
    • incrimental input: yes
    • includes a static table for gearhash
    • low level trait has byte-by-byte and slice based interfaces
    • exposes conditionality of chunk edge (ie: like a rolling-sum) in trait, but provides a helper on the specific struct that uses it's defaults.
    • requires explicit state resets after finding a chunk edge to find the next chunk edge (doesn't reset internal state)
    • api: call find_chunk_edge() with different slices until Some((usize, Sum)) is returned. the usize here is the offset after the end of the chunk (ie: start of the next chunk).
    • provides access to the underlying Sum on each edge
  • rededup-cdc
    • rollsum fork
  • bitar
    • latest release: 2020-06-09 v0.7.0
      • active development (as of 2020-06-21)
    • algorithms(s): BuzHash, RollSum
    • uses enum to abstract over algorithms (Config and Chunker)
    • includes seperate immutable "configuration object" concept (Config)
    • supports/requires use of tokio::AsyncRead as input
    • api: provide a AsyncRead when constructing the Chunker. Use the futures::Stream<Item=Result<(u64, Bytes)>> it returns
    • low-level trait for each hash is byte-at-a-time
    • many other items included in the library (designed to support the cmdline tool bita)
  • zvault
    • algorithm(s): AE, fastcdc, rabin, fixed (non content defined)
    • low level trait requires a Read & a Write instance
    • provides run-time generic over creation & extraction of some details (Chunker)
    • Instantiation for each provides a seed and average size
    • inactive development (last change 2018-03-08 (as of 2020-05-10))
    • includes many non-chunking items