requires = [
# Use legacy backend to import local packages in setup.py
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__"

# Uncomment if pyproject.toml worked fine to ensure consistency with flake8
# line-length = 120
target-version = ["py38", "py39", "py310", "py311"]

target-version = "py38"

# NOTE: Synchoronize the ignores with .flake8
ignore = [
    # these ignores are from flake8-bugbear; please fix!
    "B007", "B008", "B017",
    "B018", # Useless expression
    "B019", "B020",
    "B023", "B024", "B026",
    "B028", # No explicit `stacklevel` keyword argument found
    "C408", # C408 ignored because we like the dict keyword argument syntax
    "E501", # E501 is not flexible enough, we're using B950 instead
    "E731", # Assign lambda expression
    # these ignores are from flake8-logging-format; please fix!
    "G101", "G201", "G202",
    # these ignores are from RUFF perf; please fix!
    "PERF203", "PERF4",
    "SIM102", "SIM103", "SIM112", # flake8-simplify code styles
    "SIM105", # these ignores are from flake8-simplify. please fix or ignore with commented reason
    "SIM114", # Combine `if` branches using logical `or` operator
    "SIM116", # Disable Use a dictionary instead of consecutive `if` statements
    "UP006", # keep-runtime-typing
    "UP007", # keep-runtime-typing
line-length = 120
select = [
    # Not included in flake8

"__init__.py" = ["F401"]
"test/jit/**" = [
    "UP", # We don't want to modify the jit test as they test specify syntax
"torch/onnx/**" = [
    "UP037", # ONNX does runtime type checking

"torchgen/api/types/__init__.py" = [
"torchgen/executorch/api/types/__init__.py" = [
"torch/utils/collect_env.py" = [
    "UP", # collect_env.py needs to work with older versions of Python