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Proposal: CUE modules backwards compatibility

Status: Draft

Lifecycle:  Ideation

Author(s): [email protected]

Reviewers: [email protected] [email protected]

Discussion channel: GitHub


This document is an adjunct to the modules proposal document.

The CUE modules proposal relies on MVS. MVS, in turn, relies on the notion of backwards compatibility. This document describes the backwards compatibility rules for CUE modules.


In Semver, a major release is a release that is not backwards compatible. A minor release is a release that is backwards compatible and adds functionality. A patch release is just fixes bugs, but does not change the API.

CUE does not distinguish between data and types. This is the source of its superpowers. But in practice, it is useful to distinguish between these use cases. In CUE terms, data is CUE that only contains concrete values and no field constraints. Schema is CUE that only contains definitions and field constraints. Templates are instances of Schema that provide predefined values or default values and may add additional constraints tailored to a specific use case. Policies are instances of Schema that define additional constraints.

Along with the required field proposal, we adopt a convention that all schema are defined as fields starting with a # (a definition), while all instances of schema, such a data, policy and templates are not.

It may be unclear what backwards compatibility means for data, templates, and policy. In general, it is hard to define backwards compatibility on anything other than schema. The CUE module system still uses MVS, however. For data, for instance, we could imagine that there is either always or never a major version bump. We hope that experience will allow us to set some guidelines over time.

Schema are typically written in CUE as definitions, or fields starting with a #. For this proposal we will focus on backwards compatibility for definitions only.


We propose to support a backwards compatibility checks for definitions based on subsumption:

  • a major change occurs when a newer defintion does not subsume an older version,
  • a minor change occurs when a newer definition subsumes an older version, and is not semantically equivalent to this older version,
  • a patch change occurs when a newer definition is semantically equivalent to this older version.

We will discuss what this means in more detail below.

The enforcement of the compatibility rules is optional and merely serves as a guide to the user. For instance, it may be desirable to not bump a major version when a backwards compatible change is made to change some bug, especially when this pertains to a security issue.


Compatibility check

The compatibility check is applied to any subsequent non-major version.

A package B is said to be backwards compatible with A if for all A.p.#X, for some arbitrary and possibly empty pathp, there exists a B.p.#X for which it holds that A.p.#X is an instance of B.p.#X (in other words, B.p.#X subsumes A.p.#X). For this purpose, it is assumed that any undefined field x in either A.p.#X or B.p.#X is defined as x?: _|_.

In simpler terms, this means that:

  • A newer version may not remove a definition from an older version.
  • A new version may add fields to a definition, but not remove them.
  • A regular field may become a required field, and a required field may become optional, but not the other way around. See the required fields proposal for an explanation of required fields.
  • A field value for may relax, but not tighten, constraints compared to

The general idea here is that data, templates, and policy inherently change in ways that cannot easily be expressed in relationships in terms of the CUE value lattice. Moreover, it seems that it is generally more appropriate to enforce rules for proper usage of templates, policy, etc. on the client side.

Command line override

There are several spots in the overall module proposal where checks are performed that we may want to be able to ignore on failed. The CUE command line should probably support a single flag, like --override, or --ignore, that allows specific checks to be ignored.

We could potentially also require or allow the user to give a reason for the override, for instance indicating the override fixes a security issue.



The compatibility rules introduced in this proposal are strongly reliant on a strict adherence to the guideline that only schema use definitions, with names starting with #, while all other types of CUE do not.

This may be incompatible with how much CUE is written. We will have to see how this pans out in practice.

Module author responsibilities

Module authors need to be aware of the backwards compatibility rules, as these may influence design decisions.

As a general rule of thumb, pure schema (no defaults, no regular fields) should be exported as #Foo while, for instance, an equivalent schema with recommended default values can be provided as Foo: #Foo & { // defaults }. Organizing schema this way allows module authors to change default values without breaking compatibility rules.

Nothing stops module authors, of course, from providing templates as definitions, thereby guaranteeing that default values will not change. For instance, consider the following enumeration

Levels: "high" | "medium" | "low"

Because Levels is not a definition, subsequent versions could drop "medium" from the enumeration. A module author, however, could opt to instead define the above as

#Levels: "high" | "medium" | "low"

thereby giving the guarantee that the list of enumerations can only grow.

Module consumers' responsibilities

Compatibility guarantees only prevent breakage when upgrading up to a certain point. Module consumers should remain cautious when using schema for which they do not control changes. Consider this example

import ""

Foo: {

	newField: int

where newField is not defined in party.#Schema. Under the compatibility rules, newer versions of party.#Schema may add a newField?: string. This would break the author of Foo.

Another example:

import ""

Foo: party.#Schema
Foo: existingField: _

Assume party.#Schema defines existingField?: 5. Foo is valid and exportable, as existingField will result in a concrete value. However, at a later stage, the module publisher could change this to existingField?: 5 | 6, a valid change. This would now break the user’s configuration as exporting it may now result in an incomplete error.

Similarly, users should also be cognizant when using templates:

import ""

Foo: party.IntValue
Foo: 6

Given a party.IntValue of 6, this will pass. However, the module publisher is allowed to change this under the compatibility rules (note it is IntValue, not #IntValue). Changing it to 7, for instance, would break this user.

In all these breakage scenarios, we consider it the responsibility of the user of a module to avoid or deal with breakage. We envision having usage guidelines as well as tooling support to avoid such pitfalls.

Exceptions to the compatibility check

Under some circumstances it may be desirable to publish a newer version of a module that is not backwards compatible. Consider the following schema:

// myserver.cue
#Request: {
	gauge?: >=0 & <=1

This schema allows the value of 1 for gauge. However, suppose the author inadvertently made a mistake and the server does not actually support a gauge value of 1. A request is guaranteed to fail for such values.

A fix is made accordingly:

// myserver.cue
#Request: {
	gauge?: >=0 & <1

Pushing this using the same major version is a violation of the compatibility rules. However, not doing so may result in uncaught bugs and may even pose a security issue.

The CUE tooling should therefore allow for a process by which the compatibility rule can be bypassed.

We are aware of this need and are still figuring out how to best go about this.

Comparison to wire compatibility

Note that the CUE backwards compatibility rules, which are based on subsumption, do not ensure wire compatibility. Most notably, the rules allow newer versions to turn required fields into optional. Using a newer CUE schema to validate a message designated for an older server could therefore possibly not catch an erroneous omission.

There are several workarounds for this we could consider in the future:

  • allow module publishers to opt into stricter compatibility rules;
  • provide “virtual” computed schemas that reflect best practices for a range of versions;
  • validation rules that are aware of the differences with older versions.

Incremental backwards compatibility

SemVer allows backwards incompatible changes in v0 mode to allow for an API to evolve until it is stable and can be moved to v1. One lesson learned from Go modules is that it is often onerous to move to v1 as there are always uncertain aspects of the API. As a result, many modules remain in v0 indefinitely. Additionally, the same flexibility does not exist for v2, even though this may be desirable.

To address this issue, we are contemplating supporting annotations in CUE using the @api attribute. This would allow different parts of the API to be marked as a different state of maturity, providing backwards compatibility checking for stable parts while still allowing experimental parts of the API to coexist.

While this is outside the scope of this design document, we believe it is an important consideration for an ecosystem that relies on backwards compatibility guarantees.