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File metadata and controls

56 lines (49 loc) · 2.7 KB

Webtemplate Parser for EHRBase

parse an EHRBase webtemplate and return one of:

  1. All info for each leaf defined in the webtemplate (use type_of_output=all)
  2. The path in FLAT format vs the original path in the webtemplate node (use type_of_output=flatpath)
  3. An example composition with all the leafs instantiated (use type_of_output=composition)

1. Requirements

Any Python v3 will do.

2. Parameters

parameter Description values mandatory
inputfile path to webtemplate file (produced by EHRBase) e.g., ~/mywebtemplate.json yes
outputfile path to output filename e.g., ~/parsing_output yes
type_of_output output type chosen one of [all, flatpath, composition] no (default=all)

3. How to run

From the code directory to obtain a composition in FLAT format for EHRBase:

python3 --inputfile {full_path_to_webtemplate_file} --outputfile {full_path_to_output_file} --type_of_output composition

4. Output

4.1 type_of_output=all

We obtain rows like:

1) category, category, /category, category, DV_CODED_TEXT, [{'list': [{'label': 'event', 'localizedLabels': {'en': 'event'}, 'value': '433'}], 'suffix': 'code', 'terminology': 'openehr', 'type': 'CODED_TEXT'}], []

Meaning of each leaf/row:

index id name webtemplate_path FLAT_path rm_type inputs children
1) category category /category category DV_CODED_TEXT [{'list': [{'label': 'event', 'localizedLabels': {'en': 'event'}, 'value': '433'}], 'suffix': 'code', 'terminology': 'openehr', 'type': 'CODED_TEXT'}] []

4.2 type_of_output=flatpath

The result, for each leaf, is a dictionary with mapping between FLAT and webtemplate paths, which can be useful to find the webtemplate path to put in queries. A row will look like:

  "interhealth_cancer_registry/category": "/category",

  FLAT path -> webtemplate path

4.3 type_of_output=composition

A composition in FLAT format is obtained with all the leafs instantiated:

  "interhealth_cancer_registry/category|code": "433",
  "interhealth_cancer_registry/category|value": "event",
  "interhealth_cancer_registry/category|terminology": "openehr"


This work has been partially funded by the the following sources:

  • “Total Patient Management” (ToPMa) project (grant by the Sardinian Regional Authority, grant number RC_CRP_077);
  • the “Processing, Analysis, Exploration, and Sharing of Big and/or Complex Data” (XDATA) project (grant by the Sardinian Regional Authority).