Releases: cuter44/wxpay-sdk
Reworked WxpayResponses
We have reviewed and reworked the existing WxpayResponses. This tiny refactor re-enabled the verifying feature. (#7)
Also an annoying stain fixed: getters of those responses↑ returning int/date is not null-safe. (#8)
Wxmsg module is proofed bugful, which will be reworked on next release.
因为字段扩充的原因, 原有的 WxpayResponse.verify() 变得不可用 (#7)
WxpayResponse 的某些 getter 不是 null-safe 的 (#8)
wxmsg 模块被证实完全不能工作, 将在下个版本重做
Thanks for your relying on Nyaguruware m(_ _)m
Send Text Featured
We're glad to tell you it is able to send message to clients now. Please look into demo-send-text.jsp for demonstration.
Also a bugfix, which cause crash on LOAD_IDENTIFICATION
unset in configure file.
现在, 支持给客户端发送文本了.
修正了一个错误, 该错误会导致配置文件未设置 LOAD_IDENTIFICATION
0.4.1 released
Thanks for supporting wxpay-sdk, here we bring up the new version.
Thanks to @Mkluas contribution, the refund functionality has been included in this version. Also some bugfix has been patched.
Again, be cautious while updating from version below 0.4.0. This is INCOMPATIBLE with the old codebase. And there is not instructions about that currently.
On the next version, we'll put effort to cover the rest wxmp API and providing base wiki such as usage/FAQ. Wxmsg is the further plan. it will boot up on later June or July, depending on how much spare time I have.
Bug/advice please report in Issues or PR. Other than that please send me e-mail, will be reviewed as soon as I can.
感谢使用微信SDK, 在此荣幸地为您推荐新版本.
@Mkluas 为此版本撰写了退款相关的代码.
注意此版本不向下兼容于 0.4.0 以下的版本. 从这些版本升级(很可能)遭遇依赖风险, 请斟酌而后行. 抱歉我们暂时无法为这此提供指引.
下个版本我们会着重于补齐余下的 wxmp API, 以及补完基础的wiki.
Wxmsg 将会在六月下旬或者七月启动, 这取决于我有多少时间(以及我公司对此的急需程度).
Bug及建议请于Issues内报告, 或直接提交PR. 其余请向我发送邮件. 我会尽所能地处理有价值的信息.
0.2.0 release
* refactor GetOpenId -> SnsapiBase + SnsapiUserinfo
Basic implemention
Sorry that we can't provided manual or things alike. It is too complex to describe how it works in words.