User Authentication using JWT JSON WebToken in Node.js using Express, Used Joi for user input validation, mongoose for ORM, Winston for error logging, Nodemailer for send email after crashing the Server, memory-cache for caching the data on RAM, also used redis for caching(updated)
npm install
Create .env file on root directory and add the below code
SECRET = AIzaSyAQfxPJiounkhOjODEO5ZieffeBv6yft2Q
PORT = 3003
MONGO_URI = mongodb://localhost:27017/expressapp
NODE_ENV = development
EMAIL_ID = [email protected]
EMAIL_PWD = example
REDIS_HOST = localhost
REDIS_PASSWD = password
npm start
Install mocha globally
npm install -g mocha
Then run test script
npm test
Link - http://localhost:3003/docs
For editing the swagger documentation swagger project must installed globally
npm install -g swagger
npm run editdocs
POST: http://localhost:3003/api/user/signup
"firstName": "Jitendra",
"lastName": "Kumar",
"email": "[email protected]",
POST: http://localhost:3003/api/user/signin
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "123"
PUT: http://localhost:3003/user
"firstname": "Jitendra",
"lastname": "Kumar",
"profile_image": "base64Image"
GET: http://localhost:3003/api/user/:userId
GET: http://localhost:3003/api/users/search?text=jitendra
GET: http://localhost:3003/api/users?itemsperpage=10&page=1