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Releases: cyberark/cloudfoundry-conjur-buildpack


21 Feb 01:43
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Known Limitations

  • Buildpack only supports secrets.yml stored in the application root directory at runtime; Java applications with Spring Boot versions 1.4+ will not be compatible


  • Buildpack is converted to a supply buildpack to support multi-buildpack usage
  • Conjur-env binary dependencies are updated
  • Conjur-env binary converted to use Go modules


01 Mar 21:37
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Known Limitations

  • Buildpack only supports secrets.yml stored in the application root directory at runtime; Java applications with Spring Boot versions 1.4+ will not be compatible


In this release, the Conjur Buildpack has been updated to use a conjur-env binary built from the guts of summon and conjur-api-go instead of installing Summon and Summon-Conjur each time it is invoked.

This reduces the time spent installing dependencies when the Conjur Buildpack is invoked, and greatly improves performance.

Buildpack supports v4 Conjur

13 Feb 15:12
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In this release, support is added for Conjur version 4.

The Buildpack is updated to accept version and ssl_certificate values from the credentials in VCAP_SERVICES, and it uses them to authenticate with Summon-Conjur.

Add support for custom buildpacks

29 Jan 22:25
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The Conjur Buildpack has been updated to add support for custom buildpack usage, so that the scripts run by the Conjur Buildpack can alternatively be manually loaded into your application if needed.

Initial release

29 Jan 22:26
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This is the initial release of the Conjur Buildpack.