| Babysitter |
| |
+----------v--+ |
| ns_server | |
+------+------+ |
11209 / stdin/stderr |
| |
| __ ___ __ ____ _ |
| / //_/ | / /___/ __/__ ___ _(_)__ ___ |
| / ,< | |/ /___/ _// _ \/ _ `/ / _ \/ -_) |
| /_/|_| |___/ /___/_//_/\_, /_/_//_/\__/ |
| /___/ |
| +---------------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| | Memcached | | Engine (Back-end) | |
| | (Front-end) | | | |
+------------+ | | ──────── | | +------------------------+ | |
|Smart-client|--11210-+-->| ╱ ╲ | | | default.so (MC Bucket) | | |
+------------+ | | Dispatch | Engine | | | | |
| | ╲ <-+-Interface-+-> +##################+ | | | +------------+
+------------+ | | ───────▶ | | | # Hash-table | | | | | Replicas |
|Smart-client|--11210-+-->| ──────── | | | +------------------+ | | | +------------+
+------------+ | | ╱ ╲ | | +------------------------+ | | +------------+
| | Worker | | | | | Views |
| | ╲ | | | | DCP Producer +------------+
+----+ | | ───────▶ | | +------------------------+ ──────── | +-----11209-----> +------------+
--11211->|Moxi|--11210-+-->| ──────── | | | ep.so (CB Bucket) | ╱ ╲ | | | XDCR |
+----+ | | ╱ ╲ | | | +------------------+ | AuxIO | | +------------+
| | Worker | | | | vbucket 0 | | ╲ | | +------------+
+----+ | | ╲ | | | | | | ───────▶ | | | GSI |
--11211->|Moxi|--11210-+-->| ───────▶ | | | | +############+ | | ──────── | | +------------+
+----+ | | | | | | # Hash-table | | | ╱ ╲ | |
| | ──────── | | | | +------------+ | | NonIO | |
| | ╱ ╲ | Engine | | +------------------+ | ╲ | |
+-------+ DCP Consumer | | stdin <-+-Interface-+-> | ───────▶ | |
|KV-Node|----11209-----+-->| ╲ | | | +------------------+ | ──────── | |
+-------+ | | ───────▶ | | | | vbucket 1 | | ╱ ╲ | | +------------+
| | | | | | | | Writer | |-------TAP------>| TAP Client |
| | | | | | +############+ | | ╲ xN | | +------------+
| | | | | | # Hash-table | | | ───────▶ | |
| | | | | | +------------+ | | ──────── | |
| | | | | +------------------+ | ╱ ╲ | |
| | ──────── | | +------------------------+ Reader | |
| | ╱ ╲ | | ╲ xN | |
| | Logging | | ───────▶ | |
| | ╲ | | ^ | |
| | ───────▶ | | | | |
| +---------------+ +-------------------------------+--------+ |
│ Disk │
Main components:
- couchbase/memcached: Front-end to KV-Engine, responsible for handling connections and buckets. Also includes 'default engine' used for Memcached buckets.
- couchbase/ep-engine: Main bucket implementation used by end-users. Responsible for storing documents in memory, persisting documents to disk and streaming changes to other Couchbase components.
- couchbase/platform: Utility library for frequently used abstractions which differ between different operating systems (e.g. threading, temp files, clocks, random)
Memcached is responsible for handling connections and buckets. It receives and decodes inbound requests and interacts with an underlying engine to service those requests.
On startup Memcached has a number of tasks:
- Establishing the worker thread pool
- Initialising the buckets/engines
- Initialising logging
- Connecting to the sockets
- Starting the dispatch event loop
The Connection
class represents a Socket (it is used by both clients and
server objects).
The Connection object is bound to a thread object, and never changes.
If the connection is idle for a configurable (through
) amount of time (5 minutes by default) it is
automatically disconnected unless:
- The connection authenticated as
- The connection is used for TAP or DCP
Memcached uses a number of threads engineered to service a large number of concurrent requests efficiently. More in depth rationale of Memcached's threading model can be found in the C10K Document.
The main thread, is responsible for listening to all of the server's sockets. When a new inbound connection is received it delegates the connection using a round-robin model to one of the worker threads.
The worker threads are responsible for serving the clients and most of the time run entirely independently of each other. Each of them runs their own libevent loop for servicing their connections.
The number of worker threads is specified with the threads
parameter in the
configuration, by default this is approximately 0.75 worker threads for the
total number of cores on the system.
- The logging thread is responsible for writing log entries in the log buffer to file and for managing the log rotation. A separate thread so that the worker threads do not get blocked handling IO. This is an optional thread created when loading the file logger extension.
- The stdin thread performs a blocking listen on stdin and will shutdown when sent a specific command via stdin. It is run in a separate thread in case another thread is busy in order to keep shutdown fast. It is required for integration with ns_server. It is currently planned to be changed due to failures with this communication (Including deadlocks).
- Some commands (bucket creation/deletion, reload of the SASL password database) are run on a 'new' separate executor pool whilst others are implemented by dispatching separate threads to execute the user's command. There are currently no checks trying to protect ourselves from clients trying to allocate too many threads (but the commands themselves are not available to the regular bucket users).
A client is bound to its worker thread when the client is created. When the clients' event loop is triggered, it acquires the threads lock and runs the entire state machine. This means that the thread can safely access any resource available in the LIBEVENT thread object. Given that it already holds a lock to a libevent thread object it is NOT allowed to try to acquire ANY other thread locks. That would lead to a deadlock.
Given that all of the clients share the same set of worker threads, the
clients should not block while waiting for a resource to become available. In
order to facilitate this we expect the underlying engine to return EWOULDBLOCK
and run the blocking task in a different thread and call notify_io_complete
when the resource is available.
The reason it has to be a different thread is firstly notify_io_complete
will try to lock the thread object where the connection is bound to (which would
cause a deadlock if called while holding a thread lock) and so that other
connections on the same thread do not have to wait.
When a new TCP connection is made it will be connected to the dispatch thread which is listening for new connections on all the server ports. The dispatch thread will assign it to a worker thread.
Each worker thread is running a libevent loop. libevent is an abstraction which allows for scheduling tasks to be done in response to certain events. These events include:
- File / Socket is ready to be read from
- File / Socket is ready to be written to
- Signal occurred
- Timer expired
Couchbase smart clients connect using a protocol derived from the Memcached binary protocol. While the encoding is the same as the Memcached binary protocol there are additional opcodes for Couchbase specific features such as DCP and Subdoc. More in-depth explanation of the binary protocol used by Couchbase can be found in the Binary Protocol document.
The first step to reading a packet from a socket is to read the header. The general process for reading from a socket is to attempt to read everything needed non-blocking. If everything needed was read then Memcached will continue with the packet and process it. If there was not enough read from the buffer then the thread will switch to servicing another connection until libevent notifies that there is more to be read. Memcached will repeat this process until it has read everything it requires to continue. A similar process is also used when writing a response packet to the socket.
The header contains information about the length of the packet from which we can read the rest of the packet as described above.
Once the packet has been read the appropriate executor is run. There are two classes of executors request executors and response executors.
Response executors are used primarily by TAP and DCP, both of which are a duplex protocol where either end may send a packet at any time. By comparison the 'normal' client operations are entirely client driven where a client sends a packet and the server responds. It does not support out of order responses so the connection is blocked until the server responds.
For this example we will look at a GET command. In the case of a GET memcached almost immediately delegates responsibility to the engine. It passes the key requested and an item reference for the engine to fill in.
When the engine returns to memcached one of several things could have happened:
- Success: Memcached uses the item reference to prepare a response for the connection and writes it to the socket
- Key Doesn't Exist: Memcached sends an error response back to the client
: A common response code telling Memcached that the operation 'would block' if not handled specially.
behaviour is extremely important for Couchbase as it occurs
frequently for DGM scenarios (Disk greater than memory) where an item might not
be in memory. The latency for getting an item from the hashtable compared to
getting an item from disk is much lower. This means that that the worker thread
could serve orders of magnitude more resident requests in the time it takes to
return from disk.
For this reason, when Memcached receives an EWOULDBLOCK
response from the
engine it pauses working on the current connection and switches to servicing
another. By returning an EWOULDBLOCK
the engine effectively promises to notify
Memcached when it is in a state where the operation will not block (e.g. the
requested key is now in memory). This is done using the notify_io_complete
call, at which point Memcached will effectively 'retry' the operation.
The original Memcached has no concept of buckets. There is in effect a single store which everything goes into. Couchbase Server adds buckets which allow for grouping sets of data.
Memcached implements this by having multiple instances of engines (discussed below), one for each bucket. Memcached maintains a map of bucket names to engine handles and forwards requests to a bucket onto the corresponding engine instance.
Engines are built as shared libraries and instead of memcached linking against
them, it loads them at runtime using dlopen. Generally an engine library exports
two functions, create_instance
and destroy_engine
. A pointer to each of these
two functions are stored in what is called an 'engine reference' which is stored
in the engine map.
When memcached is requested to create an instance of an engine (e.g. by
ns_server), it will call create_instance for the given engine and will be given
in return. The base handle specifies the version of the handle
it is (currently there is only version 1). memcached can then safely cast this to
which will contain a series of function pointers that
memcached can use to interact with the engine.
Because of the way engines are implemented they can actually be loaded by any application (such as the engine testapp) and controlled directly through the engine api.
When an engine instance needs to be cleaned up the destroy
function on the
engine handle will be called. When the engine is finally unloaded as memcached
shuts down the destroy_engine
function will be called to allow the engine
to clean up any resources it shares between instances.
ep-engine (Eventually Persistent engine) is the usual bucket engine used by Couchbase clusters.
Default engine is roughly in spirit with the original operation of memcached. It is not in active development for Couchbase Server and does not support most of the additional KV engine features (replication, xdcr, rebalance, persistence, views, backups). Default engine is broadly speaking just a single hash-table per KV node and has no cluster awareness.
The crash engine is designed to simply crash on start-up. It is used for testing things like [breakpad integration] (https://chromium.googlesource.com/breakpad/breakpad/).
ewouldblock engine wraps
another engine and proxies requests to it. The primary difference in operation
is that the ewouldblock engine will, as the name suggests, return an
response on any call that can potentially block (e.g. a GET) —
even if it doesn't actually block. The purpose of this is for consistently
testing the behaviour of memcached in response to blocking operations as it is
otherwise awkward to force the engine into a state where it will block for a
specific operation.