Today we're announcing etcd v3.0.11. This is primarily a bug fix release, backward-compatible with all previous v3.0.0+ releases. Please read NEWS for highlighted changes.
New features
- GH5880: add options to return prev_kv
Bug fixes
- GH6525: clientv3: simplify watcher synchronization
- GH6544: wal, ioutil: set page offset for encoder
- GH6550: clientv3: make IsProgressNotify() false on compact event and closed channel
- GH6582: clientv3: only return closing error to watcher if context is not canceled
- GH6587: clientv3: fix race on watch initial revision
Getting started
curl -L ${DOWNLOAD_URL}/${ETCD_VER}/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -o /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p /tmp/test-etcd && tar xzvf /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /tmp/test-etcd --strip-components=1
/tmp/test-etcd/etcd --version
Git SHA: 96de94a
Go Version: go1.6.3
Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64
# start a local etcd server
# write,read to etcd
ETCDCTL_API=3 /tmp/test-etcd/etcdctl --endpoints=localhost:2379 put foo "bar"
ETCDCTL_API=3 /tmp/test-etcd/etcdctl --endpoints=localhost:2379 get foo
Mac OS (Darwin)
curl -L ${DOWNLOAD_URL}/${ETCD_VER}/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-darwin-amd64.zip -o /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-darwin-amd64.zip
mkdir -p /tmp/test-etcd && unzip /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-darwin-amd64.zip -d /tmp && mv /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-darwin-amd64 /tmp/test-etcd
/tmp/test-etcd/etcd --version
ACI / rkt
rkt trust --prefix coreos.com/etcd
rkt run --volume data-dir,kind=host,source=/tmp --mds-register=false coreos.com/etcd:v3.0.11
For more details, please check rkt commands.
docker run --name etcd quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.0.11
For more details, please check Docker guide.