The following flags are available to customise Goplum’s behaviour. They can be either passed on the command-line, or set as environment variables.
# Command line
goplum --api-port 1234
# Environment variable
API_PORT=1234 goplum
Sets the port that GoPlum will listen on for API clients.
For more information on the GoPlum API see the API documentation.
Default: 7586
# Command line
goplum --ca-cert /etc/ssl/authority.crt \
--cert /home/goplum/server.crt \
--key /home/goplum/server.key
# Environment variable
CA_CERT=/etc/ssl/authority.crt \
CERT=/home/goplum/server.crt \
KEY=/home/goplum/server.key goplum
Sets the path for the certificate authority’s public certificate, GoPlum’s public certificate, and GoPlum’s private key, for use with the GoPlum API.
For information on how to generate these see the API documentation.
Defaults: ca.crt
, goplum.crt
and goplum.key
, respectively.
Note: if all three files are not found, GoPlum’s API will not be enabled.
# Command line
goplum -config /etc/goplum.conf
# Environment variable
CONFIG=/etc/goplum.conf goplum
Sets the path to Goplum’s configuration file.
If the path is relative it is interpreted with respect to Goplum’s working directory.
Default: goplum.conf
# Command line
goplum -plugins /path/to/plugins/**.so
# Environment variable
PLUGINS=/path/to/plugins/**.so goplum
Sets the glob pattern that Goplum will use to find plugins. The glob pattern can contain the following special terms:
Term | Meaning |
Matches any sequence of non-path-separators |
Matches any sequence of characters, including path separators |
Matches any single non-path-separator character |
Matches any single non-path-separator from the class of characters
(e.g. |
Matches a sequence of characters if one of the comma-separated alternatives match |
These special terms can be escaped with a backslash.
If the path is relative it is interpreted with respect to Goplum’s working directory.
Default: plugins/**.so
# Command line
goplum -quiet
# Environment variable
QUIET=true goplum
Reduces the amount of logging from normal operations, such as checks being executed.
Default: false
# Command line
goplum -runners 10
# Environment variable
RUNNERS=10 goplum
Configures the number of runners that will be used to execute checks concurrently. Running multiple checks at once increases throughput, but checks running in parallel can interfere with one another. On the other hand, not allowing any parallelism will cause long-running checks (e.g. those failing due to a timeout) to block other checks.
Default: 4
# Command line
goplum -tombstone /var/run/goplum.tomb
# Environment variable
TOMBSTONE=/var/run/goplum.tomb goplum
The path to save and load Goplum’s "tombstone" data. This is data saved when Goplum is shutting down, and reloaded if it starts up again within a short period of time.
Goplum can operate without a tombstone file, and will run even if it can’t read or write to the specified file, but the status of checks will be lost when it is restarted.
Default: /tmp/goplum.tomb