Subspace is a FRAME-based Substrate blockchain node that provides the foundation for Commune's network. It serves as the trusted base layer responsible for consensus, module advertising, and peer discovery.
Subspace is built using Substrate, a framework for developing scalable and upgradeable blockchains. It provides the core functionality and security needed for Commune's platform:
- Implements Commune's consensus mechanism
- Advertises cluster modules and their IP addresses
- Enables peer discovery for nodes to connect with each other
- Supported OSs: Linux, MacOS
- Supported Architectures: x86_64
- Memory: ~ 286MB
- Disk: ~500MB
- Network: Public IPv4 address, TCP ports 9944, 30333 open
Complete the basic Rust setup instructions.
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd subspace/
To build the node without launching it, run:
cargo build --release
To run a single development node with ephemeral storage:
./target/release/node-subspace --chain specs/local.json
This will start a Subspace node with a clean state. The node's state will be discarded on exit.
To retain the node's state between runs, specify a base path:
mkdir my-chain-state/
./target/release/node-subspace --dev --base-path ./my-chain-state/
Other useful commands:
# Purge chain state
./target/release/node-subspace purge-chain --dev
# Detailed logging
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/subspace-ldebug --dev
# Explore parameters and subcommands
./target/release/node-subspace -h
To run all tests:
cargo test --all
To run specific tests:
cargo test -p pallet-subspace --test test_voting
To run tests with detailed logs:
SKIP_WASM_BUILD=1 RUST_LOG=runtime=debug cargo test -- --nocapture
Subspace leverages the modular and extensible architecture of Substrate. It uses FRAME pallets to encapsulate domain-specific logic such as consensus, storage, and p2p networking.
Notable components:
: Implementation of the Subspace node including networking, consensus, and RPC/runtime
: The core blockchain logic responsible for validating and executing state transitions/pallets
: Custom FRAME pallets with Commune-specific logic
We welcome contributions to Subspace! Feel free to submit issues, fork the repository and send pull requests.
Please make sure your code follows the house coding style and passes all tests before submitting. See for detailed guidelines.
Join our Discord community to discuss the project, ask questions and meet other contributors.
Special thanks to the teams at Parity Technologies and Web3 Foundation for their work on Substrate and FRAME.