Example repo to show off how I use Nix as build environment for Elixir / Phoenix projects.
Important Nix stuff is located withinflake.nix
This repo is not a working project! It just contains parts of the workflow.
Since starting this example a lot of positive things have happened or are happening within Nixpkgs.
You may be interested in mixRelease
or friends.
I for myself stopped to use a full Nix leveraging build setup. I only use parts of this workflow anymore with reusing local _build
& deps
as it speeds up things for my requirements enorm.
This repo provides an easy environment setup by the usage of Nix (w/ flakes enabled).
Nix currently runs on Linux and macOS.
Enabling Nix flakes (Nix v2.4)
# ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
By using Nix, beside Nix nothing else needs to be installed manually.
Recommended also using Nix within a Linux Virtual Machine or WSL 2.
For maintaining simplicity, instructions for a manual setup isn't part of this readme.
Anyway, required dependencies:
- Elixir (& Erlang)
- PostgreSQL
- (Node.js)
# Enter shell w/ development environment + temporary PostgreSQL database
nix develop
# Run commands without shell
nix develop --command <command>
# Get Elixir mix deps
mix deps.get
# Get JS packages
npm install --prefix assets
# Start Phoenix server
mix phx.server
# Start Elixir application
mix run --no-halt
# Enter IEx
iex -S mix
# Run tests
mix test
# mix deps
nix build --file default.nix mix_deps --relaxed-sandbox
# JS packages
nix build --file default.nix node_modules --relaxed-sandbox
# Compile
nix build --file default.nix mix_build --relaxed-sandbox
# Compile cacheable `_build`
nix develop --command mix compile
# Generate docs using `mix docs`
nix build --file default.nix docs --relaxed-sandbox
# Build production release using `mix release`
nix build --file default.nix release --relaxed-sandbox
# Update pinned Nix pkgs
elixir pkg/scripts/pkgs_update.exs
# Update flake.lock
nix flake update
# Check / update / clean Mix deps
mix hex.outdated
mix deps.update --all
mix deps.clean --unlock --unused
# Check / update / clean NPM packages
npm outdated --prefix assets
npm update --prefix assets
npm prune --prefix assets
# Flake checks
nix flake check
let's you automatically load environment variables per directory defined in .envrc
Working with direnv
# Install via Nix
nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv
# Setup hook
# Add the following to your .profile
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"