Run iTop in a Docker container based on the php:apache image.
Run the latest version (see tags for other iTop versions) container named my-itop:
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name=my-itop supervisions/itop:latest
Then go to http://localhost/setup to continue the installation. The setup can be preloaded with database credentials by linking to a MySQL/MariaDB container or by providing environment variables. Note that you will need to select Install a new iTop on the second page.
This methods works with both MySQL or MariaDB containers. For example, create this MariaDB instance named my-itop-db:
docker run -d --name=my-itop-db -e MYSQL_DATABASE=itop -e MYSQL_USER=itop -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=itop -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes mariadb
The link needs to be called db in order to gain profit of it:
docker run -d -p 80:80 --link=my-itop-db:db --name=my-itop supervisions/itop:latest
In order to operate properly, iTop maintenance operations and asynchronous tasks must be executed on a regular basis. In order to ease the installation, all the background tasks have been grouped to be launched from a single file. The command to run this from your sheduler looks like this:
docker exec my-itop php webservices/cron.php --auth_user=<login> --auth_pwd=<password>
If you don't want these credentials to be present in your sheduler, you can create a file /etc/itop/cron.params
based on the file webservices/cron.distrb
which can be used as a template.
The command to run from your sheduler then becomes this:
docker exec my-itop php webservices/cron.php --param_file=/etc/itop/cron.params
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