diff --git a/package.yaml b/package.yaml
index 0f5137a6db..218c2d638c 100644
--- a/package.yaml
+++ b/package.yaml
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ library:
   - Paths_stack
   - Stack.Build
   - Stack.Build.Cache
-  - Stack.Build.ConstructPlan
   - Stack.Build.Execute
   - Stack.Build.Haddock
   - Stack.Build.Installed
@@ -234,6 +233,7 @@ library:
   - Stack.Sig.Sign
   - Stack.Snapshot
   - Stack.Solver
+  - Stack.SourceMap
   - Stack.StaticBytes
   - Stack.Types.Build
   - Stack.Types.BuildPlan
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ library:
   - Stack.Types.Resolver
   - Stack.Types.Runner
   - Stack.Types.Sig
+  - Stack.Types.SourceMap
   - Stack.Types.TemplateName
   - Stack.Types.Version
   - Stack.Types.VersionIntervals
diff --git a/src/Stack/Build/ConstructPlan.hs b/src/Stack/Build/ConstructPlan.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dea78e4a5..0000000000
--- a/src/Stack/Build/ConstructPlan.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1177 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
--- | Construct a @Plan@ for how to build
-module Stack.Build.ConstructPlan
-    ( constructPlan
-    ) where
-import           Stack.Prelude hiding (Display (..))
-import           Control.Monad.RWS.Strict hiding ((<>))
-import           Control.Monad.State.Strict (execState)
-import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
-import           Data.List
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import           Data.Monoid.Map (MonoidMap(..))
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import           Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With)
-import           Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
-import qualified Distribution.Text as Cabal
-import qualified Distribution.Version as Cabal
-import           Distribution.Types.BuildType (BuildType (Configure))
-import           Generics.Deriving.Monoid (memptydefault, mappenddefault)
-import qualified RIO
-import           Stack.Build.Cache
-import           Stack.Build.Haddock
-import           Stack.Build.Installed
-import           Stack.Build.Source
-import           Stack.BuildPlan
-import           Stack.Config (getLocalPackages)
-import           Stack.Constants
-import           Stack.Package
-import           Stack.PackageDump
-import           Stack.PackageIndex
-import           Stack.PrettyPrint
-import           Stack.Types.Build
-import           Stack.Types.BuildPlan
-import           Stack.Types.Compiler
-import           Stack.Types.Config
-import           Stack.Types.FlagName
-import           Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
-import           Stack.Types.NamedComponent
-import           Stack.Types.Package
-import           Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
-import           Stack.Types.PackageName
-import           Stack.Types.Runner
-import           Stack.Types.Version
-import           System.IO (putStrLn)
-import           RIO.Process (findExecutable, HasProcessContext (..))
-data PackageInfo
-    =
-      -- | This indicates that the package is already installed, and
-      -- that we shouldn't build it from source. This is always the case
-      -- for snapshot packages.
-      PIOnlyInstalled InstallLocation Installed
-      -- | This indicates that the package isn't installed, and we know
-      -- where to find its source (either a hackage package or a local
-      -- directory).
-    | PIOnlySource PackageSource
-      -- | This indicates that the package is installed and we know
-      -- where to find its source. We may want to reinstall from source.
-    | PIBoth PackageSource Installed
-    deriving (Show)
-combineSourceInstalled :: PackageSource
-                       -> (InstallLocation, Installed)
-                       -> PackageInfo
-combineSourceInstalled ps (location, installed) =
-    assert (piiVersion ps == installedVersion installed) $
-    assert (piiLocation ps == location) $
-    case location of
-        -- Always trust something in the snapshot
-        Snap -> PIOnlyInstalled location installed
-        Local -> PIBoth ps installed
-type CombinedMap = Map PackageName PackageInfo
-combineMap :: SourceMap -> InstalledMap -> CombinedMap
-combineMap = Map.mergeWithKey
-    (\_ s i -> Just $ combineSourceInstalled s i)
-    (fmap PIOnlySource)
-    (fmap (uncurry PIOnlyInstalled))
-data AddDepRes
-    = ADRToInstall Task
-    | ADRFound InstallLocation Installed
-    deriving Show
-type ParentMap = MonoidMap PackageName (First Version, [(PackageIdentifier, VersionRange)])
-data W = W
-    { wFinals :: !(Map PackageName (Either ConstructPlanException Task))
-    , wInstall :: !(Map Text InstallLocation)
-    -- ^ executable to be installed, and location where the binary is placed
-    , wDirty :: !(Map PackageName Text)
-    -- ^ why a local package is considered dirty
-    , wDeps :: !(Set PackageName)
-    -- ^ Packages which count as dependencies
-    , wWarnings :: !([Text] -> [Text])
-    -- ^ Warnings
-    , wParents :: !ParentMap
-    -- ^ Which packages a given package depends on, along with the package's version
-    } deriving Generic
-instance Semigroup W where
-    (<>) = mappenddefault
-instance Monoid W where
-    mempty = memptydefault
-    mappend = (<>)
-type M = RWST -- TODO replace with more efficient WS stack on top of StackT
-    Ctx
-    W
-    (Map PackageName (Either ConstructPlanException AddDepRes))
-    IO
-data Ctx = Ctx
-    { ls             :: !LoadedSnapshot
-    , baseConfigOpts :: !BaseConfigOpts
-    , loadPackage    :: !(PackageLocationIndex FilePath -> Map FlagName Bool -> [Text] -> M Package)
-    , combinedMap    :: !CombinedMap
-    , toolToPackages :: !(ExeName -> Map PackageName VersionRange)
-    , ctxEnvConfig   :: !EnvConfig
-    , callStack      :: ![PackageName]
-    , extraToBuild   :: !(Set PackageName)
-    , getVersions    :: !(PackageName -> IO (HashMap Version (Maybe CabalHash)))
-    , wanted         :: !(Set PackageName)
-    , localNames     :: !(Set PackageName)
-    }
-instance HasPlatform Ctx
-instance HasGHCVariant Ctx
-instance HasLogFunc Ctx where
-    logFuncL = configL.logFuncL
-instance HasRunner Ctx where
-    runnerL = configL.runnerL
-instance HasConfig Ctx
-instance HasCabalLoader Ctx where
-    cabalLoaderL = configL.cabalLoaderL
-instance HasProcessContext Ctx where
-    processContextL = configL.processContextL
-instance HasBuildConfig Ctx
-instance HasEnvConfig Ctx where
-    envConfigL = lens ctxEnvConfig (\x y -> x { ctxEnvConfig = y })
--- | Computes a build plan. This means figuring out which build 'Task's
--- to take, and the interdependencies among the build 'Task's. In
--- particular:
--- 1) It determines which packages need to be built, based on the
--- transitive deps of the current targets. For local packages, this is
--- indicated by the 'lpWanted' boolean. For extra packages to build,
--- this comes from the @extraToBuild0@ argument of type @Set
--- PackageName@. These are usually packages that have been specified on
--- the commandline.
--- 2) It will only rebuild an upstream package if it isn't present in
--- the 'InstalledMap', or if some of its dependencies have changed.
--- 3) It will only rebuild a local package if its files are dirty or
--- some of its dependencies have changed.
-constructPlan :: forall env. HasEnvConfig env
-              => LoadedSnapshot
-              -> BaseConfigOpts
-              -> [LocalPackage]
-              -> Set PackageName -- ^ additional packages that must be built
-              -> [DumpPackage () () ()] -- ^ locally registered
-              -> (PackageLocationIndex FilePath -> Map FlagName Bool -> [Text] -> RIO EnvConfig Package) -- ^ load upstream package
-              -> SourceMap
-              -> InstalledMap
-              -> Bool
-              -> RIO env Plan
-constructPlan ls0 baseConfigOpts0 locals extraToBuild0 localDumpPkgs loadPackage0 sourceMap installedMap initialBuildSteps = do
-    logDebug "Constructing the build plan"
-    bconfig <- view buildConfigL
-    when (hasBaseInDeps bconfig) $
-      prettyWarn $ flow "You are trying to upgrade/downgrade base, which is almost certainly not what you really want. Please, consider using another GHC version if you need a certain version of base, or removing base from extra-deps. See more at https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3940." <> line
-    econfig <- view envConfigL
-    let onWanted = void . addDep False . packageName . lpPackage
-    let inner = do
-            mapM_ onWanted $ filter lpWanted locals
-            mapM_ (addDep False) $ Set.toList extraToBuild0
-    lp <- getLocalPackages
-    let ctx = mkCtx econfig lp
-    ((), m, W efinals installExes dirtyReason deps warnings parents) <-
-        liftIO $ runRWST inner ctx M.empty
-    mapM_ (logWarn . RIO.display) (warnings [])
-    let toEither (_, Left e)  = Left e
-        toEither (k, Right v) = Right (k, v)
-        (errlibs, adrs) = partitionEithers $ map toEither $ M.toList m
-        (errfinals, finals) = partitionEithers $ map toEither $ M.toList efinals
-        errs = errlibs ++ errfinals
-    if null errs
-        then do
-            let toTask (_, ADRFound _ _) = Nothing
-                toTask (name, ADRToInstall task) = Just (name, task)
-                tasks = M.fromList $ mapMaybe toTask adrs
-                takeSubset =
-                    case boptsCLIBuildSubset $ bcoBuildOptsCLI baseConfigOpts0 of
-                        BSAll -> id
-                        BSOnlySnapshot -> stripLocals
-                        BSOnlyDependencies -> stripNonDeps deps
-            return $ takeSubset Plan
-                { planTasks = tasks
-                , planFinals = M.fromList finals
-                , planUnregisterLocal = mkUnregisterLocal tasks dirtyReason localDumpPkgs sourceMap initialBuildSteps
-                , planInstallExes =
-                    if boptsInstallExes (bcoBuildOpts baseConfigOpts0) ||
-                       boptsInstallCompilerTool (bcoBuildOpts baseConfigOpts0)
-                        then installExes
-                        else Map.empty
-                }
-        else do
-            planDebug $ show errs
-            stackYaml <- view stackYamlL
-            prettyErrorNoIndent $ pprintExceptions errs stackYaml parents (wanted ctx)
-            throwM $ ConstructPlanFailed "Plan construction failed."
-  where
-    hasBaseInDeps bconfig =
-        elem $(mkPackageName "base")
-      $ map (packageIdentifierName . pirIdent) [i | (PLIndex i) <- bcDependencies bconfig]
-    mkCtx econfig lp = Ctx
-        { ls = ls0
-        , baseConfigOpts = baseConfigOpts0
-        , loadPackage = \x y z -> runRIO econfig $ loadPackage0 x y z
-        , combinedMap = combineMap sourceMap installedMap
-        , toolToPackages = \name ->
-          maybe Map.empty (Map.fromSet (const Cabal.anyVersion)) $
-          Map.lookup name toolMap
-        , ctxEnvConfig = econfig
-        , callStack = []
-        , extraToBuild = extraToBuild0
-        , getVersions = runRIO econfig . getPackageVersions
-        , wanted = wantedLocalPackages locals <> extraToBuild0
-        , localNames = Set.fromList $ map (packageName . lpPackage) locals
-        }
-      where
-        toolMap = getToolMap ls0 lp
--- | State to be maintained during the calculation of local packages
--- to unregister.
-data UnregisterState = UnregisterState
-    { usToUnregister :: !(Map GhcPkgId (PackageIdentifier, Text))
-    , usKeep :: ![DumpPackage () () ()]
-    , usAnyAdded :: !Bool
-    }
--- | Determine which packages to unregister based on the given tasks and
--- already registered local packages
-mkUnregisterLocal :: Map PackageName Task
-                  -- ^ Tasks
-                  -> Map PackageName Text
-                  -- ^ Reasons why packages are dirty and must be rebuilt
-                  -> [DumpPackage () () ()]
-                  -- ^ Local package database dump
-                  -> SourceMap
-                  -> Bool
-                  -- ^ If true, we're doing a special initialBuildSteps
-                  -- build - don't unregister target packages.
-                  -> Map GhcPkgId (PackageIdentifier, Text)
-mkUnregisterLocal tasks dirtyReason localDumpPkgs sourceMap initialBuildSteps =
-    -- We'll take multiple passes through the local packages. This
-    -- will allow us to detect that a package should be unregistered,
-    -- as well as all packages directly or transitively depending on
-    -- it.
-    loop Map.empty localDumpPkgs
-  where
-    loop toUnregister keep
-        -- If any new packages were added to the unregister Map, we
-        -- need to loop through the remaining packages again to detect
-        -- if a transitive dependency is being unregistered.
-        | usAnyAdded us = loop (usToUnregister us) (usKeep us)
-        -- Nothing added, so we've already caught them all. Return the
-        -- Map we've already calculated.
-        | otherwise = usToUnregister us
-      where
-        -- Run the unregister checking function on all packages we
-        -- currently think we'll be keeping.
-        us = execState (mapM_ go keep) UnregisterState
-            { usToUnregister = toUnregister
-            , usKeep = []
-            , usAnyAdded = False
-            }
-    go dp = do
-        us <- get
-        case go' (usToUnregister us) ident deps of
-            -- Not unregistering, add it to the keep list
-            Nothing -> put us { usKeep = dp : usKeep us }
-            -- Unregistering, add it to the unregister Map and
-            -- indicate that a package was in fact added to the
-            -- unregister Map so we loop again.
-            Just reason -> put us
-                { usToUnregister = Map.insert gid (ident, reason) (usToUnregister us)
-                , usAnyAdded = True
-                }
-      where
-        gid = dpGhcPkgId dp
-        ident = dpPackageIdent dp
-        deps = dpDepends dp
-    go' toUnregister ident deps
-      -- If we're planning on running a task on it, then it must be
-      -- unregistered, unless it's a target and an initial-build-steps
-      -- build is being done.
-      | Just task <- Map.lookup name tasks
-          = if initialBuildSteps && taskIsTarget task && taskProvides task == ident
-              then Nothing
-              else Just $ fromMaybe "" $ Map.lookup name dirtyReason
-      -- Check if we're no longer using the local version
-      | Just (piiLocation -> Snap) <- Map.lookup name sourceMap
-          = Just "Switching to snapshot installed package"
-      -- Check if a dependency is going to be unregistered
-      | (dep, _):_ <- mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` toUnregister) deps
-          = Just $ "Dependency being unregistered: " <> packageIdentifierText dep
-      -- None of the above, keep it!
-      | otherwise = Nothing
-      where
-        name = packageIdentifierName ident
--- | Given a 'LocalPackage' and its 'lpTestBench', adds a 'Task' for
--- running its tests and benchmarks.
--- If @isAllInOne@ is 'True', then this means that the build step will
--- also build the tests. Otherwise, this indicates that there's a cyclic
--- dependency and an additional build step needs to be done.
--- This will also add all the deps needed to build the tests /
--- benchmarks. If @isAllInOne@ is 'True' (the common case), then all of
--- these should have already been taken care of as part of the build
--- step.
-addFinal :: LocalPackage -> Package -> Bool -> M ()
-addFinal lp package isAllInOne = do
-    depsRes <- addPackageDeps False package
-    res <- case depsRes of
-        Left e -> return $ Left e
-        Right (missing, present, _minLoc) -> do
-            ctx <- ask
-            return $ Right Task
-                { taskProvides = PackageIdentifier
-                    (packageName package)
-                    (packageVersion package)
-                , taskConfigOpts = TaskConfigOpts missing $ \missing' ->
-                    let allDeps = Map.union present missing'
-                     in configureOpts
-                            (view envConfigL ctx)
-                            (baseConfigOpts ctx)
-                            allDeps
-                            True -- local
-                            Local
-                            package
-                , taskPresent = present
-                , taskType = TTFiles lp Local -- FIXME we can rely on this being Local, right?
-                , taskAllInOne = isAllInOne
-                , taskCachePkgSrc = CacheSrcLocal (toFilePath (lpDir lp))
-                , taskAnyMissing = not $ Set.null missing
-                , taskBuildTypeConfig = packageBuildTypeConfig package
-                }
-    tell mempty { wFinals = Map.singleton (packageName package) res }
--- | Is this package being used as a library, or just as a build tool?
--- If the former, we need to ensure that a library actually
--- exists. See
--- <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2195>
-data DepType = AsLibrary | AsBuildTool
-  deriving (Show, Eq)
--- | Given a 'PackageName', adds all of the build tasks to build the
--- package, if needed.
--- 'constructPlan' invokes this on all the target packages, setting
--- @treatAsDep'@ to False, because those packages are direct build
--- targets. 'addPackageDeps' invokes this while recursing into the
--- dependencies of a package. As such, it sets @treatAsDep'@ to True,
--- forcing this package to be marked as a dependency, even if it is
--- directly wanted. This makes sense - if we left out packages that are
--- deps, it would break the --only-dependencies build plan.
-addDep :: Bool -- ^ is this being used by a dependency?
-       -> PackageName
-       -> M (Either ConstructPlanException AddDepRes)
-addDep treatAsDep' name = do
-    ctx <- ask
-    let treatAsDep = treatAsDep' || name `Set.notMember` wanted ctx
-    when treatAsDep $ markAsDep name
-    m <- get
-    case Map.lookup name m of
-        Just res -> do
-            planDebug $ "addDep: Using cached result for " ++ show name ++ ": " ++ show res
-            return res
-        Nothing -> do
-            res <- if name `elem` callStack ctx
-                then do
-                    planDebug $ "addDep: Detected cycle " ++ show name ++ ": " ++ show (callStack ctx)
-                    return $ Left $ DependencyCycleDetected $ name : callStack ctx
-                else local (\ctx' -> ctx' { callStack = name : callStack ctx' }) $ do
-                    let mpackageInfo = Map.lookup name $ combinedMap ctx
-                    planDebug $ "addDep: Package info for " ++ show name ++ ": " ++ show mpackageInfo
-                    case mpackageInfo of
-                        -- TODO look up in the package index and see if there's a
-                        -- recommendation available
-                        Nothing -> return $ Left $ UnknownPackage name
-                        Just (PIOnlyInstalled loc installed) -> do
-                            -- FIXME Slightly hacky, no flags since
-                            -- they likely won't affect executable
-                            -- names. This code does not feel right.
-                            tellExecutablesUpstream
-                              (PackageIdentifierRevision (PackageIdentifier name (installedVersion installed)) CFILatest)
-                              loc
-                              Map.empty
-                            return $ Right $ ADRFound loc installed
-                        Just (PIOnlySource ps) -> do
-                            tellExecutables ps
-                            installPackage treatAsDep name ps Nothing
-                        Just (PIBoth ps installed) -> do
-                            tellExecutables ps
-                            installPackage treatAsDep name ps (Just installed)
-            updateLibMap name res
-            return res
--- FIXME what's the purpose of this? Add a Haddock!
-tellExecutables :: PackageSource -> M ()
-tellExecutables (PSFiles lp _)
-    | lpWanted lp = tellExecutablesPackage Local $ lpPackage lp
-    | otherwise = return ()
--- Ignores ghcOptions because they don't matter for enumerating
--- executables.
-tellExecutables (PSIndex loc flags _ghcOptions pir) =
-    tellExecutablesUpstream pir loc flags
-tellExecutablesUpstream :: PackageIdentifierRevision -> InstallLocation -> Map FlagName Bool -> M ()
-tellExecutablesUpstream pir@(PackageIdentifierRevision (PackageIdentifier name _) _) loc flags = do
-    ctx <- ask
-    when (name `Set.member` extraToBuild ctx) $ do
-        p <- loadPackage ctx (PLIndex pir) flags []
-        tellExecutablesPackage loc p
-tellExecutablesPackage :: InstallLocation -> Package -> M ()
-tellExecutablesPackage loc p = do
-    cm <- asks combinedMap
-    -- Determine which components are enabled so we know which ones to copy
-    let myComps =
-            case Map.lookup (packageName p) cm of
-                Nothing -> assert False Set.empty
-                Just (PIOnlyInstalled _ _) -> Set.empty
-                Just (PIOnlySource ps) -> goSource ps
-                Just (PIBoth ps _) -> goSource ps
-        goSource (PSFiles lp _)
-            | lpWanted lp = exeComponents (lpComponents lp)
-            | otherwise = Set.empty
-        goSource PSIndex{} = Set.empty
-    tell mempty { wInstall = Map.fromList $ map (, loc) $ Set.toList $ filterComps myComps $ packageExes p }
-  where
-    filterComps myComps x
-        | Set.null myComps = x
-        | otherwise = Set.intersection x myComps
--- | Given a 'PackageSource' and perhaps an 'Installed' value, adds
--- build 'Task's for the package and its dependencies.
-installPackage :: Bool -- ^ is this being used by a dependency?
-               -> PackageName
-               -> PackageSource
-               -> Maybe Installed
-               -> M (Either ConstructPlanException AddDepRes)
-installPackage treatAsDep name ps minstalled = do
-    ctx <- ask
-    case ps of
-        PSIndex _ flags ghcOptions pkgLoc -> do
-            planDebug $ "installPackage: Doing all-in-one build for upstream package " ++ show name
-            package <- loadPackage ctx (PLIndex pkgLoc) flags ghcOptions -- FIXME be more efficient! Get this from the LoadedPackageInfo!
-            resolveDepsAndInstall True treatAsDep ps package minstalled
-        PSFiles lp _ ->
-            case lpTestBench lp of
-                Nothing -> do
-                    planDebug $ "installPackage: No test / bench component for " ++ show name ++ " so doing an all-in-one build."
-                    resolveDepsAndInstall True treatAsDep ps (lpPackage lp) minstalled
-                Just tb -> do
-                    -- Attempt to find a plan which performs an all-in-one
-                    -- build.  Ignore the writer action + reset the state if
-                    -- it fails.
-                    s <- get
-                    res <- pass $ do
-                        res <- addPackageDeps treatAsDep tb
-                        let writerFunc w = case res of
-                                Left _ -> mempty
-                                _ -> w
-                        return (res, writerFunc)
-                    case res of
-                        Right deps -> do
-                          planDebug $ "installPackage: For " ++ show name ++ ", successfully added package deps"
-                          adr <- installPackageGivenDeps True ps tb minstalled deps
-                          -- FIXME: this redundantly adds the deps (but
-                          -- they'll all just get looked up in the map)
-                          addFinal lp tb True
-                          return $ Right adr
-                        Left _ -> do
-                            -- Reset the state to how it was before
-                            -- attempting to find an all-in-one build
-                            -- plan.
-                            planDebug $ "installPackage: Before trying cyclic plan, resetting lib result map to " ++ show s
-                            put s
-                            -- Otherwise, fall back on building the
-                            -- tests / benchmarks in a separate step.
-                            res' <- resolveDepsAndInstall False treatAsDep ps (lpPackage lp) minstalled
-                            when (isRight res') $ do
-                                -- Insert it into the map so that it's
-                                -- available for addFinal.
-                                updateLibMap name res'
-                                addFinal lp tb False
-                            return res'
-resolveDepsAndInstall :: Bool
-                      -> Bool
-                      -> PackageSource
-                      -> Package
-                      -> Maybe Installed
-                      -> M (Either ConstructPlanException AddDepRes)
-resolveDepsAndInstall isAllInOne treatAsDep ps package minstalled = do
-    res <- addPackageDeps treatAsDep package
-    case res of
-        Left err -> return $ Left err
-        Right deps -> liftM Right $ installPackageGivenDeps isAllInOne ps package minstalled deps
--- | Checks if we need to install the given 'Package', given the results
--- of 'addPackageDeps'. If dependencies are missing, the package is
--- dirty, or it's not installed, then it needs to be installed.
-installPackageGivenDeps :: Bool
-                        -> PackageSource
-                        -> Package
-                        -> Maybe Installed
-                        -> ( Set PackageIdentifier
-                           , Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId
-                           , InstallLocation )
-                        -> M AddDepRes
-installPackageGivenDeps isAllInOne ps package minstalled (missing, present, minLoc) = do
-    let name = packageName package
-    ctx <- ask
-    mRightVersionInstalled <- case (minstalled, Set.null missing) of
-        (Just installed, True) -> do
-            shouldInstall <- checkDirtiness ps installed package present (wanted ctx)
-            return $ if shouldInstall then Nothing else Just installed
-        (Just _, False) -> do
-            let t = T.intercalate ", " $ map (T.pack . packageNameString . packageIdentifierName) (Set.toList missing)
-            tell mempty { wDirty = Map.singleton name $ "missing dependencies: " <> addEllipsis t }
-            return Nothing
-        (Nothing, _) -> return Nothing
-    return $ case mRightVersionInstalled of
-        Just installed -> ADRFound (piiLocation ps) installed
-        Nothing -> ADRToInstall Task
-            { taskProvides = PackageIdentifier
-                (packageName package)
-                (packageVersion package)
-            , taskConfigOpts = TaskConfigOpts missing $ \missing' ->
-                let allDeps = Map.union present missing'
-                    destLoc = piiLocation ps <> minLoc
-                 in configureOpts
-                        (view envConfigL ctx)
-                        (baseConfigOpts ctx)
-                        allDeps
-                        (psLocal ps)
-                        -- An assertion to check for a recurrence of
-                        -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/345
-                        (assert (destLoc == piiLocation ps) destLoc)
-                        package
-            , taskPresent = present
-            , taskType =
-                case ps of
-                    PSFiles lp loc -> TTFiles lp (loc <> minLoc)
-                    PSIndex loc _ _ pkgLoc -> TTIndex package (loc <> minLoc) pkgLoc
-            , taskAllInOne = isAllInOne
-            , taskCachePkgSrc = toCachePkgSrc ps
-            , taskAnyMissing = not $ Set.null missing
-            , taskBuildTypeConfig = packageBuildTypeConfig package
-            }
--- | Is the build type of the package Configure
-packageBuildTypeConfig :: Package -> Bool
-packageBuildTypeConfig pkg = packageBuildType pkg == Configure
--- Update response in the lib map. If it is an error, and there's
--- already an error about cyclic dependencies, prefer the cyclic error.
-updateLibMap :: PackageName -> Either ConstructPlanException AddDepRes -> M ()
-updateLibMap name val = modify $ \mp ->
-    case (M.lookup name mp, val) of
-        (Just (Left DependencyCycleDetected{}), Left _) -> mp
-        _ -> M.insert name val mp
-addEllipsis :: Text -> Text
-addEllipsis t
-    | T.length t < 100 = t
-    | otherwise = T.take 97 t <> "..."
--- | Given a package, recurses into all of its dependencies. The results
--- indicate which packages are missing, meaning that their 'GhcPkgId's
--- will be figured out during the build, after they've been built. The
--- 2nd part of the tuple result indicates the packages that are already
--- installed which will be used.
--- The 3rd part of the tuple is an 'InstallLocation'. If it is 'Local',
--- then the parent package must be installed locally. Otherwise, if it
--- is 'Snap', then it can either be installed locally or in the
--- snapshot.
-addPackageDeps :: Bool -- ^ is this being used by a dependency?
-               -> Package -> M (Either ConstructPlanException (Set PackageIdentifier, Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId, InstallLocation))
-addPackageDeps treatAsDep package = do
-    ctx <- ask
-    deps' <- packageDepsWithTools package
-    deps <- forM (Map.toList deps') $ \(depname, (range, depType)) -> do
-        eres <- addDep treatAsDep depname
-        let getLatestApplicableVersionAndRev = do
-                vsAndRevs <- liftIO $ getVersions ctx depname
-                let vs = Set.fromList (HashMap.keys vsAndRevs)
-                case latestApplicableVersion range vs of
-                  Nothing -> pure Nothing
-                  Just lappVer -> do
-                    let mlappRev = join (HashMap.lookup lappVer vsAndRevs)
-                    pure $ (lappVer,) <$> mlappRev
-        case eres of
-            Left e -> do
-                addParent depname range Nothing
-                let bd =
-                        case e of
-                            UnknownPackage name -> assert (name == depname) NotInBuildPlan
-                            _ -> Couldn'tResolveItsDependencies (packageVersion package)
-                mlatestApplicable <- getLatestApplicableVersionAndRev
-                return $ Left (depname, (range, mlatestApplicable, bd))
-            Right adr | depType == AsLibrary && not (adrHasLibrary adr) ->
-                return $ Left (depname, (range, Nothing, HasNoLibrary))
-            Right adr -> do
-                addParent depname range Nothing
-                inRange <- if adrVersion adr `withinRange` range
-                    then return True
-                    else do
-                        let warn_ reason =
-                                tell mempty { wWarnings = (msg:) }
-                              where
-                                msg = T.concat
-                                    [ "WARNING: Ignoring out of range dependency"
-                                    , reason
-                                    , ": "
-                                    , T.pack $ packageIdentifierString $ PackageIdentifier depname (adrVersion adr)
-                                    , ". "
-                                    , T.pack $ packageNameString $ packageName package
-                                    , " requires: "
-                                    , versionRangeText range
-                                    ]
-                        allowNewer <- view $ configL.to configAllowNewer
-                        if allowNewer
-                            then do
-                                warn_ " (allow-newer enabled)"
-                                return True
-                            else do
-                                x <- inSnapshot (packageName package) (packageVersion package)
-                                y <- inSnapshot depname (adrVersion adr)
-                                if x && y
-                                    then do
-                                        warn_ " (trusting snapshot over Hackage revisions)"
-                                        return True
-                                    else return False
-                if inRange
-                    then case adr of
-                        ADRToInstall task -> return $ Right
-                            (Set.singleton $ taskProvides task, Map.empty, taskLocation task)
-                        ADRFound loc (Executable _) -> return $ Right
-                            (Set.empty, Map.empty, loc)
-                        ADRFound loc (Library ident gid _) -> return $ Right
-                            (Set.empty, Map.singleton ident gid, loc)
-                    else do
-                        mlatestApplicable <- getLatestApplicableVersionAndRev
-                        return $ Left (depname, (range, mlatestApplicable, DependencyMismatch $ adrVersion adr))
-    case partitionEithers deps of
-        -- Note that the Monoid for 'InstallLocation' means that if any
-        -- is 'Local', the result is 'Local', indicating that the parent
-        -- package must be installed locally. Otherwise the result is
-        -- 'Snap', indicating that the parent can either be installed
-        -- locally or in the snapshot.
-        ([], pairs) -> return $ Right $ mconcat pairs
-        (errs, _) -> return $ Left $ DependencyPlanFailures
-            package
-            (Map.fromList errs)
-  where
-    adrVersion (ADRToInstall task) = packageIdentifierVersion $ taskProvides task
-    adrVersion (ADRFound _ installed) = installedVersion installed
-    -- Update the parents map, for later use in plan construction errors
-    -- - see 'getShortestDepsPath'.
-    addParent depname range mversion = tell mempty { wParents = MonoidMap $ M.singleton depname val }
-      where
-        val = (First mversion, [(packageIdentifier package, range)])
-    adrHasLibrary :: AddDepRes -> Bool
-    adrHasLibrary (ADRToInstall task) = taskHasLibrary task
-    adrHasLibrary (ADRFound _ Library{}) = True
-    adrHasLibrary (ADRFound _ Executable{}) = False
-    taskHasLibrary :: Task -> Bool
-    taskHasLibrary task =
-      case taskType task of
-        TTFiles lp _ -> packageHasLibrary $ lpPackage lp
-        TTIndex p _ _ -> packageHasLibrary p
-    -- make sure we consider internal libraries as libraries too
-    packageHasLibrary :: Package -> Bool
-    packageHasLibrary p =
-      Set.null (packageInternalLibraries p) ||
-      case packageLibraries p of
-        HasLibraries _ -> True
-        NoLibraries -> False
-checkDirtiness :: PackageSource
-               -> Installed
-               -> Package
-               -> Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId
-               -> Set PackageName
-               -> M Bool
-checkDirtiness ps installed package present wanted = do
-    ctx <- ask
-    moldOpts <- runRIO ctx $ tryGetFlagCache installed
-    let configOpts = configureOpts
-            (view envConfigL ctx)
-            (baseConfigOpts ctx)
-            present
-            (psLocal ps)
-            (piiLocation ps) -- should be Local always
-            package
-        buildOpts = bcoBuildOpts (baseConfigOpts ctx)
-        wantConfigCache = ConfigCache
-            { configCacheOpts = configOpts
-            , configCacheDeps = Set.fromList $ Map.elems present
-            , configCacheComponents =
-                case ps of
-                    PSFiles lp _ -> Set.map (encodeUtf8 . renderComponent) $ lpComponents lp
-                    PSIndex{} -> Set.empty
-            , configCacheHaddock =
-                shouldHaddockPackage buildOpts wanted (packageName package) ||
-                -- Disabling haddocks when old config had haddocks doesn't make dirty.
-                maybe False configCacheHaddock moldOpts
-            , configCachePkgSrc = toCachePkgSrc ps
-            }
-    let mreason =
-            case moldOpts of
-                Nothing -> Just "old configure information not found"
-                Just oldOpts
-                    | Just reason <- describeConfigDiff config oldOpts wantConfigCache -> Just reason
-                    | True <- psForceDirty ps -> Just "--force-dirty specified"
-                    | Just files <- psDirty ps -> Just $ "local file changes: " <>
-                                                         addEllipsis (T.pack $ unwords $ Set.toList files)
-                    | otherwise -> Nothing
-        config = view configL ctx
-    case mreason of
-        Nothing -> return False
-        Just reason -> do
-            tell mempty { wDirty = Map.singleton (packageName package) reason }
-            return True
-describeConfigDiff :: Config -> ConfigCache -> ConfigCache -> Maybe Text
-describeConfigDiff config old new
-    | configCachePkgSrc old /= configCachePkgSrc new = Just $
-        "switching from " <>
-        pkgSrcName (configCachePkgSrc old) <> " to " <>
-        pkgSrcName (configCachePkgSrc new)
-    | not (configCacheDeps new `Set.isSubsetOf` configCacheDeps old) = Just "dependencies changed"
-    | not $ Set.null newComponents =
-        Just $ "components added: " `T.append` T.intercalate ", "
-            (map (decodeUtf8With lenientDecode) (Set.toList newComponents))
-    | not (configCacheHaddock old) && configCacheHaddock new = Just "rebuilding with haddocks"
-    | oldOpts /= newOpts = Just $ T.pack $ concat
-        [ "flags changed from "
-        , show oldOpts
-        , " to "
-        , show newOpts
-        ]
-    | otherwise = Nothing
-  where
-    stripGhcOptions =
-        go
-      where
-        go [] = []
-        go ("--ghc-option":x:xs) = go' Ghc x xs
-        go ("--ghc-options":x:xs) = go' Ghc x xs
-        go ((T.stripPrefix "--ghc-option=" -> Just x):xs) = go' Ghc x xs
-        go ((T.stripPrefix "--ghc-options=" -> Just x):xs) = go' Ghc x xs
-        go ("--ghcjs-option":x:xs) = go' Ghcjs x xs
-        go ("--ghcjs-options":x:xs) = go' Ghcjs x xs
-        go ((T.stripPrefix "--ghcjs-option=" -> Just x):xs) = go' Ghcjs x xs
-        go ((T.stripPrefix "--ghcjs-options=" -> Just x):xs) = go' Ghcjs x xs
-        go (x:xs) = x : go xs
-        go' wc x xs = checkKeepers wc x $ go xs
-        checkKeepers wc x xs =
-            case filter isKeeper $ T.words x of
-                [] -> xs
-                keepers -> T.pack (compilerOptionsCabalFlag wc) : T.unwords keepers : xs
-        -- GHC options which affect build results and therefore should always
-        -- force a rebuild
-        --
-        -- For the most part, we only care about options generated by Stack
-        -- itself
-        isKeeper = (== "-fhpc") -- more to be added later
-    userOpts = filter (not . isStackOpt)
-             . (if configRebuildGhcOptions config
-                   then id
-                   else stripGhcOptions)
-             . map T.pack
-             . (\(ConfigureOpts x y) -> x ++ y)
-             . configCacheOpts
-    (oldOpts, newOpts) = removeMatching (userOpts old) (userOpts new)
-    removeMatching (x:xs) (y:ys)
-        | x == y = removeMatching xs ys
-    removeMatching xs ys = (xs, ys)
-    newComponents = configCacheComponents new `Set.difference` configCacheComponents old
-    pkgSrcName (CacheSrcLocal fp) = T.pack fp
-    pkgSrcName CacheSrcUpstream = "upstream source"
-psForceDirty :: PackageSource -> Bool
-psForceDirty (PSFiles lp _) = lpForceDirty lp
-psForceDirty PSIndex{} = False
-psDirty :: PackageSource -> Maybe (Set FilePath)
-psDirty (PSFiles lp _) = lpDirtyFiles lp
-psDirty PSIndex{} = Nothing -- files never change in an upstream package
-psLocal :: PackageSource -> Bool
-psLocal (PSFiles _ loc) = loc == Local -- FIXME this is probably not the right logic, see configureOptsNoDir. We probably want to check if this appears in packages:
-psLocal PSIndex{} = False
--- | Get all of the dependencies for a given package, including build
--- tool dependencies.
-packageDepsWithTools :: Package -> M (Map PackageName (VersionRange, DepType))
-packageDepsWithTools p = do
-    ctx <- ask
-    let toEither name mp =
-            case Map.toList mp of
-                [] -> Left (ToolWarning name (packageName p) Nothing)
-                [_] -> Right mp
-                ((x, _):(y, _):zs) ->
-                  Left (ToolWarning name (packageName p) (Just (x, y, map fst zs)))
-        (warnings0, toolDeps) =
-             partitionEithers $
-             map (\dep -> toEither dep (toolToPackages ctx dep)) (Map.keys (packageTools p))
-    -- Check whether the tool is on the PATH before warning about it.
-    warnings <- fmap catMaybes $ forM warnings0 $ \warning@(ToolWarning (ExeName toolName) _ _) -> do
-        let settings = minimalEnvSettings { esIncludeLocals = True }
-        config <- view configL
-        menv <- liftIO $ configProcessContextSettings config settings
-        mfound <- runRIO menv $ findExecutable $ T.unpack toolName
-        case mfound of
-            Left _ -> return (Just warning)
-            Right _ -> return Nothing
-    tell mempty { wWarnings = (map toolWarningText warnings ++) }
-    return $ Map.unionsWith
-               (\(vr1, dt1) (vr2, dt2) ->
-                    ( intersectVersionRanges vr1 vr2
-                    , case dt1 of
-                        AsLibrary -> AsLibrary
-                        AsBuildTool -> dt2
-                    )
-               )
-           $ ((, AsLibrary) <$> packageDeps p)
-           : (Map.map (, AsBuildTool) <$> toolDeps)
--- | Warn about tools in the snapshot definition. States the tool name
--- expected, the package name using it, and found packages. If the
--- last value is Nothing, it means the tool was not found
--- anywhere. For a Just value, it was found in at least two packages.
-data ToolWarning = ToolWarning ExeName PackageName (Maybe (PackageName, PackageName, [PackageName]))
-  deriving Show
-toolWarningText :: ToolWarning -> Text
-toolWarningText (ToolWarning (ExeName toolName) pkgName Nothing) =
-    "No packages found in snapshot which provide a " <>
-    T.pack (show toolName) <>
-    " executable, which is a build-tool dependency of " <>
-    T.pack (show (packageNameString pkgName))
-toolWarningText (ToolWarning (ExeName toolName) pkgName (Just (option1, option2, options))) =
-    "Multiple packages found in snapshot which provide a " <>
-    T.pack (show toolName) <>
-    " executable, which is a build-tool dependency of " <>
-    T.pack (show (packageNameString pkgName)) <>
-    ", so none will be installed.\n" <>
-    "Here's the list of packages which provide it: " <>
-    T.intercalate ", " (map packageNameText (option1:option2:options)) <>
-    "\nSince there's no good way to choose, you may need to install it manually."
--- | Strip out anything from the @Plan@ intended for the local database
-stripLocals :: Plan -> Plan
-stripLocals plan = plan
-    { planTasks = Map.filter checkTask $ planTasks plan
-    , planFinals = Map.empty
-    , planUnregisterLocal = Map.empty
-    , planInstallExes = Map.filter (/= Local) $ planInstallExes plan
-    }
-  where
-    checkTask task = taskLocation task == Snap
-stripNonDeps :: Set PackageName -> Plan -> Plan
-stripNonDeps deps plan = plan
-    { planTasks = Map.filter checkTask $ planTasks plan
-    , planFinals = Map.empty
-    , planInstallExes = Map.empty -- TODO maybe don't disable this?
-    }
-  where
-    checkTask task = packageIdentifierName (taskProvides task) `Set.member` deps
-markAsDep :: PackageName -> M ()
-markAsDep name = tell mempty { wDeps = Set.singleton name }
--- | Is the given package/version combo defined in the snapshot?
-inSnapshot :: PackageName -> Version -> M Bool
-inSnapshot name version = do
-    p <- asks ls
-    ls <- asks localNames
-    return $ fromMaybe False $ do
-        guard $ not $ name `Set.member` ls
-        lpi <- Map.lookup name (lsPackages p)
-        return $ lpiVersion lpi == version
-data ConstructPlanException
-    = DependencyCycleDetected [PackageName]
-    | DependencyPlanFailures Package (Map PackageName (VersionRange, LatestApplicableVersion, BadDependency))
-    | UnknownPackage PackageName -- TODO perhaps this constructor will be removed, and BadDependency will handle it all
-    -- ^ Recommend adding to extra-deps, give a helpful version number?
-    deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Show)
-deriving instance Ord VersionRange
--- | The latest applicable version and it's latest cabal file revision.
--- For display purposes only, Nothing if package not found
-type LatestApplicableVersion = Maybe (Version, CabalHash)
--- | Reason why a dependency was not used
-data BadDependency
-    = NotInBuildPlan
-    | Couldn'tResolveItsDependencies Version
-    | DependencyMismatch Version
-    | HasNoLibrary
-    -- ^ See description of 'DepType'
-    deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Show)
--- TODO: Consider intersecting version ranges for multiple deps on a
--- package.  This is why VersionRange is in the parent map.
-    :: [ConstructPlanException]
-    -> Path Abs File
-    -> ParentMap
-    -> Set PackageName
-    -> AnsiDoc
-pprintExceptions exceptions stackYaml parentMap wanted =
-    mconcat $
-      [ flow "While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:"
-      , line <> line
-      , mconcat (intersperse (line <> line) (mapMaybe pprintException exceptions'))
-      , line <> line
-      , flow "Some different approaches to resolving this:"
-      , line <> line
-      ] ++
-      (if not onlyHasDependencyMismatches then [] else
-         [ "  *" <+> align (flow "Set 'allow-newer: true' to ignore all version constraints and build anyway.")
-         , line <> line
-         ]
-      ) ++
-      [ "  *" <+> align (flow "Consider trying 'stack solver', which uses the cabal-install solver to attempt to find some working build configuration. This can be convenient when dealing with many complicated constraint errors, but results may be unpredictable.")
-      , line <> line
-      ] ++ addExtraDepsRecommendations
-  where
-    exceptions' = nubOrd exceptions
-    addExtraDepsRecommendations
-      | Map.null extras = []
-      | (Just _) <- Map.lookup $(mkPackageName "base") extras =
-          [ "  *" <+> align (flow "Build requires unattainable version of base. Since base is a part of GHC, you most likely need to use a different GHC version with the matching base.")
-           , line
-          ]
-      | otherwise =
-         [ "  *" <+> align
-           (styleRecommendation (flow "Recommended action:") <+>
-            flow "try adding the following to your extra-deps in" <+>
-            toAnsiDoc (display stackYaml) <> ":")
-         , line <> line
-         , vsep (map pprintExtra (Map.toList extras))
-         , line
-         ]
-    extras = Map.unions $ map getExtras exceptions'
-    getExtras DependencyCycleDetected{} = Map.empty
-    getExtras UnknownPackage{} = Map.empty
-    getExtras (DependencyPlanFailures _ m) =
-       Map.unions $ map go $ Map.toList m
-     where
-       -- TODO: Likely a good idea to distinguish these to the user.  In particular, for DependencyMismatch
-       go (name, (_range, Just (version,cabalHash), NotInBuildPlan)) =
-           Map.singleton name (version,cabalHash)
-       go (name, (_range, Just (version,cabalHash), DependencyMismatch{})) =
-           Map.singleton name (version, cabalHash)
-       go _ = Map.empty
-    pprintExtra (name, (version, cabalHash)) =
-      let cfInfo = CFIHash Nothing cabalHash
-          packageId = PackageIdentifier name version
-          packageIdRev = PackageIdentifierRevision packageId cfInfo
-       in fromString $ packageIdentifierRevisionString packageIdRev
-    allNotInBuildPlan = Set.fromList $ concatMap toNotInBuildPlan exceptions'
-    toNotInBuildPlan (DependencyPlanFailures _ pDeps) =
-      map fst $ filter (\(_, (_, _, badDep)) -> badDep == NotInBuildPlan) $ Map.toList pDeps
-    toNotInBuildPlan _ = []
-    -- This checks if 'allow-newer: true' could resolve all issues.
-    onlyHasDependencyMismatches = all go exceptions'
-      where
-        go DependencyCycleDetected{} = False
-        go UnknownPackage{} = False
-        go (DependencyPlanFailures _ m) =
-          all (\(_, _, depErr) -> isMismatch depErr) (M.elems m)
-        isMismatch DependencyMismatch{} = True
-        isMismatch Couldn'tResolveItsDependencies{} = True
-        isMismatch _ = False
-    pprintException (DependencyCycleDetected pNames) = Just $
-        flow "Dependency cycle detected in packages:" <> line <>
-        indent 4 (encloseSep "[" "]" "," (map (styleError . display) pNames))
-    pprintException (DependencyPlanFailures pkg pDeps) =
-        case mapMaybe pprintDep (Map.toList pDeps) of
-            [] -> Nothing
-            depErrors -> Just $
-                flow "In the dependencies for" <+> pkgIdent <>
-                pprintFlags (packageFlags pkg) <> ":" <> line <>
-                indent 4 (vsep depErrors) <>
-                case getShortestDepsPath parentMap wanted (packageName pkg) of
-                    Nothing -> line <> flow "needed for unknown reason - stack invariant violated."
-                    Just [] -> line <> flow "needed since" <+> pkgName <+> flow "is a build target."
-                    Just (target:path) -> line <> flow "needed due to" <+> encloseSep "" "" " -> " pathElems
-                      where
-                        pathElems =
-                            [styleTarget . display $ target] ++
-                            map display path ++
-                            [pkgIdent]
-              where
-                pkgName = styleCurrent . display $ packageName pkg
-                pkgIdent = styleCurrent . display $ packageIdentifier pkg
-    -- Skip these when they are redundant with 'NotInBuildPlan' info.
-    pprintException (UnknownPackage name)
-        | name `Set.member` allNotInBuildPlan = Nothing
-        | name `HashSet.member` wiredInPackages =
-            Just $ flow "Can't build a package with same name as a wired-in-package:" <+> (styleCurrent . display $ name)
-        | otherwise = Just $ flow "Unknown package:" <+> (styleCurrent . display $ name)
-    pprintFlags flags
-        | Map.null flags = ""
-        | otherwise = parens $ sep $ map pprintFlag $ Map.toList flags
-    pprintFlag (name, True) = "+" <> fromString (show name)
-    pprintFlag (name, False) = "-" <> fromString (show name)
-    pprintDep (name, (range, mlatestApplicable, badDep)) = case badDep of
-        NotInBuildPlan -> Just $
-            styleError (display name) <+>
-            align ((if range == Cabal.anyVersion
-                      then flow "needed"
-                      else flow "must match" <+> goodRange) <> "," <> softline <>
-                   flow "but the stack configuration has no specified version" <+>
-                   latestApplicable Nothing)
-        -- TODO: For local packages, suggest editing constraints
-        DependencyMismatch version -> Just $
-            (styleError . display) (PackageIdentifier name version) <+>
-            align (flow "from stack configuration does not match" <+> goodRange <+>
-                   latestApplicable (Just version))
-        -- I think the main useful info is these explain why missing
-        -- packages are needed. Instead lets give the user the shortest
-        -- path from a target to the package.
-        Couldn'tResolveItsDependencies _version -> Nothing
-        HasNoLibrary -> Just $
-            styleError (display name) <+>
-            align (flow "is a library dependency, but the package provides no library")
-      where
-        goodRange = styleGood (fromString (Cabal.display range))
-        latestApplicable mversion =
-            case mlatestApplicable of
-                Nothing
-                    | isNothing mversion ->
-                        flow "(no package with that name found, perhaps there is a typo in a package's build-depends or an omission from the stack.yaml packages list?)"
-                    | otherwise -> ""
-                Just (laVer, _)
-                    | Just laVer == mversion -> softline <>
-                        flow "(latest matching version is specified)"
-                    | otherwise -> softline <>
-                        flow "(latest matching version is" <+> styleGood (display laVer) <> ")"
--- | Get the shortest reason for the package to be in the build plan. In
--- other words, trace the parent dependencies back to a 'wanted'
--- package.
-    :: ParentMap
-    -> Set PackageName
-    -> PackageName
-    -> Maybe [PackageIdentifier]
-getShortestDepsPath (MonoidMap parentsMap) wanted name =
-    if Set.member name wanted
-        then Just []
-        else case M.lookup name parentsMap of
-            Nothing -> Nothing
-            Just (_, parents) -> Just $ findShortest 256 paths0
-              where
-                paths0 = M.fromList $ map (\(ident, _) -> (packageIdentifierName ident, startDepsPath ident)) parents
-  where
-    -- The 'paths' map is a map from PackageName to the shortest path
-    -- found to get there. It is the frontier of our breadth-first
-    -- search of dependencies.
-    findShortest :: Int -> Map PackageName DepsPath -> [PackageIdentifier]
-    findShortest fuel _ | fuel <= 0 =
-        [PackageIdentifier $(mkPackageName "stack-ran-out-of-jet-fuel") $(mkVersion "0")]
-    findShortest _ paths | M.null paths = []
-    findShortest fuel paths =
-        case targets of
-            [] -> findShortest (fuel - 1) $ M.fromListWith chooseBest $ concatMap extendPath recurses
-            _ -> let (DepsPath _ _ path) = minimum (map snd targets) in path
-      where
-        (targets, recurses) = partition (\(n, _) -> n `Set.member` wanted) (M.toList paths)
-    chooseBest :: DepsPath -> DepsPath -> DepsPath
-    chooseBest x y = if x > y then x else y
-    -- Extend a path to all its parents.
-    extendPath :: (PackageName, DepsPath) -> [(PackageName, DepsPath)]
-    extendPath (n, dp) =
-        case M.lookup n parentsMap of
-            Nothing -> []
-            Just (_, parents) -> map (\(pkgId, _) -> (packageIdentifierName pkgId, extendDepsPath pkgId dp)) parents
-data DepsPath = DepsPath
-    { dpLength :: Int -- ^ Length of dpPath
-    , dpNameLength :: Int -- ^ Length of package names combined
-    , dpPath :: [PackageIdentifier] -- ^ A path where the packages later
-                                    -- in the list depend on those that
-                                    -- come earlier
-    }
-    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-startDepsPath :: PackageIdentifier -> DepsPath
-startDepsPath ident = DepsPath
-    { dpLength = 1
-    , dpNameLength = T.length (packageNameText (packageIdentifierName ident))
-    , dpPath = [ident]
-    }
-extendDepsPath :: PackageIdentifier -> DepsPath -> DepsPath
-extendDepsPath ident dp = DepsPath
-    { dpLength = dpLength dp + 1
-    , dpNameLength = dpNameLength dp + T.length (packageNameText (packageIdentifierName ident))
-    , dpPath = [ident]
-    }
--- Switch this to 'True' to enable some debugging putStrLn in this module
-planDebug :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
-planDebug = if False then liftIO . putStrLn else \_ -> return ()
diff --git a/src/Stack/SourceMap.hs b/src/Stack/SourceMap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..380c8f3e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Stack/SourceMap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+module Stack.SourceMap
+  (
+  ) where
+import Stack.Prelude
+import Stack.Types.SourceMap
diff --git a/src/Stack/Types/Package.hs b/src/Stack/Types/Package.hs
index 6eb77567ae..ef4b53b038 100644
--- a/src/Stack/Types/Package.hs
+++ b/src/Stack/Types/Package.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,44 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-module Stack.Types.Package where
+module Stack.Types.Package
+  ( ModTime (..)
+  , LocalPackage (..)
+  , Package (..)
+  , InstallLocation (..)
+  , PackageSource (..)
+  , dotCabalGetPath
+  , dotCabalModule
+  , dotCabalMain
+  , dotCabalModulePath
+  , dotCabalMainPath
+  , installedPackageIdentifier
+  , installedVersion
+  , modTimeVC
+  , lpFiles
+  , FileCacheInfo (..)
+  , piiPackageLocation
+  , piiLocation
+  , piiVersion
+  , testSuccessVC
+  , dotCabalCFilePath
+  , PackageWarning (..)
+  , PackageConfig (..)
+  , packageDefinedFlags
+  , GetPackageOpts (..)
+  , GetPackageFiles (..)
+  , packageIdentifier
+  , BuildInfoOpts (..)
+  , Installed (..)
+  , CabalFileType (..)
+  , InstalledPackageLocation (..)
+  , InstalledMap -- FIXME remove this!
+  , SourceMap -- FIXME remove this!
+  , DotCabalPath (..)
+  , DotCabalDescriptor (..)
+  , PackageException (..)
+  , PackageLibraries (..)
+  ) where
 import           Stack.Prelude
 import qualified Data.ByteString as S
diff --git a/src/Stack/Types/SourceMap.hs b/src/Stack/Types/SourceMap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc5b7a247c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Stack/Types/SourceMap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+module Stack.Types.SourceMap
+  ( -- * Unresolved
+    UnresolvedSourceMap
+  , UnresolvedPackageSource (..)
+  , UnresolvedInstallable (..)
+    -- * Loaded
+  , LoadedInstallable (..)
+    -- * Resolved
+  , ResolvedSourceMap
+  , RPSKey
+  , ResolvedPackageSourceKey (..)
+  , ResolvedPackageSource (..)
+  , ResolvedInstallable (..)
+  , Toolchain (..)
+  , mkRPSKey
+  ) where
+import Distribution.PackageDescription (TestSuiteInterface)
+import Stack.Prelude
+import Stack.Types.BuildPlan
+import Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
+import Stack.Types.Package (PackageConfig, PackageLibraries)
+import Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
+import Stack.Types.PackageName
+import Stack.Types.Version
+type UnresolvedSourceMap = Map PackageName UnresolvedPackageSource
+data UnresolvedPackageSource
+  = UPSGlobal !Version !GhcPkgId
+  | UPSInstallable !UnresolvedInstallable
+data UnresolvedInstallable = UnresolvedInstallable
+  { uiLocation :: !(PackageLocationIndex FilePath)
+  , uiPackageConfig :: !PackageConfig -- FIXME probably don't need GHC info in here directly
+  }
+data LoadedInstallable = LoadedInstallable
+  { liUnresolved :: !UnresolvedInstallable
+  , liLibraryDeps :: !(Map PackageName VersionRange)
+  -- ^ After accounting for flags and what components are enabled,
+  -- this is all library dependencies we need, including setup
+  -- dependencies. They are also tracked separately in 'liSetupDeps'
+  -- for properly building the @Setup.hs@ files.
+  , liToolDeps :: !(Map ExeName VersionRange) -- FIXME deal better with Cabal 2.0 stuff?
+  , liVersion :: !Version
+  , liLibraries :: !PackageLibraries
+  , liInternalLibraries :: !(Set Text)
+  , liTests :: !(Map Text TestSuiteInterface)
+  , liBenchmarks :: !(Set Text)
+  , liExes :: !(Set ExeName)
+  , liSetupDeps :: !(Maybe (Map PackageName VersionRange))
+  }
+type ResolvedSourceMap = Map PackageName ResolvedPackageSourceKey
+newtype RPSKey = RPSKey { _unRPSKey :: StaticSHA256 }
+data ResolvedPackageSourceKey = RPSK !ResolvedPackageSource !RPSKey
+data ResolvedPackageSource
+  = RPSGlobal !Version !GhcPkgId
+  | RPSInstallable !ResolvedInstallable
+data ResolvedInstallable = ResolvedInstallable
+  { riUnresolved :: !UnresolvedInstallable
+  , riDeps :: !(Map PackageName RPSKey)
+  }
+data Toolchain = Toolchain
+  -- FIXME identify GHC version, install location, arch, whatever else
+  -- we can think of
+  :: Toolchain
+  -> PackageName
+  -> ResolvedPackageSource
+  -> RPSKey
+mkRPSKey _ _ _ = RPSKey $ error "mkRPSKey"