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Releases: daily-co/react-native-daily-js


07 Jun 18:57
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Minor bug fixes and performance enhancements.


23 May 20:14
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  • Added support for update the receive settings for custom tracks.
  • Created a new event ,dialin-ready, which is triggered when the sip dialin worker is ready to accept call.


07 May 14:17
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  • Introduced a new method, updateScreenShare, enabling the muting and unmuting of screen audio and video during screen sharing.
  • Introduced a new method, localScreenAudio, for checking if local audio screen sharing is enabled.
  • Introduced a new method, localScreenVideo, for checking if local video screen sharing is enabled.


  • Fixed issue on React Native Android that could prevent the app from doing a proper cleanup when it was destroyed.

Other improvements

  • Leave the meeting on React Native Android if the app is destroyed.
  • When enforce_unique_user_ids is enabled, a rejoining user is not tested for max_participant checks.


25 Apr 17:59
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  • Introduced support for adaptive bitrate layers. This will improve the visual call quality by utilizing an adaptive bitrate and resolution strategy for the topmost SFU layer.


  • Making it explicit that input settings are not supported in React Native.
  • Preventing error on join if audio level is started before starting the camera.
  • Fixed cleanup of internals on destroy() resulting in memory bloat for subsequent instances.

Other improvements

  • Updated dependencies to remove security vulnerabilities.
  • Updated what information is sent to Sentry when clients have networking issues.


04 Apr 20:36
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  • Added support for the Audio Level APIs. (Docs forthcoming. See daily-js docs for now...)
    New methods include:

    • startLocalAudioLevelObserver()
    • stopLocalAudioLevelObserver()
    • getLocalAudioLevel()
    • startRemoteParticipantsAudioLevelObserver()
    • stopRemoteParticipantsAudioLevelObserver()
    • getRemoteParticipantsAudioLevel()

    New events include:

    • local-audio-level
    • remote-participants-audio-level


  • Fixed an issue with adaptive bitrate where, in certain situation, the resolution scale was not increasing.
  • Fixed an issue with logs missing client information and reporting the daily-js version as 0.0.0.
  • Fixed a bug where if the call machine bundle file initially fails to load, but then succeeds, you are still left in a broken state

Other improvements

  • Added a new field, cpuUsageBasedOnTargetDecode, to the cpuInboundVideoStats included in the response of getCpuLoadStats()
  • Updated dependencies to remove security vulnerabilities.
  • Downgraded the multiple call object console error to a console warning.
  • Re-introduced official support for providing a mediaStream in startScreenShare(). Initially, this was deprecated to discourage use of screenshares for the purpose of custom tracks. Note that for most use cases, we still recommend using startScreenShare() without a mediaStream and the custom tracks API for sharing additional tracks.


22 Mar 15:19
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  • Added support for targeting android API version 34.
  • ⚠️ This version now requires "@daily-co/react-native-webrtc": "^118.0.3-daily.1".


  • Fixed a crash in updateInputSettings() when called after load() but before an initializing call to startCamera()preAuth(), or join().

Other improvements

  • Updated TypeScript declaration file to make it so that event objects in event handlers don't erroneously appear to customers to be possibly undefined.
  • Added ability to detect and log autoplay errors.


06 Mar 21:11
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Other improvements

  • Implemented a new forceDiscardTrack option for setLocalAudio(false) . This option will enforce daily to discard the track along with muting the mic. Doing so will have the effect of turning off mic-in-use indicators. While this sounds ideal, this flag should be used cautiously. By default, we do not discard the microphone track because unmuting would require re-fetching the track and introduce a delay that likely clips the start of someone talking. To use, simply call setLocalAudio like so:

    setLocalAudio(false, { forceDiscardTrack: true })
  • Updated audio settings in SFU mode to enable Opus FEC (forward error correction) by default.

  • Removed unnecessary messaging and stored set of objects related to registering/de-registering daily event callbacks.

  • Added includeRawResponse field to startTranscription() options. If true, all incoming transcription-message events will include a new rawResponse field with Deepgram's raw data. See docs here


22 Feb 22:48
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  • For HIPAA domains, allow user_ids to appear in logs and the /meetings REST API endpoint, if and only if they’re UUIDs.


09 Feb 18:52
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  • Introduced support for multiple outbound calls from a single room.
  • Developed a new method, sendDTMF, for transmitting DTMF signals.


  • Fixed the types returned from testPeerToPeerCallQuality to align with the new testCallQuality while making sure the now-deprecated testConnectionQuality types remain unchanged and backwards compatible.
  • Fixed an issue where certain logs that weren't supposed to log when terse_logging is turned on were still logging.
  • Fixed an issue where raw-tracks was not closing recording after maxDuration.
  • Resolved instances leading to "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'typeName').”
  • Updated localAudio()/localVideo() to use supported track states.

Other improvements

  • Added more logs to the set of logs that are omitted when terse logging is on.


24 Jan 21:42
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Patch Fix

  • Updated daily-js dependency to pull in daily-js patch release (0.57.2)


  • Introduced a new local-screen-share-canceled event to indicate when a user cancels out of the browser’s screen sharing dialog (only works on Chrome)
  • Added availableOutgoingBitrate to getNetworkStats() and metrics
  • ⚠️ Deprecated testConnectionQuality(), renaming it totestPeerToPeerCallQuality() in preparation for a new and preferred pre-call test function, testCallQuality(). (testCallQuality() is in pre-beta and not ready for production use.)


  • Fixed logging of duplicate call object detection to ensure it reaches the logging endpoint.
  • updateWaitingParticipants() failures will no longer error out the meeting
  • Corrected TypeScript definition for layout.participants in streaming / recording
  • Fixed breakage in ability to run apps from file: URLs
  • Corrected TypeScript definition for events to include local-audio-level and remote-participants-audio-level events.

Other improvements

  • Fixed npm packaging to correctly show the open source license (bsd-2)
  • Updated “Something is amiss” fatal errors to be more informative
  • Updated generic “Error during call” fatal errors to provide more informative messages about what actually went wrong
  • Added estimated bandwidth capacity, bandwidth measurement, and averages along with other underlying improvements to the testPeerToPeerCallQuality() pre-call function.
  • Added support for providing custom background images to the video processor via an ArrayBuffer