R library for analysing Folding@Home client log data. Sister library to the Shiny dashboard (fahdashboard) that intends to provide insights about your folding slots, such as network data usage and credits earned.
logs_path <- "~/../AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/logs/"
logs_df <-
read_fah_logs_dir(logs_path) %>%
logs_df %>%
get_work_unit_data() %>%
get_credits() %>%
plot_credits(all_slots = TRUE)
logs_df %>%
get_work_unit_data() %>%
get_network_usage() %>%
calculate_daily_network_usage() %>%
On Windows the Folding@Home client stores the current log that you see in the Advanced Client
in ~/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/log.txt
, and also stores 16 days worth of logs in ~/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/logs/
This library is intended to parse those logs into various types of tidy dataframes and then provide subsequent
analysis with plots and summaries.