- General
- Comments
- Strings
- Variables and Attribute Names
- Object Literals
- Indentation and Line Breaks
- Functions
- Control Statements
- JSDoc
We use ESLint to lint our Javascript. All basic rules are defined in the .eslintrc file, the most important rules are:
- Max line length is 80 characters.
- Indentation is 2 spaces.
- No multiple empty lines.
We prefer a functional approach and try to use these abstractions over normal control statements. Functions and code must be self-descriptive, use JSDoc blocks only if necessary.
- Comments must be prefixed with a space sign.
- The
sign is a exception to the rule.
// Single line Comment
//* A Exception to the space rule
* Block Comment
- Strings are defined with double quotes.
- Use template strings if variables are used.
var string = `Hello ${world}!`;
Variable names always use camelCase names, except Constants which use UPPER_CASE. One var, let or const per variable and line.
var camelCase = "{value}";
let CamelCase = new Object();
const SOME_CONSTANT = "constant value";
Object literals must have no space after the '{' or before the '}' signs.
Valid Example
var objectLiteral = {"key": "value", "key2": "value2"};
var objectLiteral = {
"key": "value",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3",
"key4": "value4"
- Line breaks are only done if needed.
- Strings are split at the latest possible position.
- At the latest whitespace character.
- The second line is indented with 2 spaces.
var longString = "A very long string which is longer then one line, which is 80 characters " + "in this case. This demonstrates how the second line is indented";
- Object literals are kept on one line if possible.
- If the line gets to long put each attribute on a single line.
- Multi level object literals must be split in to multiple lines.
- Each level in the object must have 2 spaces as indentation.
"A very long string that is longer then one line, which is 80 characters " +
"in this case. This demonstrates how the second line is indented.",
"Another string parameter.",
{and: "a Literal Object", as: "a parameter", type: "short"}, {
yet: "another long parameter Object",
which: "needs to be split in multiple",
lines: 3
a: {
b: 10
c: 20,
d: 30,
e: 40,
f: 50,
g: 60,
h: {
i: 70
- Function blocks must have a space before the definition.
- Function must have a space before the opening parenthesis.
- Named functions must not have a space before the opening function brackets.
- Functions can be on a single line.
- If they are there must be a whitespace inside the curly brackets.
- Anonymous functions need to have a space before the opening function bracket.
- Arrow functions
- can be on a single line.
- must omit the parameter brackets if only one parameter is present.
- must omit curly brackets if only one statement is given.
- must have whitespace around the parameter definition
function test() {
function test() { var a = 10; return a; }
var test = function () { var b = 10; return b; };
var es6 = parameter => parameter();
var es6 = parameter => {
return false;
var es6 = (parameter, index) => parameter(index);
var es6 = (parameter, index) => {
return false;
- Space after the keyword
- Space before opening parentheses
- Strict equal (
)- exception to this rule is null checking
if (a === b) {
if (true !== false) {
// Statements
if (a == null) {
// Statements
} else {
// Statements
if (true !== false) {
// Statements
} else if(false === true) {
// Statements
} else {
// Statements
switch (a) {
case 1:
case 2:
for (var a = 10; a !== 0; a--) {
// Statements
JSDoc blocks should be avoided in favor to code descriptiveness. If they are necessary these rules apply:
- If there is a return there must be a type and description.
- If there is one or multiple parameter/s there must be a name, type and description for each one.
* Description how the function behaves.
* @param {Function} a A function containing a callback.
function b(a) {
* Description how the function behaves.
* @param {Function} a A function containing a callback.
* @return {String} Returns a String containing "done".
function test(a) {
return "done";
* Description how the function behaves.
* @param {Number} a A Number on how often the b should be called.
* @param {Function} callback A function containing a callback function.
* @return {String} Returns a String containing "done".
function test(number, callback) {
var counter;
for (counter = 0; counter <= number; counter++) {
return "done";
- We are using ternaries only for single line values.
- Operators are placed at the beginning of the line.
- Use ternaries sparingly.
var title = !Util.isStringAndEmpty(props.title)
? <h3 className="h3">{props.title}</h3>
: null;
On self contained element attributes must be indented with 2 spaces.
<PromptDialogComponent data={dialogData}
onDismiss={this.handleDismissDialog} />
On elements which are not self contained the indentation of attributes must be 4 spaces. And the childNodes must have a indentation of 2 spaces to the element and -2 spaces to the attributes.
<PromptDialogComponent data={dialogData}
<ChildNode />