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CyberArk Terraform Provider

This topic describes how to integrate Terraform with Secrets Hub using the CyberArk Terraform Provider.

Certification level


The CyberArk Terraform Provider is open source and available on GitHub.

The CyberArk Terraform Provider can interact with CyberArk resources including Privileged Cloud, PAM Self-Hosted, and Secrets Hub and can create safes, accounts, secret stores and sync policies.

Note: Supported platforms for account creation are AWS, Azure, and MySQL databases.

The CyberArk Terraform Provider includes the following features and benefits:

Configuration in the Terraform manifest

Provider authentication to CyberArk Identity Security Platform Shared Services

A Provider can create Safes and Accounts in CyberArk Privileged Cloud and PAM Self-Hosted, as well as Secret Stores and Sync Policies in Secrets Hub

Terraform's sensitive variable argument is used by default for sensitive values to keep the value from appearing in logs and on-screen.


The CyberArk Terraform Provider authenticates to CyberArk Identity Security Platform Shared Services with the service account and its credential. When using PAM Self-Hosted, the provider authenticates with the on-prem PVWA instance.

Set up Service Account

  • Log into Identity Administration and navigate to the Users Widget

  • Create New User

  • Populate User Data

Authorization to access Privilege Cloud and Secrets Hub

Assign the Privilege Cloud Safe Managers Role and the Secrets Manager - Secrets Hub Admin Role to the Service Account.

  • Log into Identity Administration and navigate to the Roles Widget

  • Add the new user to the Privilege Cloud Safe Managers Role

  • Search for the Terraform User and Add

  • Add the new user to the Secrets Manager - Secrets Hub Admin Role

  • Search for the Terraform User and Add


CyberArk Terraform Provider requirements


  • Go - 1.21
  • Terraform - 1.75 or later


  • A tenant with Privilege Cloud and Secrets Hub is required.
  • An AWS account with the SecretHub IAM role is necessary.

Supported platforms

  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Windows

Install the CyberArk Terraform Provider plugin

You can use any of the following methods to install the CyberArk Terraform Provider plugin:

Install using binaries (Recommended)

Compile source code

Access from the Terraform registry

Install using Homebrew (macOS only)

Binaries (Recommended)

We recommend installing the CyberArk Terraform Provider plugin (terraform-provider-cyberark) using the appropriate binary distribution for your environment.

In the following examples, replace $VERSION with the latest release for your operating system from the GitHub Releases page.

Note: The following example uses a Linux binary.

  1. Download the CyberArk Terraform Provider (darwin_amd64 or linux_amd64):
$  wget$VERSION/terraform-provider-cyberark_$
  1. Create a new subdirectory:
$ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$VERSION/linux_amd64
  1. Decompress the binary into the appropriate plugins directory:
$ unzip terraform-provider-cyberark_$ ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$VERSION/linux_amd64
  1. To uninstall or remove the previous version of the plugin, run the following command:
$ rm -rf ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$VERSION/linux_amd64

Homebrew (MacOS)

To install the CyberArk Terraform Provider using Homebrew:

  1. Add and update the CyberArk Tools Homebrew tap:
$ brew tap cyberark/tools
  1. Install the CyberArk Terraform Provider and symlink it to Terraform's plugins directory. Symlinking is necessary because Homebrew is sandboxed and cannot write to your home directory.

    Run the following, where $VERSION is the appropriate plugin version: Note: Replace $VERSION with the appropriate plugin version

$ brew install terraform-provider-cyberark

$ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/

$ # If Homebrew is installing somewhere other than `/usr/local/Cellar`, update the path as well.

$ ln -sf /usr/local/Cellar/terraform-provider-cyberark/$VERSION/bin/terraform-provider-cyberark_* \
  1. If you have a previously downloaded unversioned plugin, remove it:
$ brew uninstall terraform-provider-cyberark
$ rm -f ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-cyberark
  1. Create the Terraform plugins folder if it does not already exist:
$ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
  1. Copy the new binary to the Terraform plugins folder:
$ mv terraform-provider-cyberark*/terraform-provider-cyberark* ~/.terraform.d/plugins/

Compile from Source

Before you compile the CyberArk Terraform Provider from the source code, make sure you have Go version 1.21 installed on your machine.

To compile the CyberArk Terraform Provider:


  1. Clone the repository and open the cloned directory:
$ git clone
$ cd terraform-provider-cyberark
  1. Build the CyberArk Terraform Provider
$ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$VERSION/$platform_reference_in_go
# Example: platform_reference_in_go= darwin_amd64/linux_amd64
# Note: If a static binary is required, use ./bin/build to create the executable
$ go build -o ~/.terraform.d/plugins/$VERSION/$platform_reference_in_go/terraform-provider-cyberark main.go

Terraform registry

To access the CyberArk Terraform Provider from the Terraform registry:

In the configuration file:

  • In the source, use

  • In version, provide the latest version

variable "secret_key" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

terraform {
    required_providers {
      cyberark = {
        source  = “"version = "~> 0"

provider "cyberark" {
  tenant        = "aarp0000"
  domain        = "example-domain"
  client_id     = "[email protected]"
  client_secret = var.secret_key
resource "cyberark_safe" "AAM_Test_Safe" {
  safe_name          = "GEN_BY_TF_abc"
  safe_desc          = "Description for GEN_BY_TF_abc"
  member             = "[email protected]"
  member_type        = "user"
  permission_level   = "read" # full, read, approver, manager
  retention          = 7
  retention_versions = 7
  purge              = false
  cpm_name           = "PasswordManager"
  safe_loc           = ""

Caution: Handling Sensitive Files

Important: The Terraform state file and .tfvars files contain sensitive information related to your configurations. It is essential to handle these files with the utmost care to ensure their security.

Best Practices

  • Keep Files Private: Ensure these files are not exposed to unauthorized individuals or systems.
  • Restrict Access: Limit access to these files to authorized personnel only.
  • Use Encryption: Whenever possible, use encryption for both storage and transmission to protect the contents of these files.

Following these practices helps safeguard your sensitive data.

Configure CyberArk Terraform Provider

This section describes how to configure the CyberArk Terraform Provider.


Terraform can be executed manually by the user. The CyberArk Terraform Provider reads the provider configuration and authenticates to the tenant using the service account and its credentials.

Once authenticated, it configures the resources according to the file. After setup, the resources can be viewed in Privilege Cloud and Secrets Hub.

Use environment variables for Sensitive Variables

In order to use environment variables with Terraform Provider SecrestsHub use the Terraform variables and [standard mechanism] (


Privileged Cloud

variable "secret_key" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

provider "cyberark" {
  tenant        = "aarp0000"
  domain        = "example-domain"
  client_id     = "[email protected]"
  client_secret = var.secret_key

resource "cyberark_safe" "PCloud_Test_Safe" {
  safe_name          = "GEN_BY_TF_abc"
  safe_desc          = "Description for GEN_BY_TF_abc"
  member             = "[email protected]"
  member_type        = "user"
  permission_level   = "read" # full, read, approver, manager
  retention          = 7
  retention_versions = 7
  purge              = false
  cpm_name           = "PasswordManager"
  safe_loc           = ""

PAM Self-Hosted

variable "secret_key" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

variable "pvwa_password" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

provider "cyberark" {
  tenant        = "aarp0000"
  domain        = "example-domain"
  client_id     = "[email protected]"
  client_secret = var.secret_key

  # For PAM Self-Hosted
  pvwa_url      = ""
  pvwa_username = "myUser"
  pvwa_password = var.pvwa_password

resource "cyberark_pam_safe" "PAM_Test_Safe" {
  safe_name          = "GEN_BY_TF_abc"
  safe_desc          = "Description for GEN_BY_TF_abc"
  member             = "[email protected]"
  member_type        = "user"
  permission_level   = "read" # full, read, approver, manager
  retention          = 7
  retention_versions = 7
  purge              = false
  cpm_name           = "PasswordManager"
  safe_loc           = ""
  enable_olac        = false
$ export TF_VAR_secret_key=my-secret-key
$ export TF_VAR_pvwa_password=my-pvwa-password
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan

Pre-requisties for Provider and Resources



cyberark provider

Data Sources


Usage instructions

See here for examples.


The CyberArk Terraform Provider plugin does not support the following features:

  • Update safe
  • Delete safe
  • Update account
  • Delete account
  • Update secret store
  • Delete secret store
  • Update sync policy
  • Delete sync policy
  • Rotation of auth token