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To follow this guide, you will need:

  1. A Kubernetes Cluster: For manual/local effort, generally a Kind cluster is sufficient and can be used. For detailed information about Kind see this repo. An alternative way to obtain a cluster is: k3d
  2. Go installed and configured. Check the provider repo you will be working with and install the version in the go.mod file.
  3. Terraform v1.5.5 installed locally. The last version we used before the license change.
  4. goimports installed.

Adding a New Resource

There are long and detailed guides showing how to bootstrap a provider and how to configure resources. Here we will go over the steps that will take us to v1beta1 quality.

  1. Fork the provider repo to which you will add resources and create a feature branch.

  2. Go to the Terraform Registry page of the resource you will add. We will add the resource aws_redshift_endpoint_access as an example in this guide. We will use this page in the following steps, especially in determining the external name configuration, determining conflicting fields, etc.

  3. Determine the resource's external name configuration: Our external name configuration relies on the Terraform ID format of the resource which we find in the import section on the Terraform Registry page. Here we'll look for clues about how the Terraform ID is shaped so that we can infer the external name configuration. In this case, there is an endpoint_name argument seen under the Argument Reference section and when we look at Import section, we see that this is what's used to import, i.e. Terraform ID is the same as the endpoint_name argument. This means that we can use config.ParameterAsIdentifier("endpoint_name") configuration from Upjet as our external name config. See section External Name Cases to see how you can infer in many different cases of Terraform ID.

  4. Check if the resource is an Terraform Plugin SDK resource or Terraform Plugin Framework resource from the source code.

  • For SDK resources, you will see a comment line like // @SDKResource in the source code. The aws_redshift_endpoint_access resource is an SDK resource, go to config/externalname.go and add the following line to the TerraformPluginSDKExternalNameConfigs table:

    • Check the redshift group, if there is a group, add the external-name config below:
    // redshift
    // Redshift endpoint access can be imported using the endpoint_name
    "aws_redshift_endpoint_access": config.ParameterAsIdentifier("endpoint_name"),
    • If there is no group, continue by adding the group name as a comment line.
  • For Framework resources, you will see a comment line like // @FrameworkResource in the source code. If the resource is a Framework resource, add the external-name config to the TerraformPluginFrameworkExternalNameConfigs table.

Note: Look at the config/externalnamenottested.go file and check if there is a configuration for the resource and remove it from there.

  1. Run make submodules to initialize the build submodule and run make generate. When the command process is completed, you will see that the controller, CRD, generated example, and other necessary files for the resource have been created and modified.
> git status
On branch add-redshift-endpoint-access
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
	modified:   apis/redshift/v1beta1/zz_generated.conversion_hubs.go
	modified:   apis/redshift/v1beta1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
	modified:   apis/redshift/v1beta1/zz_generated.managed.go
	modified:   apis/redshift/v1beta1/zz_generated.managedlist.go
	modified:   apis/redshift/v1beta1/zz_generated.resolvers.go
	modified:   config/externalname.go
	modified:   config/externalnamenottested.go
	modified:   config/generated.lst
	modified:   internal/controller/zz_monolith_setup.go
	modified:   internal/controller/zz_redshift_setup.go

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
  1. Go through the "Warning" boxes (if any) in the Terraform Registry page to see whether any of the fields are represented as separate resources as well. It usually goes like this:

    Routes can be defined either directly on the azurerm_iothub resource, or using the azurerm_iothub_route resource - but the two cannot be used together.

    In such cases, the field should be moved to status since we prefer to represent it only as a separate CRD. Go ahead and add a configuration block for that resource similar to the following:

    p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub", func(r *config.Resource) {
      // Mutually exclusive with azurerm_iothub_route
      config.MoveToStatus(r.TerraformResource, "route")
  2. Resource configuration is largely done, so we need to prepare the example YAML for testing. Copy examples-generated/redshift/v1beta1/endpointaccess.yaml into examples/redshift/v1beta1/endpointaccess.yaml and check the dependent resources, if not, please add them to the YAML file.

NOTE: The resources that are tried to be created may have dependencies. For
example, you might actually need resources Y and Z while trying to test resource
X. Many of the generated examples include these dependencies. However, in some
cases, there may be missing dependencies. In these cases, please add the
relevant dependencies to your example manifest. This is important both for you
to pass the tests and to provide the correct manifests.
  • In our case, the generated example has required fields spec.forProvider.clusterIdentifierSelector and spec.forProvider.subnetGroupNameSelector. We need to check its argument list in Terraform documentation and figure out which field needs a reference to which resource. Let's check the cluster_identifier field, we see that the field requires a reference to the Cluster.redshift resource identifier. For the subnet_group_name field, we see that the field requires a reference to the SubnetGroup.redshift resource ID.

Then add the Cluster.redshift and SubnetGroup.redshift resource examples to our YAML file and edit the annotations and labels.

kind: EndpointAccess
  annotations: redshift/v1beta1/endpointaccess
  labels: example
  name: example-endpointaccess
      matchLabels: example-endpointaccess
    region: us-west-1
      matchLabels: example-endpointaccess
kind: Cluster
  annotations: redshift/v1beta1/endpointaccess
  labels: example-endpointaccess
  name: example-endpointaccess-c
    clusterType: single-node
    databaseName: mydb
      key: example-key
      name: cluster-secret
      namespace: upbound-system
    masterUsername: exampleuser
    nodeType: ra3.xlplus
    region: us-west-1
    skipFinalSnapshot: true
kind: SubnetGroup
  annotations: redshift/v1beta1/endpointaccess
  labels: example-endpointaccess
  name: example-endpointaccess-sg
    region: us-west-1
    - name: foo
    - name: bar
      environment: Production

Here the references for clusterIdentifier and subnetGroupName are automatically defined.

If it is not defined automatically or if you want to define a reference for another field, please see Cross Resource Referencing.

  1. Create a commit to cover all changes so that it's easier for the reviewer with a message like the following: Configure EndpointAccess.redshift resource and add example

  2. Run make reviewable to ensure this PR is ready for review.

  3. That's pretty much all we need to do in the codebase, we can open a new PR: git push --set-upstream origin add-redshift-endpoint-access

Testing Instructions

While configuring resources, the testing effort is the longest part, because the characteristics of cloud providers and services can change. This test effort can be executed in two main methods. The first one is testing the resources in a manual way and the second one is using the Uptest which is an automated test tool for Official Providers. Uptest provides a framework to test resources in an end-to-end pipeline during the resource configuration process. Together with the example manifest generation tool, it allows us to avoid manual interventions and shortens testing processes.

Automated Tests - Uptest

After providing all the required fields of the resource we added and added dependent resources, if any, we can start with automatic testing. To trigger automated tests, you must have one approved PR and be a contributor in the relevant repo. In other cases, maintainers will trigger automatic tests when your PR is ready. To trigger it, you can drop a comment on the PR containing the following:


Once the automated tests pass, we're good to go. All you have to do is put the link to the successful uptest run in the How has this code been tested section in the PR description.

If the automatic test fails, click on the uptest run details, then click e2e/uptest -> Run uptest and try to debug from the logs.

In adding the EndpointAccess.redshift resource case, we see the following error from uptest run logs:

    logger.go:42: 14:32:49 | case/0-apply |     - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-20T14:25:08Z"
    logger.go:42: 14:32:49 | case/0-apply |       message: 'cannot resolve references: mg.Spec.ForProvider.SubnetGroupName: no
    logger.go:42: 14:32:49 | case/0-apply |         resources matched selector'
    logger.go:42: 14:32:49 | case/0-apply |       reason: ReconcileError
    logger.go:42: 14:32:49 | case/0-apply |       status: "False"
    logger.go:42: 14:32:49 | case/0-apply |       type: Synced

Make the fixes, create a new commit, and trigger the automated test again.

Ignoring Some Resources in Automated Tests

Some resources require manual intervention such as providing valid public keys or using on-the-fly values. These cases can be handled in manual tests, but in cases where we cannot provide generic values for automated tests, we can skip some resources in the tests of the relevant group via an annotation: "The Certificate needs to be provisioned successfully which requires a real domain."

The key is important for skipping. We are checking this annotation key and if it is in there, we skip the related resource. The value is also important to see why we skip this resource.

NOTE: For resources that are ignored during Automated Tests, manual testing is a
must, because we need to make sure that all resources published in the `v1beta1`
version is working.

Running Uptest locally

For a faster feedback loop, you might want to run uptest locally in your development setup. For this, you can use the e2e make target available in the provider repositories. This target requires the following environment variables to be set:

  • UPTEST_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS: cloud credentials for the provider being tested.
  • UPTEST_EXAMPLE_LIST: a comma-separated list of examples to test.
  • UPTEST_DATASOURCE_PATH: (optional), see Injecting Dynamic Values (and Datasource)

You can check the e2e target in the Makefile for each provider. Let's check the target in provider-upjet-aws and run a test for the resource examples/ec2/v1beta1/vpc.yaml.

  • You can either save your credentials in a file as stated in the target's comments, or you can do it by adding your credentials to the command below.
aws_access_key_id = <YOUR-ACCESS_KEY_ID>
aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR-ACCESS_KEY'"
export UPTEST_EXAMPLE_LIST="examples/ec2/v1beta1/vpc.yaml"

After setting the above environment variables, run make e2e. If the test is successful, you will see a log like the one below, kindly add to the PR description this log:

--- PASS: kuttl (37.41s)
    --- PASS: kuttl/harness (0.00s)
        --- PASS: kuttl/harness/case (36.62s)
14:02:30 [ OK ] running automated tests

Manual Test

Configured resources can be tested by using manual methods. This method generally contains the environment preparation and creating the example manifest in the Kubernetes cluster steps. The following steps can be followed for preparing the environment:

  1. Registering the CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions) to Cluster: We need to apply the CRD manifests to the cluster. The relevant manifests are located in the package/crds folder of provider subdirectories such as: provider-aws/package/crds. For registering them please run the following command: kubectl apply -f package/crds

  2. Create ProviderConfig: ProviderConfig Custom Resource contains some configurations and credentials for the provider. For example, to connect to the cloud provider, we use the credentials field of ProviderConfig. For creating the ProviderConfig with correct credentials, please see:

  1. Start Provider: For every Custom Resource, there is a controller and these controllers are part of the provider. So, for starting the reconciliations for Custom Resources, we need to run the provider (collect of controllers). For running provider: Run make run

  2. Now, you can create the examples you've generated and check events/logs to spot problems and fix them.

  • Start Testing: After completing the steps above, your environment is ready for testing. There are 3 steps we need to verify in manual tests: Apply, Import, Delete.


We need to apply the example manifest to the cluster.

kubectl apply -f examples/redshift/v1beta1/endpointaccess.yaml

Successfully applying the example manifests to the cluster is only the first step. After successfully creating the Managed Resources, we need to check whether their statuses are ready or not. So we need to expect a True value for Synced and Ready conditions. To check the statuses of all created example manifests quickly you can run the kubectl get managed command. We will wait for all values to be True in this list:

NAME                            SYNCED   READY   EXTERNAL-NAME              AGE   True     True    subnet-0149bf6c20720d596   26m   True     True    subnet-02971ebb943f5bb6e   26m

NAME                         SYNCED   READY   EXTERNAL-NAME           AGE   True     True    vpc-0ee6157df1f5a116a   26m

NAME                                                       SYNCED   READY   EXTERNAL-NAME              AGE   True     True    example-endpointaccess-c   26m

NAME                                                            SYNCED   READY   EXTERNAL-NAME            AGE   True     True    example-endpointaccess   26m

NAME                                                            SYNCED   READY   EXTERNAL-NAME               AGE   True     True    example-endpointaccess-sg   26m

As a second step, we need to check the UpToDate status condition. This status condition will be visible when you set the annotation: Without adding this annotation you cannot see the mentioned condition. The rough significance of this condition is to make sure that the resource does not remain in an update loop. To check the UpToDate condition for all MRs in the cluster, run:

kubectl annotate managed --all --overwrite
# check the conditions
kubectl get -o yaml

You should see the output below:

  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-20T17:37:20Z"
    reason: Available
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-20T17:37:11Z"
    reason: ReconcileSuccess
    status: "True"
    type: Synced
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-20T17:37:15Z"
    reason: Success
    status: "True"
    type: LastAsyncOperation
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-20T17:37:48Z"
    reason: UpToDate
    status: "True"
    type: Test

When all of the fields are True, the Apply test was successfully completed!

### Import

There are a few steps to perform the import test, here we will stop the provider, delete the status conditions, and check the conditions when we re-run the provider.

  • Stop make run
  • Delete the status conditions with the following command:
kubectl --subresource=status patch --type=merge -p '{"status":{"conditions":[]}}'
  • Store the field for comparison
  • Run make run
  • Make sure that the Ready, Synced, and UpToDate conditions are True
  • Compare the new with the one you stored and make sure they are the same

The import test was successful when the above conditions were met.


Make sure the resource has been successfully deleted by running the following command:

kubectl delete

When the resource is successfully deleted, the manual testing steps are completed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: `make generate` and `kubectl apply -f package/crds` commands
must be run after any change that will affect the schema or controller of the
configured/tested resource.

In addition, the provider needs to be restarted after the changes in the
controllers, because the controller change actually corresponds to the changes
made in the running code.

You can look at the PR we created for the EndpointAccess.redshift resource we added in this guide.

External Name Cases

Case 1: name As Identifier

There is a name argument under the Argument Reference section and Import section suggests to use name to import the resource.

Use config.NameAsIdentifier.

An example would be aws_eks_cluster and here is its configuration.

Case 2: Parameter As Identifier

There is an argument under the Argument Reference section that is used like name, i.e. cluster_name or group_name, and the Import section suggests using the value of that argument to import the resource.

Use config.ParameterAsIdentifier(<name of the argument parameter>).

An example would be aws_elasticache_cluster and here is its configuration.

Case 3: Random Identifier From Provider

The ID used in the Import section is completely random and assigned by the provider, like a UUID, where you don't have any means of impact on it.

Use config.IdentifierFromProvider.

An example would be aws_vpc and here is its configuration.

Case 4: Random Identifier Substring From Provider

The ID used in the Import section is partially random and assigned by the provider. For example, a node in a cluster could have a random ID like 13213 but the Terraform Identifier could include the name of the cluster that's represented as an argument field under Argument Reference, i.e. cluster-name:23123. In that case, we'll use only the randomly assigned part as external name and we need to tell Upjet how to construct the full ID back and forth.

func resourceName() config.ExternalName{
  e := config.IdentifierFromProvider
  e.GetIDFn = func(_ context.Context, externalName string, parameters map[string]interface{}, _ map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
		cl, ok := parameters["cluster_name"]
		if !ok {
			return "", errors.New("cluster_name cannot be empty")
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", cl.(string), externalName), nil
	e.GetExternalNameFn = func(tfstate map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
		id, ok := tfstate["id"]
		if !ok {
			return "", errors.New("id in tfstate cannot be empty")
		w := strings.Split(id.(string), ":")
		return w[len(w)-1], nil

Case 5: Non-random Substrings as Identifier

There are more than a single argument under Argument Reference that are concatenated to make up the whole identifier, e.g. <region>/<cluster name>/<node name>. We will need to tell Upjet to use <node name> as external name and take the rest from the parameters.

Use config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("<name argument>", "<go template>") in such cases. The following is the list of available parameters for you to use in your go template:

parameters: A tree of parameters that you'd normally see in a Terraform HCL
            file. You can use TF registry documentation of given resource to
            see what's available.

terraformProviderConfig: The Terraform configuration object of the provider. You can
                take a look at the TF registry provider configuration object
                to see what's available. Not to be confused with ProviderConfig
                custom resource of the Crossplane provider.

externalName: The value of external name annotation of the custom resource.
              It is required to use this as part of the template.

You can see example usages in the big three providers below.


For aws_glue_user_defined_function, we see that the name argument is used to name the resource and the import instructions read as the following:

Glue User Defined Functions can be imported using the catalog_id:database_name:function_name. If you have not set a Catalog ID specify the AWS Account ID that the database is in, e.g.,

$ terraform import aws_glue_user_defined_function.func 123456789012:my_database:my_func

Our configuration would look like the following:

"aws_glue_user_defined_function":  config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "{{ .parameters.catalog_id }}:{{ .parameters.database_name }}:{{ .externalName }}")

Another prevalent case in AWS is the usage of Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify a resource. We can use config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier in many of those cases like the following:

"aws_glue_registry": config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("registry_name", "arn:aws:glue:{{ .parameters.region }}:{{ .setup.client_metadata.account_id }}:registry/{{ .external_name }}"),

However, there are cases where the ARN includes random substring and that would fall under Case 4. The following is such an example:

// arn:aws:acm-pca:eu-central-1:609897127049:certificate-authority/ba0c7989-9641-4f36-a033-dee60121d595
	"aws_acmpca_certificate_authority_certificate": config.IdentifierFromProvider,


Most Azure resources fall under this case since they use fully qualified identifier as Terraform ID.

For azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule, we see that the name argument is used to name the resource and the import instructions read as the following:

MariaDB Firewall rules can be imported using the resource ID, e.g.

terraform import azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule.rule1 /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1/providers/Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/server1/firewallRules/rule1

Our configuration would look like the following:

"azurerm_mariadb_firewall_rule":  config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "/subscriptions/{{ .terraformProviderConfig.subscription_id }}/resourceGroups/{{ .parameters.resource_group_name }}/providers/Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/{{ .parameters.server_name }}/firewallRules/{{ .externalName }}")

In some resources, an argument requires ID, like azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_function where it has container_id and name but no separate resource_group_name which would be required to build the full ID. Our configuration would look like the following in this case:

config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "{{ .parameters.container_id }}/userDefinedFunctions/{{ .externalName }}")


Most GCP resources fall under this case since they use fully qualified identifier as Terraform ID.

For google_container_cluster, we see that the name argument is used to name the resource and the import instructions read as the following:

GKE clusters can be imported using the project, location, and name. If the project is omitted, the default provider value will be used. Examples:

$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster projects/my-gcp-project/locations/us-east1-a/clusters/my-cluster
$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster my-gcp-project/us-east1-a/my-cluster
$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster us-east1-a/my-cluster

In cases where there are multiple ways to construct the ID, we should take the one with the least parameters so that we rely only on required fields because optional fields may have some defaults that are assigned after the creation which may make it tricky to work with. In this case, the following would be our configuration:

"google_compute_instance":  config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("name", "{{ .parameters.location }}/{{ .externalName }}")

There are cases where one of the example import commands uses just name, like google_compute_instance:

terraform import google_compute_instance.default {{name}}

In such cases, we should use config.NameAsIdentifier since we'd like to have the least complexity in our configuration as possible.

Case 6: No Import Statement

There are no instructions under the Import section of the resource page in Terraform Registry, like aws_acm_certificate_validation from AWS.

Use the following in such cases with a comment indicating the case:

// No import documented.
"aws_acm_certificate_validation": config.IdentifierFromProvider,

Case 7: Using Identifier of Another Resource

There are auxiliary resources that don't have an ID and since they map one-to-one to another resource, they just opt to use the identifier of that other resource. In many cases, the identifier is also a valid argument, maybe even the only argument, to configure this resource.

An example would be aws_ecrpublic_repository_policy from AWS where the identifier is repository_name.

Use config.IdentifierFromProvider because in these cases repository_name is more meaningful as an argument rather than the name of the policy for users, hence we assume the ID is coming from the provider.

Case 8: Using Identifiers of Other Resources

There are resources that mostly represent a relation between two resources without any particular name that identifies the relation. An example would be azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association where the ID is made up of two arguments nat_gateway_id and subnet_id without any particular field used to give a name to the resource.

Use config.IdentifierFromProvider because in these cases, there is no name argument to be used as external name and both creation and import scenarios would work the same way even if you configured the resources with conversion functions between arguments and ID.

No Matching Case

If it doesn't match any of the cases above, then we'll need to implement the external name configuration from the ground up. Though in most cases, it's just a little bit different that we only need to override a few things on top of common functions.

One example is aws_route resource where the ID could use a different argument depending on which one is given. You can take a look at the implementation here. This section in the detailed guide could also help you.